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Plot Bunny Threa(d/t) V

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. Peter North

    Peter North Dark Lord

    Jul 10, 2013
    New Hampshire
    I'd love it if this worked and suddenly muggleborns start showing signs of increased magical talent while purebloods start doing worse. . . Hermione Granger leads a protest to stop the racism and begins to take over.

    This is starting to sound a bit like a starfox5 fic.
  2. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I don't really like Hermione at all tbh, so that's scary :/
  3. Peter North

    Peter North Dark Lord

    Jul 10, 2013
    New Hampshire
    Back to a Trump in the magical world though. Would he just build random walls around certain places or would he build a huge wall somewhere? I can only imagine how the goblins would react if they suddenly found a wall around Gringots built with the gold stolen from them.
  4. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I can definitely see a Wizard Trump declaring that Gringotts should be taken from Goblins and that they should be banned from Britain.

    Shitstorm ensues.

    And hey, with magic, you can get "forcefields", so anything goes.
  5. Chadrew

    Chadrew Second Year

    Jan 10, 2008
    I had a similar idea which I posted on reddit a while ago. Hermione and co take over and "modernize" the wizarding world, but they push too much, too quickly. They discard ancient wizarding traditions as outdated and racist, but it turns out they have good reasons behind them which are not immediately apparent to young Muggleborns. Some of the things that could happen:

    • Goblins are granted wand-bearing rights, but sensing the wizards' weakness they keep asking for more and more, without giving anything in return, and plotting another war.
    • Freed from their servitude, the house elves revert to their primal form of gremlins and cause all sorts of mayhem and mischief, with wizards having no means to protect themselves against their peculiar magic.
    • Vampires play along at first, but then use their newfound freedom from the "dark creature" status to seek new victims.
    • Muggleborn quotas in the Ministry create discontent among purebloods.
    Then there would be a massive backlash, which could be easily exploited by a politically-inclined pureblood who promises to Make Britain Great Again.

    There are numerous fics about Muggleborns "fixing" the wizarding world, and it is always depicted as a noble cause. I don't know of any where their efforts backfire, so it would be interesting for the sake of variety, if nothing else.

    Of course, ideally neither side would be portrayed as the "good guys" - it would all be subtle and nuanced. Entirely beyond my skill, which is why I'm never going to write this.
  6. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    "Yes. We will begin with a round of questions for the Minister... Ms. Skeeter, if you would..."

    The woman straightens in her chair, and then stands, smoothing down her fancy-trimmed robes before addressing the newly-annointed Minister of Magic. "Sir, I would just like to begin by saying you look magnificent today."

    "Yes, yes, Ms. Skeeter," he says in response, yellow eyes gleaming from equally yellow eyebrows, "You have great taste. Lovely woman."

    "Thank you," she says demurely, though he hasn't noticed, too busy preening, lips-pursed, for the crowd of cameras on the right of the stage.

    After a long pause, the Minister swings his arm melodramatically, showing off his outfit. "You see, these robes were a gift from my daughter, Ivanka. As you know, she sells robes -- very fashionable robes -- in Diagon Alley..."

    A rough cough from a figure standing behind the Minister, cloaked in a very evil-looking darkness, causes him to look startled and change the subject. "Ahem. What was your question, Ms. Skeeter?"

    Skeeter gazes ponderously at the spot behind the Minister, where the appearance of a skeletal face is briefly seen before one of the aurors begins motioning for the Oblivators to come in. "Well, I'll be frank, sir: some wizarding folks are starting to believe that you are not following up on the promises you made during the election -- such as the assertion that you would have France pay for a ward erected between the two countries, and that you would "clear the Quidditch pitch of bludgers"..."

    "FAKE NEWS. Get her out of here!"
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2017
  7. Majube

    Majube Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 2, 2016
    High Score:
    Any crossover between ParaNorman/Harry Potter would be epic.

    Imagine Norman turning up in Britain right after being struck by the magical lightning (a muggleborn who knows only the dark side of witchcraft) or after the vision and getting freaked out and out of his mind trying to get back to America but being picked up by aurors before he can get back. (Adamantly hassled by a ghost in public, he gets attention from muggles, aurors show up an haul èem off to Hogwarts complaining about Yankees/ he freaks out at the mention of Salem)

    Or you could send him to America in the same area, after the witch/Agatha freaks out and refuses to go to sleep, so he ends up with a poltergeist haunting him in an area thats an utterly burnt circle in the middle of a forest (that he recognises). American Magical authorities show up, put it down to another Salem Witch Trial flare up an take him off to Ilvermony or just make up a magical school (preferably named Salem Witch Academy because either they just call themselves witches or add another subplot about him looking like the witch instead of himself) and then add some generic plot about the magical school which also ties into him trying to get home by convincing Agatha to bring them back. (Say since shes a lot more powerful then him that shes from the original harry potter universe and that some childhood trauma maybe adding in her missing mom is what made her go to his universe and that they're both unique for seeing the muggle dead because thats solely a power for his universe).

    Or another potential plot is them both going alive back into her past, say a month after he banished her when she wakes up, which is conveniently in the past of the harry potter world. Either right before or after she goes on trial, I think this one would have a lot of death and magical murder/mayhem in it.
  8. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Chamber of Secrets Divergence

    I like points of divergence that are plausible and could have realistically happened.

    I'd like to examine what would have happened if the Malfoys did not encounter Harry, Weasleys and Grangers in Flourish and Blotts in Chamber of Secrets.

    The POD will be having the Malfoys going shopping a day earlier and as such they do not encounter Harry and his friends.

    We know from Dobby's warning to Harry at the beginning of the book that Lucius planned to use the Diary anyway. The meeting in the book store was simply a fortunate chance encounter.

    But how did he plan to do it? My guess is that he planned to use Dobby actually, that would explain the elf's knowledge about the whole plan. Perhaps Lucius planned to command him to give the diary to one of the Weasleys on the train.

    If so, then without the meeting in the bookstore the original plan is still on the table. In fact, Lucius might give Dobby more commands to prevent the elf from warning anyone. This would affect Dobby's behavior and attempts to save Harry.

    In fact, it will prevent him from stopping Harry and Ron on King's Cross as he will be busy with trying to give the diary to Ginny. Now, in canon Ginny was given the diary several weeks before school started and she was already writing in it and giving Riddle her life force. This means that if she would be given it on the train, the whole possession process would be delayed.

    Immediately, this new scenario gives us a few changes:

    1. Harry and Ron get on the train in time and have no reason to take Arthur's car. This also means no crashing into an angry tree, no detention and it also means Ron's wand is not broken (which itself creates various new changes). No detention also means that Ron won't find out that Riddle received a special award from the school.

    2. Different people would be attacked by the basilisk due to different random encounters.

    3. Instead of being petrified, some people could actually die. It was unusual luck that in canon each victim did not look directly in the monster's eyes.

    I don't remember exactly how many weeks before school did the trip to Diagon happened, but for the sake of the discussion I'm gonna say 3 weeks. That means that with the new scenario the first attack will happen 3 weeks after Halloween, November 21st.

    So until then, we can assume school life will go on normally with Harry, Ron and Hermione attending classes with the only unusual things being Malfoy getting on the Slytherin team after Lucius buys them brooms and Nick's Deathday Party on Halloween. Ron will most likely do better in classes with his wand being intact.

    Lockhart's classes are of course a complete joke. Cornish Pixies most definitely happen as in canon.

    Eventually though November 21st arrives and as in canon, the first event will simply be a warning saying the Chamber of Secrets has been opened. Mrs. Norris is unlikely to be petrified this time as she'll most likely be in another part of the castle.

    Since we obviously can't predict who it would be, we might as well pick someone at random. Given that the basilisk is unlikely to attack a pure-blood, we can safely pick a muggleborn or a half-blood. I'm thinking Colin Creevey works, despite being also a victim in canon. He's likely to explore the castle with his camera so it is plausible that he would encounter the basilisk.

    So Colin sees lots of water on the floor, decides to take a picture and encounters the basilisk and is petrified.

    From there the plot finally starts. More attacks will end up happening, Ginny will kill Hagrid's roosters, Harry will start hearing voices in the walls. We can't predict if Lockhart will start the Dueling Club again, but it is likely.

    However, what is unlikely is Harry and Draco dueling again in the exact same way. Them dueling is plausible given their mutual dislike and Snape's interference, but it's possible that Draco won't summon a snake.

    This could lead to Harry's ability to use parseltongue remaining a secret and it could prevent the rumors that he's the Heir of Slytherin.

    The trio's plan to use Polyjuice Potion to check if Draco is the Heir is likely to happen, but will of course end up happening later. It's possible that this time Hermione won't make a mistake with the hair and will not turn into a cat. If that's the case then the plan will go differently as she may ask Draco different questions than Ron and Harry did in canon.

    Of course, it is also possible that Hermione will end up petrified or killed before that.

    Further than what I wrote it's hard to predict what will realistically happen. We can't know for sure if Ginny will try to get rid of the diary and if Harry will find it, we also can't know if Harry will go to the Forbidden Forest.

    Most likely scenario is that Riddle will eventually take Ginny down to the chamber for a final time to try and return to full power. It is uncertain if our heroes would figure out that that the monster is a basilisk and where is the chamber of secrets.

    Dumbledore is likely to be removed from the school in this version too, but will eventually return if Harry and his friends save the day.

    The curse on the Defense position means that Lockhart will be involved in some way that will remove him from school, perhaps in this version he manages to escape before Harry and Ron stop him. If that's the case then he'll still be with his mind intact and will continue to steal people's accomplishments around the world.

    All in all, predicting things is hard the more time passes from the initial POD, heh.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2017
  9. Atram Noctem

    Atram Noctem Auror

    Jan 13, 2015
    Actually I believe Lucius wanted to give Harry the diary. Which is why Dobby warned him, and why he was in Privet Drive stealing mail in the first place - Lucius ordered him to find out when Harry is going to be in Diagon Alley. Your scenario might be more interesting, and have more divergences, if Harry does get the diary - though he is unlikely to be as attached to it as Ginny was.

    Also, I'd like to see Hermione dying this time around.
  10. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Wasn't the point of his planting the diary to have Ginny be blamed so it reflected badly on Arthur Weasely, thus stymieing his Muggle Protection Bill?
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2017
  11. Atram Noctem

    Atram Noctem Auror

    Jan 13, 2015
    I think that was a last minute, impulsive change of plans once Arthur embarrassed him in the book shop. But it could go either way.
  12. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012

    When Voldemort loses his body after his killing curse fails to kill baby Harry, he temporarily gains awareness of being a fictional character in a book.

    More than that, he realizes he is a storybook villain and therefore destined to lose against the hero.

    While the effect soon passes, Voldemort remembers the truth. And he is not happy about his inevitable destiny.

    Unwilling to be a pawn of fate, he decides to completely change his tactics and reevaluate his position in "the story".
  13. Majube

    Majube Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 2, 2016
    High Score:
    What if Voldemort did achieve perfect immortality?

    Fast forward a couple of centuries, humanity trudges on, rise and fall of empires yada, yada, yada.

    Voldemort grows bored after being confronted by hundreds of wizards gathering together and sealing him to a fraction of his strength after a century of he- the most powerful dark lord ruling the world.
    So naturally, after a couple of hundred of years of being bored(originally based on Zeref from FT) and regrets the utter waste of potential he was in his rash 'youth'.

    Gathering together many wizards (who should be a lot less powerful then the ones back in his day/definitely not using the only muggleborns are left trope) he does a ritual that sacrifices them all, an uses it to back into the past.

    Unfortunately, since he cannot replace himself, he lands into his first horcrux releasing it faster. This kills Ginny Weasley, so the first thing he now has to do is conceal the murder and make a new plan.

    It can either end up really cracky, or really dark.
  14. Vulcan

    Vulcan Groundskeeper

    Oct 16, 2014
    We have several stories with Harry Potter turning into a version of Sherlock Holmes.
    How about a story about Professor Flitwick becoming a wizardling version of Hercule Poirot and solving Hogwarts mysteries?
    Let's face it, the Younger Flitwick in the movies bears some resemblance to the great detective.
  15. CBH

    CBH Sixth Year

    Nov 3, 2010
    Expatriates' Day

    The Wizarding World watches in shock as their most beloved hero, Head Auror Harry Potter, is put on trial for murdering a helpless prisoner within his cell. Convicted in the kangaroo courts of the Wizengamot, Potter is sentenced to the most heinous of punishments - banishment to Australia.

    As the world-famous hero and his guards travel along the Tasmanian plains, their convey falls under attack from a horde of murderous Dropbears. Stranded as the lone survivors, the ex-department head and his former subordinate, Susan Bones, must escape the world's deadliest environment as England gives them up for dead.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2017
  16. vlad

    vlad Banned ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 6, 2007
    Georgia, SSR
    High Score:
    Book 1, the Remembrall broom scene.

    I had forgotten how badass Harry was in this scene.

    1. When Harry goes up into the air, he hears "screams and gasps from the girls."

    There's never a better time to get to make Harry the cool kid of the 1st year Gryffindors. And for reasons not at all to do with his scar/BWL. But what I really want to point out was:

    2. Harry rams his broom at Draco trying to knock Draco off his broom in midair and Draco just manages to dodge.

    That's right, Harry goes full out trying to seriously injure Malfoy. What if Draco didn't dodge in time? What if Harry's broom had stabbed him through the stomach, or knocked him off the broom while they were at least at tree-top height? Or shaken him enough that Malfoy spends is genuinely scared shitless of Harry?

    Dark!Harry beginz here. Especially if 'Malfoy started it' is enough of a reason and the school doesn't want to expel 'Boy Who Lived', especially not what, two weeks into term? Maybe Dumbledore starts getting concerned at this stage that woah, Riddle Mk. II?

    Worth thinking about.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2017
  17. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Make it happen. I'd read it.

    And hey, I bet you'd do good job with it.

    Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
  18. Mujaki

    Mujaki First Year

    Mar 18, 2009
    Odessa, TX
    Welp, since vlad went and wrote a gem of a Romilda/Harry fic (twisted as it is), that probably means I should get off my ass and get Lazarus running. Outlining the first chapter now and I'm at a bit of a crossroads - I've already decided I don't want to canon-rehash, but I'm working out a few kinks in getting the summer post 4th year off the ground. The "For Want of a Nail" convergence point is Romilda Vane finding the courage (or just being ballsy as fuck, I haven't decided yet) to sneak into the hospital wing the night of the 3rd task after all the bullshit with Fudge and Crouch Jr. went down. Harry is at perhaps the most emotionally vulnerable/volatile in the entire series here, so I think he would accept an invitation to correspond over the summer (particularly after she tells him that she believes him regarding Voldemort's revival). When Ron and Hermione send him short, bullshit messages instead of telling him where thy are and what is going on, he takes the weird girl's offer to write... and things blossom from there.

    Now here is where I'm getting stuck: Harry freaks out about LV's resurrection a lot more here than he did in GoF, wondering just what the real limits of magic actually are since he, ya know, saw a dude come back from the dead! He knows that back when LV was just Tom Marvolo Riddle, he crafted the diary horcrux (not that Harry knows what those are) at the age of sixteen. Not much older than he is now, really. He knows that the Marauders crafted the Map and managed to become Animagi around his current age (I'd rather not have Harry become an Animagus just because I feel it's overdone, not because he would lack the talent to do so). And what has he done? He learned how to cast a Patronus at thirteen and survived a tournament meant for older students by the skin of his teeth (and Crouch Jr. running interference). I see Harry as having the potential to do something great with magic at a young age but in the books he doesn't get a fire lit under his ass till the end of his sixth year, at which point it's too late to do anything of substance. In this fic, he gets that urge to do something early enough to make a difference. And due to Ron and Hermione being so secretive over the summer, the person he decides to conduct research with is Romilda (who tells Harry she's an absolute bookworm because of course she would). She convinces him to visit her house, conveniently skipping the dementor episode in Surrey, and the fallout from that would inform the rest of the fic. Without the charge of underage magic, there is no trial or even a dire need to pull Harry out from Privet Drive faster than usual. He goes to Grimmauld Place a month before school starts (as usual) and though he has a lot of pent-up anger, he doesn't explode on his friends. He keeps up letters with Romilda and from there the track veers further away from canon.

    Where to go from there? Umbridge is still involved, but without seeing her at the trial-that-never-happened Harry gets blindsided by how unpleasant she is (but holds his tongue). Due to constant research in the library (and maybe help from Sirius and books from his family library, but that's another cliche I'm trying to avoid), he might discover the Room of Requirement earlier. He might not teach the DA because of the potential for it to cut into his side project. The biggest thing would be how his friends would take him spending time with this 3rd year girl who is a little crazy (and not in the fun Luna way) and who notice the weird things about her that Harry doesn't. And I need an endgame that isn't the Department of Mysteries.

  19. Atram Noctem

    Atram Noctem Auror

    Jan 13, 2015
    The endgame would be that Romilda is actually Bellatrix Lestrange's daughter and only did all those things to spy on Harry for LV. Muhahahaha.
  20. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Has anyone done a fic with an AU where wizards have enslaved muggles? Would such a premise be interesting, or even work?

    It sounds like something Grindelwald would do instead of Voldemort (who'd just kill them), but it doesn't have to be a Grindelwald-centric AU.

    Would muggles be even useful as slaves to wizards? Magic can already provide wizards with most things.