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Plot Bunny Threa(d/t) V

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. Atram Noctem

    Atram Noctem Auror

    Jan 13, 2015
    Dumbledore told Harry at the end of CoS that to his knowledge, Voldemort's wraith is hiding in the forests of Albania. It can be assumed Harry mentioned it to his friends and Pettigrew heard it. As to the search, I believe Voldemort said during his resurrection party, that Pettigrew heard from rats about the shade in the Albanian forest, apparently Pettigrew can speak Rat.

    I'd really like to see a Dark Lord Wormtail crackfic.
  2. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Mousehunt/HP crossover. Wormtail is the mouse. Grimmauld is the house. Remus and Sirius have cornered him and now its up to Peter to escape.
  3. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    Auror!Harry discovers where the last of the Death Eaters are hiding. He takes a team in, but DEs quickly eliminate them.

    The place is heavily protected and once Harry's inside, he can't leave until he clears it out and destroys the anchor in the central room that's powering all the spells.

    Harry is alone against a bunch of desperate DEs. He's being hunted in unfamiliar enemy territory. Bonus points if he loses his wand and has to get a new one from one of the DEs using only magic that can be done without a wand (mostly potions).

    HP, Die Hard style.
  4. Ishaq

    Ishaq First Year

    Oct 26, 2013
    I was rather thinking of "The Raid" by your description. For that it has to be a tower or some sort of high building.

    If you didn't see the film, go and watch it. And "The Raid 2" is even better.
  5. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    It would be cooler if Harry was at a Ministry function and while in the toilet or something, neo-Deatheaters come in at take everyone hostage.

    It doesn't feel very die hard if Harry was initially attacking. It's supposed to be a cop on holiday who gets dragged into a terrorist mess. On Christmas.
  6. Corvus Black

    Corvus Black Professor

    Jul 18, 2012
    Read this and immediately thought of the scene in The Dark Knight where Joker and his goons crash the party.
  7. TMD

    TMD High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jan 4, 2015
    The dark lord Voldemort was the most powerful and feared dark wizard in modern history. The events leading up to his defeat in Britain are well documented, but little is known about his formative years after Hogwarts save for the memories acquired by Albus Dumbledore. This is the story of Tom Riddle's early campaigns in the rest of the Wizarding World...

    Just a thought that popped into my head. May have to be slightly AU depending on the timing of events from cannon. Inspired by the wizarding schools thread here, I felt disappointed that we never really got to see or hear much about the magical world apart from Britain. A story about the world travels of a character (with more plot than Make a Wish) learning and exploring magic would be fascinating. Voldemort and Dumbledore are obvious choices, with the former allowing the possibilities of preparations for military campaigns recruiting allies and showing the makings of his philosophies. The early parts could even be set during his later years at hogwarts during summer, as it's difficult to imagine him staying at the orphanage he hated. Dumbledore could offer a more blank slate, and I think Taure's story 'the one he feared' touched on this in the first chapter. Thoughts?
  8. Peace

    Peace High Inquisitor

    Aug 17, 2011
    My computer desk
    In the CoS Riddle tries to possess Harry in a last desperate bid to save himself. Magic happens and Harry ends up with 16 year old Riddle’s memories in a plot shamelessly borrowed from Dalyon and Jbern to name a few.

    The memories emerge slowly, triggered by similar events during Harry’s everyday life. For example, his meeting with Dumbledore post-CoS might trigger the memory of Riddle’s first meeting with the Headmaster. Flash-forward a few days and we have Harry back at the Dursleys, learning to utilise the handful of very, very minor tricks that Riddle could do without a wand and exploring the wizarding world as a result of the personality changes that are occurring due to the memories.

    He encounters Dumbledore in Hogsmeade and is wary of them while the Headmaster is surprised to see him and hurt and confused by the sudden coldness that Harry displays towards him. They meet each other again during the summer and Dumbledore becomes concerned about Harry’s change in personality and worries that the events of the last two years have had a serious negative effect on him.

    That’s about as far as this plot bunny goes. Basically, out of concern for Harry’s state of mind Dumbledore becomes closer to him, especially when Sirius appears to be after him, and Harry inadvertently becomes involved in the preparations for the Triwizard Tournament.
  9. Corvus Black

    Corvus Black Professor

    Jul 18, 2012
    As the spectre of Tom Marvolo Riddle – TMR, Lord Voldemort! – slowly gained more and more earthly form at the expense of Ron’s little sister Ginny Weasley, smug smirk on his face and Harry’s wand twirling across his fingers, Harry caught notice of an object innocently lying just within arm’s reach.

    It was the diary.

    As if sensing his thoughts, Riddle’s head snapped to the side, to see what his future vanquisher had planned. Not wanting to miss his chance now that the other boy knew what he was about to do, Harry lunged for the little black book.

    But horror! Just as his fingers brushed the cover, Riddle flew across the chamber. Harry did not know how he did it, did not know if it was some ghostly ability or a magic the black haired teen had invented himself for he had never heard of flight without a broomstick, but before he could think any more on it his entire body spasmed as pain like he had never experienced before racked his insides, squeezing him inside out.

    His toes curled, his arms bent at the elbow and his scar exploded in pure agony. Not even the poisonous touch of Professor Quirrell the year before had caused such discomfort, then it had been but a moment before what he had later been told by the Headmaster was his mother’s love saved him. Not now though, now it felt as if the very scarabs of Ancient Egypt were rooting around in his brain, rending his mind apart, looking for… something.

    Seconds, minutes, hours crawled by. Or so he thought, lost in the agony of it. And then just like that the pain stopped. There was still the feeling of spider-like legs settling down in the space just behind his scar, but at last it had stopped.

    The only sound in the chamber was his own heavy, ragged breathing and his throat felt raw. Had he been screaming?

    Lying on his back, arms and legs sprawled at odd angles on the floor and his neck turned to the side, Harry stared at the massive corpse of Slytherin’s monster. As he stared at the scaly creature in a daze, he couldn't help but feel that something was different now. He felt more… complete somehow, though for the life of him he didn't know what that even meant. Hadn't he always been complete?

    Turning his stiff neck, he breathed out a sigh of relief. The chest of Ginny Weasley was slowly rising and falling. She was alive!

    Closing his eyes for just a second of rest, Harry suddenly sat bolt upright, a fresh bout of discomfort shooting through his body at the gesture. Ignoring that, Harry made his way to feet, almost falling several times in the effort it took merely to stand up. Stumbling over to one of the stone columns, Harry rested his shoulder against it for support.

    Eyes darting around the chamber in search of Riddle, who suspiciously he had not seen or heard from since the future Dark Lord flew at –flew though? – him. Peering around, Harry spotted his wand lying on the floor. Not taking any more chances, he sprinted over to it on wobbly legs, a rush of excitement going through him as soon as he touched the thin strand of holly. Almost as much as when he had held his own yew wand in his hand for the first time.

    Wait… what?!
  10. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Plot Bunny:

    As per Canon, Dumbledore is killed by Snape in HBP.

    Instead of reaching his Next Great Adventure however, he opens his eyes and sees that Hagrid has just brought the young Harry Potter to Privet Drive on his flying motorcycle.

    Basically, each time Albus dies he returns to that night in 1981.

    He doesn't know why this precise moment, or how to stop it.

    This could go for hundreds of years.

    The fic would go in similar vein of the Groundhog Day movie, leading Dumbledore to rethink his choices and personality.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2015
  11. Vulcan

    Vulcan Groundskeeper

    Oct 16, 2014
    Goblet of Fire fic.
    After the obligatory selection of the Champions Harry addresses the Hogwarts students, "I can't offer the eternal glory, but I'm offering 1000 galleons to whoever finds the way to get me out of this Tournament without losing magic."
  12. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    I feel like unless there were serious, AU complications ala Wastelands, that would be a fairly boring fic. Assuming retention of past memories, Voldemort would die fairly quickly the first time (giving some time for trial and error with tracking down the last horcrux and/or attempting to remove the horcrux from Harry without just killing him), and almost instantaneously after that with each new life.

    I don't think the situation with Harry and Voldemort that allowed Harry's survival is something that could be replicated (and Dumbledore would never have seen it work anyway, so it would just appear a hunch gone wrong to him if it failed once). After it failed and he had to watch Voldemort subjugate the world a few times, I think it would kill him inside, but I think he'd probably kill Harry. Repeatedly. And hate himself more every time.

    Sounds super angst-y. It would be Dumbledore agonizing/mourning over whether or not to kill Harry (the only real issue to stopping Voldemort) for the entire fic.

    I love some Dumbledore action, and would probably nerdgasm if one of DLP's finest took on something like an autobiography of Dumbledore, but I don't think this would be very workable.
  13. Hero of Stupidity

    Hero of Stupidity Villain of Sensibility ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Oct 5, 2010
    High Score:
    I agree, after a few tries it would be the curbstomp of all curbstomps. Most of the groundhog style fics usually spend a really large amount of time having MC get better at whatever they do be it magic/spellunking/kabuki/etc. With Dumbledore doing the repeating that is out of the picture....
  14. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    Silence blanketed the Great Hall following Harry's pronouncement. It was a comforting silence, because despite the feeling of hundreds of eyes on him, Harry could at least own up to this moment being caused by him in the first place.

    The whispers started moments later. A few mutterings and murmurings followed by excited chatter. Flocks of Ravenclaw students were the first to bow their heads together, creating diagrams and charts out of cutlery and mashed potatoes.

    But for every young witch or wizard jumping at the chance to earn a thousand Galleons, there were more sitting stock-still, with knowing little looks on their faces. People like Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson and everyone from Durmstrang, with aristocratic features among them... And then there was Fred and George. The two were grinning wildly.

    Purebloods, Harry realised. Purebloods were looking at him like he was an idiot, and the Muggleborns and denser Half-Bloods were the ones formulating plans.

    "Uh oh," Harry muttered to himself. A hot flush burned into the back of his neck. He was not so much owning this moment anymore as much as he was renting it. And the rent was overdue. By, like, six months. And don't even get him started on the Doxy infestation.

    Finally, after a torturous minute in which some of the purebloods on Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw whispered to their lesser blooded housemates, it was Draco Malfoy that stood up.

    "Really, you make it too easy sometimes, Potter," he declared, and tittering laughter followed amongst his housemates. "This is almost not sporting, really. Reminds me of that one time my father and I were hunting the peacocks last summer, and -"

    "Get to the point," Harry snapped.

    "Well it's safe to say now we're all convinced you didn't put your name in the Goblet Of Fire," said Malfoy.

    "You're talking, but all I'm hearing is ferret noises," Harry shot back. "Not even manly ferret noises. They're squeaks. Ferret squeaks."

    It had to say something to this moment that not even a ferret jab could ruffle Malfoy's peacock-metaphor-y feathers. In fact, it only appeared to make him smirk all the stronger.

    "It's because you're certainly not smart enough to have managed to trick the Age Line, you see," continued Malfoy. "If this is the conclusion you reach. Lose your magic, Potter? What, do you miss living with your Muggles that much?"

    Harry's mouth dropped open. "What."

    "Not once did anyone ever say anything about losing your magic if you don't compete, and not once would anyone say that anything along those lines."

    "But it's a binding magical contract -"

    "Yes, but you know what happens if you break that? You just can't compete anymore, and you won't have a chance to win a thousand Galleons. Not lose your magic."

    "I thought - I - I..." Harry spluttered.

    Professor Dumbledore cleared his throat from behind Harry, who turned to behold the kindly headmaster. "You were always free to quit the tournament anytime, Harry," he said. He chuckled heartily. "Lose your magic? What an absurd idea to have..."

    "Hey Potter!" Malfoy called out. "Is the deal still good? I just gave you your out for the tournament. So do I get my one thousand Galleons now, or do you need time to get it, or...?"

    Laughter was now the blanket on the hall, a thick blanket riddled with bed bugs and far too hot and restricting to keep on, not to mention itchy. Facing immortal embarrassment in front of all his peers, his seniors, his juniors, and all the witches in the room who have seen action in his midnight wand polishing exercises, Harry could only do one thing: deflect.

    "Neville!" he blurted. "It was Neville. Neville told me that. All Neville's idea. Neville's stupid. Look at him, with his stupid toad. Ha ha seriously it was Neville laugh at him please."

    Hundreds of heads wheeled around to zero in on the sandy-haired and long-bottomed disaster, who blinked owlishly as gravy dribbled down his chin.

    "That does sound about right..." Dumbledore murmured.

    Harry clapped his hands together. "In other news, it turns out I'm competing in the tournament after all. Just to prove Neville wrong. Fucking Neville, amirite."

    - - - - -

    No canon basis for "losing magic" in regards to the Tournament is what I'm saying. And really, you know what would Hermione do with a thousand Galleons once she figured it out if so? Fund her liberation of the house elves. And by doing so just around the time Voldemort returns, she actually creates an army of her loyal mercenary house elf assassins. And while a great mental image, sure, you just know someone would go too far and make the house elves into katana and gun-wielding cliches. And that just cannot do. Fucking Neville, amirite.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2015
  15. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Potterverse / SCP Foundation fusion

    First, something taken from Dr. Gears' Personnel File on the SCP Foundation wiki:

    Dr. Gears says here that the anomalous SCP objects are as such because they've been randomly transported across alernate universes by a naturally occurring phenomenon.

    What if instead of appearing in the SCP verse, these anomalous objects (therefore all the SCPs) were appearing in the Potterverse?

    I personally think that the Foundation would have never been created, because wizards would simply regard the SCPs as magical objects and hide them from muggles in order to protect the Statute of Secrecy.

    Of course, that doesn't mean the SCPs would stop being dangerous. Many of them would still need to be contained in some way.

    Which is where the Department of Mysteries steps in.

    Imagine the DoM being a lot bigger in this universe, going deep underground with hundreds of various rooms, many of them housing unexplained magical objects and creatures.

    Among them, the Hard-To-Kill-Reptile, the Plague Doctor, Evolution's Child, or even the World's Best TothBrush and many, many more...
  16. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Bunny Drabble about Sirius.

    "You sold Lily and James to Voldemort, didn't you?"

    "I didn't mean to! The Dark Lord... You've no idea of the weapons he possesses."

    Sirius' expression was vacant, but his eyes followed the man in front of them intently, devouring every movement made, no matter how miniscule. The petulant words falling from Peter's treacherous lips did not register with him, but as Peter shamelessly begged for mercy, fruitlessly appealing to Harry's more human nature, a growl formed in the back of Sirius' throat. Azkaban had consumed his humanity along with his happy thoughts, however inane they may be, yet he had somehow remained sane by focusing, even in Animagus form, on his instinct to protect his Godson.

    "You don’t understand! He would have killed me, Sirius!"


    Spit flew from his mouth like torrential rain, as his resolve to hold himself together crumbled. Hearing the opportunistic disloyalty of his one time friend was too much for him to bear. Some claimed Pettigrew was weak and talentless, but Sirius knew better; after all, there were few wizards alive who could kill twelve Muggles with a single curse, and even fewer that were heartless enough to go through with it.

    Peter only cared about his own survival, and it was obvious that he would scurry back to Voldemort if given the opportunity, if only to prolong the inevitable, but that did not make him talentless.

    It did not matter to Sirius whether it was he, Remus or even Voldemort that cast the spell, but he was determined Harry would be able to live without fear of the filthy rat hiding in the shadows, waiting to stab his old friends' son in the back. Harry would never have to worry over the unseen threat.

    Harry was as noble and kind-hearted as any soul he had met except for the boy's own mother, and he certainly didn't seem capable of murder, no matter how much Pettigrew deserved it. But then, few thirteen year olds were wise enough to make such a decision. Sirius felt inclined to assist him, though he hesitated to verbalize such a generous offer. Harry would not be able to fathom the depths of depravity that Peter had fallen to, nor would he understand Sirius' need to see the son of a bitch dispatched, once and for all.

    And so, when Harry screamed, hoping to gather Sirius' attention before he made a dire mistake, he interrupted Sirius a second too late. Before Ron could as much as yelp in confusion and fear, and even as Remus hurtled toward Padfoot to snatch his wand out of the air, Sirius mouthed the words that would seal Peter Pettigrew's fate.

    "Avada Kedavra!"

    Harry would (one day) forgive him. Remus would understand in time. Ron and Hermione would stand by Harry, even if they had trouble discerning their own path alongside him; he was going to need as many friends as he could get. Sirius smiled, even as the others stirred from their stupor.

    "I'm sorry, Harry, Remus," he started, in the same gravelly tone he reserved for Azkaban guards. He was tired, his worn and weary limbs giving out on him as he took a seat on an equally decrepit-looking stool. His sweaty, greasy hair hung about his pale face, worn away thin after eating Azkaban's gruel for more than a decade. Sometimes, he couldn't believe it had taken him that long to break out and challenge the wraiths who came to call Azkaban home.

    Other times, he wished he had died long, long ago.

    But now, far removed from the chains that bound him and after conquering his own personal demons, Sirius was reminded what it really meant to be free.

    This time, Remus did not reach out to hinder him when he raised his wand. He merely glared at Sirius, perhaps knowing without doubt what his old friend would do once Peter was dead. They understood each other perfectly then; Remus, tearful despite his best attempts to hide his eyes, nonetheless gave Sirius a brief, final nod.

    "So, so sorry..."

    Green light enveloped his head a moment before he hit the ground. Harry watched him fall silently, unsure how to feel. His heart was battered and broken, assaulted by grief and rage and an emotion he couldn't quite place, but felt achingly like respect.

    His Godfather was a hero. One day, Harry would make certain that the world remembered Sirius Black the same way.
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2015
  17. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Yeah, that was expertly written and had me winching long before I reached the bottom.

    I was with you up until Sirius killed himself. I just don't see the why behind it.
  18. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    I think if Sirius would have seen how his life was going to play out he might have considered it a decent idea. Plus he was just crazy enough at that point to think, just after killing Pettigrew: "My purpose is served. Harry would actually be a better person without me in his life."

    Anyway, there's a lot of things you could do with no Pettigrew, no Sirius post-POA. Maybe Remus bites Harry? That would certainly bring some irony to Sirius' last thoughts: "Harry will be okay without me."
  19. Atram Noctem

    Atram Noctem Auror

    Jan 13, 2015
    Harry Potter/True Detective

    Basically Auror Harry merged with the character of Rust Cohle, shits all over wizarding traditions, paired off with some Slytherin Traditionalist Auror (in the role of Martin Hart), they argue throughout their missions, but after investigating a gruesome ritualistic murder, uncover a Pureblood cult conspiracy...

    Yeah, I know similar stuff has been done, but I adore TD and think a directly similar plot could be interesting.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2015
  20. Rakkety Tam

    Rakkety Tam High Inquisitor

    Jul 4, 2011
    Hermione Granger was cursed. At least that's the only explanation she could come up with. How else could so many bad things keep happening to her in her 7th and final year of Hogwarts? Honestly why would a fully grown mountain troll even be in the girl's restroom? She certainly wasn't about to believe the new defense professor's proclamation that the female mountain troll had been spotted drinking ale at the Hog's Head earlier that day and was probably just looking to use the loo.

    Basically a fic where Harry through his absolutely horrid attempt at floo travel is flung into an alternate universe where Hermione never went on any adventures. Harry decides that the only real solution is to shove 7 years of adventures into her last year at Hogwarts so he can have his old friend back and once again prevent her from graduating.

    I have a few ideas for chapters. Such as one titled Dementor Wrangling where Harry dressed as a cowboy and riding a thestral drives the dementors from Azkaban to the grounds of Hogwarts in order to get them to attack Hermione and save her from her date with Zacharias Smith.

    I'm not even really sure I like the idea for this story to be honest, but I can't get it out of my head so I thought I might as well throw it out there.