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Plot Bunny Threa(d/t) V

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Mar 1, 2015.

  1. MinusGix

    MinusGix Squib

    Sep 21, 2017
    Why would Mr. Malfoy sell it: You can come up with any number of reasons, though this idea is more something you put in your story rather than something the story revolves around. Could be he just wants to get rid of it, and rather than giving it to a child he sells it.
    Hagrid: Who knows if Hagrid is poor, but also I was just throwing out ideas.
    I wasn't really thinking of having a Harry/Ginny romance at all, but just interact more than in canon. You could have them be friends earlier than canon, or you could go the romance route later.
  2. DerHesse

    DerHesse Unspeakable

    Jun 12, 2010
    The idea of getting Harry into the Marvel-universe, specifically Hel, seems very far-fetched, but I wanted to give it a try. (Even made me reread a bit of Wand and Shield)

    One easy way could be the Convergence from Thor: The Dark World, which fortunately happened in 2013 London.

    You have a highly experienced and skilled 33 year-old Auror Harry deciding to send his colleagues to evacuate the Ministry and Diagon Alley while he goes to investigate, but to his misfortune a tremor of the Convergence during an apparition sends him to one of the nine realms.

    Disorientated he comes face to face with a gigantic beast, which leads to a short encounter with these guys.
    While they get ported to earth Harry lands in even greater peril in Muspelheim. Desperately fighting for his live he finally notices the portal above him. Using Apparition (Animagus form, broom or whatever) he dives through just for it to close behind him.

    You could even use his title as Master of Death in a small fashion to create a bond to this realm. While he's devastated and desperate to find a way back, physically he feels more than great, the pains from the previous fights rapidly fading. Similar to Hela drawing her vast strength from Asgard Harry experiences some changes while in Hel.
  3. h2o

    h2o Professor

    Dec 13, 2007
    I saw a minute or two of Disney's Hercules earlier today and for some reason a plot bunny popped up in my head with a Hercules/GoT crossover. Pain and Panic come clean to Hades about failing to kill baby Hercules so instead Hades manages to open a small portal to another dimension and tosses little baby Herc through. Then the story sort of continues as the Disney version, he gets found by a couple who've been praying to the Seven for a child (In the Riverlands perhaps, lots of grain etc grown there), raised as a farm-boy until he's about 11-12 when they realize that he'll have to be trained not to hurt anyone with his god-like strength (Maybe there's some kind of accident, like in the movie only not as public).

    There's an old drunk in the nearby village who claims he used to be a great knight who they convince to come stay with them, to train their boy in exchange for housing and food. Upon seeing Hercules crazy strength the drunkard swears off drink, believing Hercules to be blessed by the Warrior and vows to teach him. Fast forward to Herc age 14-16 and he's out plowing the outer fields of their much expanded farm (After all, Herc can basically do the work of 100 Oxen) when he sees smoke in the distance; from home. Racing back, he finds the place nearly burnt to the ground, his parents dead and his mentor bleeding to death; his shield shattered to pieces.

    Herc asks who did it and here you could say The Mountain & his men, having Herc set his eyes on bringing down the Crown or you could pick the Bloody Mummers (Sellsword company who Tywin hires to pillage the Riverlands in the first book), having Hercules want to bring justice to all such criminals, leading to a "how deep does the rabbit hole go" scenario where he learns about who hired them and why eventually. His mentor then tells Hercules about how his parents had found him, that there was a medallion with his name and a symbol buried under the front steps and that he should go to the nearby sept to The Seven and pray to the Warrior for guidance. With nothing but his training sword and massive shield to his name, he digs up the medallion and heads for the sept.

    Once he reaches it, he prays to The Warrior, holding his medallion but it is the statue of The Father which comes alive: Zeus in da house. In the movie, he tells Hercules that to return to his home on Mount Olympus, he must become a true hero. You could do that or that he is in a different dimension where other Gods have powers and therefore he must live up to their virtues/fulfill a task for each of The Seven in order to come home. Zeus does manage to send him one gift however: Pegasus (Sans wings of course, the wings can be offered as the price to travel to this dimension). Still, Pegasus is a smart, large, seriously strong and fast horse. Now our adventure starts!

    From here on the story can go in several directions. His character should be much like in the movie when we start out: a good heart, honorable and shy + inexperienced with women. He's not fully grown here so, while he's not a small teenager people will still underestimate him. In a wiki they had Hercules at 196cm and almost 150kg when fully grown.

    Hercules has been taught not to kill, that "bad people" should be brought to justice etc and so fights with a defensive stance, mostly using his shield to knock his opponents down/out (Countering his god-like strength in battle). Queue obligatory fight scene where he is mocked for being a farm-boy with a training sword, (One bad guy is clever enough to point out that he seems to be able to wield that massive shield a bit too easily) he proceeds to knock all his opponents the fuck out with it when the idiots attack. Perhaps this is where he meets Arya? Instead of the buddy-cop vibes of the tv show (The Hound & Arya) we get Herc & Arya touring Westeros with Hercules trying to do the right thing and Arya wanting to murder all the bad guys.

    Since this is GoT, Hercs attitude will ofc get someone killed. Say he manages to capture one or two of the Bloody Mummers and hands them in to face justice at some town or holding only for them to escape/be released and kill/rape some more leading to a moral dilemma for Hercules and a lesson learned. Perhaps he starts to believe he should act as The Father and cast judgment on criminals/his enemies while the right people will still be shown the mercy of The Mother (So if he ends up fighting someone like Brienne or Jamie he can let them go for example)

  4. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    Should probably be in the Other Fandoms plot thread, but I'd read it. Disney Hercules raised in the ASoIaF setting but still a decent person has a lot of possibilities. I'm not too familiar with the timeline of events, but if you had Herc escorting Sandor and Arya to Robb they'd get there a damn sight faster. Unless Arya got Herc on side and was all like, "So I've got this list that needs seeing to...".

    Although given that the Mountain has just killed the only parents he ever knew and slain his mentor, a young man who was raised as one of the smallfolk in Westeros is just as likely to march up to Harrenhal and launch a one man assault. What the dragons started, the son of Zeus finishes.

    If Zeus has an aspect in this setting, you could give Hera one as well. Maybe she's the Mother or the Crone; either way if Hercules has Labours to perform, the one/s she has him do are less with proving himself worthy, and more her outright trying to get him killed. Maybe he finally has a chance to challenge the Mountain, only for one of her schemes to have temporarily sapped him of his godlike strength (fight him as a mortal man to prove your right to the powers of your birth).
  5. h2o

    h2o Professor

    Dec 13, 2007
    Oh yeah, wrong Plot Bunny thread... my bad! Sandor was a well traveled man who knew (mostly) what places to avoid, what roads to take etc, Hercules wouldn't have that experience. Herc escorting Arya to Robb could take longer as well since he'd get into trouble/try to help more people along the way.

    But yeah, Hercules coming to Harrenhall like a wrecking ball would be pretty awesome; perhaps this is where you could orchestrate a second meeting with Arya (He saves her once from a few Bloody Mummers but she gets captured by another group and taken to Harrenhall anyway). He hears about her being captured, goes to Harrenhall to free her, she convinces him to free the Northmen being held and so a battle starts and halfway through he faces off with The Mountain.

    You could go either way with Zeus/Hera etc having an aspect here, this is Disney's Herc however and Hera is his mother in that verse... But replace her with Hades as The Stranger who saps him of his strength for his battle with The Mountain and it'll work just as well. I would favor a One Punch Man style fight though and just have Herc slam the shit out of Gregor with his shield in one killing blow, kind of like this! (I love Hercules in Smite) This could be the first time he is angry enough to kill as well, leaving the gathered crowd stunned in silence and the legend of Hercules is born. He can even get his first GoT-moniker, Destroyer of Mountains :D

    Would perhaps wreck his shield which means he has to get/craft a new one where he paints the Zeus lightning bolt on.

    (Also, should I re-post the Plot Bunny in the correct thread along with this answer or perhaps a mod wants to move em'?)
  6. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    I was thinking more along the lines of there being less risk to taking faster routes when one of your companions can toe punt castles, but the point of Hercules slowing them down by wanting to help people is valid.

    I'd holler at a mod and request them to move the relevant posts.
  7. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
    Harry/Daphne but it's Daphne from Scooby Doo.
  8. Vulcan

    Vulcan Groundskeeper

    Oct 16, 2014
    HP/Thor crossover

    Goblins gather the shards of the broken Mjollnir and reforge it into a new weapon. One problem - they can't wield it because... you guessed it, they aren't worthy.
    When Harry, Ron, and Hermione broke into Gringotts, Harry grabbed the weapon in the attempt to fend of the violent goblins...
  9. DerHesse

    DerHesse Unspeakable

    Jun 12, 2010
    I honestly can't get the Harry Potter in Hel plot bunny out of my head so I wanted to flesh it out a bit.

    One necessity to make this interesting is Harry's wand or more precisely the loss of it. A HP wizard with a wand pushes the boundaries of the Marvel cinematic universe in my opinion. Long story short, I would have Hela break Harry's wand after a short confrontation.

    This however raises the question what skills or powers Harry could have, that are not op, feasible and "strong" enough?

    So my question is, what skills or powers would you give a middle-aged auror Harry, that potentially spends years wandering the nine realms (except earth), but has no wand.

    My picks are as follows with a short reasoning.

    Occlumency/Legilimency - canon first hand experience

    Apparition - canon skill

    Animagus - canon first hand experience + rule of cool

    Voldemort's unsupported flight - canon first hand experience + rule of cool

    Basic wandless magic as surrogate for telekinesis.

    To spice things up you could build up Dr. Strange as adversary for Harry.

    Years upon years looking for ways to get to earth, from repairing and learning how to fly dark elf ships left on Svartalfheim to trying to sneak into Asgard to use the Bifrost, Harry finally finds a way only for this new Sorcerer Supreme to block him. Strange's reasoning is, that lowering the defences will cause trouble on the Dormammu front and that Harry has this taint of death and destruction, be it Voldemort, Hela or Hel itself, which doesn't sit well with him.
  10. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    You lost me here. A wizard without a wand is like a cripple.
  11. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    It can be done. Should be done in some crossovers, tbh.
  12. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I can't help but disagree. What's the point of crossing things over with the Harry Potter universe if you're not gonna use Harry Potter magic?
  13. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    Who says you can't use HP magic if you take away the wand? It's down to the skill of the story teller really.
  14. DerHesse

    DerHesse Unspeakable

    Jun 12, 2010
    The Shadow of Angmar - (HP/LotR)

    To challenge the main character and to keep things on a level playing field.

    As much as I love The Havoc side of the Force, it gets a bit old sometimes when Harry pulls out just the right spell or skill for whatever situation.
  15. Puzzled

    Puzzled High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2014
    One solution for the very real problem of Harry Potter magic being overpowering is to have canon Harry be the one using it. All the crazy things Dumbledore and Voldemort do that show the high tiers of power are beyond him, so we don’t have to worry about Harry breaking the setting due to his own lack of skill.
  16. Sorrows

    Sorrows Queen of the Flamingos Moderator

    Jun 17, 2008
    You can work out some limitations for him to be sure, but if you are going to pit him up against Dr Strange he is already going to be out of his league even with a wand. Crossovers where Harry does not have a wand are good, but you don't need to recreate Shadows of Angma.

    Letting him have one does not mean you have to let him magic himself out of every situation, especially if you set limit yourself you the kind of magic you actually see in the books. Barring Dumbledores and Voldemorts OP magic of course. He is just one person after all, so long as you make the situations he gets into big and complex enough one wand may not make a diffrence or even make things worse. Hell it could all be an exercise in demonstrating how in 'real world' situations you cant just wave a wand around and make everything better. Or you could just make their be a price on using it, he's trying to avoid Hela and she can sense him when he does a spell, he has a limited reserve since he left Hel. etc etc.

    You could also severely curtail his powers once he is away from Hel. Or perhaps much like Odin, Hela could cut him off from the source of his power.

    Of course I say this and yet whenever I start to write something I always find a way of taking away some or all of Harry's magic.
  17. Donimo

    Donimo Auror

    Jul 4, 2015
    This is extremely frustrating. Harry Potter magic is already game breaking in most other settings, but the author has to make Harry practically a demigod even when reckoned by the standards of the HP-verse.
  18. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.
  19. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    HP crossover with The Good Place

    The premise is that:

    1. Afterlife exists, there is a Good Place for people who were good and a Bad Place for people who were bad.

    2. The requirements for getting into the Good Place are extremely unfair. In all of human history, only 10% of all humans ever born got to the Good Place, everyone else faces eternal suffering in the Bad Place. For example, it turns out that Lincoln is the only US President in the Good Place.

    When Voldemort's curse hits Harry in DH, he doesn't arrive at the ethereal King's Cross and there's definitely no Dumbledore to be found there. Instead, he appears in a simple waiting room, oddly resembling the one in the Ministry of Magic. Once he's there, he's approached by a wizard looking like a low-level Ministry worker. He's informed that he died and is now in the afterlife, but there have been some "unexpected difficulties" with transferring his soul to the Good Place so he will be interviewed.

    The man finally introduces himself to Harry as Charles and asks some seemingly random questions about Harry's life. "Did you ever intentionally step on a snail, Harry?" "Have you ever donated to a charity, Harry?" and finally "Why did you commit suicide, Harry?"

    Harry explains the details of sacrificing himself so that Voldemort will be stopped once and for all. This gets him a nod and confirmation that Tom Marvolo Riddle is in another waiting room "interviewed by someone much creepier than me, Harry".

    Eventually, it is decided that while Harry's intentions were pure and he ended up saving a lot of people, which qualifies him for the Good Place, his suicide is too big of a deal to be forgiven so he'll be sent to the Bad Place. His punishment: eternity of trying to teach Voldemort how to be a good person. Of course, Voldemort's punishment is an eternity of being schooled by the Boy Who Lived.

    It's made clear that if Harry somehow manages to change Voldemort, he'll get to the Good Place. But he'll fail, right? Well, one way to be sure...
  20. Methos

    Methos High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Sep 24, 2016
    High Score:
    I always wanted to read a fic dealing with Harry (Sirius joining is always a bonus) dragged/thrown into harsh and ruthless environment, where he has to grow and adapt, eventually returning home.
    He might have gained new skills, but what set him apart is the survivalist mentality he gains.

    Harry and Sirius falling through the arc of death into Jumanji jungle, facing the terror of that world while trying to return home.
    (More of the original movie), also their wands didn't survived well the trip, so they might need to craft their own there as well.