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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) III

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Feb 14, 2012.

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  1. Rin

    Rin Oberstgruppenführer DLP Supporter

    May 28, 2007
    Given who you are, I would read the fuck out of that. THE FUCK OUT OF IT!
  2. Ceebee

    Ceebee High Inquisitor

    May 5, 2009
    Warlocke is the ultimate scumbag. How many of his posts have you seen that sound something like this?

    'I've written like 60k+ words on this, its just sitting around on my harddrive'

    A fuck ton. How many words has anyone ever seen? Zero? Sounds about right.

    I think its time someone calls you out on this bullshit Warlocke.

    Warlocke is a disingenuous individual, who, until they post even ONE of the supposed stories they've got lying around, I will not believe a word he says

    Post some words, any words, really, use that small drabble vomit thread if you just want to post 1-2 random scenes. Put up or shut up when it comes to referencing what you've supposedly written.
  3. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Very nearly every word of that is true, of course. :mrgreen:

    Though, where anyone gets the notion I can write something consistently good is beyond me (though I appreciate the vote of confidence); after all, I'm the first to point out that I can't write anything from point A to point B, and focus far too much on who I'm pairing with Harry than things like a solid plot arc.

    I don't really do drabbles... and the short stories I've tried to write turn into gap-riddled novels, before I move on to the next thing.

    The only things I've ever actually posted, consist of three hastily thrown together Draco Kill Offs and a 151-word long alliteration.

    If I ever managed to put together a whole story, it would probably be a grammatically correct, properly spelled, very shippy, flop. ...with a harem?

    Disingenuous? No.
    Shameless tease who never delivers? Perhaps... but I can assure you I'm more frustrated by that fact than anyone else.
  4. MattSilver

    MattSilver The Traveller

    Apr 23, 2009
    Man, Ceebee, you'd be pissed at how many words I have sitting around then. Combine my usual output (250k words in two months is the benchmark) with the need to have the story totally complete before posting, and I have a fuckton of words. 60k of Harry/Fleur heist story? Yep! My take of Wrong Boy Who Lived with a Fight Club twist? 70k words. NecromancerHarry? Of course. Dresden and ASOIAF crossover fics? Why not. My Incorruptible AU retellings? Underway. At least eight time travel fics ranging from 40k to 2k words? Pfft, it's nine bitch, and don't you forget it. And that's just fanfic words.

    Man, I gotta get something done. Also, Warlocke, keep teasing. It's fun.
  5. bob99

    bob99 High Inquisitor

    Aug 14, 2011
    I don't care if it's incomplete I need to read that Harry Fleur heist story.
  6. Darthgrim

    Darthgrim First Year

    Nov 11, 2011
    Whoever told you that the weakest part of NGE was the Mecha fights is dead wrong. The weakest part of the entire series would be the last 2-3 episodes.
  7. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    Matt, if you could find your way to posting the aforementioned stories in the WbA, I suppose I could find it in myself to not crotch punch the next child that crosses my path.
  8. Dnarg

    Dnarg Squib

    Jan 13, 2008
    Wall of Text incoming. Sorry for errors.

    A plot bunny that I had involved HP/DF verse happening in the same timeline, then I realized I could fit in the Naruto verse as well, and entwine them in a plot that I'm still working on.

    However, I realize this will take me years to write, because I've found I'm actually a Reader and not a Writer. So I'm gonna throw what I do have in terms of mainly the HP/DF-verse in the world I'm creating in the hopes seeing it written sooner.

    Random word-vomit scene at the end, involving Dresden, but primarily focusing on another character. During apocalypse.

    Magic-wise, I'd be leaning towards Dresdenverse's Will/Faith/Life energy way of things working. This means vampires can't be killed by movie-verse Lumos Solem; it might be sunlight, but it isn't Sunlight - the symbolism of daylight from the actual sun is what is dangerous to Red/Black Court vamps (I think). This goes for other things, though I'm still hammering stuff out.

    Though, a possible reason so many people use wands is because it's more efficient, thus people with little magical ability are still able to achieve 'Wizard' status.

    As for combat, simple HP spells could be resisted, as it would be a battle of Wills. More complex/difficult spells would also require greater Will but also a better understanding of magical theories, precision, and some level of power, though that might not be necessary due to the efficiency thing.

    I was also thinking of the nature of people's wands, and how some are more suited to certain branches of magic, so that they can only achieve high levels of skill in those branches - like Dumbledore and Transfiguration.

    This means almost no chance of Molly Weasley beating Bellatrix Lestrange. Or a bunch of kids, for that matter.

    As for why you would want to be a White Council wizard instead of using a wand, you get to live extremely long. HP wizards would get shafted by not using their magic as much, due to the efficiency of their foci (or not even use their own magic, where something with the cores happens instead), whereas DF wizards powers continue to grow, and so can live for hundreds of years easily, given time. They can also use the general concepts of HP spells, and maybe even derive things more easily because the nature of their magic is not so logical/theory based. For example, Dresden could cast a Lumos by focusing on his mother's pentacle, and he could hold it at the end of his finger. Or a protego by focusing on his shield bracelet.

    Magic Circles would play a large role - right now, I'm imagining them stopping most HP spells. Except for Avada Kedavra - it would actually summon Death, or a portion of Death's power/being.

    Black Magic is not limited to White Council wizards - things like the creation of Horcruxes and whatnot would corrupt the Soul/psyche.

    As for Black vs. Dark magic, something like the magical cores/wood taking the psychic/Soul backlash, though eventually, the wielder will become damaged/corrupted due to the intimate connection they share.

    As for electricity thing, those with wands don't delve into the Old World magics, so they have less magic to interfere with crap, and their wands allow them to get through life as if they had White Council level power. That being said, someone like Dumbledore would have practiced Old Magic, so he would screw up electronics.


    Wizards were originally one group before focus shifted to magical foci (usually wands; special wood and core; efficiency). Early forms of the White Council hounded everyone for Black Magic, and eventually the wand-users when they started practicing Dark Arts. Eventually, the Hogwarts Four gained independence for their people as a legitimate faction by getting the backing from one of the signatories of the Accords. They do agree that Black Magic is an issue, and the Laws of Magic are universal.

    Before World War II, Wardens policed the White Council, and Aurors policed wand-user communities.

    During WW II, Grindelwald + Kemmler allied, bringing together Warlocks and Dark Wizards.

    Post WW II, Senior Council/White Council and people like Dumbledore agree that there needs to be better cooperation when it comes to enforcing the Laws of Magic. Senior Council expanded to include those of the HP world, such as Dumbledore and possibly Flamel. White Council becomes a global policing force, with a great number of Aurors, Wardens answering only to them. Nations have their own local Aurors for other disputes; White Council members are strictly for the Laws of Magic, and they have complete authority over anything that falls under them.

    Azkaban is made into a secondary Edinburgh, and the HQ for the joint policing force, and is where people are executed/imprisoned. Hitwizards are those wizards with both Auror and Warden training.

    This would mostly make changes (both minor/major) to the HP timeline:

    Since it's not a bunch of people like Fudge determining whether people are innocent/guilty, I think it would be logical to think that Sirius Black would be found innocent, if he was ever not the Secret Keeper. I could see them overlooking Peter considering the ease at which Black Magic can be used.

    Voldemort would be much more cautious, and intelligent. He left to find Kemmler when he disappears, in order to further his knowledge surrounding death and immortality, in addition to his other business.

    Voldemort would also find HP eventually, either by summoning an Outsider, to find him (prophecy prevents killing), or that he deals through the Fae, and finds the location of the Potter household in the Nevernever, and slips in through the Fidelius that way. Don't know yet.

    Due to their confrontation, and the nature of the Soul, HP would be tainted by the portion of Voldemort's Soul, and thus susceptible to the influences of Black Magic. White Council might demand that he be watched over when his magic develops, and thus he might have to stay with actual wizards instead of at Privet Drive - possibly even demand an apprenticeship with a Senior Council member; Dumbledore takes him under his wing? Or just tutors him occasionally?

    Since Harry's Soul was affected like that with Voldemort's own, he might seem a bit more dark in nature. Likewise, Voldemort might possibly understand the concept of Love, but still despite it, believing it to be weak. This might also temper his insanity from have a fractured soul.

    If it was the entire White Council that was aware of the Voldemort/HP thing, then I could see rumors floating about HP and his being tainted with Black Magic. If that's the case, I could see him being sort of an outcast at Hogwarts. The only people I could see not really caring would possibly be Neville, considering his parents. Hermione would be a possible second, though that might be iffy. Trying to imagine her logical nature, and the realization that HP wouldn't be allowed at Hogwarts if he was dangerous, or whether her own fears/prejudices against Black Magic would conflict. Doesn't really change what happens first year, except for the possibility of Snape not hating him depending on whether his Black Magic thing is common rumor/knowledge.

    Harry would be screwed second year if there were rumors. He'd also be somewhat more capable against Riddle if he grew up with wizards. Ginny would not make it out of the CoS unscathed; the Horcrux is Black Magic, and her Soul fueling his return would permanently damage her, to the point of either St. Mungo's. If Ron isn't his friend at this point, then I doubt there's any chance of them ever being friends.

    Since Sirius is innocent, nothing really happens third year.

    Fourth year, Triwizard tournament, but it is a much bigger event. Considering the need for unity in the face of the the terrible shit (i.e., Vampire Courts, Sidhe, Demons) that's out there, many/all magical institutions are invited. I was thinking that there would only be a small number of major institutions throughout the world, that catered to the vast majority of the population, though smaller ones may exist.

    HP's name comes out. Different tasks considering the Dresdenverse. Voldemort resurrected, and only White Council believes in Voldemort's return, or maybe not; Crouch wouldn't be kissed immediately, but they might dismiss his claims due to being mad. Not sure if a Soulgaze would remedy that.

    Fifth year, Voldemort lures him to the prophecy. The Department of Mysteries might be deep under Azkaban somewhere, considering all the shit they do that would make the Gatekeeper and the rest of the Council decapitate them. But then I realized none of the rooms really 'break' the law, though the use of the some of the shit would.

    Hogwarts during fifth year, and the entire Sixth/Seventh year remains generally the same for now, minus whatever changes occur from Harry's standing. I'm still expanding on this stuff.

    Suffice to say, he becomes Master of Death, and while he is no longer a Horcrux, he is forever tainted by the Black Magic, and still maintains the connection to the remnants of Voldemort's fractured soul, as they couldn't move on.

    Canon time-wise would mean that a few years later, Grave Peril happens.

    This is where Naruto-verse gets introduced.

    At Bianca's party, two shinobi (when I was jotting ideas down, Kisame and Hanzo) introduce themselves, claiming to be from the Jade Court. Lea has beef with them. Harry Potter shows up because of the massive disturbance among the spirits (goes as someone's guest?). I was recently inspired by Taure's 'Secrets' to have Neville being HP's right hand man, doubly so if he was befriended in first year.

    Dresden + Potter + Innocent-Person-In-Danger = War is inevitable. Potter might be a little bit darker because of Voldemort's Soul, but his saving-people-thing is still a large part of his personality.

    Red Court declares war on both White Council and Wizard Governments. Considering this is a merged timeline, they would have things like Giants, and some Lycanthropes, which are HP werewolves, plus other dark creatures. Wolfsbane could be abused by them, creating intelligent soldiers inside an extremely powerful body [Would not work for Loup Garou].

    That's all I've gone for the HP timeline right now.

    Dresden timeline:

    I'm not sure if Veritaserum would be breaking a law, and I'd have to research some more. But this could possibly be a means to proving that he was innocent, though the problem of his mind being too damaged would still be an excuse that could be used. I entertained this idea as I wanted to explore the interaction between Dresden and a not-so-hateful Morgan.

    Life would be somewhat easier, considering that he would have access to some of the HP world's magic, and their other gizmos. This would include things like apparition. Hell, he might have another job in the magical world alongside his job as a PI. Still hammering this out.

    Jade Court plays a minor role, and becomes more involved in the apocalypse.

    Harry Potter is not in these scenes as its focus is Dresden.

  9. Darth Kali

    Darth Kali Third Year

    Jun 28, 2012
    East Coast, US
    I was reminded of an anime I used to watch ages ago... Witch Hunter Robin, and it gave rise to a this little gem. Basically in WHR humans have discovered witches living among them, but in the anime the ability remains dormant for most of the witches. A small few 'awaken' and cause problems for others, and some are 'seeds' meaning they can pass the ability on to others. A secret Japanese governmental agency hunts them down to seal their abilities, and actually have a squad of witches that they've trained, since it's easier for witches to detect each other. They basically inject the witch with a chemical that blocks their abilities. There's talk of 'true magic' and Robin feels guilt for blocking the abilities of her fellow users, but none of that is relevant.

    Now to my plot idea(s).

    Harry, the MoM or any combination of people notices that muggleborns are vanishing at an alarming rate. At first it's blamed on rogue Death Eaters, until the daughter of a prominent pro-dark family is kidnapped during a trip abroad. Whoever is investigating discovers the 'serum' that is being used turns witches into squibs. The fic centers around stopping the kidnappings while also trying to 'cure' the affected witches.

    Things become even more troublesome when adults begin vanishing as well, and some return talking about a 'factory' where the muggles experimented on them using strange equipment. Even muggleborns who were exposed to modern technology are at a loss to describe what happened to them. Panic ensues, and people begin to fear infiltration by the muggles at any time.

    This idea ends with Harry and Co (or the MoM) neutralizing the organization as best they can, but there always remains the threat that the technology spread to other places and is being improved to the point of being deployed like a biological weapon designed to target witches and wizards en masse.

    The second plot bunny related to this appeals to my love of turning Harry Dark at a young age. It involves time travel, but hopefully the idea is decent enough to make it work.

    Somebody familiar with Harry Potter (either an eye witness, or a magical historian) survives what is meant to be a purge of witches and wizards from the world using this 'serum'. Our Historian goes back in time to try and prevent all of this from happening. It is decided that the catalyst is HP. At this point I can't decide whether or not our historian should go to 1981 and raise Harry herself, or try first to convince Dumbledore that the muggles only mean them harm. In either event Dumbledore continues on as he has, not believing our historian or choosing to believe that given the opportunity muggles would not do such things. (even though we get hints that they are beginning to develop such technology and a few muggleborns or fringe witches have already vanished)

    Harry, with only the Dursleys as reference, is a full convert to the church of Muggles are Evil. With our historian's help, Harry is trained, or at least given an education about the magical world, before attending Hogwarts. Ideally he is not a Gryffindor, but I can't decide whether or not his needs would be best served in Slytherin or Ravenclaw. In my version he would try to unite Hogwarts for the benefit of the future.

    He starts off befriending the 'darker' element because of his anti-muggle beliefs. His lack of obsession with Voldemort leaves a void in canon events, but he still has problems. During the course of his education he becomes convinced that the only way to save the future from eradication by this serum is a 'pre-emptive strike'. He and his friends begins on a weapon/spell that works like a muggle-repelling charm, only much more painful and just a little deadly. He manages to convince any number of adults to assist him, solidifying his future as a leader wiling to take decisive action against exposure to muggles.

    This combines with Dumbledore trying to reinforce the idea of peace and the Dark Lord Voldemort trying to take over the world through division. Harry manages to get the backing of most of the pureblood contingent as well as a good number of muggleborns who experienced firsthand the distrust of their powers. Not everybody is on board, and so that is part of the in-world conflict.

    Harry manages to, with lots of help and a healthy dose of intimidation, overthrow both Dumbledore and Voldemort. He and those loyal to him finish and deploy the Weapon. It works, but not as effectively as he hoped. However they discover the 'carrier' ability, meaning that these muggles are capable of having magical children. IN the end Harry is a dictator-emperor keeping the 'peace' while eradicating muggles and trying to keep magical-folk safe from extinction.
  10. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    You two have scared everyone away with your big, swinging, texticles. :awesome
  11. Krieger

    Krieger Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Oct 12, 2009
    EDIT: wrong thread. moving to other plot bunnies.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2012
  12. Darthgrim

    Darthgrim First Year

    Nov 11, 2011
  13. Krieger

    Krieger Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Oct 12, 2009
    Yeah, just edited before you posted, cheers.
  14. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Yet another massive AU plot bunny, inspired by the new Pottermore information about the Malfoys...

    A world in which the Statute of Secrecy never achieved the necessary popular support. The Muggle world is similar, yet different. Technology has continued to progress, though perhaps along slightly different lines. But politically? The Muggle world is run by a small and mysterious group of wizards. They are a privileged, political class, walking the halls of Whitehall, Westminster and Buckingham Palace. All Muggles have heard of them, and their influence is all pervasive... yet few have ever seen one, never mind have one as a friend. The British Empire still survives, and while the monarch has nominal control, a wizarding Regent really runs the show.

    A world strongly influenced by Stroud's Bartimaeus Trilogy, but with HP magic and characters.

    Every Muggle parent dreams of their child being born with magic, yet few ever experience it. And when they do, often they wish they hadn't...

    That's the set up.

    What I'd do with Voldemort and Harry I still haven't thought about. I have no idea if I'm going to write this... I have far too much going on already to do it, really. And the world building would have to be massive. But the temptation remains.
  15. Infidel

    Infidel Auror

    Feb 26, 2011
    The underverse
    Huh? What on earth for? Are you implying that the prejudice against muggleborns would be much higher in this world?

    Also, you what about the status of the general wizarding population?
  16. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    If the world is similar to the Bartimaeus Trilogy world, then it could well be because magical children are taken away from Muggle parents, to be raised in an appropriate setting to their capabilities and potential.
  17. willblarg

    willblarg First Year

    Dec 14, 2011
    Just a little plot that popped into my my head, I can see it being done badly if the wrong person tried it but im sure someone can pull it off.

    Tom Riddle saved Dumbledore's life during the war against Grindlewald causing Dumbledore to owe him a life debt. So Dumbledore tries to find a way to pay off his debt while ridding the world of Voldemort, but he cannot directly confront or be responsible for his death without risking his life and magic. Dumbledore arranges for Harry Potter to be trained from a young age after the Potters are killed but he obviously cannot use magic in the muggle area where he set up the blood wards.

    So Dumbledore must help Harry prepare to kill Tom Riddle (Lord Voldemort) but cannot train him himself in magic without risk of the life debt "collecting payment.

    Maybe the Horcrux inside of Harry gives Dumbledore abit of leway when it comes to training because it will be like hes training Voldemort as well kind of.

    This could also be used to explain why Dumbledore hadn't gone against Voldemort and killed him as soon as the war started and before he became so powerful, Dumbledore's magic is actually preventing him form directly attacking Voldemort with life threatening spells.

    Dumbledore finds ways around the life debt for short periods of time and is able to injure but not kill the Dark Lord, His magic refuses to let him cast the killing blow.

    Anyway feel free to rip this idea apart, I cant write stories for shit anyway so I wont be trying it.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2012
  18. Tomster10010

    Tomster10010 Fourth Year

    Dec 1, 2011
    A premise that I'd love to see written well.

    Instead of Prince William, the Prince and Princess of Wales married and had a daughter that was two years before William would have been, and was magical. This would place her in the class of '97, along with Harry&co. Or, she could have the same birthdate as William does and be in the class of '99. Either way, I think that this could be interesting.

    On the one hand, she would be incredibly spoiled and privileged in the Muggle world, and depending on the author's interpretation of the foundations of the Ministry of Magic, have some privilege in the Wizarding world. On the other hand, she would be Muggleborn, and subject to all of the stigma and prejudice that implies.

    My drabble:

  19. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    I'm thinking no. Aside from the fact that you've got a very different interpretation of how the royal household works than I do (even nowadays there's very little in the way of outward familial affection between royals compared to regular families), this has all the basic ingredients of a terrible self insert/super!OC fic. Not to mention that there isn't much of a plot there at all.
  20. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Incidentally, as the direct heir to the throne after her father, this girl (Caroline? Not a traditional royal name, but okay) would likely be styled Her Royal Highness from birth, and as such would have no surname to be read at the Sorting.

    And if by some bizarre circumstance she did have to use a surname, she'd be using Mountbatten-Windsor, not Windsor.
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