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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) III

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Feb 14, 2012.

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  1. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    I've seen a couple of fics like that before. Mostly they end up with the Dursleys seeing the error of their evil ways and repenting, so they all live as a happy family. Naturally, none of them were any good.
  2. Quick Ben

    Quick Ben In ur docs, stealin ur werds.

    Dec 12, 2009
    Harry has always suffered from the cold indifference of his relatives, he was always just part of the background no one really bothered with him at all. Then he discovers he is a Wizard and there is a full society of Wizards who think he is there Hero and more or less treat him as such.

    In that time he comes to believe that his arc nemesis is Voldemort that he and only him can truly vanquish him(this belief is sub conscious).

    Well thats until Voldemort returns. Voldemort dismisses Harry, it was not Harry who was taken to the graveyard, Voldemort is not seeking him out to kill him or does him torture him with visions in his sleep, simply put by ignoring harry(or actually being indifferent him to him) he no longer sees him as his equal. In the course of this you could say that Voldemort and his opposition are treating Harry like canon fodder, there is no taunting him or anything he becomes a faceless soldier in the war.

    Harry quickly loses his relevance in the war, although his friends try to keep him in the loop, he starts becoming obsessed with getting Voldemorts attention and this is where the meat of the story is, his descent into madness as he tries everything, from going after his trusted inner circle members and killing them, then torturing them maiming them, completely using the dark arts( still there is nothing from Voldemort) until finally he does something like say kill his friends(a flicker of interest).
    After that he goes on like that until he is begging Voldemort to let him join the Death eaters.

    What do you think interesting?
  3. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    While I can see this story from Harry's side, because given his upbringing he could as much become a reluctant hero as seeking any kind of attention kid. But Voldemort with his obsession with the Prophecy is more tricky. I suppose after his first attempt on Harry's life he could decide to change his approach to the one suggested by Dumbledore - it only has power over you as long as you believe in it. That could work as the reason why he ignores Harry no matter what.
  4. Quick Ben

    Quick Ben In ur docs, stealin ur werds.

    Dec 12, 2009
    Yes exactly , he realizes that when he went after Harry the First time, he more or less set the prophecy in motion or when he comes back.

    He really doesn't give a shit about Harry because the one who actually destroyed him(Lilly ) is dead.

    or it could simply be awesome manipulation on voldemorts part.
  5. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Tonks wakes up in St. Mungos, with no memory of the last eight years of her life.

    Shocked to learn that the War was over, that many of her friends were dead after the War, and that she was Nymphadora Potter, doting wife to Harry, she tries to discover what injury caused her memory loss and why her friends were murdered.

    Eventually, it's dissevered that she obliviated herself because she couldn't cope with the guilt: she killed Hermione, Ginny, etc, because she saw them as competitive threats for Harry's affections, and her marriage was a sham - she tricked, drugged, manipulated, and pulled out all the tricks in the book to gain 'her' Harry.

    In the end, Harry obliviates her - he hated her because of what she done, but he's genuinely in love with her, and hates to see her in such pain.

    He takes her burden, the knowledge. Love outweighing the hate, etc.

    This would be a murder/mystery/thriller story, and -frankly- I'm crap at those.

    Or Ginny/Tracy/Daphne/whoever wakes up with amnesia - turns out that she's really Tonks; she killed Ginny, took her identity, and then obliviated herself, also suppressing her metamorphmagus abilities.

    I dunno.
  6. Hero of Stupidity

    Hero of Stupidity Villain of Sensibility ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Oct 5, 2010
    High Score:
    Second one could be awesome, some heavy mistery parts, wit only alluding to the part of her real identity...
  7. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    AU Deathly Hallows.

    Starts more or less the same - perhaps with a non-retarded flight from Privet Drive (seriously? You can't apparate because it's illegal? Are you at war or not?).

    The main divergence would be Dumbledore's will. Firstly, the bequests wouldn't be handled by the Ministry, but privately by the Order. As if Dumbledore would trust the Ministry with something that important.

    But here's where everything changes: Dumbledore knows that Harry isn't ready. So in his will, e provides instructions for Harry to receive the instruction he needs, from the only person who can truly understand Voldemort, now that Dumbledore is gone: Gellert Grindelwald.

    Dumbledore is convinced Grindelwald has truly repented, so gives Harry the instructions necessary to break him out of Nurmengard. First action set-piece is a prison break-in/break-out.

    So you have some kind of Harry tutored by Grindelwald affair, while they track down the horcruxes. Meanwhile, Grindelwald is trying to teach harry the one thing Dumbledore never could: the will to kill. Harry, being Harry, is extremely reluctant. This culminates in Grindelwald forcing Harry to kill him - by attacking Harry.

    Not sure where it'd go from there. Obviously towards some confrontation with Voldemort.
  8. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    That reminds me a lot of The General by NTR, with the roles a bit switched. Still, it's not a terrible idea.
  9. Lindsey

    Lindsey Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    I am currently working on something similar to what you suggested, Taure.

    Moody never gets caught at the end of GoF because Harry is instantly arrested for Cedric's murder. He faces trial during the summer and Dumbledore is unable to get him off as the 'evidence' is overwhelming. Harry is found guilty and sent to Azkaban.

    Six months have passed, Dumbledore is powerless to get Harry out. Dumbledore has lost most of his political power. When Snape reports that Voldemort is planning on making a visit to Azkaban, he has no choice but find another way to get Harry out.

    Dumbledore gets Grindlewald out of prison, having him swear that he would not hurt either of them and to follow their instructions. Together, they would break into Azkaban (EPIC MAGIC SCENE), save Harry and flee.

    Wanted by international law as well as Voldemort's followers, they travel around the world training Harry and gathering followers who believe them (old Grindlewald peeps perhaps).

    You would also have Grindlewald wanting to teach Harry the Dark Arts, Dumbledore trying to keep Harry on the right path, and cool unique magic outside of Hogwarts.

    Biggest problem I'm having with the fic. I have the beginning but the middle of my story is currently: Epic Magic, cool adventures and kick-ass mentors. I just don't have a good plan all the way through.
  10. Probellum

    Probellum Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2011
    Among the Moose
    I expect mocking for this idea, but it's been bugging me for god knows how long. I'm currently high off of my meds, so I'm blaming any grammar errors on that. And my faulty keyboard. And my tendency to miss a key while typing.

    Anyway, This little idea starts with thus. The Universe was shaped by Eldritch beings, known as Gods, who have gone by numerous names throughout their infinite existence. They created the Universe as a form of entertainment, akin to Humans watching television, or playing a video game. Because it is entertainment to them, they like to switch things up, and when the Universe starts to get boring, they essentially hit the reset button, where they change certain things within it.

    At first, they started off the Universe with simple things, like Rocks and Fire. Then they added Air, and Water, and Electricity. This was the "First Universe," and it quickly bored them. They started adding other things, and by the Third Universe they had creatures of all sorts.

    Now that we have some background, I'll expand a bit more. In one of the early Universes, the Gods kind of...dropped the ball. They created a being that had the potential to actually harm them, if it grew powerful enough. Unfortunately, because of its very nature they couldn't kill it themselves and therefore had to take a more roundabout way. So, they created something with just as much potential, though without the "Killing Gods," part. Humans.

    Easily their most interesting creation, the Humans quickly grew into a formidable force, even though they did have the tendency to squabble amongst themselves. In fact, they were so interesting, that in later Universes, they based even more life forms off them. But I digress. As the Human Race became stronger, they learned many different things, all the while combating the "Godslayer." Many fell to beast, and it seemed that not even The Gods' newest creature could stand up to it. Until one person, one human, stood up to the beats and defeated it.

    This person had become strong enough to defeat the Godslayer, and in doing so had achieved a level almost on par with the gods themselves. Quickly realizing that they may have given humans a bit too much potential, but finding them too interesting to just do away with them, they instead allowed the one who defeated the monster to live through the resetting of the Universes. There was the restriction of being limited to only interacting with the Universe a small number times.

    Throughout time, he/she has helped the Human Race survive, keeping the Universes interesting longer than they would be without him/her. (From now on, I'm simply gonna say "him.")

    The present Universe, one of the many that have focused on a mix of Magic and Technology, though keeping them separate, will be a special one. The One Who Defeated is approaching ascension to Godhood, where he'll no longer be allowed to interfere as much with the Universe. (At least, not after the forming.) To this end, he has decided to take an apprentice, of sorts, so as to have someone take his place upon his Ascension. Though having attempted so once already with this Universe, teaching the one known as "Merlin," and using two of his allotted interferences, has decided to try again. The one he has chosen is a "Power," (one who has been given more potential than most -I.E. Hercules, King Arthur, Achilles and Hector, Thor, etc.) known as Harry Potter.

    The plan for the story itself, is to have Harry fight Voldemort, who is also a Power, while getting the occasional help from the Near-Omnipotent Being. It would be less of having harry be given a bunch of cool powers and more towards having someone give him guidance, to achieve power on his own. (Though a couple things could be thrown in, they'd probably only be aught if Harry asked to be taught them.)

    And of course, Voldemort would be suitably more powerful as well.

    Would you believe hat actually started out as a Naruto/HP cross-over idea, before I realized i could be used with pretty much anything?

    KHAAAAAAAN!! Troll in the Dungeon –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 18, 2011
    Under your bed.
    High Score:
    Every physicist on the planet just face-palmed.

    OT. The premise is mildly compelling, but it would probably work better as original fiction. If you do incorporate HP, you'd need a damn good author to make a half-decent coherent product.
  12. Dnar Semaj

    Dnar Semaj Seventh Year

    Aug 27, 2011
    Ann Arbor
    I agree with Khan. It would work better as original fiction. The HP universe would kinda just be shoehorned in. It wouldn't fit.

    I would read it though.
  13. Probellum

    Probellum Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2011
    Among the Moose
    As I said, the story started as Naruto/HP idea, and I needed a way to get Naruto into the HP universe w/o having the entire focus on being him alone. Of course, I didn't want to use one of the more cliche options, and instead made this. Then, as I said, I realized it could work with many universe instead of Naruto, including an original one.

    Of course, now that I've gotten some sleep, and have yet to take my meds, I can see that the story probably would work better as original fiction. Still, this was the original idea, and could probably work. It also has the benefits of leaving any fic open ended, giving possibilities for a sequel, or even series documenting Harry's adventures in the resets.

    I only regret that I can't work on the story myself, at least not right now, as my medicine messes with my head. Most of my current attempts at writing are sub-par, mostly from my tendency to get things muddled in my head.
  14. methor

    methor Fourth Year

    Nov 30, 2011
    I was thinking about why not everyone has magic in the potterverse and I came to an amusing answer.

    What if there is only enough magic for a constant number of wizards. Too many wizards, and squibs are born. Not enough wizards, and more muggleborns appear. This would mean that the Weasleys are selfishly taking more than their fair share of magical children while Malfoy virtuously has single child.

    This would also mean that every muggleborn that appears is one more squib somewhere else. White people already complain that their child's spot was taken by affirmative action, can you imagine the reaction that the parents of a squib would have to seeing a muggleborn? And the shame of squibbery is increased by knowing that something caused magic to skip over you and pick someone else.
  15. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Serious wtf.

    For Alex Potter. Not a massive spoiler, as it's about to be covered in chapter 8 anyway.

    But still, wtf.
  16. methor

    methor Fourth Year

    Nov 30, 2011
    Sorry Taure but you got scooped.
  17. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Was going to post this in JBern's latest WBA thread, in response to a post he made about Tonks' Hogwarts leaving date, but I didn't because it'd clutter up the place.

  18. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    People who get held back a year are hardly Auror material <_<
  19. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    So she gets ruled out being an auror, and instead goes into something else.
  20. Fatality

    Fatality Order Member

    May 4, 2011
    Or if you're really set on her becoming an Auror, it's not unreasonable to think the Auror department would look past a lot of stuff in order to get their hands on a metamorphmagus. I'd say that's probably a pretty valuable ability in an Auror's line of work.

    That said, the whole Tonks being in seventh year when Harry comes to Hogwarts isn't really a new idea. You've just come up with a more plausible method of explaining why she is there rather than it just changing for no reason. It's really where you go with it from there that matters.
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