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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) III

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Feb 14, 2012.

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  1. dans l'obscurite

    dans l'obscurite First Year

    Dec 25, 2011
    I've had a plot bunny for a while based on these two snippets from the Deathly Hallows and Order of the Phoenix, respectively:

    1. "We have protected him because it has been essential to teach him, to raise him, to let him try his strength," said Dumbledore, his eyes still tight shut. "Meanwhile, the connection between them grows ever stronger, a parasitic growth. Sometimes I have thought he suspects it himself..."

    2. ...his scar had prickled occasionally, usually during the night, or else following one of those strange flashes of Voldemort's thoughts or mood that he experienced every now and then. Nowadays, however, his scar hardly ever stopped prickling, and he often felt lurches of annoyance or cheerfulness that were unrelated to what was happening to him at the time, which were always accompanied by a particularly painful twinge from his scar. He had the horrible impression that he was slowly turning into a kind of aerial that was tuned in to tiny fluctuations in Voldemorts mood...

    Made me wonder what would have happened if the connection had developed more (or more rapidly than it did in canon). Dumbledore describes the growth as 'parasitic, which really caught my attention. I've written parts of this story out, but I'm too cowardly (at least at the moment) to actually go through with it.
  2. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
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    According to JKR, the one time that the soul fragment within Harry posed any danger to him was in OotP, after Arthur was attacked, when Harry was in Dumbledore's office. The moment where he wanted to attack Dumbledore was a brief moment of possession, allowed by a momentary alignment of Harry and Voldemort's feelings - Harry was angry at Dumbledore.

    So if we take that and run with it, it seems that when Harry experiences darker emotions, he's more vulnerable to the soul fragment inside. So if he started to go bad, the horcrux would help him on his way.
  3. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I wanted to make it a point that the time travelers are powerless against prophecies.
    In the sense that no matter what they do, the prophecy still will be made, even if by someone different.
    So even if they would destroy the Horcruxes by themselves, killing Voldemort would still have to somehow involve Harry and 'the power the Dark Lord knows not'.

    Yes, while my post made them look like the good guys and the Preservers as the bad guys, I understand that things shouldn't be that black-and-white.
    I shall word myself better next time, my mistake.
    See, this is why I posted it here. You people offer perspectives I wasn't able to think of myself.

    How about this:

    The Changers want improvement.
    We could add a throwaway line explaining to Harry "in the original World War II, twice as many people died".
    They jump around the timeline, fixing things where they can. Preventing accidents, etc.
    All while making sure that their changes actually improve things.
    Wouldn't do to save someone who grows up to be a serial killer.

    On the other hand, are the Preservers, who want everything the way it was.
    While Fate may be a driving force behind their actions, they could explain that at least they are eliminating the unknown by sticking to known events.
    They don't like the Changers, seeing their manipulations as arrogant and reckless.

    Now where Harry and Voldemort enter the picture:

    The Changers know that they can't prevent the existence of the Prophecy.
    But, they can save lives of many people Death Eaters killed, such as Cedric Diggory.
    This is when they decide to guide Harry to become a competent fighter.

    The Preservers meanwhile, fear that if Cedric or Sirius survive, someone else may die in their places.
    And who knows what Diggory will become when he grows up? Perhaps he breaks the Statute of Secrecy?
    And that is why they have to make sure these people die.

    Imagine a scene at the graveyard in Little Hangleton.
    You have Voldemort with his body restored and Death Eaters with him.
    Harry is before them, fighting for his and Cedric's life.
    Meanwhile, both Outtimed groups are hidden, fighting with each other.
    Then for the sake of plot action, both groups are revealed and the Dark Lord takes notice.
    THEN the story actually kicks off, as Voldemort steals a Time-Artifact and attempts to rewrite history.
    The Changers and Presevers are forced to work together, because Voldemort ruling the world isn't either according to the plan, nor an improvement.
    And it has to involve Harry, because of the Prophecy.
    That would be a cool story, with Potter and Riddle appearing in different periods of history, fighting and changing events.
  4. dans l'obscurite

    dans l'obscurite First Year

    Dec 25, 2011
    Taure, you are a genius.
  5. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
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    Don't encourage him.
  6. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    That sounds right down Joe's alley.
  7. lightningdrifter

    lightningdrifter First Year

    Feb 19, 2012
    This idea has been stuck in my head quite some time, though I will personally never write it. ( I has no skills in writing stuff. Yes that was deliberate.)

    We always have the stories where Harry, the Golden trio, or whoever the fuck goes back in time to stop Voldemort and blah blah blah.

    The premises here is what if instead Voldemort was in Harry's time? As in there was no war or dark lords after Grindelwald. The way Voldemort is born stays the same, but instead he is born in the same year as Harry(or the year before it, to be canon correct since every child has to already be 11 before starting Hogwarts.)

    As such it would be pretty AU and would need a few OC's. You could also have Sirius on the "dark" side (personally the way I see it , he would remain a black and not be removed from the family as they wouldn't push him away as much as they did in Canon because of the war etc ..)

    The prophecy would still be intact but would need to be slightly altered. It could possibly be a story with two POV's. It would also be possible to show how Voldemort builds his empire/army and how Harry fights against it/ pushes Voldemort more towards the "dark or evil " side.

    Would probably be epic if done by a decent author, if anyone wants it then please be my guest and take the idea and run with it =). Can also PM me to see what else I have written down for it (not much).

    P.S. please don't crucify me too badly now =)
  8. dans l'obscurite

    dans l'obscurite First Year

    Dec 25, 2011
    I've seen the whole 'Voldemort in Harry's time' thing done before. Tom is three years older than Harry in the fic, but they still definitely interact. Forgot who wrote it but I'm pretty sure I can find the fic.

    Found it. This fic: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5277078/1/The_Heir_of_Slytherin

    It's actually pretty decent, imo.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2012
  9. lightningdrifter

    lightningdrifter First Year

    Feb 19, 2012
    15k words and starts in the middle of a random plot. But relatively interesting lol =) my idea is something like this but bigger, longer and better. Still thanks for sharing.

  10. CrackedMind

    CrackedMind Chief Warlock

    Jul 17, 2011
    Xandral, that's pretty similar to an idea AridLegion and I have, that's also based off an idea someone posted in PBT2 awhile back.

    there are multiple universes, forming a multiverse. And there are multiple multiverses, forming a web who's center is our "multiverse". For every major decision in your life, another universe forms with the "what-if I'd gone the other way" scenario.

    Now I've had this idea running through my head after reading AK. He's a Harry helping other Harry's, but why is he the only one who can travel through universes?

    My idea is that over the infinite number of universes in the HP multiverse, there are a select few whom know the secret to travel through the universes. More often than not, it's a Harry. They form something akin to a Universal Police Force, known as the Keepers.

    Now, in the beginning of their formation, they would actively help change the universes for the better, but it'd just stem a different universe where they were never there, or where their plan failed, because while when they leave the universe their exempt from Nature's laws, when they arrive, they follow the same principle that guides all universes (as listed above).

    So they stopped. Their job description changed from helping everyone to merely stopping those who'd destroy everything.

    And they do it well, for eons. for eternities. They are beyond time, in a sort of in-between universes void where time doesn't exist.

    Until one Keeper goes mad. He was one of the original Keepers; pressed into duty by some higher being almost none have seen except for the original 7. He has seen his wife, his children, his friends, his family, and everyone he has ever known die billions of times, and he cracks. He can never leave the service, and he is a slave to destiny like every Harry basically is.

    So he devices a way where he can truly make the one choice: destroy everything. He kills all of the Keepers except for the two; the Original One and one of the other 5. The other one, whom I internally refer to as Paradox, must stop the rogue Keeper before he destroys all of the multiverses. But to do that, he needs to gather a team, and so he carefully recruits 6 Harry's from across the multiverse.

    Now, the idea I heard where I based this part off of named famous HP fics. But in my mind, the authors would never be able to truly mesh. So the idea would be to use Harry's myself or Arid made up. There was mention of a Cowboyish Harry, a Pirate, a demigod, a Indiana Jones!Harry, a master of death who acts as a reaper for his universe, and something with Pokemon. No real idea for that aside from the cowboy and demigod.

    I digress, however. So the idea would be the 7 Harry's traveling through multiverses to stop the Rogue from destroying everything, meaning reasonable crossovers with it. Though, it does have a twist: their multiverses literally are trying to kill them every second they're in it.

    I'll explain: the Harry's are foreign from any universe they enter, so I had an idea where the universes treated them almost like virus, and are trying to violently expel them from it as quickly as possible. So first it might be a bit of odd aggression from the natives. But it could quickly go to lightning and lava and hurricanes. The more different the Harry's are to the native multiverse ,the more present it gets. So they want to get the hell out of dodge as quickly as possible and stop the rogue from destroying the 7 chains that prevent people from just waltzing into the Prime Multiverse.

    So it would be a safety mechanism from getting to extreme with the crossovers and keep them relatively quick.

    And the other idea as a tie in would be the Original One recruiting more Keepers from the Multiverse, using a Video Game style to teach them how to understand and emphasis with all Harry's, so as to better do their job. And thus, we could have the first good reasoned HP Video Game fic.

    That's the basic idea, and we have some writing for it. Any ideas, additions, etc?
  11. Hawkin

    Hawkin Chief Warlock

    Apr 20, 2011
    QC, Canada
    That's actually an interesting idea. Didn't someone had something similar with Famous HP character in fanfic. About like seven of them being summoned to stop Voldemort or something like that.

    I think the idea of the multiverses actually rejecting the Keepers is brilliant. It imposes a flexible constraint to the conflict. The only thing I'd say is to keep is original. In one universe the native are hostile, in another lightning and lava, in another strange things seems to impede them (Final Destination style), etc. I think it could really be one of the most interesting part of your story.

    How would the rogue keeper actually destroy the multiverse?
  12. Hero of Stupidity

    Hero of Stupidity Villain of Sensibility ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Oct 5, 2010
    High Score:
    So what if Grindelwald had a FUBAR scenario planned and made plan accordingly? What I mean, that we know that Albus and Gellert were obsessed with the legends of the Hallows, so Gellert counted on Albus belief that his wand was the Elder wand and would take it if Gellert died(he didn't thought that Albus would kill him) so he created a horcrux in his wand. Then when Albus began using the obviously powerful and magical wand, he began slowly posses him or influence him kinda like the locket in the DH but faster because the close contact that is between wizard and wand.

    It could be a basis of a MOB!Dumbledore or simply Crazy!Dumbledore if he is strong enough to fight the horcrux influence.
  13. Brukel

    Brukel Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Mar 19, 2012
    New Zealand
    There's already a fic like that. It's one of those Harry/Daphne OMG America stories.
    Harry Potter Wizarding Savior

    Pretty sure that's it in all its "glory".
  14. Nauro

    Nauro Headmaster

    Oct 20, 2011
    There was a Grindledore in Jamie Evans and Fate's Bitch (Fool)
    It was somewhat the opposite though, there Albus had a Horcrux in Gellert.
  15. Dark-Stallion

    Dark-Stallion Professor

    Oct 25, 2007
    Hmm, got a little bunny jumping around my head which I'm not sure I'm going to get round to writing or not. Basically starts post 5th year, think typical post-OotP sad Harry moping about Sirius, when BOOM!

    Remus bursts into his room, damn hear ripping it off it's hinges, a mad look in his silver.... silver? eyes. He paces around for a few moments, breathing heavily and looking less like the modest bookworm and more like the powerful wizard come werewolf he is. His robes are more tattered than usual, his eyes sunken into his skull, but he's standing straighter than before, his shoulders broad and tense.

    Harry has moved to the side of the room, is shitting himself, when Remus finally turns towards him, those cold calculating eyes looking deep into his soul. "I'm done with it all"

    "D-done with what, Remus?"

    "Dumbledore, the Order, the fucking GREATER GOOD" Lupin roars the last part, picking up the old wooden chair that lived under his ratty desk and smashing it against the wall. Splinters of wood fly everywhere as the chair disintegrates on impact, the loud crash echoing through the now silent, tense room. "I'm done with it all."

    He turns to Harry again, running a hand through his mousy hair. "The Death Eaters, Voldemort" he spits the name with such venom that Harry actually flinches, "they're going to pay. I'm going to make them all pay. I'm here because everything they've taken from me they've also robbed from you. Are you with me?"

    And so starts an over-the-edge Remus hell bent on delivering sweet justice to any Death Eater he can lay his paws on, and a Harry who tags/is dragged along. At first he is out of his depth, questioning and unsure of their actions, but he sounds finds himself in too deep to back out and resolves to finish what they've started. The scope is pretty big, and there are loads of arcs running through my mind, but as of yet I'm still unsure if I'm going to get to writing it so thought I'd splurge it out in here.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2012
  16. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    No. What's compelling/worthwhile about this plot bunny? Or even qualifies it as something not shat out by my 15 year-old self?
  17. Dark-Stallion

    Dark-Stallion Professor

    Oct 25, 2007
    Remus loosing it and tearing up shit rather than being a passive nothing character? He was one of my favourite characters up until he became useless post OotP, and it'd serve as a nice platform to explore the dynamics of werewolf society; I remember I brought up the idea of Greyback being called "Fenrir" as a title (stemming from the Norse myth) in a previous fic, and it could be an interesting segment here too.
  18. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    To be honest, the moment you used the fanon, blanket motivation called 'the Greater Good' for Dumbledore, I automatically disregarded the entire idea as crap.


    Not that it was any good in the first place, frankly.
  19. Dark-Stallion

    Dark-Stallion Professor

    Oct 25, 2007
    Guess I'll have to prove you haters wrong then! Baddass Remus is happening.
  20. bob99

    bob99 High Inquisitor

    Aug 14, 2011
    A badass Remus could be cool, but the introduction sucks. If you want his personality to suddenly change, have it happen at the beginning when James and Lily are killed.
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