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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) III

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Feb 14, 2012.

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  1. Kravot

    Kravot Fourth Year

    Nov 11, 2009
    Have Harry break (or lose) his wand in one of the first chapters. Then Harry is much more balanced, and you can have a theme of Harry trying to build/find a new wand. I say let him find some kind of magical focus that isn't as good as a wand (burns out after a while/can't cast most spells).

    I think a crossover is doable, and I'll be glad to find a good one.
  2. CosmosGravitation

    CosmosGravitation Professor

    Sep 27, 2006
    What's the point of including Harry Potter if he can't use magic or can't use magic effectively? Personally, I've never found canon Harry's character interesting enough to carry a story on its own.

    If one wants to put a wizard in the Song of Ice and Fire series I think a better choice would be Harry Dresden. Maybe Dresden from just after Death Masks so Lash is with him to help him with languages and stuff.
  3. Kravot

    Kravot Fourth Year

    Nov 11, 2009
    In a way, I get what your saying, and because of that I think that many think that the Harry Potter verse and ASOIF verse can't be crossovered (?). But I do think there is more to Harry Potter as a character than magic.

    I myself think that it is possible to have Harry in Westros, but the author most find a way to preserve the conflicts (or even create new ones). I see the most probable way to preserve conflicts is to limit Harry's magic.

    The point of ASOIF, for me, is the characters themselves, their interaction with each other, the power struggles between those characters and how all of these relate to the plot. So, if I want to include any character into the the ASOIF world, I want to see them interact with the character and the plot, while actually being interesting themselves.

    And while having Harry Potter with unrestricted acess to his magic fucking around in the ASOIF world might be fun for a while, it can't ,in my opinion, be a basis for a good, solid noncracky fic. By siding with one side/faction Harry can, and probably will, break the power struggles. All the conflicts in the ASOIF can be easily resolved by a Harry who has the abilities and the will to do so.

    While canon harry isn't the most developed character I've read about, I do find him interesting, and I will like to see him in all kinds of situation, like being dumped in the ASOIF verse. (btw, nobody said it's canon Harry that is crossovered. Heck, I think the best crossovers I've read are a bit liberal with their Harry)
  4. CosmosGravitation

    CosmosGravitation Professor

    Sep 27, 2006
    I agree that's the best way to preserve conflict, but Harry Potter's magic system is what I find most interesting about the HP world and characters. Take it away or severely limit it and I'm not interested.

    I agree completely. But my solution isn't to deprive or limit Harry's magic, it's simply not to write/read that particular crossover.

    If one wants to write a crossover with Song of Ice and Fire, there are plenty of other interesting characters out there to stick in the world without significantly upsetting the power balance or significantly limiting the abilities of the character you're crossing over with.

    Others, of course, might well be interested in reading about a magically impaired Harry Potter in George Martin's world. I'm not one of them.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2012
  5. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    It is not like Harry will the only one who has power any way. I mean the red woman of Stannis. She has one hell of ability almost as good as magic.

    It isn't like wand is the only way to use magic.I would like to see Harry struggling to find a place for himself in westros without his wand. I would like to see Harry reading palms on corner for quick coin, using his half remembered potions knowledge to save a child's life by brewing something. He would struggle to find a wand or some other focus. People as they learned about him would start to flock to his banner later on seeing Harry as some sort of religious prophet.

    Look out WitchKing of Westros coming. :awesome

    Or I wish he did.
  6. ray243

    ray243 Seventh Year

    Mar 23, 2009
    I think such a crossover can work as a non-crack fic, if you are writing it as an one-shot short story.
  7. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Of course, if one were in the mood, they could always just embrace the world-breaking aspect of HP magic in such a crossover, and simply write a curb-stomp fic. :eek:

    I have nothing against a good curb-stomp, as long as it's reasonably entertaining, and I have something within reach to snack on...

    ...and I'm in the mood to floss popcorn hulls out of my receding gum line.

    Though, if one wanted to see it as a challenge, there's no reason why a curb-stomp fic can't be engaging and thought provoking, in addition to satisfying baser pleasures.
  8. Jeram

    Jeram Elder of Zion ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 27, 2006
    High Score:
    The reason that there aren't many "ASOIAF" fanfics is that GRRM does not allow it - however, HBO has said nothing about Game of Thrones, which is functionally identical. Loophole.
  9. Scrib

    Scrib The Chosen One

    Dec 31, 2008
    Curbstomp fics don't work in a universe like ASOIAF I think. Anita Blake? Twilight? Dresden? Yeah. You can make it work. Not so for Game of Thrones in my opinion.
  10. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    That's because ASOIAF is almost entirely about what the Maer would call the difference between inherent power and granted power... namely, that no one has sufficient inherent power to be immune from those with granted power. It's all about granted power: the power of command, of privilege, of wealth. The kind of power that can easily be taken away.

    It's what makes the dragons such a powerfully attractive story element. In a world of granted power, dragons are an inherent power capable of overwhelming everything else.
  11. Reece

    Reece Second Year

    Jul 7, 2011
    Now do note that I was blazed out of my head when I thought this up so it may sound insane and/stupid.

    The ministry of magic was founded on top of the site of the last known duel between the four founders, the veil itself was the product of a Salazars increasingly mad experiments with dark magic.

    When he felt he was losing Salazar made a last ditch attempt to escape death/ capture and threw himself through the veil, fully aware that it would dump his ass in any number of random alternate worlds, the other founders weren't willing to follow him so they simply sealed the area from the muggles and ordered their own followers/students to study the veil and try to find its purpose.

    Salazar himself landed in the world of Naruto as little more than a spirit bound to his robes/cloak/crappy leather armour and scratchy cotton garb. Unable to go further than five hundred metres from the second veil that had sprung up and allowed him entrance.

    So he waits, saturating the area around him with magic. Now where he was dumped is actually inside the head of the Hokage mountain, more specifically the head of the Fourth Hokage, so through some contrived coincidence, Naruto meets Salazar (there was more but the half high notes I made sort of deteriorate here)

    Then it ends with Naruto, Salazar and the three members of the Sound team that attacked Naruto and co in the forest of death attempting to flee from their new compound in Mist, whilst being pursued by Jiraya, Kakashi, Neji and Team 8.

    There's a big fight between the magical Naruto (he doesn't do too well, magic is good but by now he's only at mid-chunin speed and the spells he knows are limited to brutal, dark curses, a few shields, charms and a couple of wards to keep muggles away)

    They then flee through the veil, Salazar having spent most of his time trapped inside the Hokage mountain trying to perfect the veil, and appear in the middle of the British countryside sans pursuers.

    At this point it just goes batshit crazy, when they arrive Salazar possessed Naruto and portkeys them all to a remote section of Portugal and inside one of his old homes, nothing more than a slightly decayed castle, a few dozen bedrooms, a courtyard and a small section of forest, but it's warded against intruders.

    From there Salazar possesses a muggle, discovers how much the world had changed and then tries to use that to his advantage, making Naruto apparate into war torn third world countries, abduct the mercenearies and bringing them back to their villa to brainwash them, cover them in enchanted armour, fit them with charmed weapons and build up an army of elite death soldiers.

    The ultimate goal of this? Finding Excalibur, which is less of an actual weapon and more the concept of absolute sovereignty over England, the power to alter reality to your whims, but it has to be taken from the previous owner by force, then taken to the seat of power in England (London) which also has to be taken by force, and then driven into the stone that sits below the Arthur's throne in Avalon...
    And Avalon is not a place but a separate pocket dimension located inside of the tree that Merlin was confined to...and Arthur is a reanimated skeleton wreathed in fiendfyre that guards both the tree and the throne of Avalon.

    Once they get the weapon and the stone they then launch an attack on London when Salazar posses a crew member of a vanguard submarine, then kills the remaining members bar the needed personal for launch and then charms one of the missiles to be undetectable to radar and launches a 100kt missile at Westminister.

    Luckily the ministry of magic does have wards against this, but they are outdated and only capable to defending against smaller scale nuclear strikes of 40-50KT, so while they do negate the blast to a large degree Westminister still takes a 25KT airburst nuke head on.

    Salazar then casts fiendfyre in the sub and de-possess the poor sailor leaving him and the others to die.

    Then Naruto and the Sound team roll up in previously invisible eighteen wheelers and begin to fortify the city against whatever counter-attack would come from the British military and the ministry of magic...

    Like I said: Blazed out of my mind.

    The othe idea was a Naruto/Mass effect with the demons as massive internal reactors aboard ships powered by billions of interconnecting seals, reality warping Kamui weapons, Tailed beast bomb main guns and body armour that was powered by chakra batteries stored within seals etched into the users bones that allowed them to go hyper sonic and rip reapers apart with their bare hands.

    And that the ninja were actually the result of a colony ship crash landing ad slowly people simply went native on the new world forgetting their space faring origins while the rest of their empire collapsed into civil wars brought on by the leviathans mental manipulation.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2012

    KHAAAAAAAN!! Troll in the Dungeon –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 18, 2011
    Under your bed.
    High Score:
    My brain just committed suicide.
  13. Reece

    Reece Second Year

    Jul 7, 2011
    You think that mine didn't?

    Like I said man: Blazed out of my fucking mind.

    Or rather: Blazed out of my mind. The 'fucking' was merely for emphasis, as well as an attempt to distance myself even further from that batshit idea. I mean that thing was so weird I could get high to it.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2012
  14. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    You know, I wanted to say that it's a really, really bad plot bunny, but I changed my mind. I think it can be done if you embrace its ridiculousness, but at the same time don't simply make a crack fic out of it.
  15. Reece

    Reece Second Year

    Jul 7, 2011
    Oh god no I couldn't do something like that, I'm way to OCD to make anything more than a short story because everything I write is either the epitome of bad writing, both in plot terms and simple linguistic skills.

    Or it reads like Skynet edited it with the thesaurus opened to a random page every third word.
  16. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    I stopped reading right there.
  17. Hero of Stupidity

    Hero of Stupidity Villain of Sensibility ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Oct 5, 2010
    High Score:
    I was just sitting here and reading and I even stopped masturbating. Just wut.
  18. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    Man, you're so hardcore.
  19. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Says the guy with "The Ghetto" as his location. :rolleyes:
  20. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    It's in jest, and if you didn't know that by just looking at it... >_>
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