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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) III

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Feb 14, 2012.

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  1. Quick Ben

    Quick Ben In ur docs, stealin ur werds.

    Dec 12, 2009
    Voldemort finally gained his immortality and in the process so did everyone else on earth as no Magical human being could die. No one can die but people can still get sick or injured.

    The Wizards go to war against the Muggles for land and at the beginning of the story they have mostly been wiped out(with the survivors either hiding out or leaving as slaves and a means to reproduce for the wizards)

    Voldemort is now more else public enemy number one since he is one of the few people who are looking for a way to bring back death.

    The story would begin with Harry killing someone and having to go into hiding as he becomes known as The-boy-who-killed.

    That's about it the only other thing I've thought of is that there would be a religious cult that goes around trying to convince everyone that they are all already dead and they are just in limbo and they should be seeking the true death, basically the dustmen.

    Also a cannibal that eats wizards just to see if they stay alive in his stomach.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2013
  2. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    The wizard named "Flight from Death" is one of the guys trying to bring it back? Somehow I doubt that.

    If no one dies Voldemort is perfectly happy running things from behind the scenes, as he did in the sixth and seventh books. I just don't buy the premise or why Voldemort would care If everyone else was immortal too.

    What if the protection Harry gives at the end of book 7 applies to all wizards and as master of death it is Harry's job to set things right through (insert plot here) and various wizards either help or try to stop Harry and co for personal reasons (some are old, in poor health, want to die to be with their loved ones, etc).
  3. Quick Ben

    Quick Ben In ur docs, stealin ur werds.

    Dec 12, 2009
    I thought it was ironical and the reason why Voldemort wants to bring back death is simply because he's got a God complex and he feels like he was somehow cheated out of his reward for beating death.

    There is also the fact that knowing how to bring about death would give him just as much power as he would have had he been the only one that was immortal. He could become the master of death.

    Your idea is pretty good to.
  4. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Not really a plot bunny, but just a random plot-thought:

    "What if Grindelwald was behind the events of Wolfenstein? Perhaps he was experimenting with death and necromancy? With all the undead and demons..."
  5. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    While the first part is an interesting idea, I agree with Wildfeather that Voldemort trying to bring back death is a bit of an odd idea - quite possibly, if everyone else got immortality when he did, than whatever might reverse a single person's immortality would also render everyone else mortal again as well, and I'm not sure that Voldemort would be willing to take that chance, especially if there are still means of disposing of his opposition.

    I'd suggest this instead; Avada Kedavra now slams anyone hit by it into a magically induced coma beyond the means of normal revival. It no longer grants permanent removal of whoever he wanted gone, but unless or until someone finds a means of developing/brewing an answer to the coma, the victim is still essentially gotten rid of and can be otherwise deposed of in an unplottable location thereafter.

    Voldemort is strictly opposed to anyone researching how to revive an AK'd victim as it would diminish his impact on the rest of society, thus removing his favored card.

    The problem with the other-side picking a test subject to AK for their research would thus be finding someone with the right ability to carry it out. Most who would try just can't infuse the necessary oomph of intention besides Voldemort and his top Death Eaters.

    Harry takes it upon himself to find the answer, either confronting Voldemort or some other way - and the story would focus at least in part on his time in la-la land trying to drag his mind back to consciousness. Whether he learns anything of value that can be applied to the others during that struggle or not is another matter, but it would at least prove to the world that the Avada Kedavra-coma can still be broken out of with enough time and persistence.
  6. bakkasama

    bakkasama Seventh Year

    Apr 20, 2012
    Then again, that would mean that Voldemort is still vulnerable to the AK.

    So, I was thinking the other day about how there are many cliches in fanfiction and how there are stories whose premise is either one of those cliches done differently or a parody of many of them and it occurred to me as a creative exercise to see how many cliches done differently can someone add to a story before it becomes lame. This is what is thought so far:

    Harry wakes up in a completely white room, one on which he has never been before but that somehow resembles a bar. Doors are locked and he can't see past the windows, making him wonder if he is buried under snow or if it's really misty outside. He tries to remember how he got there but he can only recall grabbing the triwizard cup with Cedric. He hears a noise and turns around, wand in hand but see nobody there. He still hears someone pacing so he suppose the other person is invisible and is making no effort to conceal his presence. Harry calls him out on this and, after a few seconds, he begins to glimpse something. The man does not take out the invisibility cloak he is wearing but leaves it open so that the boy can see parts of him. The man wears all black under the cloak, is white as a sheet, on his way to becoming bald and with a tinge of red on his eyes. The boy asks who he is and where are they to which the man responds that they must be on some sort of mental construct that takes the shape of the Hog's Head inn and that, since it seems that Harry does not recognize it, it probably is his mind in which they are, leading to the question of whether Harry is a figment of his imagination or the real thing. The teen of course argues that he is real and asks the man again who is he to which the man looks at Harry with a confused expression and confess that he is Neville Longbottom. Harry snorts at this since he knows Neville and he used the same lie against Stan almost two years before and tells the man this. The adult wizard looks bewildered and ask if Harry knows nothing of what happened and, when answered with a negative, ask what is the last thing he remembers.

    Harry begins to think about what happened. He grabbed the cup, was portkeyed to a graveyard and then he remembers a flash of green light. Realizing what probably happened, ha asks 'Neville' if he is dead and who killed him. 'Neville answers that yes, he was killed. Apparently, Wormtail was supposed to kill Cedric with that curse but missed and hit Harry instead. Very tragic. This is followed by the revelation that, in the world of the living, it is the year 2035 and the confused statement that he doesn't know how is it possible that Harry doesn't know that he is dead since all the dead people he has talked to are at least vaguely aware of the fact and some of the happenings of the world of the living.

    'Neville the starts, for Harry's sake, a brief recounting of what happened since his death. Voldemort returned with all fanfare, the ministry acknowledged it and began recruiting, Umbridge is placed to teach DADA but it is mostly ministry propaganda except for the NEWT students and information about how to contact the ministry and basic security measures (since, even if they realize that the dark lord returned they don't want to add wand happy people to the confusion) and seminars for those that want to join the Aurors later on. Hermione and Ron think that this is not enough and that they must take the fight to Voldemort and start the DA, to which Neville joins. Dumbledore is killed in a similar fashion to cannon (and at Harry's outrage 'Neville' assures him that they did kill Snape for that). The hall of prophesy is destroyed before of that and rumors of one of them that warns of the dark lord downfall start to circulate.

    Neville and co. find out about the first part of the prophesy. Hermione and Ron are killed by Voldemort when their son is born at the end of July because of it ('Neville' comments that they drew closer to each other after Harry's death and began dating on their fifth year). Voldemort ending all resistance in Britain and moving on to other countries when similar movements begin to pop all across Europe.

    And then, a ray of hope for the resistance when Luna Lovegood (who Harry does not know since he died in fourth year) proves the existence of Nargles. Hermione and her had been investigating them before the former one died and had theorized that they could work for time travel. It took years to decode Hermione's notes after she was killed but eventually they were ready to test it. Unfortunately, their test subject died two weeks before the test run. Same with the next one. It turns out that, while the ritual they made could send someone's soul and memories across time, Death was not too keen to allow it and whenever one of the subjects was discovered as a time traveler, he/she died instantly, so they couldn't do anything to reveal their identity if they wanted to live, something they discovered by dumb luck and was very impractical.

    This is resolved after Luna comments something about the deathly hallows (cue for 'Neville' to explain to Harry what those are). Neville looks for them, becomes master of death, attempts time traveling and doesn't die since death can't find him. For some reason though, he can't use the stone to call upon people who died before his first time travel anymore.

    From them onwards, they use it in the war. For some reason it is too strenuous to use it to go to a date more than two weeks from the start point but that is enough. Since they go to a previous date not to far away, they still have the materials for the time travel so they can continue to repeat the same two weeks until everything goes perfectly and then move on to the following weeks. They get then more than six months of everything they do going smoothly. But then, one day, Voldemort begins to predict their moves. At first they think they have a traitor but, several repeats afterward, they realize the horrible truth: The dark Lord has discovered how to travel though time. Furthermore, since Death has not taken him yet, they have to assume that he is immortal.

    What follows is a war like there never was before. Plot within plots to fool the opponent, so that they don't realize what they are doing until after the time traveling limit, of repeating the same days over and over again, changing tactics each time because so does the enemy. In this period is when Neville's body begins to change into the one of 'Neville' and he realize that the hops though time are more burdensome each time. He begins to suspect that his soul won't take it if he keeps doing it. Therefore, they come upon the ultimate plan. The trip is burdensome to those alive so they are going to send the soul of someone who died even further.

    At this point Harry asks if they were going to send him to which 'Neville' answers him not to be an idiot. They know that Dumbledore had all of the deathly hallows at some point or the other and is infinitely more capable so they were going to send him. Unfortunately, they couldn't contact him with the stone anymore so, on a hunch, 'Neville' decided to enter the veil carrying all the deathly hallows to ask him what the **** was his problem (cue explanation of what the veil is). And that is how he got there. And since he couldn't find the headmaster, he was going to conscript Harry. After all, since the cloak was supposed to hide from death, it should be enough to protect him from it. Probably.

    So Harry is send back in time to the summer before he gets the Hogwarts letter (as precaution they don't want to send his soul while he is in the castle in case it's magic interferes with the ritual). His mission is to obtain ownership of the cloak (otherwise he would die if he was discovered), tell Dumbledore about Snape and the future and, if possible, find out why is Voldemort immortal. He only knows magic up to the end of his fourth year, has no idea that Snape is a spy or what an horcrux is, doesn't know about the room of requirement. The reason he was unlike other dead people was that he was an horcrux, so he couldn't move on until Voldemort died.

    Next thing he knows, Harry wakes up... in Dudley's body and therefore without being a parselmouth or ownership of the invisibility cloak.

    This is when things gets freaky. All time travel in this story works under two rules, discovered by Merlin:
    1-Time is finite in amount and when consumed, magic is created.
    2-It is impossible to cause a time paradox.
    One would think that the second rule would be broken with all the time travel made by Neville and Voldemort but there is one way to avoid it: if, instead of going back to the past, they go to the future. Once the ritual is realized, History stops at that point and it begins again up to the part when the traveler arrives. So, if time was to be represented as a line that goes from point 0 to A and someone wanted to travel to point B in between, what would actually happen would be that A would become 0' and history would restart there until reaching point B' akin to B at which point the soul and memories of the traveler takes control
    of the new version of him. If he reached point A' and used the ritual again trying to go to point C in between 0' and A', it would become 0'' and restart history, repeating all that happened from 0 to 0' and then to C' including B' (which, in the new series would become B''). Therefore, every time the ritual is used, you double the amount of time spent by the universe, until it runs out of it and the universe ends and it also opens the possibility for multiple time travelers.

    The Harry-Dudley who is the main character is actually on his second repeat of his time travel. When he was sent back in time by 'Neville' and ended in Dudley's body by accident, the Horcrux in him was also sent back and ended in a different body. Harry was somewhat successful on his quest against Voldemort, destroying some of his horcruxes (not all) but failing to finish the job. Voldemort then decides to make more horcruxes but it proves to be too much for his soul and it starts to be undone. The one who came back with Harry, lets call it Scrux1 (who should have landed in a secondary character without much development so that the reader can't tell immediately if something is off with him/her) fears for his life because of it and, knowing that time travel is possible because it came with Harry and knows what he knows, decides to attempt it. He makes the ritual and not only sends himself back in time to a different body so that he can control what is happening (let's call him scrux2 from now on) but he also sends other horcruxes to be merged with Voldemort's soul so that it is not unbound in case he decides to make more.

    Meanwhile, Dumbledore deduced what was happening and what none of the others saw, that it was all a plot from Grindewald so that he can take ownership of all the magic created by the ritual and the deathly Hallows, becoming a god (he would need a way to keep his memories though). In order to stop him, Albus decides to take advantage of the ritual used by Scrux1 and send his own soul back. Since he doesn't feel right destroying someone else soul and taking over their bodies and it could be advantageous to have two of him with memories of both timelines, he uses part of the magic from the ritual to make a new body for himself as Harry's twin sister (a personal dream of his to be a woman and maybe he could even spare Harry of his fate). Unfortunately, he does this while Harry is still on his mother womb so there is no brain formed yet when he creates the body. Dumbledore's memories are lost and Harry has a sister in that repeat, confusing the hell out of Dudley-Harry and both of the Scrux. Since it was supposed to be Harry's twin, AlbHarry doesn't have anywhere near of Dumbledore's talent even though she has his soul. Her only function is to recover her Dumbledore memories near the end to stall Grindewald with the magic from her time travel while Harry saves the day and to taunt Dudley-Harry by showing a family he didn't have.

    Harry-Harry and AlbHarry hate Dudley-Harry because he was Dudley, plus things like having the brother wand of the dude that killed their parents and asking for the guy that betrayed their parents to have a fair trial. Dudley-Harry ends in Gryfindor which makes Harry-Harry and AlbHarry go to Slytherin. Dudley-Harry befriends Ron and Hermione which pushes Harry-Harry away from them, muggleborns and blood traitors. You could add scenes like Harry-Harry trying to convince Hermione that Dudley-Harry befriended her to take advantage of her brains which wouldn't look realistic since Dudley-Harry has four years of training. And while dudley-Harry tries to befriend the Potters at first, it eventually gets to him and you have a fic with a gryfindor Harry vs one or two Slytherin Harry.

    You could also change Voldemort's behavior as a side effect of having a more complete soul. Maybe even make him follow his dream as a teacher and have a competent Quirrell.

    And as a mentor... I was thinking of Vernon but he is too far away during the school year. Of course, since the idea was to add as many changed cliches as possible, the plot is still severely lacking.

    And finally, for a name... I was thinking of something along the lines of "Damn it Wormtail!"
  7. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Plot Bunny: Harry is sent to an alternate universe where his parents never married, he was never born, the Prophecy was never made and Voldemort took over the world. In order to get back, he has to kill the Dark Lord. Simple stuff really.

    I suspect it was done before, but usually these sort of stories have Neville as the Alt-BWL, while in this case there is no BWL at all.
  8. FreakLord

    FreakLord Professor DLP Supporter

    Feb 13, 2011
    Voldemort taking over and killing him to get back is too cliche. Why don't we add a twist?

    Lily Evans takes over the world and Harry needs to kill Dumbledore to stay in that world.
  9. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Why would Harry want to stay in that world? It wouldn't make any sense.
  10. wordhammer

    wordhammer Dark Lord DLP Supporter

    Feb 11, 2010
    In the wood room, somewhere flat

    Moment of change: Lily calculated that she had to sacrifice herself or harry in order to defeat Voldemort and decided that leaving an infant behind once the dust settled was too risky.

    Lily sacrificed Harry, defeated Tom but took over his soul. Now we have a Voldebabe with fewer hang-ups. The one thing she might be vulnerable to is being confronted by the child she sacrificed; at least, that's Dumbledore's theory, and he's willing to sacrifice his power for Harry in order to give him that chance.
  11. Punt

    Punt DA Member

    Aug 8, 2013
    Lily taking over Voldemort's soul sounds a bit wierd to me. How about "Lily Potter, after being spared by Voldemort finds a Horcrux in her quest for revenge. While trying to gain information from it, something unexpected occurs. Years later, Harry Potter is pulled into a world different from his own."
  12. christ0pherw0ng

    christ0pherw0ng Squib

    Aug 10, 2013
    What about wraithemort? I assume he finds some alternative to come back to life so would Harry have to deal with two Dark Lords?
  13. Evon

    Evon Seventh Year

    Nov 2, 2011
    Mentor!Dumbledore (from beyond the grave)

    Basically, Harry solves the snitch much soon than he did in canon. Sure, he may summon his parents and Sirius first, but eventually he gets around to summoning Dumbledore. How this changes things? I'm not entirely certain. Just a random thought I woke up with.
  14. afrojack

    afrojack Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 29, 2006
    Southron California
    God damn you, quit giving away bits of my plot...

    Seriously though, I planned on doing something similar. Always thought it'd be a cool idea.
  15. mknote

    mknote 1/3 of the Note Bros. DLP Supporter

    Apr 14, 2009
    Melbourne, Florida, United States
    Tangentially related, but I think this all too often. Whenever I see something mentioned or shown that I was intending to do in my story, either here or in another story, I'm thinking, "Goddamnit, now I won't look original."

    Such is the life of a fanfiction writer, I'm afraid.
  16. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    In most (if not all) HP/Dresden Files crossovers, it is Harry Potter who travels to the Dresden universe. I'd like to see a story where Harry Dresden goes to the HP world instead.
  17. Jibril

    Jibril Headmaster

    Jun 7, 2006
    50.26°N, 19.02°E
    Saving Ivy by nuhuh, posted in 2008, not updated since, but still a fun read.
  18. Photon

    Photon Order Member

    Jul 15, 2012
  19. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    It would be fun to see him troll the shit out of Snape. Of course, knowing the authors on both fandoms, odds are you'd end up with Dresden/Snape slash.
  20. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Zeelthor, do not speak of the beast, lest it shall be summoned.
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