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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) IV

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Sep 1, 2013.

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  1. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Not to mention Dumbledore must have been in a coma not to react to it.

    Or any of the other teachers for that matter.
  2. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Can't find it, but I remember someone proposing child Harry Potter and Maeve adventures or something like that and then there was a fic where Harry was taken under Unseelie Court's protection. After adding these two to a classic literature and I got this plot bunny.

    The Winter Prince

    Part 1

    Written as a short fairy tale with not uncommon dark undertones. A forgotten by his guardians six years old boy gets lost in a forest and accidentally stumbles upon a trapped Sidhe. An evil man summoned her and now she must do his biddings. A brave boy saves the Sidhe and for that she grants him one wish. When she ask what it is he tells her:

    "Could you be my mummy?"

    The next moment a boy becomes the Winter Prince because it wasn't any ordinary Sidhe he saved, but Mab, the Winter Queen herself.

    (Since it's a fairy tale details are omitted and distorted. Mab was rather "saved" by Harry than saved. She simply was in process of deciding how should she kill an amateur magician who wasn't even aware who exactly he managed to summon. He used a ritual that he accidentally found in some old books left to him by his grandfather).

    Part 2

    Harry's adventures in the Nevernever. Written as a children book, but a lot is left suggested for these that are aware of who's who in the Winter Court and how they operate (Maeve isn't just a mean sister and Lloyd isn't just an unpleasant uncle who mistakenly thinks he's very funny).

    Part 3

    Harry finds himself at Hogwarts. Normal style of HP books.

    Probably I wouldn't put him in the first year. Rather, he would enter the school in later years though he would already be tutored by excellent wizard and witches that owned Mab few debts.

    As cliche as it is, the Triwizard Tournament remains a perfect opportunity to force Harry into interactions with the Wizarding World. Veela having an allegiance to the Summer Court gives a setup for Harry/Fleur relationship (from hate/dislike to love).

    Voldemort would step up his game to be a creditable enemy to the Winter Prince.

    Part 4

    The last part is from Dresden's perspective. A classic case from his files where the Winter Knight Harry finally gets the memo that Mab has a(n adopted) son.
  3. KGB

    KGB Headmaster

    Jan 18, 2011
    I suspect that the Hogwarts years would be a major drag in that story.
  4. andy50

    andy50 Groundskeeper

    May 6, 2013
    Celestin, I'm pretty sure that was Taure, I think he suggested that Harry Potter goes up a chimney and gets stuck in the nevernever and him and Maeve go an try to find Santa Clause. It was actually my favorite plot bunny that I've read, just for its uniqueness, but I think he made it a while ago.
  5. Shouldabeenadog

    Shouldabeenadog Headmaster

    Sep 3, 2010
    Tom Riddle was the first, last and only person to strike at the enemy that has been sucking the souls of wizardkind for over a thousand years. His curse on the defence professor's job was not a petty act of a revenge, but a targeted strike to cripple the potential of hundreds of future schoolchildren.
    For Hogwarts is alive, and sucking out the potential of every one of her students. Just a little bit, a bit here, a bit there, and no one notices that no one is ever as good as the last generation, that those in power stay on just a bit more than they should, relative to te younger generation. That heroic feats of magic of merlin are mere myth in todays day and age, and that the idea of even building a school to rival hogwarts is laugahble.
    And the when harry picks up the diary in his second year, Riddle tells him an important secret. Forget the chamber of secrets, can the golden trio stop the monstrous house they call home?
  6. Jibril

    Jibril Headmaster

    Jun 7, 2006
    50.26°N, 19.02°E
    Too Nasuverse IMO, with the atmosphere of "old magic is mythical and beyond reach of today wizards".
  7. Dr_Orpheus

    Dr_Orpheus First Year

    Sep 23, 2008
    I don't know. I wasn't really planning to write this. I just kind of threw it out there.
  8. Knoq

    Knoq Temporarily Banhammered

    Jul 29, 2014
    Against humans maybe.

    EDIT: As usual, I didn't wait to respond to something. Give me a second.

    Because I can't let go of it.

    Peter Pettigrew, feeling guilty about telling the Dark Lord the secret, tracks down Sirius to tell him what he did, and in his depression, hopes that Sirius can get to the Potters in time and will give him, Peter a quick death. Sirius panics, goes into a rage, but Peter reminds him of James and Lily, Sirius smacks him, and then runs off to his bike.

    Sirius arrives just as Voldemort moves up the stairs, he ditches his bike, the auto stand kicking in, he runs into the front door wand in hand, but he only has time to hear Lily's last cries and react to the explosion by throwing up a shield. As he is about to turn his wand on himself, he hears Harry crying. He goes up, picks up the child from the rubble. He grabs a teddy bear, accios some remains, then heads out.

    "Guess its time to grow up" Sirius said to himself. Then he held Harry tightly, focused, and Apparated to his home.

    A loud crack in Godric's Hollow, and an old man along with a giant and a sobbing portly fellow arrive, too late to prevent the carnage they are witnessing. Too late to find anything other than two bodies, a half destroyed house, and a missing child. And a still running motorcycle, missing its owner.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2015
  9. andy50

    andy50 Groundskeeper

    May 6, 2013
  10. Oruma

    Oruma Order Member

    Dec 13, 2010
    PoCo, Canada
    It better have a sympathetic, repentant (but not completely spineless) Pettigrew too.
  11. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
  12. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Regarding that post of Taure's from that link.

    They end up in the Real World.

    Harry Potter: Started from the bottom now he's here.
  13. Vulcan

    Vulcan Groundskeeper

    Oct 16, 2014
    I think giving him Blob's powers will be appropriate.
  14. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Today's plot bunny. Another take on HP/ASoIaF crossover with Harry as the main character.

    Fire and Magic

    The War of the Ninepenny Kings is over and Aerys, Tywin and Steffon spend night celebrating the victory. It ends with the young price finding himself in a bed with a mysterious woman from Asshai.

    Six years later King Aerys II Targaryen receives a visitor. The woman from Asshai introduces him to a bastard child of their night together. The king doubts her words until witness the boy's command over fire. Only a Targaryen, a blood of dragon, could perform such miracles.

    Harry, or Aerry as his father calls him, is raised along his half-brother Rhaegar. A prince in all but name.

    His childhood is happy and he's well liked by everyone. But as he grows, the king's madness is growing too. He decides that his firstborn son is not worthy of the Iron Throne. To shock of everyone, he not only legitimizes his bastard at the tourney at Harrenhal, but before anyone can react to this announcement, he becomes the first king to abdicate and hands his crown to equally shocked Harry.

    The king is not dead, but long live the king anyway.

    King Harry starts his reign by undoing some of damage done by his father. He ask Tywin Lannister to be his Hand and to secure this alliance he proposes to marry Cersei. But as he works to ensure a peace in the realm, his brother is working to ensure the war. He's as unhappy with his father's choice as many others and they all are questioning whether decision of the madman, even if he was the king, should be respected.

    The War Between Brothers starts with unlikely alliance between Rhaegar, joined in his efforts by House Martell, and House Stark. Quickly another houses join the Pureblood King, as he call himself, Baratheon, Arryn and Tully.

    With Greyjoys supporting him only officially, but avoiding being included in fighting, King Harry can only be sure of Lannisters' support and maybe of Tyrells' hate of Martells. The war is lost before it can even start until there is a split in the ranks of the rebells. Lord Robert Baratheon witnesses a not very ambiguous situation between his fiancee and King Rhaegar which ends in a duel between two knights. They are barely stopped before they both kill each other. House Baratheon leaves the rebells and joins King Harry's side.

    The war rages on.

    End of part 1.
  15. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Robert smashing some Targaryen fucking shits? Oh yes, oh sweet, sweet kinslaying.

    Gotta wonder though, how or why would the Starks remain allies with Rhaegar after that incident? I mean, it's possible, it's just gonna take a hell of a stretch.
  16. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Harry Potter / Tibia crossover

    In Tibia, people are not born. They are kidnapped by the gods from alternate universes, have their memories erased and then join the human forces in the eternal fight against the forces of darkness. These people are also made incapable of having kids.

    As such, there are no small children in Tibia, the youngest people are 17 years old. In fact, if a Tibian would see a human child, he'd think that it is a dwarf or some other non-human.

    The story begins during Harry Potter's seventeenth birthday. As the clock strikes to announce his adult age, there is a flash of light and Harry disappears, kidnapped by the Tibian gods from his universe.

    Thankfully, being a wizard means certain advantages and his memories are protected.

    Unfortunately however, Harry is still a Horcrux and very strongly connected to Lord Voldemort. So when Harry vanishes, so does the Dark Lord with him.

    Usually in Tibia, when new people arrive, they are placed on a sort-of tutorial island to offer them a way to quickly advance in the early levels and choose vocation. However, Harry and Voldemort skip this step automatically as they already are skilled (more or less) magic users.

    Thus both of them appear on the mainland Tibian continent (warning, 5MB image).

    Harry appears in the city of Thais, the capital of the Kingdom of Thais ruled by King Tibianus III. He is confused, scared and angry, he has no idea where he is and what has happened.

    He explores the city, asks around, visits the local library and learns many interesting and disturbing facts.

    For example:

    - People in Tibia can know someone's name and vocation just by looking at them. Everyone already assumes Harry knows their names, and are confused when that isn't the case.

    - People in Tibia don't stay dead, instead they re-spawn at their temple of choice with their 'level' (whatever that might mean) reduced. When Harry tells people that from where he comes people stay dead, nobody believes him.

    - While people in Tibia don't stay dead, neither do the various monsters, making Tibia a place of eternal war.

    - There are Free Citizens (regulars) and Premium Citizens. The Premium are basically ultra-rich who have literally paid the gods for a different fate. Premium citizens can use stronger magics, they can visit other continents, they can own houses, they can do a lot. To put it in real-world terms, a Free Citizen is homeless, jobless and unlucky, while the Premium Citizen can own a castle, has tons of gold and somehow luck is always on his side.

    - In the entire Tibian Universe, teleportation is extremely illegal and is punished with death directly by the gods.

    - The local language is a strange mixture of English, Spanish, Polish and Portuguese. This proves a challenge to Harry who has some difficulties communicating with many people because of this.

    Eventually though, Harry manages to earn some gold by slaying some monsters outside the city. He goes back to pay for a nice meal and a good night's sleep at the local tavern when he arrives to see the city in a full riot.

    He asks someone what is going on and learns that two of the guilds are fighting a casual war today. Harry is shocked at the casual display of violence.

    People his age have their heads ripped out, limbs and blood are flying everywhere, the place is a bloodbath. He demands to know why this is allowed, but is reminded once again, that these people reappear at their temple anyway. And true enough, Harry sees a woman cut in two, but then he sees her running back from the temple, over her dead body, to rejoin the battle.

    Shaking his head at the situation, but seeing that he is ignored by the fighters, he goes to look for a place to sleep. He has a hard time sleeping though, the fighting continues for two days straight.

    Meanwhile, Voldemort has appeared on the other side of the continent, in the merchant city of Venore, which while technically a Thaian colony has started to feel more and more independent in the recent years.

    The Dark Lord, being who he is starts using Legilimency and the Imperius very liberally to find out what is his current situation and how it came to be.

    And that is the initial setup. Harry and Voldemort are both trapped in this insane world. For how long that would depend on the author. Perhaps one of them just has to kill the other or perhaps they have to eventually learn to work as a team to travel back to their home universe.

    The overarching plot would also be different due to the setting, of course. Tibia has some _very_ powerful and horrifying creatures and beings which are not to be messed with. I could see both Voldemort and Harry allying themselves with some while becoming enemies of others.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2015
  17. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Lyanna wasn't unwilling victim of Rhaegar's affection and it was her persuasion that made Starks join him in a first place. With their affair revealed, they feel it's too late to change their decision now and their honor doesn't let them anyway. Martells are even less happy about it, but they are fighting for Elia's children. Tullys remain bounded to Starks by Catelyn's marriage to Brandon, but Jon Arryn is unsure about his next move.
  18. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    In that case, have the Boltons do their standard jig-around and make new some cloaks.

    I gotta ask though, any chance of you writing that up? I mean the bunny you wrote up, not my wish fulfillment.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2015
  19. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Maybe few drabbles, but definitely not a whole fic. But first I need to figure out where it should go in the part 2.

    Forget making it a crossover. An original fiction that presents a world of MMORPG as a real world is a way to go. A bloody, eternal war where no one dies and only goal is to be able to kill others more times than they are able to kill you.
  20. golan

    golan Temporarily Banhammered DLP Supporter

    Oct 11, 2014
    Central Europe, for now.
    Light Yagami is a Japanese squib and uses the Death Note to kill Death Eaters and Voldemort.
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