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Plot Bunny Threa(t/d) IV

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Dark Minion, Sep 1, 2013.

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  1. Genghiz Khan

    Genghiz Khan Headmaster

    Mar 21, 2011
    We want a story, golan, not a sentence.

    Last edited: Jan 21, 2015
  2. golan

    golan Temporarily Banhammered DLP Supporter

    Oct 11, 2014
    Central Europe, for now.
    This is a plot bunny thread, not a story outline thread.
  3. Genghiz Khan

    Genghiz Khan Headmaster

    Mar 21, 2011
    I meant that it can be wrapped up quite quickly. The fight with L was fun because we didn't know his name. If you're at war with the Death Eaters and you have Light and the Death Note on your side, there's no story left.
  4. golan

    golan Temporarily Banhammered DLP Supporter

    Oct 11, 2014
    Central Europe, for now.
    I admit, that I'm not creative enough to even make a story outline with that kind of premise, but judging by the number of HP/DN-crossovers there are on FFN (160), there may be some, who can pull that off.
  5. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Fire and Magic Part 2

    The war continues for months with both sides winning and losing equally often, and it would continue for years if not for signs of upcoming winter. The leaders decide that the best choice for everyone is to end it in a single battle.

    After few smaller skirmishes, the armies meet at the Trident. Before the battle starts, both brothers meet for the last attempt of resolving this conflict. It there that Rhaegar's reveals his true intentions. It's not for the Iron Throne that he fights, but to save the realm from the Great Other.

    For a moment the Half-Blood King (as he's called by the people) that this may mean they can work together until his brother reveals another thing. Harry is the Great Other. The Bastard King can only laugh at this absurd accusation. The battle is inevitable.

    The brothers search for each other on the battlefield, but they find different adversaries. In the end Rhaegar falls to Robert Baratheon, but Harry manages to best Jon Connington.

    The realm is at peace once again.

    The final twist is that Rhaegar was right and Harry is the Great Other. What he isn't aware of is that he was reborn with a piece of Voldemort soul merged with his own. Because of this he has equal potential to be the greatest hero or the worst villain in the history of the realm. And since this is ASoIaF I would end it with a suggestion that slowly, but surely he will transform into the second one though once again with a twist. Instead of being a simple madman who wants to kill everyone because he's evil, he would be a humanitarian that considers destroying this cruel world as an act of kindness.
  6. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    Daenerys Targaryen isn't just a pretty thing her brother wants to buy an army with. Viserys kicks the bucket early and Dany, forced to survive on her own, grows up a warrior princess. Also, she was born with the soul of a dragon and spends her days Fus-ro-dahing people she doesn't like. Or, alternatively, she's not a Dovakhiin, but more like Xena: Kicking ass literally instead of with magic.

    And then you take it from there.
  7. Captain Trips

    Captain Trips High Inquisitor

    Oct 24, 2008
    Or she get caught by slavers and sold as a bedwarmer to someone
  8. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Posted this already in my thread on the Sufficient Velocity forums, might as well post it here.

    A World of Magic and Unity​​

    1689 - The Statute of Secrecy fails to get enough support and the concept is abandoned.

    1707 - The British Ministry of Magic is founded.

    1709 - The attempt to outlaw dragon breeding fails. However, several regulations are introduced.

    1717 - The Killing, Cruciatus and Imperius Curses are first considered Unforgivable by the Ministry of Magic.

    1718 - The First Muggle Crisis begins. The Ministry of Magic is forced to create a military group authorized of using the Imperius Curse against muggles intending to harm magical people.

    1720 - The First Muggle Crisis ends with the Imperius Curse outlawed once more when Queen Anne helps to introduce several laws protecting wizards and witches from harm.

    1725 - House Elf Slavery is abolished.

    1731 - The Second Muggle Crisis begins, fueled by the Vatican and muggle religious extremists.

    1740 - The Second Muggle Crisis ends with all negative mentions of magic and witchcraft purged from the Christian Bible.

    1763 - The Final Beast and Being definitions are written and passed. Humans, Goblins, Giants, Dwarves, House Elves, Centaurs, Merpeople and Veela are categorized as beings while Vampires, Hags, Werewolves and others are declared beasts.

    1775 - The American Revolutionary War begins with boths sides of the conflict supported by wizarding combatants.

    1781 - The American Revolutionary War fails and Britain continues to rule over its territories in the New World.

    1790 - The Wand Ban, which forbade Non-Human Magical Beings to carry wands is repealed. Goblins, Giants, Dwarves, House Elves, Centaurs, Merpeople and Veela are granted the right to carry wands.

    1791 - After many nasty accidents, Giants are included back into the Wand Ban.

    1800 - It has been determined by historians that with the 1800s began the subtle shift of power from muggle monarchs to wizards ruling from the shadows. While Queens or Kings may have been the official leaders, the Ministry of Magic was the true power.

    1818 - The Great Goblin Rebellion begins when over fifty different Goblin clans unite and demand to have their own homeland.

    1825 - The Great Goblin Rebellion ends with the creation of the official Goblin Homeland in a part of Eastern Europe.

    1875 - The Ministry of Magic passes the Magical Citizen Act which makes it illegal for parents of muggleborn wizards and witches to prevent their children from receiving magical education.

    1881 - Albus Dumbledore is born.

    1883 - Gellert Grindelwald is born.

    1892 - Albus Dumbledore begins at Hogwarts.

    1891 - Ariana Dumbledore goes out to play and befriends some muggle children.

    1899 - Albus Dumbledore graduates from Hogwarts and meets Gellert Grindelwald.

    1900 - Dumbledore and Grindelwald found the Hallows Society. An organization devoted to the Deathly Hallows, seeking ways to achieve immortality and a philosophy based on power and the survival of the fittest.

    1916 - After years of searching Dumbledore and Grindelwald finally unite the Deathly Hallows. They discover that the Master of Death is just a fancy title without any special powers and is not a way to achieve true immortality.

    1917 - The Hallows Society now has enough members and influence to slowly begin taking over Britain.

    1919 - Grindelwald attempts to kill Dumbledore in a duel. Albus wins the fight and Gellert is forced to flee using the Cloak of Invisibility while Albus gets hold of the Elder Wand and the Resurrection Stone. Due to these events there is a schism in the Hallows Society as various members choose to follow one of the two founders. Those who follow Albus name themselves the White Hallows while those following Gellert are called the Black Hallows.

    1922 - Grindelwald and the Black Hallows make France their new homeland and begin influencing the local government to their cause.

    1923 - Albus Dumbledore becomes the British Minister for Magic and the White Hallows Society begins ruling over Britain.

    1926 - Tom Marvolo Riddle is born.

    1930 - The Black Hallows led by Grindelwald forcibly seize power in France after murdering the royal family. Grindelwald crowns himself the new King of France and rules over both wizards and muggles.

    1938 - Tom Marvolo Riddle starts at Hogwarts and is sorted into Slytherin house. Within months his innate talent for magic is noticed by Dumbledore's agent within the school and the boy is given extra attention.

    1945 - Tom Marvolo Riddle graduates Hogwarts as the best student in all of school history. He is immediately taken to Dumbledore to become his personal apprentice.

    1946 - Lord Voldemort (as Riddle calls himself now) is given the Resurrection Stone by Dumbledore as a reward for his excellent results and learning speed. Voldemort turns the Stone into a Horcrux without Dumbledore's knowledge.

    1947 - Grindelwald's France invades Britain and the Great Magical War begins. Dumbledore makes Voldemort the general of the British army.

    1950 - During the Battle of London Lord Voldemort kills Grindelwald in a duel, ending the war. However, Dumbledore betrays Riddle and casts the Killing Curse at his back. Voldemort's body is destroyed, but his soul remains thanks to his Horcrux in the Resurrection Stone.

    1951 - Lord Voldemort finds his way to the Chamber of Secrets beneath Hogwarts and possesses the basilisk within before escaping.

    1957 - Voldemort finds a parselmouth in Greece and forces the woman (named Anisia) to become his servant and restore his body. It will take however many years to achieve that.

    1960 - Lily Evans and James Potter are born.

    1963 - Voldemort and his servant Anisia arrive back in Britain.

    1966 - At the age of six Lily Evans meets Severus Snape and the two become friends.

    1967 - Anisia finally restores Voldemort's body. He begins planning his revenge on Dumbledore and has Anisia discreetly recruit followers among the wizarding population.

    1970 - Voldemort has his followers called Death Eaters start assassinating Dumbledore's most powerful soldiers.

    1971 - Lily Evans, James Potter and Severus Snape begin at Hogwarts.

    1972 - Lord Voldemort finally makes himself known and the Death Eater Rebellion begins.

    1978 - Lily Evans graduates Hogwarts and is approached by the Death Eaters to join their cause. She accepts as she is sick of Dumbledore's reign over Britain.

    1979 - Lily Evans and James Potter are married. James is not aware of his wife's loyalty to Voldemort, as he is a very vocal supporter of Dumbledore.

    1980 - A prophecy heralding the arrival of the Chosen One destined to free the world from terror is made by Sybill Trelawney in Lord Voldemort's presence. Remus Lupin, one of Dumbledore's spies overhears half of the prophecy before being found out and forced to escape. Several months later Harry Potter is born.

    1981 - The Godric's Hollow Incident. Minister Dumbledore and Lord Voldemort duel at the Potter residence. James Potter is killed, while Lily escapes with Harry to France.

    1985 - At the age of five Harry Potter starts being tutored by his mother on Voldemort's orders.

    1991 - Harry Potter begins at Beauxbatons Academy of Magic.
  9. Nerox

    Nerox High Inquisitor

    Jan 29, 2012
    1994 - Harry/Fleur
  10. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Could certainly go that way.
  11. Nerox

    Nerox High Inquisitor

    Jan 29, 2012
    Excellent. You may start writing now.
  12. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    For what purpose? I have no idea how or why would Lily marry an obvious Dumbledore supporter. Not unless James is already predestined to be high in the ranks of the White Hallows and she's just doing that for an undercover job.
  13. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    They started dating at Hogwarts and married shortly after school, James' vocal support of Dumbledore only increased after that.

    Lily had to pretend to be one too, it'd be dangerous to speak loudly against the ministry, after all.
  14. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    I get that, but I still don't see her tying herself down to someone who was an avid Dumbledore supporter to start with. I get that you want to give us Harry Potter, by any means necessary, but this just seems wrong, or out of place if you will.
  15. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Look at this way:

    Dumbledore rules Britain. If Lily wanted to marry someone who was against Dumbledore she would have to move to another country.

    James Potter meanwhile is rich, good-looking, has connections and is talented at magic. Sure, his support of Dumbledore is annoying, but as long as it doesn't interfere in their private life, then it's no big deal, right?
  16. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    I don't see a way it wouldn't interfere with their life. Say James lived, how the hell would Lily raise Harry in accordance with Voldemort's instructions? Or in general, since I assume she'd try to raise him in accordance of whatever beliefs Voldemort and his group held.
  17. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I guess she'd try giving Harry the best childhood possible and she hopes that before he grows up Dumbledore will be taken care of and James will come around.

    Love and family can sometimes get in the way of logic, I have no problems seeing Lily as being in denial.

    And its not like Dumbledore's and Voldemort's ideologies are all that different. They both want power and it is simply a matter of the figurehead. James supports Dumbledore because he's blind to the man's faults. However Lily sees the big picture because she was raised by muggles who are second-class citizens due to their lack of magic.
  18. Rhaegar I

    Rhaegar I Death Eater

    Jul 8, 2013
    Right behind You...
    Just what are their ideologies exactly, outside of who gets to rule?
  19. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Dumbledore simply continues his whole "the strong shall rule over the weak" while Voldemort is not only pissed off at being shot in the back, but also wants to rule the entire world.

    Basically, in return for removing blood purity, statute of secrecy, the wand ban and house elf slavery I made Dumbledore just as bad as Grindelwald and put him in a position of power.
  20. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    So basically evil!Dumbledore. The whole thing could work better if you killed Dumbledore and put Grindy as the overlord. Then you could turn Britain into a dystopian shithole and no one would bat an eye.
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