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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Dr. Strange Lulz

    Dr. Strange Lulz Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Dec 26, 2006
    On Melancholy Hill

    Conan gets such a bad rap because of the Arnold movies... Trying to convince people to read Howard's Conan is like pulling teeth.

    Really, I support Conan being crossed over with almost anything. He's such a brilliant and adaptable character that I can see him fitting into pretty much any world he lands himself in, and then taking that world for everything its got.
  2. Wynter

    Wynter Order Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    I'm writing a Pokemon fanfic right now and I keep having this idea of the pikachu I have always appearing on Ash's shoulder is actually a well disguised Zorua

    And Pikachu died in Unova, very... frustrating, trying making my mind up on this.
  3. Cyrogen

    Cyrogen Second Year

    Feb 20, 2012
    I've been spinning an idea around for a couple days now. It's a Dark Souls/Familiar of Zero crossover. It's been a while since I’ve read anything to do with the latter so some things may need to be 'forgotten' if there are contradictions. The rebellion in Albion never happened.

    Tristan's nobility would take a larger more public role, things like the familiar summoning are now events or shows for them. On the day of Louise's summoning the royal family is there watching, the usual shpeel would happen nothing majorly changing.

    Following the ritual, the King and Queen leave (be it to reach the castle earlier or something of the sort), and Henrietta stays behind to congratulate Louise. That time difference is fairly important to the plot, as the royal family is killed on the way back to the castle, unless you can figure out a way for Henrieta to stay alive that's about all i could come up with. When Henrietta finds out she is sent into a panic, and performs the summoning ritual (It should be touched on that it is a taboo for royalty to have a familiar. I haven't worked out why, probably some reason like mistrust of familiars because Brimir's killed him) summoning Artorias.

    Things cool down for a bit. Henrietta's the new queen and has to reign in a country that is in turmoil, while having to deal with traditionalists who dislike the new familiar. All things are seemingly peachy, Henrietta is molding into a fine queen and the problem with her familiar is disappearing, however the castle is now attacked.

    The gates flood in with monsters (For those of you that have played Dark Souls, these are essentially copies of the Oolaciel citizens), some of which can fling dark balls around. The castle is overrun and Henrietta flees to Albion. Sometime between he attack and getting to Albion, Artorias informs Henrietta about the Bloatheads, what causes them etc.

    After being at Albion for however many days, Louise, Wardes and the rest show up (similar to the show, the amount of people may be cut down) to inform Henrietta what has been happening in her country. Wardes attacks Henrietta, fight ensues and Artorias kills him.

    Louise move's towards her downed fiance (Crying maybe? It's possible that she had stronger feelings for him in this world, again unsure.) Artorias stops her, motioning towards Wardes' hand, it is showing signs of the abyss corrupting him – similar to the Darkwraith in Dark Souls – instead a note is found on the body, prior to it being cremated.

    At this point, I think it'd be near the climax of the story, the note reads about the Reconqustia and mentions Wardes mission to kill Henrietta (reasoning behind this could be almost anything, I was thinking something along the lines of being promoted within the group.) Henrietta is suspicious of Louise, as her potential assassin was her fiance and arrived with her. Louise spills story about how Wardes said they needed to retrieve the queen as the castle is clear and safe now (or something along those lines).

    A long bit ensues, similar to the first part in which Henrietta regains a loose control of Tristan. She learns further of the Reconquestia and their goals (Dominating the world/whatever the Darkwraiths goals are.) Some more stuff happens Reconquestia is defeated and Artorias sacrifices himself to close the slowly opening abyss.

    The necessity of killing Tristan's royal family lies in their bloodline of Brimir. If the person carries the blood they cannot be corrupted by the abyss (similar to Dusk).

    Whaddya think? I probably won't ever write this, solely posed it so the idea stops pestering me. If anyone wants to use it, by all means go ahead, change anything you want. I could probably pull up some old Dark Souls lore info if needed.
  4. Probellum

    Probellum Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2011
    Among the Moose
    So, I'm hesitant to actually call this a plot, because it's more of a vague, half-formed idea...

    I'm thinking a Nasuverse/Code Geass cross. I've read like, one story that crosses these two and it's just Lelouch summoned as Assassin. I'm leaning more towards and actual fusion of the two worlds, but I'm no sure if it's possible without a few alterations to either one of em. Like, the relevance of The World of C in the Nauverse in relation to The Root. Are they the same thing? Are he different? If they are, how? Also, I'm fairly sure that the Code Geass timeline would take place after F/SN, but I'm no sure about other games, like Tsukihime.

    Besides that, I was thinking of making Lelouch a first generation Mage. Not sure what I'd do with Suzaku, but I'm sure there are a few things.

    Like I said, it's half-formed at best, and I'm not sure where I'd take it. I would appreciate some input on it though, because if I do work out what I'm doing wih it, it'll probably be something I work on.
  5. mortalone

    mortalone Sixth Year

    May 18, 2013
    Double-0 Naruto.

    Mild to Moderate AU. Not really a JamesBond!Naruto – it’s just a catchy title.

    Canon Naruto’s primary tools are Kage Bunshin and then Rasengan after training with Jiraiya. What if Naruto’s primary tools were Henge and Summoning related techniques (the latter, again after training with Jiraiya)?

    Fanon takes for granted that Naruto is super skilled with Henge. In fanon, Naruto’s Henge is solid whereas nobody else’s Henge is solid and in fact Henge is often labeled as genjutsu. None of this is supported by canon. Ironically, the fandom seldom does anything with this. Compliments are given to Naruto about how awesome his Henge is (labeling it a kinjutsu, etc) and he may use it once or twice in a pinch in a way that supposedly nobody else can, but it is never really played with.

    Canon Henge is a ninjutsu which transforms the user (it is labeled an E-rank ninjutsu -- see databooks). Exactly how it works beyond that is not established. For purposes of this story idea, there are four key ideas in how good you are with Henge:

    1. The range of objects you can transform into. The more different the object you are transforming into is in terms of mass, shape and volume, the harder it is to transform into.

    2. The durability of the transformation. That is, how much punishment you can take while in Henge before the chakra matrix destabilizes and the Henge drops automatically. As a general rule, an easier Henge (as per criteria 1) is more durable.

    3. How long you can maintain the henge form.

    4. Last but not least, how convincingly you can fool people into believing the Henge is real. For example, if I Henge into you and then go hang out with your friends, then I not only need to be able to look like you, but walk like you, talk like you, and generally have the same mannerisms.

    With regards to summoning related techniques, this involves generally being more familiar with summons and using them effectively, as well as potentially developing supplemental skills similar to what we have seen out of Jiraiya (not all at once, of course!).

    The interesting part about making this change to Naruto’s arsenal of techniques is how it affects his portrayal as a character. Canon naruto is really about power, not finesse. Which is okay because oh god does he have power to spare. But this Naruto needs to be a bit more about finesse. Henge is more of an infiltration ability centered upon this notion of fooling people, which requires some skill at acting. This Naruto has to be a bit smarter and savvier than canon, but by no means has to be – or even should be – a genius. Or perhaps you could say that he is a genius in an unconventional sense. Interestingly, Naruto’s personality need not necessarily be changed too drastically; we have already seen that Jiraiya is skilled at infiltration, although Jiraiya being some sort of official spy master for Konoha is fanon. (I keep bringing up Jiraiya’s name not because I am advocating turning Naruto into an exact Jiraiya clone, but because Naruto and Jiraiya and similar to begin with.)

    However, there are key differences that I feel are necessary to the plot. It’s hard to imagine this Naruto undergoing the same trials and tribulations of canon Naruto even if he is still similar in personality – it defeats the purpose of the changes made to his character. While it’s possible to write an interesting non-canon Naruto following a canonish storyline, I do not see that being the case here.

    So, a somewhat radical departure from the plot: Akatsuki either does not exist or alternatively is a SPECTRE-like organization working from the shadows rather than a band of misfits playing Pokemon with the bijuu. Instead, the central conflict is war between the villages. Naruto is not the Child of Prophecy. There is no prophecy. Naruto is merely a very significant individual (a talented young shinobi and a jinchuuriki) who happens to become a genin right at the time when the hidden villages are gearing up for Fourth Great Shinobi World War.

    Naruto is placed on a team as an infiltration specialist. My choice for his team is as follows: Ino and Shikamaru or Ino and Shino for teammates, Kurenai or Anko for sensei. These choices both allow for what I feel are the strongest infiltrator units among the genin with a sensei whose strengths are genjutsu > ninjutsu > taijutsu. (If Anko is the sensei, she should not be the usual fanon “snake whore.” It would instead be preferable to characterize her based on what the databooks say she is like combined with some original planning.)
  6. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Not a bad idea. I'd probably read it if you/someone wrote it. I like how you're not changing anything major, just making the focus of Naruto's personality something different. You'd have to get around the attention seeking part of him, since he's not exactly one for hiding when he can be yelling from the rooftops.

    Still, if the focus of his Henge usage early on in the fic is more towards abusing the huge variety of things he can turn into, rather than impersonation, it would work to establish the foundation for later spy work.

    On that note, I don't think you really need to change the teams around. While doing so can be useful, depending on the plot you have in mind, Sasuke and Sakura can very easily be used as infiltration/assassination focused individuals. The Sharingan's original powers (before it became hax) were geared more towards infiltration than anything else (seal-less genjutsu, counter-genjutsu and perfect imitation are perfect for it). Sakura is pretty much a blank slate who can easily be turned to any specialisation, assuming it doesn't require large amounts of chakra.

    That may be my bias though, since I prefer Team 7 fics. Different teams mostly seem to lose conflict, rather than create it, which makes for less interesting stories.
  7. mortalone

    mortalone Sixth Year

    May 18, 2013
    I copy/pasted this idea out of a word file I've been looking at off and on for a while now. The original ideas spawned were pretty crappy, but I liked where this was going and eventually came out with this.

    It's interesting you pointed out the attention seeking nature of Naruto's character, because in a way this idea addresses it and yet gets around it in a manner I find believable. Namely, Naruto's attention seeking nature is redirected into acting a part. The world is his stage.

    Unlike stage actors, he can assume the identity of anything as well as anyone.

    I understand your concerns about breaking up Team 7. The reason I'd like to break it up is that I don't want inner team conflict or fandom preconceptions about the characters to overshadow the difference in story. I am concerned it would.
  8. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    See that's what I'm talking about. Conflict drives a story, so anything that diminishes the conflict is naturally harmful to the story. If you set up a reasonable team dynamic early on then it becomes boring to watch them when they're on their down time.

    The way I see it is that all Naruto stories (and most other stories) should have three forms of conflict:

    1) Personal - This is the inner character development of the protagonist(s) that happens over the course of the story. With Naruto it would be developing his nindo, making friends/overcoming his loneliness, becoming a powerful ninja and dealing with the Kyuubi.

    2) Allies - This is the conflict between friends, allies and other non-hostile characters. Naruto doesn't have many of these at the start of the story, but the gaining of those is part of the conflict. Other examples would be the dynamic of Team 7, the Tsunade arc, gaining the trust of the village and Jiraiya's death.

    3) Enemies - This is the driving conflict, for the most part. Naruto (and his friends) vs Zabuza, Orochimaru, Akatsuki, etc. Typically the main focus of most fics, it's also the easiest to get lost in if you don't plan ahead (sup Kishimoto?).

    There are other types of conflict, of course, but these are the three main ones I see in any Naruto fic. If you take away one of those methods you're essentially crippling your story unless you find something else to replace it (be it conflict with the environment, greater emphasis on introspection for a larger personal conflict, and so on).

    Given that a huge part of Naruto's character is his empathy (and bullheadedness), it makes more sense to emphasise the conflict between himself and his allies rather than personal conflict or greater enemy conflict (seriously, it gets boring when the only action is between the protagonist and his enemies).
  9. mortalone

    mortalone Sixth Year

    May 18, 2013
    One could say that Naruto's efforts to gain allies are itself a form of conflict.

    I more or less agree with everything you are saying, but the fundamental rule of "more conflict is always better" I'd switch to "almost always." I didn't like the first three Dresden novels that much because they basically amounted to "author dumps shit on Harry" and didn't feel focused. IMO the later novels improved substantially. There was less conflict, but the more focused nature of the conflicts and the connections made between books raised the stakes.

    I'll explain my concern with this issue here: Team 7 works so well because the conflicts surrounding it mesh so well with the overall themes of the story. This is also a large part of why Post-TS is so weak compared to Pre-TS:
    1. The nature of the conflict between Naruto and Sasuke is drowned out on Sasuke's end.
    2. The established themes from Pre-TS are broken repeatedly by Sasuke (who seems to have an infinite supply of "get out of jail free" cards).

    (I don't dislike Sasuke's character, but I fully consider him a canon!Sue at this point due to how he has been used. The chapter released today is a perfect example. If Kishimoto actually gives Sasuke what he wants I will be so unbelievably angry that words fail to describe it.)

    But I'm leaning towards the central conflict being war between the villages. Team 7 could work well in this setting if the idea of a SPECTRE!Akatsuki is utilized with Itachi as a major enemy. But if the war is simply a conflict between the villages (which is a really big deal all by itself, without Akatsuki or Uchiha issues), then Sasuke chasing after his brother's shadow becomes a distraction that does not mesh with the rest of the story. In a war, there are plenty of conflicts to choose from.
  10. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:

    I disagree on the principle. The problems with the first three Dresden books aren't so much that the conflict is bad, just that the writing isn't good enough to make that conflict interesting. I mean, the ideas themselves are pretty damn awesome. Three types of werewolves? The Loup Garou? Bianca's entire character arc? They're all pretty damn imaginative and cool when looked at objectively. It's just that Butcher's writing at that point wasn't enough to do the ideas justice.

    I ignore post-time skip. It hasn't happened. Kinda like filler.

    Otherwise you raise some good points. Sasuke's character doesn't really mesh with a team like this, though he'd work pretty well as an antagonist given the Sharingan's ability to see through Naruto's Henge.

    Eh, war is interesting, but it's the conflict between people that grabs the attention. Just remember that when you come to write it. Nations are faceless, boring things to fight against. You've got to give nations personalities, give them unique characters that are interesting even if they're out and out evil (hint: a proactive character will always be more interesting than a passive one).
  11. DrSarcasm

    DrSarcasm Headmaster

    May 16, 2010
    If you want to provide a more infiltrator-like Naruto, you could go the route of a story I once read (can't remember where) and make the abilities of the Kyuubi (and those it grants Naruto) less about being a Bijuu and more about being a kitsune.

    A lot of the earlier attributes of Naruto were derived from the fact that the Kyuubi was kitsune--a trickster fox. Turning into a girl to trick people, pulling pranks on those who wronged it, focusing their power into an orb, great skill with transformation--these are all characteristics that Naruto and kitsune share. Even minor things, such as his whisker marks or the way he grins are noticeably vupline.

    Some of the other characteristics shown by foxes, some of which were implemented in the story I mentioned were skills in illusions, 'foxfire' (colored balls of fire or lightning), possession, invisibility (think the meisagakure technique if you've seen Kakashi Gaiden), near-perfect illusions, and a few others. I suggest looking up kitsune on wikipedia for more info.

    If you go this route, you can have an in-universe justification for the differences in abilities and have a more unique Naruto than just having the Kyuubi provide ultimate power or something.
  12. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    So something like this?

    Spying no jutsu done it quite well and it aged quite gracefully. I especially liked the part about;
    how Itachi sees tough Naruto's henge
  13. mortalone

    mortalone Sixth Year

    May 18, 2013
    I've read Spying no Jutsu. 100% awesome. I wish daniel-gudman would continue the sequel.

    Trickster fox Kyuubi powers work well for an infiltrator!Naruto. I did not include them -- or any of the other ideas I thought of regarding special skills and even bloodlines -- in the idea because I wanted to keep Naruto as recognizably Naruto as the idea allows.

    The characterization of Naruto from the pilot manga (where Naruto actually was a nine tailed fox) would work well with the trickster fox infiltrator!Naruto idea as well.
  14. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    So.. League of Legends Canon is that the Summoners can reach across the Cosmos, pluck powerful beings from other universes/dimensions, and drag them into theirs.

    That's /canon/.

    Tell me, does anyone else not think that is FUCKING GOLD for Crossovers?

    Since I'm a big Naruto fan, my plan is a Lol/Naruto cross in the LoL world.

    Still working out the details, but the basic idea, that sometime post-shippuden but pre-4th War Naruto is grabbed and pulled into the LoL world. Of course, he's not happy about this, but he deals with it, as best he can.

    The framework would probably be Episodic(Different Matches), with an overarching plot that could be seen later.

    So, yeah. Really rough, but I wanted to express it before it disappeared.

    Ideas? Thoughts? Questions?

    Anyone else where want to see Shezza write it?

    ---------- Post automerged 05-29-2013 at 12:15 AM ---------- Previous post was 05-28-2013 at 09:45 PM ----------

    Hell you could take the idea even further, and just use it as a basic excuse to pit whatever characters from whatever fandoms you want in mortal combat.

    Want to see Superman vs Goku? Fucking League of Legends Summoners.

    Harry Potter Vs Harry Dresden? Summoners.

    Guts Vs Sephiroth? Summoners.

    Raistlin Vs Elminster Vs Gandalf Vs Voldemort Vs Merlin? GODDAMN SUMMONERS.

    Get to it, bitches.
    Last edited: May 29, 2013
  15. Shouldabeenadog

    Shouldabeenadog Headmaster

    Sep 3, 2010
    Disaster: to expand the plot, find some people who have taken Naruto's philosophy (i'll protect my friends dattebayo!) and turned it into a cause for massive destruction.
  16. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    I never posted this from the Dishonored thread buuuuut.

    Dishonored/Fable Crossover. Fable 2/3 were getting closer to a steampunk setting whereas Dishonored was very much so a steampunk setting. On the other hand, Fable's magic system seemed much more fleshed out and the idea of the Outsider didn't seem to be. The two universes just seem to fit very well together, replacing the Outsider with Theresa or even subsuming the spells of Dishonored into Fable's magic system and removing the Outsider altogether. That or making the time period and the evolution of outsider-worship just a new way to worship jack of blades (because if you've read the fable backstory of the Jack/Queen/King of Blades or w/e, William Black, and the sword of Aeons etc., Jack is from the void, something sounding pretty close to "Outsider" anyway).

    It feels like a very easy mesh. The discovery of whale oil as a great fuel is what pushes Albion from the jokey-steampunk of Fable 3 into the all-out Victorian Era creepy steampunk of Dishonored. Dunwall is itself and Bowerstone is one of the other larger City-states mentioned in the Dishonored campaign, or even make "Albion" as a whole a larger city-state, Aurora another, and Dunwall lies somewhere else in the sea.

    There's tons of things to do with the storyline that I haven't thought of. Emily the new Queen of Dunwall and Corvo her Regent-Protector could be dealing with pressure from the remaining lords/other city-states. Corvo could be dealing with the influence of the Outsider/Jack of Blades creeping through his body from making use of the "gift" given to him, a new attempt by Jack to rule Albion and a different way for him to finally re-enter the realm after centuries of banishment (since Fable I). The plague from Dunwall could be spreading to the various other city-states, one of which is Bowerstone. The plague in Dunwall, brought in via rats and what-not (never read all of the lore there) could be a tool of the Crawler in Fable III. The last idea I have for it is that the relatively wide-spread use of magic in Dishonored could be the heralding of the return of heroes. Jack of Blades is finally reaching out from the Void, directly giving the gift to Corvo, creating breaches in the wall that result in things like Granny Rags, and the effect is felt all over with people gaining more and more access to magic. There was the assassin's guild/group/thing that Corvo finishes off and apparently had DLC content for, all of whom were capable of blinking around. Unlike Fable III, magic isn't unique to the hero. A major plot focus could be centered around the creation of a new heroes guild meant to police and keep peace between the various city states, sort of like a Jedi Order.

    Obviously, the story I have in mind would mostly be focused on the creation of a hero from boy to man to Titan in the same vein as the Fable trilogy. Whatever floats your boat though, I'd love it if someone wrote this.
  17. Shezza

    Shezza Renegade 4 Life DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2005

    Let's get a Round Robin up or something. Duels of the century! I'd be in, and I'm sure others would be too.
  18. Tarnished Blade

    Tarnished Blade Professor

    Dec 28, 2006
    How about crossing Quantum Leap with Doctor Who.
    Seasoned with Harry Potter to taste?

    You could take it so that Sam Leap's into the doctors body (maybe not, he's not human after all). Or have the Doctor trying to track down Sam to try and help.

    Bonus points for Sam leaping into a Darlek.
  19. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    I read a decent Who/Leap crossover a while back. It was called Patchwork. I'd give it a 4/5 over all.
  20. Otters

    Otters Groundskeeper ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2010
    High Score:
    I was writing a Pokemon historical war fic, and this vaguely related idea popped up. Had to write at least this opening.

    Fallout/Pokemon crossover
