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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    Hey Proudboar.

    Your plot bunny is hyper nonspecific and sounds like most multi-crossovers in qualities.

    Blessed with fucking suck.

    That being saidddddddddd...


    Or something.

    Enjoy :p

    Cuckoo Clock Tower

    Naruto hated reading.

    He hated everything about reading and then some.

    Jiraiya didn't make him read.

    Even Kischur didn't make him read.

    But ever since he'd been taking these remedial classes, he had been reading every single day.

    He snorted. It was like being back at the Academy again. He gripped the worn leather-bound book with a sort of anger born of impotence. Pah, scrolls were way cooler. No one ever put Sealing Jutsu on the pages on a book after all.

    Naruto checked the little silver pocketwatch that Kischur had given him when the man had agreed to take him on as a student. Three A.M., Greenwich Mean Time.

    Kischur was a great proponent of never wasting any time. The man seemed to have a hurricane of puns built up on every subject he liked and whenever Kischur got started, Naruto could not get the man to stop. He was worse than Jiraiya in that regard.

    Naruto sighed and leaned forward in his seat, a well-crafted chair of mahogany.

    It was three in the morning and he was one of the very few people left in the library. Most of the younger and weaker Magi were not quite so dedicated as he and the more experienced were proportionally more secretive - choosing to check out books surreptitiously and study in their workshops.

    Naruto had his own workshop. Well, that wasn't quite true - he had been keyed into the Bounded Field of Kischur's workshop, which was one of the largest rooms in Clock Tower, but there were far too many things in there that made it impossible to work. Including this one extremely irritable closet which chased him out, its doors flapping in anger, the first time he'd tried to sit and read in peace.

    It was silent enough this early in the morning so that he could hear the conversation between the two girls several tables away.

    "Who's that?" Naruto had the terrible habit of being far too observant of his surroundings, so he was far too capable of cataloging her appearance without needing to look over.

    The speaker was a girl with blonde hair a little darker than his own bright sunshine, drawn into aristocratic ringlets. She was wearing a pair of ribbons which were eye-catching and royal blue, tied into bows. They framed a nicely shaped face with interestingly colored eyes - a muddy brick red that shone with hidden depth.

    "He's new. He's supposed to be the newest student of the Marshall of the Prism." This other speaker was a study in opposites. While the other girl was gently beautiful, this one was harshly so, with long, silky straight black hair and these cerulean blue eyes which mirrored his own. She was pretty like Kurenai-sensei had been pretty, a chilly cold, then warm and passiona-

    Bad Naruto. Go back to reading, or you'll fail Thaumaturgy 201, he thought savagely.

    "Wow. He must be really talented," the blonde girl said.

    The other girl, who Naruto realized had rather Konohan- err, Japanese, he corrected him, features, now that he came to think of it, scoffed. "No matter how great he is, it doesn't matter. Kaleidoscope's supposed to have ruined every single Magus he ever taught. Except for my vaunted ancestor," she finished, a type of smirk on her face that reminded him of Sasuke.

    Naruto didn't like Kischur very much, but as his student, he felt obligated to defend the man, so he looked up and shot them a glare.

    The blonde girl looked contrite, but the other girl sneered back at him.

    "Luve, the library is too quiet at this hour to be gossiping in English," the girl said quickly, in a language that Naruto was most intimately familiar with.

    He turned back to his book to hide his grin.

    The blonde girl, now identified as Luve, smiled in a way that Naruto found cute, then blushed a little. "He's really cute," she said, with the most horrendous accent that Naruto had ever heard, ever. It sounded like the voice of a Kiri teamster that had a child with a whore from Suna. But it was far more important what she said rather than how she said it.

    He was not expecting that, not at all.

    The other girl smirked at her friend. "That's only because you have a crush on me, and he has eyes like mine," she said with complete certainty.

    Luve's blush deepened several shades. "Tohsaka-san!" she nearly shouted, drawing the attention of the other two people who were on tables far enough so that their faces were barely visible when they turned around to stare at the girl. Naruto believed that they were scowling.

    "Shhh, you're too easy to rile up, Luve," Tohsaka said. Damn it, Naruto wanted to know her first name!

    Luve's scowl deepened as well. "I hate you. I don't even know why I'm friends with you," she protested. Naruto found this endearing rather than insulting, but it appeared that Tohsaka did as well, because the girl didn't stop teasing her.

    "That's because I'm superior to you in every way and you want to improve yourself."

    "Why, you!-" Luve shouted out.

    One of the faces on the other side of the room shouted back. "Please keep it down. Some of us are doing important research!"

    Naruto snickered.

    Luve groaned. "Do you see, Rin? The new boy's laughing at me."

    Bingo. Naruto smiled. Bingo.

    The newly identified Rin scoffed again. "I don't see how he could be interested with you, when I'm sitting next to you."

    Her attractiveness plummeted. Luve looked as though she was actually hurt. And Naruto couldn't stand it when pretty girls were hurt.

    He closed the book and walked over to the two of them, smiling widely. When he spoke, it was in the perfect, crisp Konohan.

    "I happen to think that Luve-chan here is extremely attractive!"

    "What?!" This time, it was Rin who screamed, in a mixture of indignation and possibly embarrassment over him having understood her the entire time.
  2. Probellum

    Probellum Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2011
    Among the Moose
    God damnit Lungs! This is revenge for not looking over that chapter of fractal isn't it?

    And, yes, I admit, the Plot bunny was half-formed at best, but it doe open possibilities. The world needed to be hammered out a bit more, which Chaosguy has helped me with. Idea for plot are forming.

    it's also now 3 books, instead of four.

    Book 1: Naruto arrives in Mesh-verse (Zelretch may be involved). hearing about the Holy Grail, he prepares for it, hoping to win The rail and use it to travel back home. At the same time, an Emperor halfway across the world starts to set in motion a plan that will change the world. In the middle of All this, Shirou Emiya is about to learn just what his ideals mean.

    Book 2: Will pick up from Epilogue of Book 1, W/ Shirou saving Lelouch in the beginning of the Britannian/Japanese war. There'll be some backstory for Lelouche's revised history, and then a bit of Shirou lelouch traveling, before we start CG proper. meanwhile, naruto's search for a way home continue, Shirou heads back to Asia and The Clocktower catches wind of a Codebearer.

    Book 3: Will basically be the wrap up. There'll hopefully be more subplots, but that's the basics, so far.
  3. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    Piece of advice: don't plan multi-book works. they almost never get written. the project gets huge, you get bogged down, then you quit out.

    Plan out the first one heavily, write it, and see where it takes you.
  4. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Superman/GoT crossover.

    It's quite long summary and it includes the ending. I wanted to check if everything works as it should to make it a decent crossover and tweaked a timeline a little to better fit my version of some events. I call it GoT crossover because the White Walkers from TV show reminded me of one character, but I used informations from all five books. There are spoilers below for these that haven't read them.

    Eighteen years before Robert's Rebellion a bleeding star fell from the sky, but only few noticed it including Harold Jr. Kent, a member of the Night Watch. Few days later he is investigating rumors about the White Walkers appearing nearby the Wall and searching for a falling star. He finds both.

    The White Walkers gathered around a crater made by the fallen star which turns out to be a mysterious object with a human newborn inside. Harold manages to surprise them and save the child.

    Afterward he gives it to his lady friend, Sal, and tells her to contact his younger brother Jonathan.

    Harold Jr. Kent was a heir of House Kent, but he joined the Night Watch after a disagreement with his father about who he should marry. He wanted it to be Sal, a lowborn girl. His father wanted it to be Martha Clark. To complicate matter, his brother Jonathan was helplessly in love with her. In the end Harold decided that if he can't choose who he is going to marry then he will marry no one and joined the Night Watch, letting his brother to become a heir and take a woman he loved as his wife.

    But that wasn't an end of their troubles. After a wedding it quickly became apparent that a young couple wasn't able to conceive a child.

    For almost a decade the House Kent was without a heir.

    In a secret meeting Harold presents the baby explaining to his brother how he did find it. He proposes to Jonathan that he should disappear for a while with his wife and return after few months presenting the child as his own.

    Jonathan and Martha do as they are told. They name boy Clark after House Clark that Martha is the last descendant.

    Years pass and Clark grows, but he is a weak child. He's often sick and stays in bed. His only friends are books and stories told by his mother. His favorite one is about Brian Kent from the Age of Heroes. Unable to openly oppose his enemies, he pretended to be a lousy knight while actively fighting against them under a guise of the Silent Knight.

    Clark would spend that way his whole childhood if not for a surprising visit of Rickard Stark with his daughter. Lord Stark is looking for a marriage possibilities for his children, but Jonathan Kent isn't interested saying that his son will decide on his own who he wants to marry.

    An unexpected result of this visit is an unlikely friendship between Lyanna and Clark. At first they can't really find a common ground, but that changes after she takes him on a horse ride.

    Clark notices that there is a storm coming, but Lyanna tells him that if he is scared of it he can return to the castle alone and goes in a opposed direction. Unfortunately, one of lightings scars her horse and she ends up in a rivulet. To make it worse when she wants to get out of it her foot slips and gets stuck between rocks.

    The rain starts to get stronger and what was a small rivulet quickly becomes a powerful river.

    Clark finds her when she is almost under water. He goes into the river and in a display of unusual strength manages to move rocks that block her foot.

    After being rescued Lyanna decides that there is more to Clark than she initially thought and decides to visit him as often as possible, making him unwilling companion of her adventures. Together they discovers that an unnatural strength isn't only unusual ability that Clark posses.

    Meanwhile he starts to develop feelings for Lyanna and she does for him.

    Learning about it Jonathan Kent goes to Rickard with a proposition of marriage between their children, but Lord Stark isn't interested in it anymore. He found a much better husband for his daughter than a weak Kent boy.

    Clark and Lyanna though disappointed decide to remain good friends and enjoy each other company that way.

    Then comes the Tourney at Harrenhal.

    After witnessing Howland Reed's humiliation Lyanna convinces Clark to fight for his honor. Initially he doesn't want to do it because her brothers, which he became good friends with, made him swear that he will keep her out of trouble that she has tendency to find herself in and that would prevent him from doing it, but after she says that she will enter the tourney herself he agrees. Clark decides disguise himself as a mystery knight. He does it partially to avoid questions about his unusual strength and partially to honor his favorite ancestor who he consider to be a true knight.

    He easily defeats his opponents and disappears when the king becomes to interested in his presence.

    Two months later Lyanna is kidnapped by Rheagar. Clark is among young noblemen that go to King's Landing to challenge a prince. They are captured and charged with a treason. Clark is the last one to be executed, but the sword breaks on his neck. Using his newfound invulnerability he manages to escape.

    He witnesses an execution of Rickard and Brandon Starks. He gets inside the throne room and after fighting off the knights he manages to escape with Lord Stark by making an impossible leap over the walls of Red Keep.

    For all his powers he is unable to help Rickard who is burned beyond recognition. In his last words Lord Stark admits that he was wrong in his judgment of young Kent's character and makes him promise that he will find his daughter.

    Devastated Clark is surrounded by the Gold Cloaks. He decides to not fight with them thinking that if he stays in King's Landing he can discover where Lyanna is and knowing that the Mad King can't hurt him.

    Aerys orders to execute Clark in similar fashion to Lord Stark, but after he survives it he doesn't know what to think about it since to him only Targaryen should be able to resists a fire. He decides to put him in the dungeon.

    Clark's spends there few months waiting for a chance to learn where Lyanna is. He finally discovers it when Rhaegar returns to gather forces for a decisive battle.

    Clark decides to wait until Robert's army is close to the city before escaping. He wants to open the gates for the army, but before he has a chance to do it Lannisters arrive and betray the king.

    Clark escapes the prison and stops an assault on Elia Martell and her children. Not without a trouble he manages to defeat Ser Gregor Clegane and then fights off Tywin's men. He makes a stand in queen's chambers. It's a stalemate till Robert's army finally arrives.

    The situation is tense till Jon Arryn notices that neither of the children have Targaryen's looks. He makes Elia swear that they are both not from Rheagar and lets her return to her family.

    Clark informs Ned where Lyanna is kept. They both go there with few other knights.

    They defeat the guards and find Lyanna bleeding out after giving a birth to a boy. She informs them that this is Rheagar's son that was conceived in a moment of forgetfulness on their part in the Tourney at Harrenhal and the reason why she was kidnapped. She reveals that in these past few months Rheagar convinced her to become his second wife to make sure that their child is a proper heir to the Iron Throne and not just a bastard. She makes them both swear that they will take care of him and protect from these that would want to kill him.

    To makes sure nobody is interested in the baby they decide to convince everybody that the child is Ned's in case he grows up to look like a Stark, but to not reveal his mother in case he favors his father's look.

    After returning home, Clark meets his uncle who finally reveals his origins.

    Years pass. Clark powers slowly grows. Once he was strong like five men. Now he is strong like a dragon.

    He knows that he is from stars, but nothing more than this. He tried to find a vessel that let him travel to this world, but it wasn't where his uncle told him it should be.

    Then one night he starts hearing a mysterious signal from far beyond the Wall.

    He decides to travel there and in the Land of Always Winter he finds a crystal city full of the White Walkers. They do not attack him, but let him enter their Fortress.

    There he meets their leader who calls himself Brainiac. He explains that he is an AI from a distant world called Krypton that no longer exists. After noticing his arrival he sent few of his men to get him, but a human steal him from them. After that he sent a signal that only a Kryptonian was able of receive.

    The White Walkers are genetic engineered race. They were created as an attempt to join Kryptionian technology with mysterious force called magic that they discovered on this planet. The project ended when magic affected Brainiac and gave him a free will. Unable to control their creation Kryptionians left this world.

    Few of them decided to stay and help natives deal with the White Walkers. Among them were Brandon creator of the Wall and Azor Ahai.

    Brainiac proposes to Kal-El to join the forces with him, but Clark declines. The AI is disappointed, but he informs him that while his arrival was unexpected this time even a Kryptonian like him will not be able to stop his forces.

    Clark manages to escape and plans to warn people about upcoming invasion.

    When he returns to Westeros he discovers what happened in past few months. After learning about Ned's execution he feels like he once again failed to save someone from Stark family.

    He warns his uncle and the Night's Watch then travels south to meet Robb. He arrives at the last moment to save Starks from Freys entering a hall by shattering the walls of the castle.

    After learning about upcoming invasion Robb forms an alliance with Stannis to protect the Wall. Together they force the Iron Islands to join them in the upcoming war. Meanwhile Clark goes to King's Landing just in time for Joffrey's wedding. Tywin's agrees to meet him remembering well how stubborn and unpredictable Clark can be.

    Later Clark becomes a champion for Tyrion who he knows is innocent of his charges. He fights Ser Gregor Clegane making it a second time they battle over a life of somebody. Clark wins again, but this time without much problem.

    After everything he reveals why he arrived. Most don't believe him, but Tywin is aware of sudden movements of Stark's and Stannis' armies to the north. While he suspects it could be a trap he knows that it's unlikely. He agrees to send his people to confirm Clark's words. If what he says is true Lannisters and Tyrells will join defending the Wall.

    Clark learns of Daenerys and her dragons. He decides that they could be useful and Targaryens would be interested in protecting the Seven Kingdoms if they want to get it back.

    He travels further south with the Red Viper who convinces him that he should stop at Sunspear. There he meets an adult Rhaenys who is deeply infatuated with him remembering how she saved her when she was a child. She persuades him that she should accomplish him to meet her aunt. Her reasoning is that she has a better chance of being able to speak with her as one of her family.

    They meet Daenerys who initially refuses to join her forces with people responsible for killing her father and brother and exiling the rest of her family. But with help from Ser Barristan they manage to convince her that if she doesn't help them there will be no Seven Kingdoms to rule.

    Later they get message from Varys that true Aegon and the Golden Company will join the the fight too. Clark is surprised that they decided to reveal themselves instead of waiting till the Other are dealt with. Varys admits that it would be smarter move, but only if they were sure of the outcome of the war. They aren't.

    The joined army of Seven Kingdoms is in a disarray without a main leader. It's decided that it's Clark who will have a command over them for a duration of the conflict with the White Walkers.

    The war is long and bloody. The Long Night comes. It's Brainiac attempt to weaken Clark. He feels his powers slowly fading away, but doesn't let it stop him from dealing with the most dangerous foes.

    For the final battle Brainiac prepared a perfect warrior that unlike his lesser creations is invulnerable even to dragonglass.

    He calls it Doomsnight.

    The monster first deals with dragons then attacks his main target. After a long fight Clark loses. When everything is almost lost he dreams of people from his past. Lyanna tells him that a true knight never gives up.

    Clark gets up, he runs to Doomsnight and then catches him and jumps over clouds that stops sunlight. He flies for the first time and decides to take his enemy into the sun. The closer he is the more powerful he becomes while Doomsnight starts melting. Clarks wins the fight.

    Powered up he flies to the Fortress and takes down Brainiac.

    He returns to Westeros. Later Houses decide that none of them is capable of waging a war for the throne and they will entrust the decision of who should be a king to the man that gathered them all together.

    To everybody's surprise Clark appoints Jon Snow who is now free of his vows after the Night's Watch fulfilled its reason of existence. He reveals that he is son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. With all sides of the conflict equally unhappy about it they agree to this choice. Jon ask Clark to be his Hand and to honor his promise to Lyanna he agrees.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2013
  5. Nauro

    Nauro Headmaster

    Oct 20, 2011
    That's surprisingly well thought out.
    I'd read it.

    What were the actual spoilers? Because I don't remember Braniac in all five books? ;P
  6. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    What happens to Joffrey and revelations about Aegon and the Golden Company.
  7. Jester

    Jester Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I've been away for a bit so I'm all hyped to be able to sign on and share this small tidbit that's been bouncing through my thoughts. It's a Pokemon idea inspired by the AshGray fan game.

    I was thinking what would happen if Ash had a more personal motivation for his journey, make the characters a bit older, change the history of the world to have the Mew experiments be the start of a war between Unova and the Indigo League. The development of pokeballs was devised well trying to clone Mew. The pokeball was originally less humane and used to quickly gain dominance over Pokemon.

    The War lasts for a number of years with the pokeball being humanized and the Unovians winning with superior technology and a reworked pokeball design that took the Indigo League's advantage. The treaty of Lavender is put in place and the Unovians leave a military base in Kanto's largest port city. Lt. Surge is the standing officer of the Unovian military.

    Twenty years after the war the Indigo League is a bit different then what we see in the anime. Trainer licenses are mandatory to do the league challenge. The pseudo government of the Gym Leaders being the town leaders, with the Elite Four and the Champion being the top dogs. Everything is taken a bit more seriously after the realization that their are more legendary pokemon awakening after the abomination of Mewtwo came into the world destroying part of Cinnabar island.

    Team Rocket is formed out of the defeated resistance that cropped up during the war. Giovanni goes from Colonel to Crime Lord and builds an empire in the shadows.

    Ash Ketchum is a teenager who comes from a poor home. A single mother gives him a good life but doesn't make enough to allow him to go to the Viridian Trainer School for the Pokemon licencing course. Resigned to never being able to reach his dream of being the Pokemon Champion, Ash prepares himself to go to the State school in Saffron. He gets a letter in the mail unmarked. He opens and finds a note from his father with a cheque.

    That's the basic premise in my head. With Ash going from wanting to being Champ to wanting to hunt down his dad and seeing a more mature take on the anime story.
  8. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Creatures of the Force - Pokemon Games/Star Wars: KOTOR crossover

    It is the day when Red and Green got their first Pokemon from Professor Oak (Charmander and Squirtle respectively). While for a while things go as they would have normally, there are these two explosions, one in Mount Moon and the other in Viridian Forest. Unknown powers, perhaps Arceus himself (who really knows?) have transported people from another universe to this one. Uthar Wynn, Yuthura Ban and several other Sith Students from the Korriban Academy have appeared in Mount Moon, disrupting whatever Team Rocket was doing there. Meanwhile, Master Vandar and Master Dorak have appeared with several Dantooine Jedi Students inside Viridian Forest.

    Some notes: The Force users were transported when the Ebon Hawk was just leaving Dantooine, so Revan and Bastila are not transported and would not be in this story. Neither Jedi nor Sith are capable of sensing Pokemon as their powers operate in completely different ways. Mind Tricks will not work on Pokemon. Humans native to the Pokemon world will not be able to learn the ways of the Force and cannot be Force-Sensitive. This is to prevent Mary Sue scenarios. Finally and obviously, the story would be Red-Centric.
  9. gullibleoats

    gullibleoats Seventh Year

    Dec 12, 2010
    I like the idea of a jinchuuriki. The power of human sacrifice and all that rot. However, I've never seen a story where Naruto chooses to become a jinchuuriki rather than the mantle being forced on him.

    Thus, this AU is formed.

    Divergence: Minato fails to seal the Kyuubi and takes heavy wounds both to his physical body and his yin and yang chakras to make him go a little insane. Kushina dies. As a result of Minato's failure, Sarutobi dies, Konoha gets destroyed and a bunch of the elder ninja population are dead. In shame, the 4th takes his son away from the desolate remains of his village and responsibility. Jiraiya takes up the position of Hokage because he's the only one who can.

    Naruto gets raised to the background of his father's bitterness and is molded to become his father's redemption. Minato pushes Naruto, telling him that he has to become invincible because only the invincible can stand up to the Nine Tails. To this end, he teaches his son chakra sensing and sealing. He develops Naruto's chakra chains which he inherited from his mom and he teaches Naruto how to access natural energy. Basically, he's teaching his son how to control the nine tails and become it's jinchuuriki.

    Unfortunately, Naruto's instruction ends abruptly in his twelfth year because his dad finally dies from chakra poisoning and wounds from the Kyuubi. His father's instructions are to go to his old master, Jiraiya, the only person alive with the knowledge to continue his unique education.

    Naruto goes to Konoha and meets Jiraiya. Jiraiya's gladdened to see his disciple's son but is struck with grief at Minato's end as a shadow of what he once was. Jiraiya talks to Naruto about his intentions and is concerned by Naruto's obsession with his father's revenge, his lack of social graces and skills, and his apathy concerning his own value and life. Minato raised his son to be a tool. Jiraiya is horrified, but agrees to continue his education as long as Naruto becomes a genin. Jiraiya hopes that interaction with people his age will help.

    Naruto teams with Sasuke who is actually the light hearted one in the group. Growing up with the ever serious Itachi has caused Sasuke to seek for more humor and joy in life. Sakura's there as well as a patriot.

    It's important to note that Konoha or New Konoha is a fairly young village now because essentially everything got destroyed. Jiraiya's had to build up Konoha's reputation. That means that even genin have to take hard missions with high risk of death or failure to make ends meet. Most of the kids of Sakura's generation are orphans and have been indoctrinated since early childhood that the ultimate goal is to restore Konoha's "glory."

    Sakura's graduated as top of her class and is the epitome of those beliefs. Sasuke's still talented but growing up with the Uchiha clan and his brother has made him long for other things. Naruto's a bit dysfunctional. He still enjoys pranks but he doesn't know how to interact which makes people view him as immature. However, within him resides a great deal of maturity and even bitterness as he expects to seal the Kyuubi or die trying. Even against the backdrop of these tumultuous times, Naruto's intensity in life or death situations freaks people out.

    The end goal here is for Naruto to grow as a person, from a martyr to a sage. There should be a lot of character development here because natural energy can only be accessed through oneness with the earth and the heavens. So as Naruto grows as a person so do his powers.

    I theorize that the reason that the First Hokage was invincible was because of his unique access to life and natural energy. I think it was shown when Naruto got his chakra cloak that the Kyuubi's pure energy was full of life and thus made things grow spontaneously. Mokuton must be an extension of his control over this.

    I think Naruto's sage training is going to be very vague and uncharted. Basically, the only way to advance is to be more in touch with nature and himself. The Toad Sages, Snake sages, and probably Slug sages shortcut this method by attaching themselves to creatures that have already sampled life energy to become sentient, like Fusaku, the Great Toad Sage, etc. They're incomplete sages. The more one with natural energy you are, the less changes there should be. That's why Jiraiya's sage mode makes him look like a toad but Naruto's, which is more natural, only alters his eyes. The goal should be to look the same, yet be infinitely more of himself.

    Everything gets enhanced in sage mode; the first hokage's mokuton art stretches to unbelievable capacities when he's in touch with nature. I think that life energy is what allows him to effortlessly heal himself and create villages with chakra.

    I think Naruto's training will be more philosophical, more internal and spiritual rather than physical. I see him trying to talk to mountains and rivers -- though to no avail-- jumping off cliffs, climbing cliffs, eating dirt, farming, sleeping in forests, etc. Through this, he will be able to sense chakra in all things and realize that it's all one. That realization allows him to better access the energy of the earth to fight on par with tailed beasts.

    Tailed beasts also get their energy from the earth but are corrupted by consciousness. The hatred is a manifestation of nature rebelling against itself. The more violent humans get the worse the beasts become because in a way they reflect humanity for humanity is part of the earth.

    Edit: sorry brain farting, need to add more.

    I don't know if he seals the Kyuubi, tames him, destroys its consciousness and sends the chakra back to the earth. He'll definitely have a lot of enemies. As Konoha failed, Akatsuki becomes even more powerful evolving from a group of S-class nukenin to a village in itself waging war with the world until it can capture all of the jinchuurikis. Its power is based in Ame. Everyone will have to step up to face direct assaults from Akatsuki. Limited Kyuubi appearances because it's taxing as hell.

    To add more because I can't let this go:

    The landscaped of the land of fire is in great turmoil. Ninjas have been the enforcers of an unsteady peace because of their great and some would say unnatural power to control the elements. With the destruction of Konoha, a power vacuum is in place and all manner of brigands and bandits, some with chakra abilities, have polluted the land. A number of smaller daimyos, landed class, and merchants are struggling to keep land, gain land, and survive. This constant fighting will be the source of many of New Konoha's missions.

    Genins will be more capable, as I've stated before, probably at chuunin level. It'll be more like pre-village days where thirteen year old children killing grown men is commonplace. Chuunin will actually be squad commanders. Not that wall duty shit. Jounin are actual elites.

    So basically, the challenge is to create stability by cleaning up the land of fire, ally with the other ninja villages to keep Akatsuki from gaining all the jinchuurikis, master natural energy, contain or cleanse the bjuu, and end the cycle of hatred (which, I assume is the corruption of the beasts).

    Nagato should play a big part in this. He's technically a "sage" because of rinnegan but not in tune with natural or life energy. He's cheating in a sense but he's super powerful so it doesn't really matter to people. Naruto, on the other hand, has access to the chains of "heaven" and the energy of the earth. Both are Uzumaki, descendants of the original sage who saved the world from the apocalypse, or delayed it at any rate.

    Madara's still in this, with his kooky plan to end suffering by destroying everything. He sees parallels between Hashirama and Naruto because they both access life energy, but Naruto's better at it, or will be.

    As I said before, growth should happen. Sasuke should grow to confront reality. He escapes the seriousness of being an Uchiha heir and carrier of those burdens by acting like a fool. He finds balance between tradition and freedom.

    Sakura, a stalwart patriot, finds glory less and less in the temporal power of the village and instead realizes that the glory of Konoha resides in creating harmony and happiness for her village and herself.

    Naruto realizes that he doesn't really have any goals of his own. His father's forced him to carry out revenge against the Kyuubi but as his journey progresses he realizes that the Kyuubi is a victim of hatred as well. He starts in isolation and thinks he must commit the ultimate sacrifice to contain the Kyuubi, if he can, or challenge it to eternal battle in the death god's stomach. He moves beyond the motives of revenge, of pleasing his father, and of living in apathy. He becomes a true sage, one with himself and heaven and earth.

    More and more, I'm liking the ending of Full Metal Alchemist, where Edward gives up his alchemy and leads a fulfilling life after. I think this is how it should be for Naruto as well.

    I had a vision of Naruto accessing the eighth gate and acting as a conduit to transfer the Kyuubi's energy into the earth. The theory behind this is that the eighth gate unlocks your chakra limits allowing you to access more and more life energy. Normal people burn their own life energy and die at the cost of a fleeting moment of true oneness with chakra. By accessing the eighth gate, Naruto's chakra will be closer in wavelength to the Kyuubi's because he can access unfettered amounts of life energy from himself and the earth so it's much easier for the Kyuubi's chakra to blend with his own. Usually, when people make the Kyuubi die, there's always this big explosion. However, I like to think that because the Kyuubi's all life energy, it causes a forest to grow instead when it "dies". The ground gets so full of life energy that trees grow to magnificent sizes and various creatures that grow there become larger and more intelligent.

    The end would probably divest Naruto of his ninja powers and leave him living with a sentient and mortal Kurama as his companion, travelling the world in search of more adventure.

    I would write it but I can't write to save my life so I just had to get this out somewhere.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2013
  10. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    I would read this so hard if someone tried their hand at it. I don't think I've got that touch, unfortunately, so I won't try to. Nauro/Roarian/Inert? But this is probably one of the best concepts I've read in a long time. Seriously refreshing.


    I just dug up an old Bleach piece from my emails where I jotted it down a year ago. I remembered at the time wanting to re-write Ichigo's training pre-Soul Society, where Urahara is more ambitious in Ichigo's potential and actually pushes him toward the road to Bankai as soon as the mask is broken.

    He'd still go through the basics of Shikai first and foremost, but at the same time be prodded to grasp Shunpo, and once he has Getsuga Tenshou in his arsenal preferably within the first few days, he would be encouraged to manifest his Zanpakotou spirit with the Tenshintai in the final stretch before departure.

    I didn't get any further than that back then, but I'm wondering now just how powerful or speedy his Bankai truly would be at that stage. I don't think it would actually be that great a boost over his basic Shikai abilities like it was when he fought Byakuya - maybe a quarter of that since he has so much less experience. I believe he had to face both Renji and Zaraki before he tried learning Bankai originally.

    Still. Does the idea have much merit to it or am I just reaching too far?

    This is all I actually wrote for it and I haven't touched it since;

  11. R. Daneel Olivaw

    R. Daneel Olivaw Groundskeeper

    Mar 14, 2013
    Yuen Long
    Hero Worship

    One day they weren't there, and the next they were. Heroes.

    Superman. Wolverine. Harry Potter. Luke Skywalker. Gandalf.

    They were the new gods. They were born from the belief of all mankind, endowed with the power of that belief. But what would gods like that do?

    Create their own religions, of course.
  12. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    DLP would probably be the Priesthood of HP and HDresden.
  13. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    @gullibeoats: So...what happened to the Kyuubi? Was he killed, recaptured by Obito or did he destroy the village and run off somewhere?

    @Zenzao: That's similar to an idea I was working on a while ago. To summarize it: Ichigo draws out more of his power to kill the Grand Fisher before he escapes (like when he fought the Menos), the increase in power speeds up his friend's development and results in Mizuiro, Keigo and Tatsuki awakening their power. And then, before the Soul Society arc, the Fullbringers arrive causing trouble. Edit: And, er, consider that my way of saying that the idea has merit. You wouldn't even need to rush the training since, IIRC, after they got a handle on theirr abilities they spend another 7-10 days in the human world before leaving.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2013
  14. Nauro

    Nauro Headmaster

    Oct 20, 2011
    Convince Roarian to fix my shit and find me some time...

    Although, all I could write on this topic, would be 20-30k word story at most - otherwise it would grow too much out of control, and I don't think a long story would work as well - it might, though, but then don't look at me.

    Roarian? ;P
  15. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    A plot bunny for GoT fic.

    What if contrary to everybody's expectations Joffrey turns out to be a great king? Without making him a better person than he was in the canon. He simply would have a hidden talent that allowed him to efficiently rule the kingdom. The masses would love him for that despite his sadistic tendencies towards people who crossed him.

    On the other side there would be Robb. A great man, good leader, but poor ruler.

    I want the readers feel uncomfortable with a realization that while they want Robb to win, it's Joffrey that is the best option for the realm. Even if he is the worst option for their favorite characters.
  16. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    Bleach - All Hollow's Eve
    In Every Tale, There is a Grain of Truth

    Until recently, Shinigami never understood why the disaster kept happening. Now they are a bit more aware of how the dimensions work, the similar planes of existence both Hueco Mundo and the Dangai exist in, and how both expand and shrink in seemingly random intervals. How large shifts can lead to spillover or incapability of travel between the planes.

    They now knew why every so often over the course of hundreds of years Hueco Mundo would breach into the human world. The sky would be filled with the presence of a location deeper in Hueco Mundo than any have travelled before, a realm where unnaturally powerful hollows usually hid and waited for this particular event. Lying dormant until the roughly month long period of time when they were free to do as they pleased.

    It wouldn't have been nearly as much of an issue if the timing for this particular event could be predicted, or better still the particular location could be determined for where this breach would occur. But unfortunately the nature of both the Dangai and the Hollow's realm was just too unstable to nail down any such precise calculations.

    Even then it still wouldn't be as bad if the Dangai gates still worked while the breach occurred. It would take time sure to get the proper forces in place to guard the human world until the breach naturally closed on its own, an interval that usually took around a month. But it would still be a far better thing than being cut off entirely from the human world until the gates regained enough stability to allow passage.

    Because of this, whenever the breach happened, it wasn't unusual to find any human settlement it had formed over to be completely wiped out, the Shinigami caught off guard by the occurrence and left completely unable to back up any forces in the area. Proper countermeasures just couldn't be made for an event they had no way to foresee and had no means to fight when it happened.

    This time however, it appeared things were going to be far worse. Usually the breach formed over small settlements, or over the ocean or in the middle of nowhere. Since the last time it appeared however, Humanity had created much larger places of commerce than ever before. Worse still, the breach was larger than before, Hueco Mundo didn't just spill over into the human world this time, Soul Society itself was facing a crisis on its own turf now.

    Then again, perhaps not everything was lost this time. Great minds were located on both sides of the breach this time that might prove much more capable of combating it, and it wasn't as if this particular city would find itself completely undefended. Right now it was firmly under the protection of a single substitute shinigami and his allies.

    Perhaps Karakura would be the first place to survive All Hollow's Eve.

    An idea proposed and expanded upon on TFF last year. Stuff that we came up with to go with it in summary:

    1) The event is caused by the Elder Hollow(s), the oldest existing hollow(s) who rest at the heart of Hueco Mundo which grew around it and became the home-world of all hollows. They take advantage of the barrier's infrequent degradation and use their power to create a temporary breach into the human world for their feast.

    2) The humans trapped inside the breach develop spiritual power in response to their constant exposure to the Elder's power - a corrupting influence - for the sake of improving their their 'nutritional value'. The Elder even sends creations/hollows through to attack them, forcing their power to grow from fear, hate and loss.

    3) Souls are unable to enter or leave and the Chain of Fate's rate of corruption is significantly increased from the Elder's power.#

    4) The event takes place at the conclusion of the Fullbring Arc. The spatial disturbance results in only Rukia (and Renji) being able to reach the Human World before Karakura Town is cut off. The humans and allies fight the Fullbringers who escape in the confusion as the town's sealed off.

    [FONT=&quot]5) Later, the Fullbringer's powers are amplified by Hueco Mundo's atmosphere and the Elder and hold a vendetta against the protagonists thanks to Ginjo's death. As the populace becomes fearful and panicked from the entrapment and new-found ability to see spiritual phenomena, Tsukishima uses his powers to guide them to his will. The Fullbringers, the attacking minions sent through the breach and finally the Elder Hollows form the primary antagonists.
  17. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    Bleach - Swing the Blade Down
    Only Men Can Hope To Kill Monsters

    Pushed to his limits as he tries to avenge his mother and save her soul, Ichigo awakens his shinigami powers early and kills the Grand Fisher. The increase in power speeds up the 'contamination' of his friends as they are exposed to it, and Ishida decides to make his challenge earlier. Aisslinger and Di Roy (the ones involved in Grand Fisher's Arrancarfication) also take some interest in the happenings of Karakura Town after discovering the death of their acquaintance.

    Ichigo and Ishida have their hollow slaying contest which awakens the powers sleeping within the other humans; Chad, Orihime, Tatsuki, Mizuiro and Keigo (and possibly Chizuru considering her presence in Deicide).

    Afterwards, Karakura Towns finds itself subject to excursions from Huge Hollows sent by the imperfect arrancar, forcing the group to defend the town. When things grow out of hand and the arrancar themselves enter the Human World for powerful prey, Xcution makes it entrance.

    Discovering spiritually-aware humans, the Fullbringers had supposedly sought them out to find more people like themselves and incidentally aided them against the attacks. It earned some measure of trust and the two groups met up and swapped stories.

    Naturally, the Fullbringers have ulterior motives. By bonding with an object and turning it into their Fullbring, the Fullbringer ties it to their chain of fate. But this bond causes the object to pull on their chain which becomes all the harder as the bond between them grows. This in turns causes the chain of fate to decay from being pulled between the user’s soul and the object, starting the encroachment process. The more they use their power, the less human they become.

    Riruka's insatiable greed, Yuriko's detachment from reality, Giriko's obsession with the godly power of time...They suffer greatly from their powers. The only way to stave off this encroachment is to steal power from others; finding humans with spiritual power and taking it for themselves, or even hunting Shinigami. Ginjo's power makes him the perfect leader as he can impland 'seeds' into individuals which can turn them into Fullbringers. And once those power mature, he can turn them back to restore his and his allies' chains of fate whilst adopting new abilities.

    The Fullbringers learned of the humans from Karakura Town, they saw their power first hand and they would gladly take it and leave them for dead if it meant retaining their humanity for a little bit longer. It's up to Ichigo and his friends to save themselves and protect anyone else from being caught up in Xcution's madness.

    This was the idea I was talking about before and was meant to be my main writing project. But I'm lazy and the latest arc killed a lost of my enthusiasm. My head's still spinning from the recent revelations of Ichigo, Hichigo and Zangetsu.
  18. meev

    meev Groundskeeper

    Jun 15, 2012
    So ignore them? It's not like you're writing from a post series point, and you're already changing aspects of the existing canon anyway with the Fullbringers, so what's the issue?
  19. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    Hmm, I think my problem is that the revelation explained some things that had bothered me in the past which makes me not want to completely dismiss it. It'd kinda nag at me otherwise.

    Ichigo’s blood being stopped and the Hollow mask illusion always seemed odd to me and I thought the relationship between shinigami and asauchi actually as the king and horse scenario (if I read that right) was interesting.

    But it’s mainly, Hichigo’s use of Zangetsu. It always stood out to me how Ichigo’s hollow power only ever used his shinigami powers, was capable of doing more with it and was somehow always better than Ichigo himself. The realisation that Hichigo was his zanpakuto made it click. And I’d never noticed that Old Man Zangetsu never actually taught Ichigo to use the zanpakuto but that clicked with me too when it was pointed out.

    I wondered how I could pull off this plot bunny without Old Man Zangetsu’s presence and the mechanics confused me.

    Would his zanpakuto and mask training overlap with one another? Would Hichigo apparently try to take over again? Would he do one kind of training and then the other like in canon? If his Hollow is his zanpakuto power, then would his hollow powers manifest in a completely different way? And how would that latent power the Old Man’s been suppressing work? That kind of thing.

    [FONT=&quot]I could just take the opposite approach and change how things works based on Old Man Zangetsu being his zanpakuto (and so teaching Ichigo about himself) and Hichigo being the hollow. But I'd also like to think of how things would work with Hichigo as the zanpakuto. My general indecisiveness doesn't help. ;)
  20. Agayek

    Agayek Dimensional Trunk DLP Supporter

    Mar 20, 2009
    Wow, did Kubo really do that? I'm kinda flabbergasted at how retarded that is.

    Oh well, really just confirms that I made the right choice with deciding everything post-Aizen to be the equivalent of official filler.

    Personally, I'd recommend just ignoring that shit and going with your original idea.