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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    ASOIAF Plot Bunny:

    Total AU in which during the times of the Founders, Wizards decided that they are going to leave the muggles to their own devices and depart to another world.

    Naturally, the end up in Westeros. When, well how about during Aegon's Landing?

    Fast forward many years later, we have a world that is a fusion of HP and ASOIAF.

    The reason this is in this thread instead of the HP Plot Bunny, is because Harry would obviously not exist.
  2. Nerdman3000

    Nerdman3000 Seventh Year

    Apr 23, 2013
    Star Wars plot bunny: During the early years of the Clone Wars, Palpatine has a vision showing the scene in ROTJ with Vader killing him and turning back to the light to save Luke. Infuriated, and realizing he had seen the culmination of the prophecy and the destruction of the Sith Order, Palpatine realizes that turning Anakin is far too risky now knowing that Anakn could turn back to the light, so Palpatine begins to take steps to prevent this while still getting his master plan. First he has Anakin cloned(there are dozens of failures in the process before a perfect clone is eventually completed after a year, with Dooku overseeing the clone, now named Darth Vader, training), then he takes steps to weaken Skywalker, no longer believing that having him as an apprentice is worth it.

    After a year or two, in the last year or so of the Clone Wars, Palpatine begins to secretly train Vader, molding the young clone to be his future apprentice. He sends Vader out into the war as a way of honing his skills. Vader becomes a Jedi slayer, a myth to the Order and a dangerous enemy. At one point Anakin encounters and first duels Vader, soon discovering him to be in fact a clone of himself. This horrifies Anakin, as seeing his own face so corrupted by the dark side shakes him.

    By the time we get to the events of Revenge of the Sith, things happen a bit differently as before Anakin and Obi-Wan arrive, Palpatine has Vader duel and kill Dooku, finally officially making Vader his apprentice. Vader leaves Palpatine by himself, knowing that the Jedi will soon arrive. By the time Anakin and Obi-Wan arrive, Dooku is dead, and they learn from Palpatine that it was Vader who killed him which creates confusion.

    Events happen not that different from the movie up until the dream sequence which is instead a vision of a man in black armor with a loud breathing apparatus consumed in fire(Basically Vader in the suit on fire). Anakin tells the Yoda about his disturbing dreams, and things happen not that dissimilar as they did in the movie when Anakin finds out Palpatine is the Sith Lord(Palpatine doesn't kill him because he wants Vader to kill Anakin as his final test). Anakin tells Windu, Windu fights Palpatine, and Vader comes and kills Windu. Anakin is able to warn all the Jedi in the galaxy of the danger, and may are able to survive when Order 66 is initiated. Vader attacks the temple, with Anakin trying to defend the temple and is successful in saving many of the Jedi including the younglings. Many of the Jedi from the Temple go into hiding, and Anakin goes to protect Padme who is pregnant with Luke and Leia as the Galactic Empire is born.

    Things happen for Obi-Wan and Yoda the same until they get to the Temple and see the recordings, which show Anakin fighting Vader in the Temple. Eventually Anakin and Obi-Wan unite and go to kill Vader on Mustafar(who has already killed the Seperatist leaders), the two duel Vader, and Vader loses his limbs and is burned. Eventually Luke and Leia are born and Vader gets the iconic suit. Anakin and Obi-Wan now lead a rebellion against the Empire filled with many of the Jedi survivors.

    After that is undecided as I haven't thought that far, although I do like the idea of Vader eventually killing Palpatine and taking his place as Emperor at some point. I'd probably end the first story here though and write a sequel later dealing with the events between Episode III and the Original Trilogy, and a third story taking a revised story of the Original Trilogy which would be a bit different from the original because of the butterfly effect.

    The whole point of this story is really because I'm interested in the idea of Vader is a clone of Anakin, and just the image in my mind of Anakin fighting Vader in the suit really seems cool. Basically Anakin has to fight a clone of himself who as strong as him, while also dealing with his own inner darkness which hasn't gone away even if Palpatine stopped nurturing it.

    I would show characters from the EU though, like Mara Jade, Ferus Olin, Galen Marek/Starkiller, Siri Tachi(might end up surviving the Clone Wars as a result of Palpatine stop's trying to help Anakin) and maybe even the small canon character of Serra Keto. Really there are so many Jedi characters EU characters you could use in this particular story idea.

    I'll see if I can come back later and write my vision for the sequel story in another post when I decide where I want it to go.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2013
  3. bakkasama

    bakkasama Seventh Year

    Apr 20, 2012
    Fallout Plot bunnies:

    1- The Vault Dweller chooses to join the super mutants and he becomes one of them. The story alternates between The now Mutant dweller and people from the different factions/cities of fallout 1 & 2. Since super mutants can live a very long life, perhaps also from fallout 3.

    2- Instead of sending the Vault Dweller in search of the water chip, the overseer decides it is time to leave Vault 13. Would be a story about the forming of a settlement for a few months before the super mutants attack and the survivors go in a mission to unite the wasteland against their threat.

    3- The overseer lets the Vault Dweller return to the Vault. He/she has to adapt to life inside again and how people react to him/her. Tensions inside rise as some of it's inhabitants wish to venture outside and have adventures like the new hero or because they think it is time to restart civilization.

    4- Of the adventures the Vault Dweller has between the end of the game and the founding of Arroyo.
  4. Red Aviary

    Red Aviary Hogdorinclawpuff ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 25, 2008
    High Score:
    Of those I think ideas 2 and 4 would be the most interesting.
  5. CrackedMind

    CrackedMind Chief Warlock

    Jul 17, 2011
    Nerdman, I think it'd be interesting if Anakin was killed by Darth Vader on Mustafar. Makes Obi-Wan's quote about Darth Vader killing Luke's father actually accurate, and maybe carefully leaving out the fact that DV is a clone of Anakin so that Luke has a bit of a mental breakdown when Darth goes the whole, "I am your father" route.
  6. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    While in reality we have some pretty interesting mash-up novels, including: "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" and "Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters"...

    What about other possibilities?

    -Romeo and Juliet and Dracula
    -Crime and Punishment and Ghosts
    -War and Peace and Wizards
    -The Art of War of the Worlds
    -A Matter of Life and Death Note
    -Red Dawn of the Dead
    -Captain Planet of the Apes
    -Sabrina Spellman and the Philosopher's Stone
    -Red Riding Robin Hood
    -Hansel and Gretel: Pirates of the Carribean
    -Gone with the Wind Chakra
    -The Mysterious Treasure Island
    -King Solomon's Minecraft
    -The Adventures of Pinocchio in Wonderland
    -50 Shades of Dorian Grey
    -Peter and Wendy the Little Good Witch
    -Lord of the Flies: Fellowship of the Ring
    -Stargate: Revenge of the Sith
    -Back to the Future's Past.
  7. South of Hell

    South of Hell Third Year

    Oct 19, 2011
    Your move Menace.
  8. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Also, fairly relevant to the nature of the thread, I believe.

  9. Alraune

    Alraune Seventh Year

    Jul 22, 2009

    Teen Exile

    When attacked by the Gibborim, Alex Wilder didn't go to Heaven. He didn't even go to hell, since that night his soul and body has been trapped in a limbo dimension where he can watch Nico and his friends. And when the barrier is really weak, he can even whisper in their ears here and there.

    And he has mostly gotten used to it.

    Until one day he hears a voice.

    "Alex Wilder, you have been unhinged from time."

    The next thing he knows he's in a bright pink crystal castle. A pale mutant named Morph explains to him, the multiverse is in shambles and he has been chosen to repair it with the promise of being returned back to their planet after they complete enough missions. His team assorted teens from across the Multiverse including Ahura Boltagon, Dagger, Mayday Parker and more mutants than Alex cares to count.

    Alex, was willing to damn the planet earth to protect his family.

    He's definitely willing to protect the whole multiverse if he can see what remains of it again.
  10. Lion

    Lion Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 8, 2009
    That place
    As a huge Runaways and Marvel fan in general that would be pretty dope. It'd be interesting to see who you brought onto the team.
  11. Alraune

    Alraune Seventh Year

    Jul 22, 2009
    The team I was thinking of when I thought about this idea was Alex, Mayday Parker, Daytripper, Blindfold, Ahura Boltagon and teen!Karla Sofen for a more manipulative teammate than Alex. And for the team members to cover most of corners of the Marvel Universe (Human, Mutate, Magic, Mutant, Inhuman, Kree-ish) with Morph, Nocturne and Blink being distant mentor figures.

    Other characters I saw joining the roster were Sprite (Eternal), Rick Jones, Ruby Summers, Elsa Bloodstone, Tiger's Beautiful Daughter and Dagger.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2013
  12. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Just for fun, I've combined the in-universe dates of some marvel movies. These could be used in a fusion fic, or something like that.

    - The X-Men Movies (minus the Origins Wolverine movie, which was retconned).
    - The Marvel Cinematic Universe Movies.
    - The Amazing Spider-Man Movies.

    The X-Men Dates have been calculated by taking the phrase from the first movie: "Near Future". I consider such a phrase to mean "5 Years from now". Since the movie was released in 2000, it takes place in 2005.

    The timeline of the MCU is well documented on the web and finding dates was not a problem.

    Amazing Spider-Man was released in 2012 and does not state any other dates, so it happens in that year as well.

    While most movies happen over large periods of time, the dates listed show when they begin.

    1942 - Captain America: The First Avenger.
    1962 - X-Men: First Class.
    2005 - X-Men.
    2006 - X-Men 2.
    2006 - X-Men 3: The Last Stand.
    2007 - The Wolverine.
    2009 - X-Men: Days of Future Past.
    2009 - Iron Man.
    2010 - Iron Man 2.
    2010 - Thor.
    2010 - The Incredible Hulk.
    2011 - The Avengers.
    2011 - Iron Man 3.
    2012 - The Amazing Spider-Man.
    2012 - Thor: The Dark World.
    2013 - Captain America: The Winter Soldier .

    In-universe dates unknown yet:

    The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (Release 2014)
    Guardians of the Galaxy (Release 2014)
    Avengers: Age of Ultron (Release 2015)
    Ant-Man (Release 2015)
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2013
  13. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Confirmed to be two years after The Avengers.

    EDIT: Iron Man 3 was set six months after The Avengers.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2013
  14. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Thanks. The dates of the newest movies are not yet properly documented. The timeline I found on the web has the Avengers happening in May 2011, but Iron Man 3 in December 2013. I suppose the true date is December 2012.
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2013
  15. BitMyFinger

    BitMyFinger Banned

    May 31, 2013
    Deep in the Heart
    I'd kill for a good author to write that crossover. I think with the ambiguity of the 'near future', I'd shift X-Men forward a bit. It'd be interesting to see if/how the popularity of Cap, the first 'more than human', would affect the mutants' situation, and how the mutant thing affects Spider-Man in turn.

    Anyway, a plotbunny that's been nagging me:

    Parahuman Revolution (Worm/Deus Ex)

    People thought the world was going to end in December of 2012, and some still say it did. The herald of a brave new world arrived, one dubbed Scion. Humans found themselves more than in the wake of his arrival, among them Hugh Darrow. Darrow was gifted the power of invention, and he set to work building a business empire with his inventions, revolutionizing technology, and propelling man forward by decades.

    He became most famous for his mechanical augmentation towards humans, but it came with one fatal drawback. Neuroprosthesis, a build-up of scar tissue that blocked electric signals between brain and machine. Neuropozyne was developed to counteract it, and those with mechanical augmentations were chained to use this drug the rest of their life.

    Enter Taylor Hebert, eighteen-year-old senior at Winslow High as of 2027. The death of her grandparents at the start of her high-school career left her a wreck as her friends slowly drifted away. She's been bullied heavily by those she once called friends, and one particularly bad day she asks her to mother to pick her up. She quickly falls asleep in the back, and as her mother looks back to check on her, their car is blindsided by a car running a red-light. Taylor's mother dies instantly, and in the midst of it, Taylor triggers. She sits on the brink of life and death as doctors rush to rebuild her, heavy mechanical augmentations included and necessary.

    Yeah, that's the gist. Taylor's trigger is an immunity to Neuroprothesis, so all her augmentations integrate seamlessly (ala Adam Jensen). She'd go out to fight crime as... I don't know, Cyborg? Anyway, the whole Dragon-obsession-with-Armsmaster thing would be replaced with Dragon uploading herself to Taylor, and yeah. That's about as far as I got.
  16. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    If it's six months then December 2011.

    And I found an interview where they say that Thor: The Dark World happens one year after The Avengers. It may be possible to tell in-universe with help of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., but I only watched first three episodes.
  17. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    Well, there's Cosine's I Never Asked For This. It's a Worm AU that is inspired, in part, by Deus Ex. It starts similarly to your idea, with Taylor being in the car crash with her mother, but surviving only due to extensive artificial body part replacements. Your idea seems to take things in a comfortably different direction though. Cosine's story seems to be taking a cutesy path, even with the Simurgh's manipulations, whereas yours seems to be grittier and cyperpunk.
  18. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Thanks again, there are a lot of conflicting dates on the internet. I found a few timelines, but many of them use release dates and that's clearly impossible.
  19. BitMyFinger

    BitMyFinger Banned

    May 31, 2013
    Deep in the Heart
    Dang, that kinda sucks. I think I still might attempt it though. I'll flesh out an outline and test the waters in WBA when school starts up again. For now, I shall binge DE:HR and Worm.

    (Spacebattles is slower than a tortoise stuck in molasses.)
  20. prion

    prion Second Year

    Dec 14, 2013
    I don't know if anyone's written something on this, but what about making a funny story where the characters in the Marvel movies start noticing all of Stan Lee's cameos? It can't be a coincidence thing either, because he showed up as a U.S. general in the 1940s in Captain America's reward acceptance ceremony, was mistaken for both Hefner and Larry King in the Iron Man movies, and recently a resident of the mental asylum in Thor 2. In this situation, SHIELD's got to have a compilation of known sightings of the man.