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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Ice and Steel

    In Frozen, when Elsa accidentally hurts her sister when they are playing, XJ9 'Jenny' from My Life as a Teenage Robot appears in Arendelle.

    Given that she is a robot that surely is resistant to certain cold temperatures, she proves to be an excellent friend for Elsa.

    The story could include Anna developing some form of jealousy over being replaced by a thinking machine.

    Meanwhile, both the kingdoms of Arendelle and Weselton try figure out how Jenny works.

  2. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    This just occurred to me tonight, perhaps others have have had the idea as well. I find it some intriguing food for thought;

    James Bond is a rogue Time Lord.

    All the different reincarnations of the character, all of the various missions over fifty years of time, all of the odd-ball plots that Bond just manages to scrape through so easily - and he's British. Trying to lend his services to the people that took him in early on, finding himself attracted to the suspense and danger, until it becomes personal - hasn't he lost a wife or two along the way?

    After a time he begins to find it harder and harder to keep going. The hardest of all is his latest reincarnation as the Craig!Bond this decade - and maybe some Timey-Wimey shenanigans occur(likely due to that meddlesome Doctor) that repeat issues of the past, or just reiterate(reloop them) into the future, to explain the reboot that came with him?

    EDIT: So yeah, I'm obviously not the first to come up with this. Oi.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2014
  3. Mercenary

    Mercenary Snake Eater

    Aug 10, 2006
    IM pretty there was a fanfic one shot that ran with this concept.
  4. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Yeah, I noticed a few when I actually checked FFN for Bond/Who crosses.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2014
  5. MonkeyEpoxy

    MonkeyEpoxy The Cursed Child DLP Supporter

    Aug 11, 2011
    Something that occurred to me as I finished KOTOR II.

    Said the Exile to Kreia, regarding Revan:

    "Why did you not follow him?"

    "Because I did not know where He had gone. If he had asked, would I have gone? I do not know."

    It makes me curious as to how Revan would have walked through the halls on Dromund Kaas, with the continued whisperings of Kreia, his first master, and Darth Traya, in his ear still.
  6. Khazad-Dumb

    Khazad-Dumb Loves the Gay Porn DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2008
    Clutch City, USA
    I've been struck by something miraculous and cracky.

    Steve Irwin pilots a Jaeger.

    Just imagine it, if you will. Instead of the canon Australian Parent/Child team, you get Steve Irwin and his daughter wrecking shop.

    "Krikey! That's a Category 3 Kaiju....Let's wrassle it!
  7. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    I've a tendency to attempt to write stories out of RPG games like Skyrim and Dragon Age, which tend to go poorly. It starts out interesting in building a coherent story examining a lot of the options in one setting, but little else to it than that. I mean, people play the games to run their own characters, not roll with someone else's (most of the time, LPs exist for a reason and I got into DAO because of toegoff's on Youtube). So I wind up shelving it and occasionally coming back into add an idea or two.

    But the world beyond DAO/DA2 is ridiculous in wealth, and I had several ideas of stuff I wanted to write or work on in the setting that I never found time for. So with that in mind, I'm just going to put them here for now in lieu of an actual Dragon Age thread in Creative Writing. Just as some backstory, this is sort of in a shared universe where all six Origins were active during the Blight (Originsverse, for lack of a better term). So, here we go...

    (1) Finality - The Origins

    Sort of an abbreviated or historical examination of the six Warden origins and their companions and anyone else of worth, intended to be written by Brother Genitivi with excerpts from people of significance who knew them (Anora, Eamon, etc...) Probably the prologue to the entire Originsverse as it sets up and hints at various stuff to be set up in the latter stories.

    (2) Darkspawn Chronicles - The Darkspawn

    Born out of the Awakening and Darkspawn Chronicles DLC, this was going to be about a warband in Orlais/Dales after the Blight collapsed sort of gaining sentience/intelligence and going with that. Probably the darkest story out of the four from the get-go, and definitely the shortest, I recall trying to go for a sort of mix between the Horde's shifting identity and their continuing struggles in Warcraft and a lot of what the Architecht was espousing and discussing in Awakening. Definitely tragic in it's ending as the experiment ultimately fails as a result of internal and external factors coming to the fore.

    (3) Rise - The Hawke Siblings

    Nothing out of the ordinary, an examination and novelization of sorts for DA2 and it's DLC, altering significant portions that I disagreed with or disliked for more favored elements, a shrinking of the timeline (with expansion of various elements such as the Qunari conflict, the fight for Starkhaven, etc..) an investigation of Kirkwall was going to be one of the running plots of the story for Bethany (and Carver initially, before getting shuffled into the Grey Wardens to actually live his life). But I was also going to look past the game end itself and look at where Hawke and his companions would have wound up afterwards. Aveline in Ferelden, Merill in the Brecilian Forest, Varrick traveling across Thedas, Fenris joining the Templar, all sorts of not-too-fleshed out ideas (seeing a theme yet?). I wanted to tie it back into the other stories to a degree, as the former would be in the past of the first two story ideas posted here and could probably shape a significant part of it.

    (4) A Tale of Two Sons - Endrin Harrowmont (Warden's Son) & Endrin Aeducan (Bhelen's Son)

    This one was due to me wondering how things would go with a Harrowmont king, a dead Bhelen, a dead Dwarf Noble, and a living Dwarf Commoner Paragon. I'd had a mentor-protege thing going between DN & DC as a result of the latter slowly impressing the former with her raw potential as a fighter during earlier intended arcs of the story, resulting in him teaching her proper dwarven history, customs, etc... When he died killing the Arch Demon, she brought his body back to Orzammer to be interred next to his father and brothers, and set up her new house and became a leader of the reformists against Harrowmont's traditionalist views. The idea was looking at both sons through her eyes and their own over the years as she slowly became the figurehead of Orzammar, with both sons hearing the legends of their fathers and cultivating an intense rivalry for each other and the throne (looking to succeed Pyral). It was going to culminate during a campaign during the Deep Roads where their skirmishing battalions got cut off from the front and the main dwarven body and would wind up forcing a reliance on each other as they fought their way back to friendly lines. From there the rivalry would turn a little friendlier and more enemy mine over the years as the two cousins see and get along on their shared beliefs and enjoyments rather than their differences, and aided in part by DC knocking sense into the two of them. Pyral eventually died or retired from the kingship, resulting in the Assembly coming together anew and the two of course being the top picks. Rivalry reasserts itself again to a degree but is limited on both sides (probably the cleanest election in Orzammar's history), until the election ends. I was leaning towards Aeducan winning and Harrowmont serving as his second since I saw Bhelen's son as having more to prove and live past than the Warden's, but I never quite decided. I also mulled leaving it prior to the announcement and just letting people make up their minds.

    (5) The Last Son - Kal El of Thedas

    This was sheer fanboyism, I'll admit. Placing Thedas in the DCU intrigued me on several levels, not least of which we're talking a largely feudal planet (with increasing elements of technology in some areas) with multidimensional demons and magic. I saw the early arcs of the story centering around Kal El (can't really call him Clark can I?) growing up and finding his place in society and Thedas. I toyed with him entering the Grey Wardens after learning of his discovery and ultimately wielding Starfang, but I was further intrigued by instigating First Contact (Green Lanterns or Darkseid) and going from there. Maintaining the initial countries or domains with the Grey Wardens or an equivalent heading into the stars seemed really cool, as did exchanging Thedosian magicks and problems with those of Earth or other planets. What would DC Earth think of the darkspawn and Old Gods? The ideologies of the Qunari (who now have an entire universe to convert)? The Mages Circle looking at Doctor Fate and going "bullshit"? Wasn't really fleshed out, but a wealth of potential and probably the last one of the series chronologically.

    So... thoughts?
  8. Erandil

    Erandil Minister of Magic

    Jul 27, 2008
    Like you I also dream of writing a story based of the Dragon Age franchise.. so many interesting ideas to play with, especially if you don´t follow canon too closely.

    I am not the biggest fan of having multiple Warden origins because I feel it makes the cast way to big and so you either have to focus on one which means the rest remains shallow or you have to spend an immense amount of time developing so many characters and their relationships. Still some authors have showed it can work and I believe that your idea of a short summary of their adventures would work quite well. If you really plan this to be a bigger project it would really be a nice setup to explain the differences to the reader.

    I am unsure how well the Darkspawn thing would work considering that you would work with a cast full of OC´s and we currently have no idea how Orlais really functions/looks like in Bioware eyes. Maybe wait with that till DA:I?

    My favorite. DA 2 is a great sandbox to play in with so many interesting characters and the rise of a "farmer" into a noble is something that I personally would love to read about.

    The Dwarven idea is an intriguing idea but would really depend on how good you writing and character interaction would be. Compared to the Darkspawn idea it has the advantage of working in a known setting so it could be easier for the reader to find into it.

    For the last idea.. don´t read Superman, don´t like superman, so I don´t like that idea very much.
  9. DrSarcasm

    DrSarcasm Headmaster

    May 16, 2010
    Something I'd also like to see is the interactions/adventures of the characters in Lothering pre-Blight. In the main cast alone, we have Hawke and family, Leliana, Morrigan on the occasions she explored the town, Sten for a bit, and possibly Aveline as well. And since Hawke didn't flee Lothering until it was overrun, he was in town when the Grey Wardens were.

    The main draw to this type of story to me is seeing how Hawke and Morrigan would interact. Because I can't see Morrigan leaving alone one (or two) apostate mages practicing their magic alongside their father in the woods, if for curiosity's sake if nothing else. Unfortunately nobody seems willing to take this path storywise.
  10. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    Nah, Canon's there for the good stuff. Histories, relationships, etc... to pull stuff out of and play around with. But way to many people just basically rewrite their game run and leave it at that.

    I attempted the latter, which was a complete bitch. The idea of a summary of the events of DAO/DAA and afterwards meant that I could open up the story like that and then look at the stuff I wanted to do afterwards.

    The way I wanted to play with it was Darkspawn thoughts being their main communication/discussion and presence and using the Orlesians as both framing device and reaction.

    Yeah, there was so much potential in DA2 that we didn't get that it's become something of a scab for me to pick at every now and again.

    I can write character interactions rather ably, I think. My idea for the Dwarven one was to present it as a sort of moments through time framing, tracking both dwarves and DC from birth to kingship.

    Heh, the Superman inclusion isn't even me, if that's what you mean. There's a cut-scene/area in DAO/DAA that has a kid picked up out of a crater by a couple of farmers and taken away just as you arrive. You pick up some star-metal and go on your merry way, but that's obviously Superman that just got picked up by alternate Kents and taken away. Which leaves open the ability to put this in the DCU and start playing around. Granted, I love DC so going there isn't a problem for me.

    I had originally played around with the idea of the Seventh Origin (aka using Hawke instead of anyone else), but abandoned it for the Six Origins concept. As for the Hawke interaction with everyone else, Sten wasn't there for more than a few weeks and unless Hawke was a mage he would have been down at Ostagar with the army and would have no doubt returned later than the Wardens since Morrigan was with them and the Hawkes would have had to avoid an entire army of darkspawn. Aveline was a soldier married to a templar, so it's possible they only came down with the mages from the Tower (which explains his apostates is serious business attitude). Leilana and the Hawke family is a must if they every met back up again and I did intend for a more expanded version of it in Rise. As for Morrignan, I don't think she hit up Lothering as much as just everything bordering the Wilds. No one really recognized her there (granted game mechanics and all, but even Leilana didn't and she'd been there for months at that point), but I could imagine her dropping by once in a while to teach Bethany some random tricks and basically try to toughen her up big sister style. Though out of Papa Hawke and Pre-DAO Morrigan, I don't know if Morrigan could push her weight around.
  11. Varios

    Varios Third Year

    Sep 19, 2007
    Kvothe has just finished his service with the Maer in Severen and makes his way back to the University, unfortunately disaster strikes during the sea voyage and he is left on the shores of a foreign land with his sword, shaed and trust lute case. Seemingly a great war is occurring in this new land, and tales speak of blue fire appearing in the North. The land of Westeros is rife with peril apparently.
  12. Khazad-Dumb

    Khazad-Dumb Loves the Gay Porn DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2008
    Clutch City, USA
    This I would want to see!
  13. sage1000

    sage1000 Fourth Year

    Dec 18, 2011
    I just read an interesting snippet from the worm spacebattles thread. It is a fusion between Worm and GoT exploring a situation where the Worms chose Westeros instead of Earth landing shortly after Robert's rebellion. I think it is an idea worth exploring. How superpowers would influence the game of thrones e.t.c.
    Here's the link
  14. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Links plox.
  15. Erandil

    Erandil Minister of Magic

    Jul 27, 2008
    Not sure if combining the two series already known for their length and wordiness is so smart ;)

    But great idea... one I could see working very well. It would be an enormous task though.
  16. Lion

    Lion Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 8, 2009
    That place
    I think it would be interesting if Westeros were just another dimension that got the shards. Having Scion's focus there would be way too OP. I just can't see them feasibly fighting back against him in any fashion when he decides to go crazy. Instead just having a Westeros where some people have shards would be interesting.
  17. Red Aviary

    Red Aviary Hogdorinclawpuff ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 25, 2008
    High Score:
    Worm's dark and cynical as it is. Setting it in Westeros is overkill if I've ever seen it.
  18. Lion

    Lion Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 8, 2009
    That place
    Just thought of a plot bunny for GoT. Francis Underwood of House Underwood. A minor Knight from Storms End who was made a Lord after Robert's rebellion for exceptional service. Of course that's never enough for Frank, and it would be a story on his rise from Lord of the cursed Harrenhal to King.

    More of a crackfic idea, I just thought it would be funny to see Frank doing his thing in Westoros.
  19. Agayek

    Agayek Dimensional Trunk DLP Supporter

    Mar 20, 2009
    And surely this had nothing to do with that idea.
  20. Lion

    Lion Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 8, 2009
    That place
    I honestly had t even heard of that before. Funny as hell though.