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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    In all seriousness, I'd have to know more before I could say whether or not this is another seal master story. You didn't actually tell us what the conflict of the story would be. You just told us that Naruto wouldn't be a typical seal master, and then described all the sick fuinjutsu skills he would acquire throughout the story. :b

    Would the story's primary focus be Naruto rediscovering his heritage, and where would that lead? Would Uzushiogakure itself be involved? I've always liked the idea of the Uzumaki clan being explored more in-depth, but most stories trip over themselves well before they get to that point. What did you have in mind?
  2. mortalone

    mortalone Sixth Year

    May 18, 2013
    The actual plot is left open. Rather than summarizing a plot that I want someone to toil over, I wrote an idea that can be shuffled into the deck. Of course that idea influences the plot, but it is not the plot.

    Okay, as long as this doesn't drag into an argument about what characterizes a fuinjutsu!Naruto fic or whatever, I'll bite.

    The powers are linked to the masks, which were created as fuinjutsu in my idea -- in essence, a jutsu sealed in a mask. But canonically, the line between ninjutsu and fuinjutsu is very blurry. Shinobi make hand seals and suddenly ink seals appear. One could write this as more traditional fuinjutsu!Naruto story, with Naruto painting seals on himself or creating a master mask. But that is not the only option -- one could also write this as Naruto figuring out how to recreate the mask abilities as ninjutsu.

    We've seen that you do not have to be an Uzumaki to use the masks. Not unless Orochimaru (the only person to use one of the masks in canon) is actually an Uzumaki. Yet, those masks hang there unused. What is the prerequisite to using them? Or does nobody ever even realize that they are usable?

    Fanon what if moment: each mask has a purpose and one must learn how to use each one in order to use it. The key to using each mask is different.

    In essence, a ninjutsu + a mask = an awesome effect. Not a broken effect, but something only a skilled jounin could achieve. Invisibility to the naked eye, talking to the dead, etc.

    At first Naruto's growth is determined by the number of masks he can use and what their effects are. But ultimately, in order to fight canon opponents even on the level of Kakuzu (the less said about utterly broken characters like Madara and Kaguya the better), one must learn how to use the powers of multiple different masks in tandem.

    The point is, the method doesn't matter. Hence why I say it's not another "Naruto becomes a seal master" fic. Because it's not about Naruto mastering seals except in the broadest understanding of that phrase.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2014
  3. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    So... you mean Majora's Mask Naruto version then? Well, fighting Tobi inside the moon after the moon eye plan is stopped makes just as much as sense as what happened in canon I guess.
  4. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    I was surprised to find there aren't any GitS/Battlestar Galactica crossovers. I figured there would be plenty as Battlestar's fanatical technology hatred would contrast well with GitS' massive cyberization. So I came up with this:

    As the fleet nears the end of their journey combat damage just before a jump kills all of the crew on a ship of the fleet before causing it to misjump near Earth orbit. Its sudden appearance, obviously artificial nature and detection of artificial particles associated with [insert some science jargon here] has nations around the world scrambling to be the first to send a crew to investigate it.

    The former United States, due to its fractured nature has no hope; Russia was devastated by the wars and has no money, leaving only the EU and Japan to race towards the goal. In the end, with only one government to answer to, Japan is the first to get a crew into obit to examine the ship.

    Because presumably a FTL capable civilisation has advanced technology, AIs, and cybernetics they decided the crew needs to be mostly made up of cyber-warfare specialists. However, due to JSDF infighting as the JSDAF, JGSDF and the JSDN all fight it out to be the ones to crew the ship, the Prime Minister overrules them and assigns a group of civilians to as the cyber-warfare component to the crew, all selected from Public Security Section 9.

    Upon reaching the ship, PSS-9 find that it was crewed with humans and that they are all dead due to atmosphere loss, and that the computer systems are woefully primitive compared to what Earth possesses. While investigating however and attempting to find out how the ship travels fasters and light and what power source it uses the rest of the fleet in search of their lost lamb jumps into near Earth orbit.

    As they are already up there, it’s decided that PSS-9 will do the first contact. Obviously, due to the use of ‘Cylons’ and heavy cyberization it creates a massive conflict.


    My other story idea had the Colonials accidentally discovering Earth before the Fall of the Twelve Colonies. The Colonials, discovering that Earth makes use of ‘Cylons’, networks and cyberization on an unimaginable scale in the minds of the Colonials causes them to decided they must invade to save Earth from themselves. Immediately discovering this a majority of the Colonial population backs them in this especially after discovering that the Earthers lack FTL technology (thus ‘primitive’, and not knowing the dangers of Cylons).

    The Cylons, watching the Colonies closely in preparation for their genocide, decide to investigate the claims of the Colonial government for themselves and find Earth. When they find Earth they connect to the internet and begin to interact with the masses of AIs and cyber-brained people connected to the Net before officially contacting the governments of Earth.

    Showing the Cylons that humanity and AIs can work in harmony tempers the hate fuelled vengeance the Cylons desired on the Colonials (to One’s great dismay) but both the quickly unifying governments of Earth and the Cylons both agree that the Colonials need to be pacified to protect themselves.

    The conflict would be between an alliance of Earth and the Cylons, and the Colonies. I was also thinking of having the Ones and maybe another line break off and start a civil war. Large parts of the story would also revolve around the differing theological view of Earth and the Cylons in cyberspace.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2014
  5. sonny_yalin

    sonny_yalin Third Year

    Aug 26, 2014
    So, I've had an idea for a Naruto/One Piece crossover in my head for years now and I've never done anything with it.

    The basic premise was that Minato worked for the Marines as a high ranking officer (whether as an admiral or fleet admiral or something else, it doesn't really matter). He began research on a project that would be able to mimic the abilities of the Devil Fruit without the negative side effects that are the penalty for that power. Obviously, this would be a great weapon for the Marines.

    Minato discovers that these fruits would be very volatile, but he ignores the signs and continues with his research. Eventually, this research leads to Minato and Kushina's deaths. They have to sacrifice themselves to contain this dangerous power and the fruit is given/forced upon baby Naruto. So basically, these "improved" fruits become the powers of the various jinchuuriki. Naruto was the first and the marines have made more (specifically 8 more), but none as uncontrollable and powerful as the one Naruto received.

    The plot is completely opened ended mainly because I haven't thought that far ahead. But, basically, Naruto struggles to contain this power throughout his young life. Whether he grows up under Sarutobi's tutelage in the Marines where he'll have a career with them, or if he grows up under someone like Tsunade's tutelage in her pirate crew, is up in the air. But in both cases he will search for the reason he has this unholy power and the secrets behind his creation.

    This is mostly just ramblings right now and I obviously haven't given it too much thought, but any feedback?
  6. Probellum

    Probellum Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2011
    Among the Moose
    Meh, most of the ideas for Naruto/One Piece mergers are always kind of contrived. Either it's the simple "Elemental Countries are an island in in the OP-Verse" or Naruto is converted in the OP-verse as if he'd lived and grown up there. The second is usually the more contrived one, because they try to explain away his abilities and you end up with a "special" Devil Fruit.

    Just give him the damn Mythical Zoan Fruit, Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Kitsune, and be done with it, dammit.
  7. sonny_yalin

    sonny_yalin Third Year

    Aug 26, 2014
    That's the problem I've run into. I don't think I've ever found a good N/OP crossover, unfortunately. The idea intrigues me, but like you said, most of the ideas are out of left field. There was one story I read that wasn't bad, but it was long ago abandoned and I don't remember the name of it.
  8. Probellum

    Probellum Death Eater

    Jan 17, 2011
    Among the Moose
    Only goo one I've read was a Marine!Naruto, who ate a Devil Fruit that gave him his Shadow Clone Ability, though with a limit.

    This one, I think: Naruto the Marine
  9. sonny_yalin

    sonny_yalin Third Year

    Aug 26, 2014
    That's the one. I remember liking it, but the author (understandably) gave up on it after 200k words or so. From the rough outline the author gave at the end of the story, it looked like it could easily reach 500k words.
  10. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    So, no feedback for a nBSG/GitS:SAC crossover?
  11. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Hem hem.

    Granted, it's not exactly the same, but yeah.

    Btw, this Bunny popped into my head from the PS2 games thread, when Invictus (I think) told me to write a Sly Cooper fic.

    "Growing up, young Rowe Cooper was taught both sides of the law by his parents."
  12. Satan

    Satan Third Year

    Oct 18, 2014

    Instead of extracting the Gedo statue from himself to seal it, Hagoromo casts planetary reincarnation on himself after using tailed beast mode to transform into the statue, granting him an immortality similar to Madara's, and sealing himself as the statue inside the moon.

    When Madara summons the statue Hagoromo trolls him; his black rods jut out of the statue and pierce Madara, absorbing Indra and Asura's chakra; because they're directly his, thus deactivating Madara's rinnegan so he can't free roam as a soul, along with Madara's life-force, killing him.

    The retcon of Black Zetsu not being Madara's creation is also removed.

    Those 2 changes get rid of that stupid "X was the real villain all along!" plot twist, along with also casting the butterfly effect.
  13. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    What butterfly effect? Your story would have no conflict.
  14. Satan

    Satan Third Year

    Oct 18, 2014
    There's still Orochimaru, if you take out Kimimaro's ninja aids. With that body he could master sage mode.
  15. Invictus

    Invictus Master of Death

    Mar 21, 2013
    A Dead Space/Mass Effect crossover.

    After destroying Brother Moon Isaac Clarke is left floating on space, sure his time is neigh. But to his shock he founds himself at a space station filled with strange creatures, yet he barely had a day to try understand what this unknown land was when the space station came under siege.

    Surrounded by insectoid advanced aliens, the never ending hordes of cyber zombies, murdering robots and hostile bandirs and mercs, Isaac must fight to save himself and stop story from repeating itself. He will also learn that Brother Moon was never alone, neither there or here.
  16. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    I was toying with the idea of what Team RWBY and JNPR would be armed with if they were in a modern real world military. Some characters were easy to figure out; Ruby would have a sniper rifle of some sort, Nora would have a revolving grenade launcher.

    After that they got a little bit more difficult; Blake is pretty much an assassin based on stealth so I figured a suppressed sub-gun of some sort, Jaune is armed with a conventional sword and shield so I figured a conventional assault rifle fitted him, Weiss' dust/aura based powers put her in support of her team so I figured a combination of demolitions and technology (hacking, maybe? Could be justified as her not being able to do anything else stuck inside a mansion while the White Fang kill off her family members), etc.

    Some were much more difficult however; Yang for example has what pretty much amounts to shotgun gauntlets. Seeing as she's big and imposing and her weapons possess a lot of fire power I considered her carrying a light or medium machine gun. Then however, I remembered that had a weapon very much like her gauntlets in Fallout 3 and New Vegas.

    So, with Fallout in mind I began to reorientate my idea towards a Fallout/RWBY world merging. They actually fit together quite well; the world of Remnant has a few pockets of humanity, interspersed with massive tracts of land were few live and is infested by grimm, while Fallout's Earth has a few pockets of civilisation interspersed with a wasteland filled with ghouls, bandits, supermutants and other radioactive horrors.

    Firs thing I did was include faunas in the world; unless you want to make Blake a ghoul there is little other way you can have the second-class citizen Blake vs the rich and well off Weiss concept. Next was to figure out an analogue of dust; dust is a power source used to power everything including weapons, what does the same in Fallout? Well I figured the Schnee ... Company could be the first company after the war to start making new powercells for both energy weapons and powering cities. Just for good measure I figured they could also make small arms ammunition as well seeing as they go along with weapon power cells.

    So, the Schnee Energy Cell Company (?) uses faunas labour to mine the materials needed to make power cells, and uses faunas labour to recover both pre-war and expended power cells for recycling (they're nuclear powered so it's probably very dangerous).

    Now we've got a catalyst for the White Fang we have to consider the changes to the world due to the existence of faunas. The obvious would be faunas ghouls and super mutants; presumably they have a few animal traits. Given their disfigurement I figured ghouls would be under faunas in the social ladder.

    Like RWBY canon, I figured Hunters and Huntresses exist in this world to protect civilisation. In this case it's to protect civilisation from the horrors of the wastes.

    I have no idea where I would take this plot wise, but it was an interesting thought.


    Of course, when I fix a typo DLP spazes out on me and deletes everything. Thankfully this time I backed it up.
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2014
  17. Satan

    Satan Third Year

    Oct 18, 2014
    Thoughts on a videogame!Utakata fic?
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2014
  18. Erandil

    Erandil Minister of Magic

    Jul 27, 2008
    It seems like an interesting idea but I am unsure how well RWBY works in more realistic setting- or in fact how well it works off screen considering how important fight scenes are for the franchise.
    And while including Faunas makes some sense you could easily get the same conflict with simple humans - poor workers against capitalism/elite is very realistic conflict.

    For plot... an original idea, maybe with some throwbacks at the actual myths, seems like the best idea because I don´t think the actual game plots would work well - at least as long as RWBY are still in school.
  19. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    The plot would follow RWBY seeing as the focus would be RWBY characters.

    I was wondering if it's still RWBY once you've removed those types of fight scenes.

    As for faunas, you can't easily tell at a glance who's poor and who's not. Sticking with faunas means you can tell who to discriminate against at a glance.
  20. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Probably done or at least proposed already, but MirrorMirror!GoT. A total mirroring of characters and events may be a little too tricky, but even partial could be good.

    A traitorous uprising against Aerys II, the Loved King, ends when his best friend, Tywin Lannister, is too late to save him for his opportunistic son, Jaime Lannister, who is afterwards called the Hero of the Rebellion.

    Cersei marries Robert to save her family from being destroyed by a victorious side. She loves her younger bother (in a sisterly way) and hates her twin.

    Daenerys is on a quest to enslave the free people of the Free Cities and use them to rebuild the Valyrian Empire before she retakes the Iron Throne.

    The Night's Watch is a powerful and respectable organization. ;)