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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    yak, canonically Gomez always succeeds in business ventures even if he tries to fail, this means that the US economy is about to get a boost.

    Regarding Vietnam, imagine soldiers as powerful and resistant as Lurch. In fact, with necromancy we might see American soldiers that just keep returning.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2015
  2. DerHesse

    DerHesse Unspeakable

    Jun 12, 2010
    Pretty short and random, but whatever.

    After the events of Captain America 2 Marcus Wright (Terminator) wakes up in a self-sustaining Hydra base formerly controlled and monitored by Arnim Zola.

    He may or may not get "recruited" by Ultron.

    So in short a Terminator Hybrid in the MCU.
  3. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    I read this and was "Huh? Marcus who? I don't remember any hybrids." I had to google it.

    Damn you, DerHesse. I'd genuinely forgotten that Terminator Salvation ever existed. Maybe in another six years I'll manage to forget about it again.
  4. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    I'm not certain whether I've mentioned it here, but a Firefly/Buffy crossover. I once got started writing one, but it sort of fizzled out.

    The core idea was that whatever spell used at season 7 turned Buffy more or less immortal and even hundreds of years later, she's still in charge of the slayers.

    Probably a good idea to ignore all of the stuff past season 7, though. -Shudders-
  5. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    I struggle to understand the appeal of Buffy and Angel sometimes. It's a fun couple of shows to watch and not think about like Big Bang, but I don't see the lasting appeal.
  6. Feoffic

    Feoffic Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Jul 14, 2006
    For me it was the show's preference for well developed female characters being in the main and the lore of the universe as a whole. Granted, Angel is basically the beta version of Edward Cullen, but I can forgive the franchise for that.
  7. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    A possible AU origin story for Pokemon.

    It is the year 1944, World War II is in full swing.

    In Germany, Nazi scientists are experimenting with a method of teleportation which uses small wormholes.

    They have some small degree of success, but decide to step it up a notch and open up a wormhole to Imperial Japan to connect with their allies.

    However, as soon as the wormhole is created, it looks way different than it usually did during previous tests.

    For one, it doesn't teleport things between two points in space. Instead, horrifying creatures start emerging from it. The first one calls itself Arceus.

    What follows is a terrible series of events as the Pokemon Legendaries arrive on Earth. The wormholes are quickly destroyed by desperate Nazis and Japanese, but it is too late.

    The Legendaries butcher anyone foolish enough to attack them (so, everyone).

    The World War comes to a halt as human nations join forces against the 'alien/demon menace', but what good are tanks and bombs against powers of beings like Rayquaza, Kyurem or Mew?

    A year later the human civilization has collapsed and a new age begins.

    Four hundred years later, Pokemon Trainer Red goes on an adventure.

    The main story could be told from various POVs, such as random soldiers (American, British, German, Japanese, others), perhaps a prisoner in a concentration camp who sees huge beasts destroying everything in their path, perhaps the USA President who pushes everything into developing Nukes only for them to prove ineffective. Finally, a POV of Arceus who thinks on the strangeness of these 'humans' and their ways as he becomes the god of their world.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2015
  8. DerHesse

    DerHesse Unspeakable

    Jun 12, 2010
    Sin city/asoiaf

    There's a line in the movie where Dwight McCarthy (Clive Owen) muses about Marv being born in a different century.

    Let's put Marv in Westeros, bastard of house Clegane and sellsword.
    You could even follow the Sin city storyline. He falls in love with a whore, who gets killed.
    Only thing he finds is a Gold Dragon, the murderer must be part of the nobility.

    So Marv, murderous psychopath with a sense of chivalry, goes on a roaring rampage through Westeros.
  9. Zeelthor

    Zeelthor Scissor Me Timbers

    Aug 22, 2008
    Only, you know, Angel is an actual character whereas Edward is a pretty cut-out of a character for women/girls to fantasize over. Seriously. Never ever put Twilight in the same sentence as Buffy or Angel. It's heresy of the highest order.

    Some parts of the show hasn't aged well - some of it never was good. The action in particular was always bad, even for its time. Angel did better. But they were still both great shows, with awesome character development.
  10. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    ASoIaF Bunny: What if Dany and Viserys were found and raised by Mellisandre?
  11. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    Wasn't Buffy one of the first shows to have a likable lesbian main character?

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:03 ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 ----------

    I'm not sure if I shared this before:

    Girls Und Panzer

    It looks like a third world war is on the horizon; the power blocks are lining up, small neighboring nations are being annex and North Korea looks like they're about to do something very stupid in their region.

    Under public pressure, pressure from the US and fearing what would happen to Japan in a war the Japanese government revokes Article 9 and reinstates conscription. The Japanese Self-Defence Force, now renamed the Defence Force begins to massively expand in size.

    The Army's newly expanded armoured corps however are seriously lacking in experienced tank crews and leaders, so they seek out a readily available source of people who have a good understanding of armoured warfare; the many school based sensha-dō organizations.The story would try to make sensha-dō a little bit more realistic such as no giant floating schools for starters and the sensha-dō clubs having symbols like the hammer and sickle as their insignia rather than the schools themselves. Old fashioned tanks such as those use by the clubs would also get raped by modern tanks so they'll be given something far more modern (to many's disdain).

    I would also try to have a reasonable reason for why a very short second cold war followed by WW3 happens. Basically the global economy collapses, China's import/export market is wrecked and all of a sudden the Chinese need to figure out how they're going to feed their massive population. Throw in current Russia and a few other countries aligned with them and you have a vaguely plausible enemy that exists for more than 'the evuls'.

    The story would involve massive amounts of 'break the cutie' and follow them in a brutal armoured war backed by tactical nuclear warfare. A purely tactical nuclear war might sound ridiculous to some but most nuclear warfare theorists subscribe to NUTS (Nuclear Utilization Target Selection) rather than MAD which allows for the tactical use of nuclear weapons without the war turning strategic.

    I'm not exactly sure how the story would go really once the war gets into full swing.
  12. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I want a shared universe of all the tales from Are You Afraid of the Dark? tv show.
  13. gundam_wizard

    gundam_wizard Fourth Year

    Apr 12, 2015
    Up my ass and around the corner
    I've read an GuP WMG on TV Tropes, where the GuP verse is an result of an generations-spanning global war.
  14. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    Just to assist you with some background on your world-building:

    China's been looking at developing agriculture in Australia's north, especially the north-west for a long time.

    To grow food you need good soil, lots of fresh water, lots of unused and unpolluted land, which leads into having low population in area, and also good logistical location for transporting food from the food bowl to your market, eg. deep water port access, rail, road, etc.

    Northern Australia [specifically Lake Argyle and its Ord River Irrigation Scheme on the West Australian/Northern Territory border] has all of that. Large swathes of largely unused unpopulated land, a massive fresh water dam and irrigation scheme we built in '71 in the hopes of turning the area into Australia's foodbowl, deep water port access for shipping, etc. The land is densely vegetated, it's in a tropical climate, and is almost entirely owned by the state government with perhaps a half-dozen sizeable towns within a thousand kilometres.

    It's indefensible land for a conventional army the size of Australia's. We wouldn't even try to hold it. We'd fall back and call on massive allied assistance while using guerilla tactics and long range recon units.

    China's been in talks to start major food production in the area. They want to buy the land, farm produce, and then ship it all back to China without it going on the open market. It'd be direct food production solely for the Chinese. That's an unpopular idea in Australia, so it probably won't be going ahead any time soon.

    The Ord River Irrigation Scheme is already there and ready to go. It's never taken off for a few different reasons, but the biggest two are that we just haven't needed it [small pop, good food production in south already], and distance to market [our pop is mostly in the south east] means it needs to be trucked/shipped a long way to our markets and so isn't very competitive with overseas imports. For an economy of scale like China's though, those issues don't exist.

    That's just one target China might look at to secure food production for their own nation. It'd be vulnerable to attacks on their shipping lanes, port facilities, agricultural pests, and hurricanes during monsoon season.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2015
  15. gundam_wizard

    gundam_wizard Fourth Year

    Apr 12, 2015
    Up my ass and around the corner
    And Siberia for mineral deposits.
  16. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    Sg-1 idea.
    I was recently on Tvtropes and come across an entry named neglectful precursor which gave ancients its own folder. So I tought what it would be like if someone were to sue The Ancients.

    In my mind Daniel Jackson after ascending starts to explore The Ancient culture learning what the society is like all the while checking out what rest of the Sg-1 does from time to time. In one of his trip to mountain he comes across Siler talking about his friends lawsuit against the goverment which gives Daniel -whom had just saw ancient courts- an idea.

    So he researches the issue learning the laws etc. to see if it feasable or even possible. He sends neceserry forms to right people, gets a hearing with an Ancient judge of good reputation -altought even then a lot of people just tells him he is wasting his time there is no way it will pass the pre-court hearing and even if it did it would be a open and shut case in The Ancients favor.

    Since it is Sg-1 story it goes hilariously wrong or hilariously right depending your pov.

    It starts as a normal hearing, Daniel makes an inspiring plea that mostly falls on to deaf ears and not taken seriously, Judge asks id anybody else has anything to add and an Ori speaks up.

    Here I will divert a little bit to explain my reasoning why Ori being there important. You see the reason why Ori and The Ancients doesn't fight because they are roughly at same power. Ori is more powerfull invidually while The Ancients are more numerious so both sides keep to agreements they made. But while Ori is mostly zealots The Ancients are not. Meaning if The Ancients were to refuse judging Daniel's case fairly The Ancient goverment will lose the trust of its own people. Especially at this point of time -pre8th season- Ori did keep to letter of the law and if they don't do the same Ori can use that as a propaganda piece which would give them the upper hand.

    So where were we? Right Daniel makes his case, Ori agent speaks up and suddenly shit gets real and Daniel has no idea why. You see before hand it was just one of the disciplines of Oma whom isn't well regarded and could be swept up under to carpet but now? It is international case. Which causes Daniel to feel bad about what happened and thinks about just loosing on purpose up untill he meets Anubis. When he does that it is on. He is not letting Anubis walk around with The Ancient protection, so he has to win.

    So it goes to court. Witneses are called in among them Sg-1 itself, several Ancients whom left behind dangerious items, An Wraith queen whom keeps eyeing the humans like food, Aphopis and Yu brought in and Anubis is hanging around screwing with people. Like chating up Jack in the dinner and commiserating with him untill Daniel sees and recognises him, Giving Yu just enough knowladge about Ancient laws for him to argue that galaxy belongs to Goa'uld etc.

    Ori is pushing for guardianship of milkyway to be given to them, The ancients argues that they did no wrong, and in the middle of al of that Daniel who is trying to get Ancients clean up after themself and leave Humanity alone after that.

    The Ancient judge makes questionable decidions at the behest of The Ancient goverment, which causes Daniel to ask for trial by jury in order to avoid bias. Which just causes Asgardian Heimdal, A Nox elder and A Furling named Kosh to be called in as jury.

    The whole thing turns to a clauster fuck of legal battle with the Fate of the Galaxy on the line.

    Meat of the story has to be written as a legal and political battle of deals counter-deals and backstabs that common when the sakes are that high.

    The ending I have in my mind is that Daniel and Sg-1 wins without causing an intergalactic and interdimentional war.

    And in the epiloge Heimdall meets with and Ancient judge and gives him the necessery forms in order to sue The Ancients for not living up to their end of The Great Alliance. Because technically Ancients have never send any word to end it offically or inoffically.
  17. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    GTA V

    Michael is on his first job since coming out of retirement and is robbing Vangelico Jewel Store. In the store however is his daughter, Tracey. The heist proceeds as planned but despite the motorcycle helmets worn she knew it was her father who robbed the store.

    Basically Tracey confronts her dad and gets dragged into his life of crime.

    Tracey the bank robber sounds like an interesting concept to me.
  18. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    RWBY/Pokemon crossover.

    The Huntsmen and Huntresses are Pokemon trainers trained to hunt down and destroy rouge Pokemon to dangerous to let live, and to hunt down criminal Pokemon trainer who use dangerous Pokemon in the commission of crimes. All of the potential Huntsmen and Huntress applicants are reasonably experienced Pokemon trainers in their own right who decided to attend a prep school like Signal Academy.

    Basically a Pokemon/RWBY world merging. Grimm are replaced with dangerous Pokemon. Huntsmen and Huntresses would use RWBY weapons and fight alongside their own Pokemon. I would use quite a few anime concepts and a few anime characters. Pokemon aura would be replaced with RWBY aura - so Lucario and its evolutions would be the Pokemon that has human abilities. Dust would also exist.

    The plot would initially follow a slightly modified RWBY plot; so Ruby at Beacon early, Team RWBY, etc but each of the main characters would have a Pokemon partner of some sort. Given normal animals don't really exist in Pokemon canon I would change Faunus to people with Pokemon features instead of animal.

    Not sure what each character's main Pokemon companion would be though.

    I have no idea where I would take this.
  19. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Back to the Future / SCP Foundation fusion/reimagining.

    McFly's Disease

    Symptoms include:

    A 37C or higher fever, a cough and/or sore throat, headaches and/or body aches, chills, fatigue, nausea, vomiting and random temporal displacements.

    McFly's disease is strongly infectious. Simply sneezing on someone may cause them to become infected.

    The disease eventually fades itself after about 72 hours, no special cures are required for it to disappear.

    Once the disease has faded from it, the human organism becomes immune to it for roughly five months.

    Random temporal displacement can transport the infected individual up to 30 years back or forth in time.

    Please note that several displacements may occur one after another, causing further problems.
  20. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Inside of every Shinigami lies a Portal of Truth. Only the Zanpaktou spirit has the means of opening the Portal, and only if their Shinigami is ready to surrender a portion of their very soul to acchive the ultimate power; Bankai. Without this a Shinigami will never progress beyond Shikai; and not all who try for Bankai are successful.


    Idea came to me on the bleach subreddit a few minutes ago. Dunno what more to make of it right now.