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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Agayek

    Agayek Dimensional Trunk DLP Supporter

    Mar 20, 2009
    That would actually be rather interesting. On one hand, you have a traditional fantasy land, where being a decent human being is actively rewarded by the powers that be, and Love is the most powerful force in existence, and on the other, you have goddamn Westeros, where being a decent human being is actively punished, and Love is a death sentence.

    I'd be rather interested in the clash there. A good author could make a rather powerful story with that.
  2. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I'd like to do a darker/realistic reboot of the Totally Spies universe, especially after seeing images like this one:

  3. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    Not to mention the fact that, if this is pre-LotR, you just put Sauron into the world of ASOIAF. Westeros would be like an all you can eat buffet of new vassals for him.
  4. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    What, with Sauron and the whole lot? Westeros gets curbstomped.

    There's just too many idiots there who would think that working for him, or with him, is a good idea.
  5. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Couple months old snippet on Dark Tower and... kind of everything else, ever. It is supposed to be the heart of all time and space after all. This rambles a bit and splices in aspects from all the seven books but I like it anyway.

  6. thejabber27

    thejabber27 Groundskeeper

    Jan 4, 2012
    Got a back to the future plot bunny, don't think I have level of skill to develop it to the level it could be at:

    The dark time line made in BTTF2 was cut off from the timeline but not destroyed, slowly imploding on itself the government turns to the one man who can supposedly travel through time, Doc Brown... But can he do knowing that the only way to save the lives in this timeline, is to subsume the timeline he already saved?

    A war of realities and ethical dilemmas can be dark and action packed and well done... One day.
  7. DerHesse

    DerHesse Unspeakable

    Jun 12, 2010
    Sounds very interesting, but the whole of Middle Earth seems a bit too much for the power balance.

    How about this? A desperate woods witch, fearing the Others is experimenting on a captured wight and inadvertently summons the Witch-King of Angmar.

    Alternatively the emergence of the Eye of Sauron is the real reason for the Doom of Valyria.
  8. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I already made a post about this in the HP Bunnies thread, but it deserves to be posted here.


    After reading through these stories on AlternateHistory.com (ASB section, so requires registration):

    No Saga but Reality - Miranda Otto replaces Éowyn.

    Sean Bean Saves Westeros - Sean Bean replaces Ned Stark.

    The concept seems fascinating to me. The actor's mind replacing the one of the character he is portraying.

    There are hundreds of possibilities with this.
  9. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    In a bout of boredom during a train trip, I've read the Sean Bean story and what a waste of time that was. Dunno, I just didn't like the concept. For one, I find it really strange to write fanfiction about living people, especially those you don't know. Second, with all due respect to Sean Bean, I just don't find it believable that just because someone is an actor, that they could permanently replace someone on that short of a notice in such an alien setting and then do better at virtually everything, especially military stuff.

    So, dunno, not really a fan of this concept. It's one thing to write about yourself, or about your friends, like picking their names for your xcom squad or something, but to use people you don't know, to write full stories about them, that's just weird.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2015
  10. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    Band of Brothers:

    The Emperor of Japan announces his intention to surrender to the Allies following the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to his senior military officers. In response they coup and take over the country. Over the next several weeks the US drops a further two bombs on Japanese cities before giving up and deciding to retain the small number of weapons they have for tactical use during the invasion of Japan.

    Cue 101st Airborne being deployed to the Pacific and taking place in the invasion on the backdrop of tactical nuclear warfare.
  11. Spanks

    Spanks Chief Warlock

    Jun 8, 2007
    New Jersey
    I've been on A Song of Ice and Fire kick lately and have ideas, but not the skill to write them. Tell me if any make sense or maybe how to make them better.

    The Seven Kingdoms - Rhaegar kills Robert on the Trident. The rebel army is reeling and in disarray, but Eddard Stark organizes a retreat. Despite the devastating loss the rebel army is still intact and large enough to fight. Ned, Jon and Hoster decide to continue and pull the army back along the Blue Fork towards Oldstones. It is here that the rebels decide to make their final battle. During The Battle of Oldstones Ned personally fights Rhaegar. Fueled with anger, resentment and the bitterness of the wrong done to his family Eddard is fighting like a man possessed. Rhaegar is superior in skill, but armed with Ice Eddard shatters Rhaegar's sword and kills the Prince. The loyalist army is routed and scattered throughout the Riverlands.

    High on their victory the commanders wonder what they are supposed to do now. Robert was their figurehead and the one they planned to put on the Iron Throne. None of them have a claim to the throne like Robert, and even if he did Ned doesn't want it. The answer comes from the northern bannermen lead by Willam Dustin and Greatjon Umber who do for Ned what was done for Robb and claim that they'll never bend the knee to anyone but a Stark and declare Eddard Stark the King in the North.

    The action have a domino effect with the Vale lords declaring Jon Arryn King of the Mountain and Vale and Hoster Tully King of the Rivers and Hills. The power of the Iron Throne is dissolved and it has no means to stop it from happening. The Seven Kingdoms are splitting apart.

    Instead of heading toward King's Landing the rebel army pushes into the Storm Lands and break the siege on Storm's End in Robert's memory. Seeing the situation for what it is Stannis claims the Storm King crown realizing that none of the other lords would accept him as their King.

    Finally, they look toward King's Landing. In King's Landing Jaime Lannister is unsure of what to do. After hearing of Robert's death the King was jubilant. He holds off on ordering the city burnt, but then he hears of Rhaegar's death at Oldstones. Instead of burning the city he decides he'll burn himself, Rhaenys and Aegon so that they can be reborn as dragons. Jaime decides where his loyalties lie and he informs Elia what the king plans to do. Elia asks Jaime to help her and he smuggles her and the children out of the city. He takes them to the only place he knows is safe; Casterly Rock. The Mad King sets fire to himself and the rest of the city killing all 500,000 people and leaving King's Landing as the new Harrenhall.

    After getting the Reach to surrender the rebel army march to King's Landing and find the burnt husk of the city. They find Varys who explains what happened. With the war over the armies begin to break apart, but not before Eddard gets a visitor. Arthur Dayne appears holding an infant and explains that Lyanna wanted her son to be raised by her brother. He tells that with no army or seat of power to turn to he decided it would be what Rhaegar wanted too and pledges his sword to keep Rhaegar's son safe. Gerold Hightower, he says, went west to watch over Aegon & Rhaeny and Oswell Whent traveled to Dragonstone to watch over Viserys and Daenerys. With no Robert to fear killing the baby he doesn't feel the need to keep Jon's parentage a secret. He still hates Rhaegar for his actions and decides Jon will be a Stark first and a Targaryen second (hence Jon Stark is born).

    Ned goes home and begins ruling as king.

    In the West Tywin Lannister has been biding his time watching the war unfold. He was disheartened when Rhaegar won on the Trident, and the idea of allying with the King sickened him so he continued to wait. When news of the rebel victory and the dissolution of the Iron Thrones grip on the Seven Kingdoms reached him Tywin acted. He called his banners, declared himself King of the Rock and immediately begins plans to expand his territory. With the alliance to the North and Vale the Riverlands are not worth the trouble, so Tywin sets his sights on the Reach. The majority of the Reach's army is in the Stormlands or scattered throughout the Riverlands making their lands lightly defended against a large and fresh Westerland army.

    Jaime finds his father's army on the march and Tywin is thrilled to find his son brought valuable people with him. Tywin has Elia, Aegon and Rhaenys taken as hostages and uses them to force Dorne into an uneasy alliance to help conquer the Reach. With the Iron Throne's power broken Jaime is released from his Kingsguard vows and Tywin seizes the opportunity and names Jaime as his heir who is put in charge of the outriders.

    After some initial successes the Tyrell army shows up. They aren't as weakened as Tywin imagined because Mace surrendered outside of Storm's End without a fight and spent most of the war feasting during the siege. The war in the Reach takes longer and is more complicated than Tywin thought it was going to be.

    Almost 2 years pass; Many battles are fought, tens of thousands die and neither side is able to land a decisive blow. Tywin has been semi-successful in draining the Tyrell's of loyal bannermen. He marries Jaime to a Redwyn taking away all of the naval power Mace Tyrell had and promises the Florents lordship of Highgarden (as they always claim is theirs) if they side with him.

    However, the thing that ensures Tywin his victory is securing an alliances with Stannis Baratheon through marriage to Cersei. The Reach army is crushed and Tywin adds the Reach to his kingdom. The surviving Tyrell's and loyal bannermen flee knowing that Tywin will likely have them killed. (I'm thinking they go North and follow the Manderly's example begging for sanctuary which Ned grants).

    That's about all I have for this one. It's been in my head for a while which is why it's so long.

    Ned and Ashara Get Married - So, what if Ned had a Robb moment and after he slept with Ashara Dayne married her? At this point in the story Ned is still the 2nd son and has no idea what will happen over the next few months. When the rebellion breaks out Ned isn't available to marry Catelyn. Robert is already promised to Lyanna, Stannis can't marry as he's under siege, Tywin has no desirable son, the Dornish and Tyrell's are for the Targaryens so that leaves Jon Arryn. Assuming Hoster agrees to this he tells Ned that he needs a husband for his ruined daughter Lysa and asks for Benjen since he's just a 3rd son and Hoster is desperate to get Lysa off his hands.

    Things for the most part continue as they did in canon during the rebellion. Except maybe Ned can't bring himself to kill Arthur Dayne cause he's married to his sister.

    One of the main points of conflict in the story is the Stark wives having trouble bringing a child into the world. Lysa keeps miscarrying thanks to her forces abortion and Ashara keeps giving stillborns. By the time canon rolls around the only Stark child is Jon. Meanwhile Jon Arryn has a bunch of heirs thanks to Catelyn being a baby making machine. But there's a ton of changes that come with this. Since Catelyn isn't obsessed with Littlefinger Jon never gets poisoned and Littlefinger stays in the Vale being a small time player. Another point of conflict is the power struggle between Cersei and Jon who is slowly realizing the truth about the royal children. At some point Jon is going to be in Ned's position from canon and all hell will break loose in King's Landing leading to a much different war (I think Ned sides with Stannis instead of naming himself king etc).

    Does anyone think it's feasible? Would Hoster be willing to marry his best daughter to an old man such as Jon Arryn?

    King Bran - this one I just thought of, but I really want to see Bran as King in the North. The 3 eyes crow tells Bran that there literally must be a Stark in Winterfell in order for the Others to be held back, and since Rickon is war away he tells Bran he must go back. He gives Bran a gift, a crown made of weirwood and the Targaryen sword Dark Sister to take with him (which he'll use as a gift of friendship to Dany when she shows up) Bran mounts his steed Hodor and makes his way back to the Wall.

    I just want to see Bran use his greenseer abilities to defeat the Boltons and Frey's while sitting on Hodor's shoulders in front of Winterfell.

    Fuck, I wrote so much of this I should've just spent my time attempting to write one of the ideas into a story >_>
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2015
  12. Newcomb

    Newcomb Minister of Magic

    Sep 28, 2013
    The Evergreen State
    Spanks, I don't know ASOIAF canon well enough to critique you, but I found that to be pretty fascinating.

    lol yep.

    Been there.
  13. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    The Seven Kingdoms sounds like a pretty interesting alternate history, but you haven't mentioned a core story that you want to tell. A focus character. It's a good setting, but needs a protagonist. Who's story are we going to care about and follow? Maybe Jaime and Elia's story? Jon Stark being raised openly as Rhaegar's son and this time it'll be obvious to all who know about the Ice and Fire prophecies that he's a candidate for the Prince Who Was Promised. And either his mother was kidnapped and raped, or else she ran off and caused a war - and he's the product. Not a nice thing to hang over a boy's head.

    Ned and Ashara Get Married could be fun. There's some good stories in there. Jon Arryn vs. Cersei and Lannister shens. A Jon Snow who is presumably legitimised and raised as heir-apparent. Hoster + Jon Arryn's stronger ties and the North's weaker tie to Hoster might butterfly things.

    King Bran - a story that must be told. Do this. Do eeeeeeet!
  14. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    The House Tyrell Corporation [ASOIAF/Blade Runner]

    In 2019 Los Angeles, the Tyrell Corporation successfully opens up an interdimensional portal to Westeros. Coincidentally, it opens in Highgarden.

    Dr. Eldon Tyrell is amused that these medieval noble people happen have the exact last name as him. So much so that he decides to approach them peacefully and becomes friends with them.

    This eventually leads to the Tyrell Corporation establishing a colony in Westeros and using House Tyrell as a way to attempt to conquer all of it.
  15. Spanks

    Spanks Chief Warlock

    Jun 8, 2007
    New Jersey
    For Seven Kingdoms I had an idea with Jaime falling in love with Elia, but Tywin forbidding the relationship on numerous grounds; 1) her inability to have anymore children 2) He already has Dorne's alliance so marrying her would gain him nothing and 3) A little personal animosity as she's the woman that Cersei was passed over for. I was also thinking that since Jaime is off fighting in the Reach that Stannis will get an legitimate heir or two from Cersei so there's no royal bastards rehash.

    As for the main character part that's where I struggled the most. What I have is a collection of major events that alter the history, but no single person who experiences it. I figure that it would be best to focus on a core group of characters; Jaime, Eddard, Jon, Dany, one of the remaining Kingsguard and Willas Tyrell. That cast would see most of the major events through their eyes.

    lol, the King Bran thing intrigues me. I have this scene in my mind where Dany and he meet. She's demanding that he submit to her rule and claims she'll burn his kingdom with her dragons. Bran looks at her and is like "What dragons?" She turns to find her dragons flying off and "The Warg King" grinning. Plus, I want to see a fic where Bran liberates the North in some way. He goes South to the Twins and uses his warg abilities to put the fear of the old gods in the guest rights breaking Frey's. I'm probably over powering whatever Bran can do; for all I know he can only control one animal or person at a time, but if he can control hundreds of crows or wolves then he can be a dangerous enemy.
  16. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    A few things:

    Would Stannis do that, though? Doesn't sound like Stannis. He is their king by right and law and they are essentially making up new rules. Granted, Stannis is also not suicidal and just coming out of a long siege, but even if he momentarily accepts the fact the cannot win an impromptu fight, there should be conflict with this down the road. Maybe you had already planned, but Stannis is not one to give up on what is his by right.

    I have a bit of a problem here. Why would he take them there? Dorne is closer and also a lot more likely to ensure the safety of Elia and her children than his father is going to be. Jaime might not believe, at this point, that his father is going to murder them, but he does know that they would still be hostages of sorts. I would find it contrived that Jaime would lead them there, especially since, technically, Elia would be in command there, and she would definitely counsel/order/demand/ask/beg to be brought to Dorne and not the Westerlands. There is no logical reason on earth that would compel Elia to not go to her homeland and to her brothers.

    Edit: brainfart, Dorne is not closer, but still, a lot safer. Especially if they can take a ship. Were additional forces marching up from Dorne? Maybe meet up with them. I know Lewin Martell had a dornish host at the Trident but not sure what the Viper was doing at this time.

    Timeline wise, it is a bit convenient. It takes a lot of time for news to reach the tower of joy and again a lot more time to travel from there to kings landing, especially with a newborn baby. So, might need to tweak that. What does Barristan do, btw?

    I am not sold on the idea that Tywin would immediately start conquering people. His main goal is securing the power of his family and build and strengthen a longlasting legacy. Going to war with the Tyrells is going to weaken him more than anything and he knows he is hardly a popular figure. The ironborn are right next door, and they are an immediate threat that can't be ignored.

    Seems a bit odd and while Tywin is hardly the epitome of logical judgements, he is also not that hasty. They are already rich and have one of the bigger and better armies. Can be done, but the Tyrell's haven't slighted him and Tywin is hardly warhungry.

    That said, the Tyrell's are a good target, though. They were on the opposing side of the Rebellion, so, unlikely to get help from the North, Vale or Riverlands. Stannis still hates them from the siege, so, no help there and the Dornish hate them as well. Greyjoy's may not be allies per se, but about the one help they can count on, in terms of, they will attack because they see that the army of the Westerlands is running around in the reach.

    I would like a better explanation into this war, but dunno, your call.

    Yeah, as i said earlier, don't see why Jaime or Elia would try to get to Casterly Rock. So, maybe the conflict here is Jaime wanting to stay with them but Tywin wants him back and Jaime being there still lends legitimacy to the Targaryen kingship? Jaime being conflicted on finally doing his job as a true knight of a kingsguard, not helping in burning innocents or standing helplessly while a woman is raped but not the institution was abolished, so, he still finds himself lost. Plus guilt from not stopping Aerys burning down kings landing. Clean break from his family, because he has sworn himself to Elia and won't return to Casterly Rock? Conflict right there.

    It is kinda Tywin's thing, as he said, at least in the show, don't quite remember if it was in the books, it did sound true to him though, that when an enemy bends the knee, that you have to accept it, otherwise, no one would surrender to him. Tywin only goes all the way if someone is betraying him, like the Raine's did. The Tyrell's hardly betrayed him.

    Not sure that Hoster would marry his daughter to a someone who is not a high lord. Benjen, after all, has no troops or lands on his own. Why him when you could get some highstanding bannerman of his kingdom, or hell, a high standing bannerman from another kingdom. A Florent, for example. "Ruined" or not, Lysa marrying Benjen is not that much of an advantage. Why would he expect Ned to care that the lands of his sister in law are troubled?

    Besides, I would imagine that, siege or not, Tully would want to hold out for Stannis at this point. Maybe even have Arryn, who might have dubious legal authority on Stannis due to being the foster father of Robert, have it signed off. A bit weak, but that could be the price for lifting the siege, that he demands Stannis marries his "ruined" daughter and Stannis hardly cares for stuff like that.

    Think it was Howland who actually killed Arthur Dayne, or at least ensured the killing blow. Don't believe Ned can hold back though, and live. He is hardly Arthur's equal.

    I know that Lysa would not be thrilled with Benjen, who, is what, 12-13 at this point, but he is also not Jon Arryn, a man near his 50/60s (not quite sure of his age, tbh, but still an immense age difference). Would she intentionally abort her babies? Why? Lysa is hardly rational but her situation, in some regards, would not be as desperate. Then again, I don't believe that it makes sense that those two marry, so there you go.

    Would he, though. Without Littlefinger there, would he find out about the incest? I mean, Renly knew, Pycelle knew, Varys knew, Stannis knew and Jon Arryn knew. That's the whole small council. Vary's had no interest in starting a war at that point, Aegon is, after all, still not ready, so, makes more sense if Littlefinger had a hand in there. Otherwise, big coincidence that all of them learn it roughly at the same time. If that theory is true (doesn't have to be), without Littlefinger, why not go the opposite route, no incest is found out, Jon Arryn lives, and we have a longer reign of Robert. What would be the plan if it came to war, though? What would be fundamentally different?

    A more engaged and active Vale, for one, not holding out. That would certainly change things.

    Yes, as long as they are high lords, he would be game. Which is why I don't think it is likely that he would marry Lysa to Benjen. None of the benefits. Ned is young, his wife is young, no reason to believe that Benjen would stay heir for long.

    Bran going full Khepri is a tad bit hilariously overpowered. It also sounds a bit like a bad indy Harry story :sherlock:
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2015
  17. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    A revision on this old idea.

    After Ganon's latest physical demise, his spirit is sealed into the Twilight Realm and, with no way to escape, reincarnates as one of the Twili after so many decades.

    Paralleling the OoT royal plot, Twili-Ganon works his way up the tiers of power until eventually claiming the throne for himself. But he discovers that only one of royal blood - see Midna, or offspring - can open a passage to Hyrule, and he's disposed of them all.

    Alone, borderline-permanently trapped, he schemes.

    What he can do from the seat of power is look across into Hyrule as day fades to dusk, and night fades to dawn. And it is in doing so that he searches for an outside-answer - the Hero, still young, still pliable to concepts of good and evil, weakness and strengths.

    The Hero comes to regard the shadowy presence speaking to him - that no one else can see - as a friend. As the Hero grows they interact that much more and the Hero grows sorrowful for his 'trapped friend', with notions planted in his head to be an adventurer and find the keys(Mirror Shards) that can release him.

    As a young man the Hero departs on that quest, now moderately bent in the mind toward a darker disposition on life. He is not cruel, but less willing to step out and lend a hand to a stranger. He is transformed from a man that could have awoken the Triforce of Courage and drawn the Mastersword to a figure lacking that purity.

    After completing the necessary trials and uniting the shards, releasing Twili-Ganon into Hyrule, in their first eye-to-eye meeting the next twist emerges; for all his scheming and dedication decade after decade, Twili-Ganon does not bestir the Triforce of Power, but that of Wisdom. His accumulated knowledge triumphs over his inherit greed. This Ganon is not the same as the Gerudo who would have conquered Hyrule centuries earlier, not from the same ways.

    Using his influence over the Hero, Twili-Ganon sets into motion the dissolution of any surviving artifacts the youth might turn against him again, by gradually insinuating themselves into each respective country - the Gorons and Mogmas first, then the Zoras, and consolidating tacit alliances while playing them against the Hylians.

    But for all his searching, the Mastersword remains elusive.

    After seven years the Hero has now become a Dark Hero. Moblins and their ilk, the typical villainous monsters in the way of the purer races, are set to be exterminated from each domain, and who should be in the forefront, learning and adapting and growing more mature yet gradually desensitized to death? The Hero turning to Darkness.

    The General to Twili-Ganon's Chancellor at the end of this period, wielding a modded sword for each occasion subtly enchanted with Twili-magic and, in time, armor likewise modded, gaining or losing particular benefits from additional race-based niche upgrades far removed from the Gear of the Hero of Time.

    Come the Hylian Coup, those people are hemmed in from every side with enemies. The falling Hero is dispatched to infiltrate them and see first hand the atrocities they commit - unaware of the magic corrupting him, or the other agents Chancellor Ganon has set to further his purpose. Skirmishes engaged in the next few months nearby, word of mouth worrying over what is to come - all the falling Hero hears and sees is twisted out of context.

    At last the time comes to sabotage the city gates as the gathered armies of the People of Hyrule march against the Hylians. The end result is Hyrule Castle crumbling, the townsfolk put to the slaughter, and the Dark Hero face to face with the last Sheikah as Chancellor Ganon assumes the Hyrule Throne.

    In the harried combat between the Fallen Hero and the Sheikah, each awaken the remaining Triforce pieces - Power for the Hero, Courage for the Sheikah. Disoriented and confused as Ganon's Twili magic is resisted, but not overtly broken, the Hero disengages and reports back to his old friend and ally while the Sheikah escapes into the wild - the ancient Kokiri Forest, long forgotten about by the other races.

    From there the months that pass show the Fallen Hero sent out for clues of the last Sheikah. When next they meet it is she wielding a nominally diminished Mastersword, much rusted - for the blade is tied to the Hero - and in need of being forged again, yet suitable to parry the bastard swords he is wielding, as he fights unknowingly against Ganon's entrapment's. They break away as the Mastersword cracks at the end, and she escapes once more, albeit with only the hilt and two-quarters of the blade, leaving the remaining tip embedded before him in the ground. Abandoning the Sheikah to answer the strange cry in his blood, the cold chill breaking across his skin, the Fallen Hero reluctantly picks up the leftover sword; and a moment of crystal clarity slices through his atrocities down to the boy he was, long ago, before he met his 'shadow friend'.

    In anguish the Fallen Hero vows to right what went wrong - yet in his own ways. Power burns in his body now, not Courage. It is Power that he will heed.

    On the other side of things, the Sheikah laments the ruination of her last true weapon against the Alliance of Hyrule. The secret lore spoke only to 'seek the forgotten forests' and thus she has. In time she finds ancient ruins and a dying tree that guides her to the empty Lanayru Desert upon denoting the broken Mastersword. A handful of Gerudo tribeswomen still survive, still training. While no match for their combative prowess she is taken in and taught their ways, and they who, eventually, examine and try, at her pleading, to clean and prepare the Mastersword to be forged again - in the process, disturbing the slumbering Sword Spirit within.

    From there; the Sheikah would be sent out into the world under stealth missions to infiltrate each of the other domains, acquiring a necessity for making the repair. Din's Fire from Death Mountain, a source of heat great enough for forge; frozen ore from the Zora's icy caverns, and thunder-struck ore from the forbidden corners of the Desert. The Light of Hylia is added from the Triforce itself, giving strength, however temporary, to dispel the Dark Magic of Ganon. With the Gerudo aiding under the Mysterious Spirit's advice and singing, the Sword that was Broken is Renewed, tempered to the Sheikah's hands.

    By that point the Fallen Hero has been gradually awakening from the Twili and Triforce of Wisdom's distortions and looking for cracks in the Alliance to exploit. His problems are that, since taking the Throne of Hyrule, Chancellor Ganon has extended his controlling magic to all the people underneath his sway. The Fallen Hero will find no allies within the court; but he has discovered a side-effect of the Triforce of Power, and that is how to raise and control the monsters slaughtered so indiscriminately. Under the guise of hunting for the Sheikah and keeping his skills sharp, the Fallen Hero goes out to find servants among the deep-dwelling monsters of the land.

    Acutely aware of the odds of spying, at least at day-end and day-begin, he spends most of his time doing as he's said; but in the remaining hours he treks far and wide, and fights against the great monsters of olde. With each he defeats, but not slays, he forces obedience from them with the Triforce.

    He in turn uses them to terrorize the people left behind in each domain, and with the Triforce's sway, snap the Gorons, Mogmas, Zoras, and any others out of Ganon's mind-control.

    Thus, toward game end, having amassed a vast array of monstrous allies and the peoples he thought he was fighting for all those years for his army, the Fallen Hero marches upon Hyrule Castle again. The Sheikah, with a floating spirit at her side and the reforged Mastersword in hand, meets him on the way; she flees ahead while the spirit stays behind to speak with him, and, regretting what has come to pass, he sets aside any grudge toward the Sheikah- at least until their end-goals of putting down Chancellor Ganon have reconciled.

    Ganon tries to reassert his mental whammy and Twili-magic on the folk. The Fallen Hero breaks it with the Dominance of the Triforce of Power. In the end they two become locked into a clash of wills, and the Sheikah delivers the crippling blow to Twili-Ganon. Striding up at that point, the Fallen Hero lays his hand over hers to strike the killing blow together.

    At that point, either the Triforces reassert themselves accordingly, or, more realistically, as Ganon dies, each - Hero and Sheikah - must make amends and clean up the consequences of their actions in the aftermath, more specifically from his end. The Sheikah unveils herself as the rightful heir and Princess, banishes the Hero from Hyrule - with all his surviving monsters - and begins the horrific task of diplomacy.

    At the end the Hero departs Hyrule a villain. He redeemed himself at the end, or so he thought, and the spirit of the sword follows him to act as a moral compass in the wastelands across the desert beyond even the forbidden lands.

    end. Yay? Nay?
  18. ChaosGuy

    ChaosGuy Unspeakable

    Aug 21, 2009
    Well there are a few problems I saw. One is that the Triforce pieces are not able to switch around like that. For that to occur, you would need the complete Triforce, hard to do considering that each piece still resides in its owner despite Ganondorf never touching the Triforce, and then have someone unbalanced to touch it... which would have to be Link, lacking much wisdom. No, I don't know how everyone got their piece despite Ganondorf never touching the Triforce.

    Secondly, Zelda can't draw the Master Sword. Only Link can do so. I suppose you could swing that as her powers as Hylia coming through.

    Lastly, Ganon/dorf would be unlikely to recognize Link as Twilight Princess takes place in the Child Timeline, where all Link did was prevent his acquisition of the Triforce, by altering events so the Sacred Realm was never opened. Most likely by just helping the Gorons and Zora and NOT taking the spiritual stones and the leaving to find Navi... or just leaving to find Navi in the first place. Both times still holding, or having hidden, the Kokiri Emerald. Thus at MOST he would recognize Link as the descendant of that annoying do-gooder kid. Assuming he helped the Zora and Goron. And that's IF he remembers him after so long has passed.
  19. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    I suppose the fault is on me for using the term "paralleling the OoT royal plot". It was meant to imply Ganon, after dying yet again to Link at the end of Twilight Princess, was reborn in the Twilight Realm some time afterward and orchestrated a similar plot to get into the Twili political field. So he would remember and/or recognize the Hero who defeated him x-many years prior, if only faintly. The signs would be there to pick up on.

    Regarding Triforce slip arounds, keep in mind that Adult link physically lost his when he went back in time to the Child Timeline. Also, as quoted from the Triforce page entry for Twilight Princess, "It was later shown that Ganondorf seemingly lost his Triforce piece after being defeated." Two examples of the Triforce bearer not necessarily retaining theirs after certain events. The same could reasonably be applied to Zelda in this setting.

    Zelda being able to draw the Mastersword is twofold; Link is a. no longer worthy to wield it, a direct result of which is the diminishing of its power and the seals that hold it in place, while evil is certainly growing in the land, and b. she was the replacement bearer of the Triforce of Courage here.
  20. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Stargate Bunny:

    Teal'c as of the last episode (Unending) is getting sent back in time to before the ship was destroyed by the Ori forces.

    However, one of the Alterans intervenes.

    Instead of going back to the moment the time dilation field was activated,Teal'c ends up appearing near his younger version during season 1.

    So there are two of him now, though one is older and with immeasurable amount of knowledge of future events.