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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    You could have the quest raided by different boards.
  2. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    Naruto trained for real his whole life. The fact that he was an unguided idiot has no relevance to the fact that he tried his best for his whole childhood (excluding plot induced academic stupidity). Being in Sakura's body won't (or shouldn't) change who he is, it just means he's basically worthless as a character, since you can't determinator in a female body that doesn't happen to have the body energy of a tailed beast stuck into it (nevermind his inheritance of Asura -Indra? I forget- and the 'sage's body'). Naruto's entire technique profile is based off his ability to survive a shit ton of damage and throw chakra intensive techniques out, and for most the manga that still isn't enough to deal with his enemies. Put into a weak body without access to massive chakra reserves? Naruto is just as trash as Sakura is. Unless you make him a NINO.
  3. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    In all reality, if Naruto got stuck in Sakura's body he'd try to use his shadow clones and immediately die from chakra exhaustion.
  4. Rayndeon

    Rayndeon Professor

    Nov 22, 2008
  5. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Naruto and Ao No Exorcist fusion crossover.

    The tailed beasts are different kind of demons in this universe.

    But they're not the only ones, of course.

    When a biju is sealed into a human, said human gains the ability to see other demons, ghosts and various similar entities.

    So not only does Naruto grow up in a village where people hate and fear him, but he also sees terrifying nightmares walking the earth.

    He adapts, of course. That's the spirit of shonen, after all.

    Anyway, one day Naruto escapes from a particularly irritated shopkeeper and ends up in the basement of an abandoned building.

    He sees a ghostly girl sitting in the corner.

    Already being familiar (more or less) with ghosts, Naruto is torn between leaving and possibly encountering the shopkeeper or staying with the ghost.

    He stays.

    Being a friendly sort, he attempts to communicate with the girl, who is surprised that Naruto can see her.

    He explains that he can see all ghosts and demons though doesn't know why.

    However, she shakes her head and informs him that other people can see her too, except not as a girl.

    She explains that she is a nightmare ghost, which appears to people as their dead parents. Naruto understands and explains that he's an orphan so he doesn't know how his parents look like.

    The girl, finally introducing herself as Yuki, tells him that if he would bring her a picture of them (regardless if he knows if it's their picture) then she could show him how they looked.

    This sounds like a great idea to Naruto and he says that he will bring her photographs of people killed in the Kyubi attack.

    To do so he sneaks into a library and borrows the memorial photos.

    Eventually he comes back and allows Yuki to look through them. Nothing happens for a while and Naruto starts losing hope, but then suddenly she transforms into two corpses: of Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina.

    And she also laughs.

    "Thank you, Naruto. With this information I can now terrorize more orphans of this city than ever before. I suppose that is a good payment for showing you that your father was the Hokage."

    She then vanishes, presumably going to scare kids orphaned in the Kyubi attack.

    While Naruto does blame himself for causing this, his thoughts are more focused on his parents. The Legendary Yondaime and his wife.

    Naruto is confused and angry, surely the Hokage knew about this? Why didn't he say anything? Why did people hate him if he was the Fourth's son?

    And then it all comes together.

    He realizes that the demon fox is sealed inside him and that it is the reason he can see all those scary creatures.

    From this point the story could branch into various directions. Perhaps Naruto becomes an exorcist, slowly gaining respect as he deals with various ghosts for people.
  6. Sechrima

    Sechrima Disappeared

    Sep 30, 2010
    NRW, Germany

    Hyūga Self-Insert

    One of my favourite Naruto fics is A Cage of Blood and Circumstance. It's very heavy on world-building, with a focus on chakra control training and the mechanics of the Byakugan. So this plot bunny I've got would explore similar themes.

    The SI is Hinata's older twin brother, and thus heir to Ōtsutsuki Hamura's Hyūga bloodline. Like many Self Inserts, the character will quickly realise that in order to survive in the ninja world, he will need power, and lots of it. Thanks to his real world knowledge, he knows about Ōtsutsuki Toneri and the Tenseigan. His ultimate aim will be to somehow reach the moon and awaken the Tenseigan in time to be of assistance against Obito, Madara, and Kaguya

    In order to get the Tenseigan, a Hyūga's Byakugan must be combined with an Ōtsutsuki's chakra. Or perhaps it would suffice if a Hyūga transplanted an Ōtsutsuki's Byakugan into themselves (which makes more sense to me, as the process should be interchangeable for both clans). Regardless, the SI will want to learn medical ninjutsu in case he needs to splice Ōtsutsuki DNA into his body in order to awaken the dōjutsu (much like Madara did with Hashirama's Senju DNA). The SI will also be interested in senjutsu as a power-up, so he will try to replace or join Sakura as Tsunade's apprentice, thus acquiring the slug summoning contract and access to Shikkotsu Forest, where he can become a slug sage (which, as per my headcanon, is the same type of sage that Hashirama was).

    Another possible (and extremely risky) power-up would be becoming a jinchūriki. The bijū I have in mind is Saiken, the Six-Tailed Slug. It would just fit nicely with the slug summoning aspect.

    At some point, probably after awakening the Tenseigan, the SI would be visited by Hamura, like Naruto and Sasuke were visited by Hagoromo.

    Considering adding a character like this, with all these abilities, would totally skew things in the good guys' favour, canon will have to be derailed in several ways to make the enemies stronger and the situation more dire. Kaguya will be a much bigger deal, and her arc will be greatly expanded.

    The whole point of the fic would be to explore and elaborate on the Hyūga clan, their dōjutsu, their Gentle Fist fighting style, their history and traditions, and Hamura's place in the Naruto mythology.

    As of right now, it's really just a concept I'd like to see done, with no definite plot. I'll probably start working on that if anyone likes the concept as much as I do.
  7. Tasoli

    Tasoli Minister of Magic

    Dec 22, 2008
    Behind the keyboard
    Oh for the love of. It is okay to make changes but it is not okay to give bad guys arbitary powerups. I hate that. Hate it so much.
  8. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    I've been idling with a fic exploring Alder's backstory from Pokemon Black/White, starting with him being a ward of Professor Cedric Juniper at an early age and exploring the desert ruins around Unova when Alder stumbles his way into the underground chambers and eventually works around to a Larvesta egg, which would become his starter after getting out and making contact with the Professor again.

    Things would skim forward several years to his first encounter with a young Ghetsis. After a rude introduction, showing that Alder is still a little wild and hotheaded, they'd decide to settle things the usual trainer way and battle, with Alder - rather his Larvesta - proving to be surprisingly guile against the lone Deino, starting their long time rivalry. Things would branch out from there with Alder expanding his catches and occasionally sighting Ghetsis as they roamed Unova building up strength.

    The final segments would be Alder realizing that Ghetsis really is a threat to Unova's future and going after the man, by which time Ghetsis has gathered his three children and begun indoctrinating them in the principles of Team Plasma. Unlike their past encounters Alder's Volcarona is killed by Ghetsis' Hydreigon - and Alder himself would have been killed, too, but for the kids being present and already psychologically scarred by the vicious turn in the fighting, he can't risk pushing any harder. Ghetsis essentially writes Alder off and tells him to stop interfering.

    Things would skim toward the present at that point, concluding on Alder's march up Team Plasma's castle to confront N. It would end as he ascends the stairwell, determined to put to right the misery he allowed to go on throughout the region by wandering for over a decade instead of recovering and going after Team Plasma once more sooner.
  9. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Still on a pokemon-kick, but this time, what if N(and though him Team Plasma) had won against the protagonist(s) in Unova? Outlawing the ownership of pokemon, the usage of capture devices, the fundamentals of training and taming wild species. N retains ultimate authority as the Champion, yet he is guided via the Seven Sages and Ghetsis most of all on policy and handling the people. Perhaps N himself is even dealt with in secret by Ghetsis after a couple of years of hunting for Kyurem without N's knowledge.

    When I thought about this last night I wondered who would oppose Team Plasma's regime. The first thought I had was that ex-Team Rocket grunt in Iccirus City - taking up his old ways to help his region by stealing back resources, staging rebellion, maybe even getting into contact with his old group's members again for outside aide despite the distance between Unova and Johto/Kanto.
  10. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    A plot bunny for an episode of Doctor Who that I would make if I was a showrunner.

    The Once and Future Doctors

    Someone (the big bad of the season) hired the most deadly assassin ever to kill the Doctor. The twist is that the killer is a time traveler and he's usually hired if his employer wishes that someone is murdered more than once and every time as painfully as possible. Usually it means he simply kills his target when they're old, middle-aged and young. In case of the Doctor it means, he plans to kill his every regeneration.

    When the episode starts, the killer managed to deal with countless future version of the Doctor, but they became aware of what is happening and decided to work together. Three remaining versions contact the current (12th) Doctor. They're what I would call controversial Doctors because the 13th is a female (someone famous who normally wouldn't agree to play the Doctor because of how much time it would take), the 14th is black (played preferably by Idris Elba) and the 15th is probably the worst of them. He's white and male, but he's played by a non-British actor. Probably American as a sort of revenge for all superheroes played by British actors, but I would be tempted to choose a Polish actor. ;)

    Anyway, the episode would end with a defeat of the assassin that would reset the Doctor time-line after the current version, erasing his future deaths, but also making his future regenerations once again an unknown. Though there would be a possibility they would appear as they did before the reset.
  11. Shouldabeenadog

    Shouldabeenadog Headmaster

    Sep 3, 2010
    "Thats my face? I will look like that?"

    "I kinda like it."
  12. DerHesse

    DerHesse Unspeakable

    Jun 12, 2010
    A bit crazy, but I love unusual environments.

    The protagonist is Batman, or rather a Batman action figure.


    The setting is the Toy Story universe.
    Batman has to fight the rogue gallery, which his kid collected. The villains hide in different locations, for example the attic, the cellar or the backyard. Maybe he gets replaced by a Nolan Batman action figure (epic fight) and ends up in the kindergarten, his very own Gotham.
  13. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    That's pretty great. I haven't read Toy Story fiction and I don't know that I'd like it but the premise sounds like it would fit right in. Do you think you'd want to try your hand at putting it into action?
  14. thejabber27

    thejabber27 Groundskeeper

    Jan 4, 2012
    This is a genre parody of Xianxia that borders original fictionish, maybe?
    Symphony No.7:
    In a world where music reigns supreme, those not gifted musically are lower than trash, Li Han climbs towards his dream of being a virtuoso.
    Horrible summary but that's what shower ideas are. It follows some standard Xianxia format but instead of martial arts people cultivate musical harmony through one of the five musical paths (woodwind, brass, string, percussion, vocals ) the playing of songs are skills of varying difficulty (solo, duo, trio, quartet, choir, concerto, band or symphony or opera, and orchestral) power level is determined though the ability of channeling the musical harmony into the notes, the faster the note the harder it is to channel the power into it so the levels go whole note, half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth, thirtysecond, sixty-fourth, 128th note, then virtuoso. Li Han lost some of his fingers as a child and is stuck in the half note level when he finds a thermion and learns it's ways. Lots of tropes and insanity ensues.

    Choosing music because I feel the normal overreactions in the genre and the way the music world is overlap enough for parody to make sense and at the same time absurd.
  15. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Death Note / BBC Sherlock crossover

    In an AU where Watari and L don't exist, Light Yagami still finds the Death Note. However, while one detective is absent from this world, another one exists in his place.

    I'd like to see Sherlock try to solve the Kira case.

    In fact, I'm also interested if Moriarty would try to somehow aid Kira or stop him as well, since Kira only kills criminals.
  16. Rayndeon

    Rayndeon Professor

    Nov 22, 2008
    Alex Verus plot bunny: Pretty basic as far as plot bunnies go. Rather than focusing on Verus, the fic would focus on Variam -- a sarcastic and brash Indian fire mage who's friends with Anne Walker and Alex. He and Anne were both previously apprenticed to the Dark mage, Sagash, and later were under the "protection" of a Rakshasa named Jagadev. Then fic would explore Variam's training and duties as an apprentice Keeper -- they're basically the equivalent of Nasuverse Enforcers -- as well as his interactions with other members of the Light Council. I think Variam is a pretty fun character and a Variam-POV would be great to read.

    For those unfamiliar with the Alex Verus series, think of it as a cross between the Dresden Files and the Nasuverse. Mage Association style politics and structure combined with a Dresden-esque urban fantasy feel, set mostly in Camden. (Most dark mages are outright sociopaths and the Light Council frequently isn't better) Mages in the Verus universe can only use one restricted class of magic -- fire magic, ice magic, time magic, etc -- and Verus is a diviner, which lets him view possible futures in the short-term. Anyone that enjoys the Dresden Files should give this series a shot.
  17. Wynter

    Wynter Order Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    I've always been tempted to run some Garrus M!Shepard drabbles in a single collection, of the bromantic variety not slash, ranging from ME1-ME3 and a few background ones/AU's

    No real reason other than the fact that said friendship can get ignored in some stories, which is weird as Garrus is Shepard's #2 in a sense, especially in ME3.

    ---------- Post automerged 10-20-2015 at 06:01 AM ---------- Previous post was 10-19-2015 at 07:39 AM ----------

    Plot Bunny #2:

    PJO Fic where Percy didn't escape the Lotus Hotel until after the Summer Solstice, emerging into a world at war 6 months later.
  18. Rayndeon

    Rayndeon Professor

    Nov 22, 2008
    Gunsmith Cats / Dresden Files cross:

    When Harry's .357 breaks down on him, Murphy advises him to get a replacement and go to a more reputable dealer next time. She gives him the address to a little known but up and coming high quality gun shop in town: Gunsmith Cats.

    Rally Vincent's the owner of Gunsmith Cats, but also a bounty hunter on the sly. When Harry Dresden enters her shop for the first time, she didn't realize that she'd be caught up in a whirlwind adventure of wizards and vampires, ghouls and ghosts, and more.

    Come on -- cool guns, fast cars, hot girls, Chicago, and magic? What could go wrong?
  19. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    HP/ASOIAF crossover, but it's not Harry centric. Rather, the character dumped in the ASOIAF world is Fleur Delacour. Without her wand, obviously.

    There's several reasons why I like this:

    Firstly, even without her wand she still has a magical ability of sorts: her magically enhanced looks. But the great thing about this is that it's a double-edged sword as it makes her politically useful as desirable marriage material. That means she's going to be well taken care of, but also used. She's not going to like that at all, thus a strong motivation to gain power to take control of her life (a motivation Harry would lack).

    Secondly, her temperament is I think better than Harry's for this situation. She's classy and imperious, which will allow her to fit in relatively well, but would also potentially get her in trouble because she's too proud to defer to social superiors.

    Thirdly, her skills are better suited to being dumped in a new world wandless. She knows more about magic than Harry, and has experience in learning languages. Her magical knowledge in particular would be essential in coming up with ways to cast magic without a wand, which I picture following the outline I post in this thread.
  20. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I'm playing with a concept of putting as many urban fantasy world as possible in one working setting.

    A setup for their interaction is pretty simple and borrowed from upcoming DF book - Peace Talks. Only instead of just peace there is a lot more to talk about. Things like rumors that God is missing from Heaven and some Angels are arguing that they should start the Apocalypse. That Lucifer decided to step down from his throne in Hell. That there is new Dream, a new Master of Death and a new Sorcerer Supreme. That the Princess and the Soldiers of the Moon Kingdom were reborn. That there is new Watcher's Council and more than just one Slayer. That Hellsing Organization is new using Alucard/Dracula, who somehow became a completely new specie of Vampire, as their weapon. Etc. etc.

    The rule I put is that while magic can be used differently and has different limits, when characters interact with each other, overall they are as powerful as they should be given their status within their own world. Which means that Dumbledore can easily beat every DF wizard that is not from the Senior Council, but the Merlin is his equal. Though sometimes that means adding some possible explanations. Like Dean and Sam Winchesters can battle demons and angels, but it's because of their special bloodline.

    The most fun as always is with interactions between such a large and different cast of characters. One line that I would definitely use is someone calling Dresden an American knock off of John Constantine. ;)