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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    You know what I would love?

    A less-cartoony Totally Spies! universe.

    The most important facts from the show would of course remain, but some would be altered.

    1. WOOHP.

    The World Organization Of Human Protection is a worldwide spy agency founded by Gerald Lewis in the 1970s.

    WOOHP uses cutting edge technology and highly skilled agents to fight crime all over the world.

    The headquarters are located in Downtown Los Angeles right next to Wilshire Boulevard.

    2. The Spy Gene.

    Dubbed as such because those who have it become the best spies in WOOHP. This is a gene which causes the humans who have it to be more capable of becoming faster, stronger and more intelligent.

    Someone with a spy gene will get better results from training, exercising and learning new information.

    However, this gene also means that a lot of criminals who have it become successful super villains.

    3. Tech Level.

    In the Totally Spies! universe, technology in some areas in significantly ahead of the real world.

    This may be related to the amount of people with the Spy Gene, which as mentioned above improves intelligence and learning capacity. As such, the amount of inventors and scientists may be higher and they may have produced better results.

    This has lead to a world where this like artificial intelligence, time machines, working mind control, memory extraction/transfer, weather control, death rays, artificial gravity and many others are not only possible, but by the early 2000s have at least working prototypes.

    4. Surveillance.

    WOOHP is trusted by many governments and as such maintains a very close relationship with them and their agencies (CIA, FBI and others).

    This has allowed WOOHP to establish a very extensive surveillance network all around the globe.

    They not only have cameras and microphones in most public places, but also in many cases in private houses. This makes real-world anti-terrorist surveillance look like child's play.

    5. Super Villains.

    As mentioned above, the Spy Gene isn't limited to good people. The amount of super villains is high enough to guarantee that WOOHP arrests one at least once every two weeks.

    The threats they pose varies.

    From simple scorned musicians who want to get revenge on other artists by hypnotizing their fans to highly dangerous ones like that one guy who wanted to bring upon a new ice age by manipulating weather using his advanced machines.

    6. Our Heroes.

    Clover, Sam and Alex have been observed by WOOHP since their early childhood when the Spy Gene was detected in them (the agency has access to most medical records and evidence of they Spy Gene can be easily found).

    And it turns out that the gene is extraordinarily effective within these three. Sam is highly intelligent and knowledgeable, Clover highly charismatic and capable of impersonations and Alex highly athletic and most skilled at martial arts.

    WOOHP has manipulated events in the girls' lives to make them meet and become friends to make teamwork better.

    Eventually, the agency has approached and recruited them to become super-spies.

  2. cancelled for a

    cancelled for a Second Year

    Mar 27, 2015
    I know that this is an absurd idea, but what about a Lucifer/Dresden Files crossover fic? Yeah, I get the overpowered part isn't good, but just one-shots or the like would be pretty interesting.

    That Lucifer isn't actually trapped, and is here on Earth playing around would drive Dresden and the rest of the forces of good and dark insane!

    I like this idea because Lucifer doesn't seem the type to care, and would simply go about his merry ways with his detective partner solving crimes.

    edit: Moved to correct thread. -Yak
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2016
  3. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    What does that have to do with Harry Potter though?

    Also, it seems you're basing this particular Lucifer off of that dreadful TV adaptation. The character from the comics is starkly different and it's more about his quest about escaping/avoiding/eluding predestination and free will.
  4. cancelled for a

    cancelled for a Second Year

    Mar 27, 2015
    The thread's been moved.

    Anyway, yes it's based on that tv show.
  5. yak

    yak Moderator DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Jul 28, 2007
    When Odran replied, the post was still in the HP thread. I moved his post here at the same time as I moved yours.
  6. Wynter

    Wynter Order Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    Sort of thinking an AU for Assassins Creed where Desmond stayed with the order instead of running away, giving a modern setting as he's tasked with taking out the Inner Sanctum of the Modern Day Templars but at the same time don't want to write any fanfiction so for now it's an annoying gnat in the back of my head.
  7. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Predator / Terminator crossover.

    The Yautja have been hunting humans for sport for thousands of years and have had no intention of stopping this tradition.

    But when Skynet unleashes Judgment Day upon humanity, the Predators find a more exciting thing to hunt: The Terminators.

    The story could follow various POVs:

    - Skynet and the Terminators.
    - The Yautja.
    - The Human Resistance.

    Additional possibility: Skynet manages to capture and reverse-engineer a Yautja spaceship and eventually encounters the Xenomorphs from Alien in outer space.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2016
  8. Hero of Stupidity

    Hero of Stupidity Villain of Sensibility ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Oct 5, 2010
    High Score:
    So I was looking for a manga to read, but all I could find are those generic manga where guys summons some kind of spirit/demon/magical vibrator and fights for peace/boobs/more boobs(?). So my idea was this(strictly crack, maybe one shot):

    Have Naruto who for some reason travels to one of these dimensions and seeing their power he decides that it is time to fuck with them. Summons Kurama as a tiny little fox, and makes it look like that he beets everything with a small fox summon.

    It's stupid, but way better than any of those mangas.
  9. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
  10. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Old Pokemon piece.
    Giovanni was going to join the latest team of mad archaeologists seeking to plumb the depths of the Ruins, here known to be a winding labyrinth, with his identity and features disguised, following as they gradually unearthed the Unown again and triggered a calamity. He'd redeem his actions with Team Rocket over the years by dying to seal the Unown up once more.
  11. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    I was a huge Warcraft III fan and I even played WoW for a year, back when it was new but I quit before the first addon. Starting last weekend, after an exam, downloaded it again to give it a try and have been playing it for a week or so. This got me interested a bit in Warcraft lore again, especially for my favourites.

    That said, I am not sure how to feel about how they handled Sylvanas character throughout WoW since it seems fairly inconsistent to me.

    Here is a plotbunny on where one could have taken Sylvanas and the Forsaken:

    After Arthas is dead, Sylvanas dies. Whether it is because of suicide (not really a fan of that, tbh) or because of treachery or succumbing to her wounds is undecided but point is, she dies. Warchief Garrosh then appoints another Orc as the leader of the Forsaken. With most of the big names of the Forsaken like Varimathras and Putress also gone/dead, Garrosh is reluctant to hand over the reigns to another Undead, especially since he has a huge dislike for them already.

    The problems arise from the fact that the Orc in question (not sure who, really need to read up more on the Orcs to get to know all the side character names) also doesn't have much respect for the Forsaken either, seeing them as cannon fodder at best, even more so than Sylvanas ever did. This breeds heavy resentment among the Forsaken and they start to scheme, to bring Sylvanas back so that she can lead them again, and strike back against those who are abusing them so.

    This starts a ritual. I admit, not all to clear on the finer points on the various magic schools in Warcraft any more but I seem to remember that it is often dependant on plot convenience so, think one could get away with it, especially since Sylvanas is an Undead anyway and her "aliveness" is rather fluid anyway. The ritual I imagine to be something along the lines of human transmutation in Fullmetal Alchemist, i.e, the Forsaken dig a transmutation circle around Undercity, using the canals and tunnels already there. Undercity by now has an even heavier Orc presence, having taken over parts of the city since the Forsaken numbers are dwindling and the Horde doesn't want to lose its foothold on the continent.

    Once it is complete, the Forsaken lure more people in, maybe tempt an attack from the alliance as well, activate the ritual, sacrificing every non-undead person in Undercity to bring back Syvlanas, who, thanks to this, came back with a bit more oomph than before, being slightly stronger. Not strong enough to solo armies or anything but strong enough that she does prove to be an immense advantage.

    Now, back from the dead once more, maybe also having lived through the nothing, a tormented afterlife, back in the real world, Sylvanas finds herself in charge of a diminished Forsaken which has the ire of the Alliance (as always) and huge parts of the Horde.

    This forces her in a difficult position. The Forsaken can't replenish their numbers, not really and the ritual which brought her back is not really feasible for multiple uses. This could maybe make her seek out the Val'kyr, or they approach her, seeking purpose and Sylvanas makes a bargain with them. In order for their service, she gives them purpose and leadership, a cause, whereas they help her to bolster her ranks.

    In canon, it seems a bit flippant to me, that Sylvanas is way too liberal with her raising the undead for not good enough of a reason. Here, the Forsaken would be in danger of immediate extinction, not an eventual loss in the future, and thus, Sylvanas would be forced to do the wrong things for the right reasons, as it were.

    My problems so far, really, is the lack of plot and the difficulty to fit all the other Warcraft bullshit into this.

    But yeah, would like to see something like this.
  12. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Frozen Plot Bunny:

    Post-movie, Elsa is somehow transported to an AU where she's evil and rules Arendelle with an iron fist.

    Inspired by this picture showing Elsa's concept art and the final version side by side:

  13. Mutton

    Mutton Order Member

    Feb 20, 2011
    Frozen really did illustrate the difference in how genders are portrayed when it comes to this sort of film. If Elsa had been a boy the movie would have been about a gang of plucky rebels trying to overthrow the Frozen Fuhrer and his Snowman Stormtroopers. Might even work better than just going with Evil Elsa for the world swap
  14. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Villainous Elsa isn't even that difficult to work in canon.

    Instead of Anna being cured at the end of the film, she remains frozen. Elsa goes a little mad and possibly kills Hans, then drags the Anna statue up to her palace. The storm would rage on, preventing anyone from leaving or entering the area around Arendelle, and Hans would (if he's alive) become the King of Arendelle in Elsa's absence.

    Meanwhile, Elsa obsesses over the statue, knowing that she can use her powers to make snow and ice come to life and she eventually learns the trick to it. Unfortunately, Anna is merely ice made animate, rather than flesh and blood, and there's something just a little off about her. She seems to be Elsa's sister at first glance and she has all of her memories, but there's something Elsa can't place her finger on that makes Anna just a little different.

    Over time we'd begin to notice that whenever Elsa and Anna argue, Anna gives in too easily. She's not as stubborn as she was in the film, too willing to bend to Elsa's will, and she doesn't complain about being locked up in the palace. In the periphery we'd see Olaf, Marshmallow and the other snow creatures Elsa has made during practice being subservient beyond even what her staff at the castle had been.

    Finally, in the climax of the story, there'd be a big confrontation between Elsa and Anna, and Anna would confess that she's not her real sister, that she's an amalgamation of what was left of Anna's spirit and Elsa's memories. She's also conflicted by the fact that she must obey Elsa's will, but Elsa's will is that she act like Anna would (exempting the times they argue, where her frustration comes to the fore).

    It'd be a tragedy in the traditional way and I could see it being the lead in to a story where the more traditional heroes have to make an arduous journey to the heart of winter, in order to slay the Snow Queen and save the region from devastation. She doesn't have to be actually evil to be the villain, after all.
  15. Nemrut

    Nemrut The Black Mage ~ Prestige ~

    Aug 9, 2009
    Department of Post-Mortem Communications
    High Score:
    I think I saw a one-shot like this, but I can't remember the title.

    I have to say, I prefer non villain Elsa. Elsa is interesting because her powers are not a solution to her conflict, but if you turn her into a villain, her powers became a great tool for schemes. Not a solution for everything, of course, but still, outright villain Elsa is meh to me. Misguided Elsa or broken Elsa or doing wrong things for the right reasons Elsa I find much more interesting and fitting with the character.

    For example, how about the other nations are now interested in Arrendelle in general and Elsa in particular, and to keep their independence, Elsa is forced to make harsher and harsher decisions, even doing some distasteful stuff with her powers, all for the sake of her people and Anna, going against her principles, seeing that Elsa has no desire to hurt anyone with her powers.
  16. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    There was a fic I read a while back that had Elsa rapidly trying to learn how to be a diplomat when all of the Great Powers started sending people to bring her into the Napoleonic Wars. I remember reading all that was released at the time then moving on to other things and forgetting about it. Wonder if it's updated since then.
  17. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    Sounds like you're talking about The Snow Queen: Love and Duty. It last updated April 2014.
  18. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    On that note, any new and good fics from the Frozen/Tangled universe?

    Alternate history is OK too, since it'd be nice to have reasons for Arendelle's and Corona's existence.
  19. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    Has anyone here seen Miraculous Ladybug yet? Some people on /co/ recc'ed it so I took a look. I have no idea what appeals about it but I ended up watching all 13 English dubbed episodes back to back.

    Anyway, I'm toying with a dysfunctional relationship oneshot or two-shot. Basically, Marinette hates Chloe, but Chloe idolises Marinette's superhero identity Ladybug. So I was thinking some weird hate-fuck thing were Marinette gets off on the girl she hates unknowingly loving her through her alter ego. But I really don't want to write smut so I'm not really sure how to go with it.
  20. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Not really a plot bunny, but rather just one scene.

    There are two things I would like to have included in future Star Wars films. A big space battle, that I expect we will get, and a big lightsaber battle (with both sides using them), that we probably never will because there simply aren't enough Force-users for it to happen.

    Unless something changes.

    This something could be a Sith artefact that allows its user to summon ghosts of past Sith Lords for them to command. It could be what Luke was protecting on his island and Snoke manages to get it by the end of VIII film.

    In final battle of IX film, Rey faces Snoke alone and behind his back there are ghosts of past Dark Lords (cameo from Sidious and others could be looking similar to lords from EU as a nod to fans) ready to attack at his command.

    "You're alone, Jedi," says the Dark Lord and for a moment it looks like all is lost.

    "You're wrong." Rey looks defiantly at him. "I'm never alone."

    Behind her back appear the Force ghosts. Obi-Wan, Anakin, Yoda, Qui-Gon and many more famous Jedi Masters ready to fight one more time.

    "The Force is with me."