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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Lol, not likely with Narutoverse tech level.
  2. douter

    douter Sixth Year

    Nov 30, 2015
    High Score:
    Well there's the Raijin no Ken
  3. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Naruto Plot Bunny:

    All Jinchuriki live with a shared hive-mind. They all communicate with each other, share each other's thoughts, what they see, hear and smell, etc.

    When Naruto has the Nine-Tails sealed in him, the other in the hive-mind immediately know.

    Naruto grows up basically being raised by all the other Jinchuriki guiding him from inside his mind.

    While they all live in different villages, they are loyal to each other. And of course they would have the shared enemy in the form of Akatsuki.

    Would feature a much saner Gaara, who would also benefit from being raised by said hive-mind.
  4. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    A perfect title for it is Jinchuriki9.

  5. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Hah, having now googled the show it does sound exactly like it.

  6. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    So, a SG-1/SAO crossover?

    To be fair, I can't really stand SAO. Digiibro over on Youtube sums up my dislike for the average "Light Novel Guy" protagonist and I also hate shitty anime clichés.. As such, any SAO character in this will be initially ripped into and forced to learn how the world actually works really quickly. I actually considered making it a SAO crossover in name only but I decided against it.

    The idea of people being stuck in a virtual reality was done in SG1's second season episode "The Gamekeeper" while the idea of a game based on the Stargate was used in SG:U. So I was thinking, what if the US Government decided the technology would be a good way to both introduce the world to the idea of the Gate and to mark people for possible recruitment to the SGC? Around Season three and the timeline moved forwards to the late 2010s or early 2020s, the US government working with Kayaba Akihiko develops the commercial NerveGear technology. Akihiko is not informed of the Stargate and is only informed that they want to create a virtual high-stakes military scifi game as a military recruiting ground. The game not only includes a replica SGC but also the gate and many off-world planets. The game isn't limited to just combat and is designed to be very science heavy (i.e. to replicate real missions) using actual off-world maths and science and includes things like the Dakara Weapons Puzzle (I couldn't not include it) and other unsolved off-world mathematical problems.

    As a realistic military scifi, the game is set up to heavily punish people who try to solo the game, forcing people to form teams. The game's open ranking system does not rank individual players, only ranking small SG-sized teams, furthering the mentality. There is no levelling system, the only skills gained are the mental ones. Equipment is also limited "Earthside", forcing ingenuity until you can come across decent alien equipment. The game also includes the ability to be taken over by a Goa'uld, in which you're supposed to be evil (i.e you're not forced too but it gives you a blank cheque to be evil) once taken over but the game is set up so only high ranked players will get snaked instead of killed.

    As the SGC is considering going international, the game is available (officially) in Western aligned nations though foreign governments are not yet aware of it.

    The story would start with the end of the beta period. Out annoying LNG has been forced out of his comfort zone and into a team of similar misfits. During the beta period, a number of SGC members played under orders to get the ball rolling and to show people how it's done. Some other members (primarily in non-combat positions) signed up so they could do things they never do in real life, like replicate SG1's death defying feats or pretend to be a System Lord. When the day of the actual release rolls around, several actual SG teams including SG1 are sent into the game.

    SG1 play for several hours, do a few missions, and try to log out only to find they can't. Shortly after everyone is forcibly teleported back to the "SGC", and they're informed by Akihiko that no one can leave and that leaving will kill you. Following SAO, every is forced to look like who they actually look like before being told the only way to escape is to defeat the System Lords. Oh, and people who got snaked no longer control their own bodies and are under the control of computer controlled Goa'uld.

    Several days later it's set in for SG1 and the other SGC members that permadeath is actually a thing and the people on the outside obviously have had no success freeing them from the game. Faced with this reality, the SGC members decide to disclose that the game was set up to recruit people into the military (i.e. they're no disclosing the Stargate is real) and that everyone should follow the lead of the actually military people present. There are two issues with that: a lot of people have no interest in listening to the people that supposedly got them stuck there, and they need a lot more fighting bodies than they have to defeat the System Lords and escape the game.

    I was thinking of pulling quite a few people from different parts of the SGC into the story. Eli Wallace, Chloe Armstrong (in canon the Dakara Weapons Puzzle was her idea), Dr Rush (maybe trying to get people to notice the puzzle?), Lt Scott from Universe. McKay and Shepard (maybe as a member of the military who doesn't know about the gate?) from Atlantis. Some of the main characters from SAO. I'm not exactly sure yet.
  7. Jibril

    Jibril Headmaster

    Jun 7, 2006
    50.26°N, 19.02°E
    I would read that, but I'm not so sure about including SG-1 into the entire mix. Instead of them stick with the background characters from SGC - maybe SG-2 won/lost pulling straws competition and they got the assignment which basically sounds like "babysitting". Keep SG-1 in the real world so they can work on shutting down the game.

    And keep the annoying mary sue MC and other characters from SAO as the main POV characters - they don't need to survive, they only need to suffer ;)
  8. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    In the 24 hours since I posted this I have considered excluding SG-1. I was thinking of putting Cassandra in the game though but she's rather young at this stage.

    ---------- Post automerged at 23:48 ---------- Previous post was at 23:46 ----------

    Wait, looking it up she was 12 in season one - I could have sworn she was eight. 14 in Season 3 sounds acceptable.

    ---------- Post automerged at 23:48 ---------- Previous post was at 23:48 ----------

    Cassandra was a criminally underused character.
  9. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    ASoIaF as shonen story of becoming the best there is with Jon Snow as its main character.

    Instead of joining the Night's Watch, Jon wants to become the greatest swordsman in the world like his father is, or so he believes.

    After overhearing another argument between Ned and Catelyn over his presence in Winterfell, he decides to leave. Aware that his father will quickly find him if he stays in Westeros, he goes to Essos.

    There, after initial misadventures, he manages to join a sellsword complany composed of other people of the North like himself, the Company of the Rose. As is normal with shonen, he slowly gets better with the sword, challenging and defeating increasingly more skilled warriors from other companies as they fight for their various clients.

    This part ends with Jon starting his own company the Hungry Wolfs joined by people who he met in his adventures.

    Then, after an obligatory time-skip, the War of the Five Kings starts and Robb asks for his help. Jon answers the call and fights the best knights in Westeros to save his family.

    The general aim is to take a general shonen story and put it in ASoIaF world without making it too anime like, but at the same time having fun using its troppes:

    - The political intrigues and battles are present, but most resolutions come from personal duels between characters.

    - The warriors have their personal styles and techniques, but within semi-realistic limits and their style fitting this world. That said, the Water Dancers definitely can have some outrages names for them like "Waterfall of Blood" or "Great White Shark Attack".

    - Some comedic troppes can be used too if handled somehow realistically. Like a guy notices an undressing woman which causes him to walk into a wall and have a nosebleed.

    - The last battle will be to save the world from the ancient bad guy with a grudge. Then again it's probably going to happen in the books/show too. ;)
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2017
  10. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012

    You'd have to change the "Rating" of Westeros from R to say PG-13. Make it more lighthearted and hopeful.

    I dig it, write it!
  11. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Changing of the rating would probably only mean less sex because when you start comparing GoT to shonen series like Naruto it turns out it's not necessary much more murderous about its characters or general population. ;)
  12. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    True enough, I agree.

    Additionally, Jon needs some kind of edge, a special ability or power that makes him a true shonen protagonist. Otherwise he's just a guy.
  13. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010

    I've been trying to come up with ideas for plots that would work for self-contained rather than the epic length ones typical of the series. Alternatively, they could simply work as story arcs in themselves. The mission-based setting at least makes it quite easy for Naruto and co. to hop around the world for all sorts of jobs.

    1) Naruto and his team are sent on a escort mission to protect a group of nobles on a vacation in the Land of Hot Water. Normally this would use ninja higher ranked than genin but the nobles wanted to be attended by ninja more for the novelty rather than desiring genuine protection. They reached Yu - otherwise known as the village that had forgotten wars - in time for the annual festival they wished to attend. But the celebration had an undercurrent in tension given the ongoing arguments about the village demilitarization and rumors of bloody slaughters around the countryside.

    The most vocal of its opposition was their strongest ninja, Hidan, who had since given allegiance to Jashin and survived the forbidden ritual of immortality as rewards for his massacres. And he intends his first offering to his god since his 'rebirth' to be every man, woman and child in Yu.

    2) The mission came from the Land of Waves who specifically requested Naruto's team after the legend that had been built the last time he was there. There had been reports of disturbances along the northern side of the island nation near the Uzushio Ruins of a sea creature that had been disturbing the underwater ecology with its presence and harming the fishing boats and ships that had gone out to sea. The objective was to find and eliminate whatever animal was interfering with the local shipping business.

    However the animal, it turns out, is none other than the Three Tailed Turtle* that had finally revived following its jinchuuriki's death. Unfortunately, this discovery reached the ears of Kiri as well who were willing to do everything in their power to retrieve their Tailed Beast to recuperate from the many losses caused by the Fourth Mizukage's reign. What began as an search and destroy mission turned into something that could potentially lead to war between Konoha and Kiri at a time they can't afford to fight.

    *Stolen from a filler arc with a good premise but poor execution.

    3) A messenger from one of the Land of Fire's towns in the north, near the border itself, sends word of a demon causing panic among the people as it hid amongst them. Naruto's team is sent to find the 'demon' and either capture it for containment and research or simply kill it depending on how dangerous it is. Upon reaching the town and finding the demon in question, they discover that it was actually a human with Orochimaru's cursed seal who had successfully escaped from the northern hideout. In exchange for his protection, the prisoner reveals everything he knows about the hideout including the dozen of cursed seal test subjects imprisoned inside.

    The mission becomes one to destroy the hideout, free their prisoners and capture Orochimaru's followers for information. Ideally without drawing the attention of Orochimaru himself before the job is done.

    4) Miners from the Land of Iron hired Konoha ninja to investigate a series of thefts of a sizable quantity of their metal ores. Normally they would rely on their samurai but they had repeatedly failed to prevent these crimes, enough to frustrate the miners into hiring foreigners. As it turns out, the thieves were being hired by a faction of samurai aiming to increase dissatisfaction with the current order and supply them with resources. And they were not pleased to be interfered with.

    5) Naruto's team is sent on a courier mission to Kusa where they are intercepted by a foreign party who steal their package. To avoid failing the mission, they seek to track the enemy and retrieve the package before the alloted time limit has passed. The enemy's aim is to sour the relationship between Konoha and Kusa to help rob them of allies after losing half their forces in the invasion but their allegiance is unknown.

    They may belong to one of the other Great Hidden Villages intended to kick Konoha while it's down but could even be Kusa itself seeking an excuse to end their alliance with the weakened village in favour of another. The team doesn't know and the potential for things to get even more dangerous puts them in a precarious position.
  14. sonny_yalin

    sonny_yalin Third Year

    Aug 26, 2014
    Nice, I like these. I think they capture the potential complexity of relations between nations in the naturoverse and they aren't so cut and dry that the ending can be easily predicted. There's a lot you could do within these plot lines, while also having an overreaching plot that these smaller plot lines contribute to in some way.
  15. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    What? Not really each of those is pretty easily solved, especially because Naruto is a Shonen. Unless you're making a super AU...

    1. They fight Hidan early, protagonists win (because this is a Shonen and Hidan would kill them all).

    2. Konoha helps kiri seal the 3 tails. There's no reason for Konoha to not want this to be outcome, given that it's canon that the beasts were given away freely to keep the balance of power. At no point in the time line does Konica lack for manpower in canon (fielding more S ranks than any other village at any given time). Destabilizing the balance of powers is bad, and no one is interested in doing it (see: why no one tried to follow up the invasion by Sand).

    3. They inevitably succeed because if they fail Orochimaru kills them.

    4. They reveal the information about what's going on, or just kill or talk no jutsu the people in the dissident faction. It's Naruto boys.

    5. Kusa wouldn't want to try and split from Konoha (which was never really weakened by the invasion in the first place after they replaced Sarutobi with Tsunade, hell strictly speaking that was an upgrade...) in the first place. If they did for some stupid reason, Kumo would straight up annex them (with 3 S tier ninja, two of which are hosts they would be able to). Kusa only exists because they're Allied (with a capital A) with Konoha and have a tailed beast. They have 0 ninja worth anything, hence why Fuu is captured so easily.

    Geopolitical crap doesn't really work in Naruto unless you make it a massive AU. Kiri and Suna have essentially one S tier ninja and a tailed beast. Kusa has a tailed beast host that is young. Kumo has 2 hosts and an S tier kage, Konoha has 2 S tier ninja and a host (plus whatever you consider Kakashi/his crop of jounin, and secretly Danzo and Itachi). Iwa has an S tier ninja, and a host (that may or may not listen) or two.

    This balance of power was established by Hashirama handing out the bijou like candy to create it (kind of a dick move not to give Uzu one though...) and it's too dangerous in a real politik world for anyone to go to war in the setting Naruto starts in.
  16. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    You're thinking of Taki, bud.

    Kusa is the one Orochimaru pretended to be a member of during the Chuunin Exams and had two dipshits try to coerce Gaara into throwing the match. Only other thing said about them (from a fanbook rather than the manga) is that the "true allegience of these shinobi is never known" and "they read the movements of larger countries to stay one step ahead of events".
  17. DrSarcasm

    DrSarcasm Headmaster

    May 16, 2010
    The problem with this is that the game cannot last long-term. Kayaba would only be acting as a laundered production source for the world and programmer for the game. The SGC would have actual control and understanding of the base technology, with Kayaba only getting a derivative. On top of that, depending on which point in Season Three it is set the SGC would have access to the Tollans, the Tok'Ra, the Asguard, the original creators, the full might of the US military and intelligence organizations, and as we have seen before, access to the world's greatest experts. With that combination, there is no doubt that the SGC would be able to either get everyone out of the game or track down the central processor or Kayaba wherever he is on the planet. If he is in the game, it would be a simple matter of placing another person in the game* and confronting Kayaba with the threat of either let everyone go or they pull the plug on him.

    *They did this in the followup episode, and given that the game would be released to the public with a probable M rating, it wouldn't be hard to find SGC volunteers to help rescue their comrades and all the teenagers trapped in there as well.

    In other words, the setting cannot be set over a few years, but rather over a few days or weeks. Additionally, there has to be something to push everyone to actually play the game rather than waiting for a rescue. The best scenario would be an invasion of first the allies of the SGC then the SGC and Earth itself.

    ---------- Post automerged at 05:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:41 PM ----------

    Probably some fire and ice power, because of the setting name and his parentage. Like the Targaryen immunity to fire + flaming sword powers + something related to how 'a Stark must always be in Winterfell'. Plus he still has to get his dire wolf sidekick, because he's a shounen character.
  18. Download

    Download Auror ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Aug 6, 2014
    Adelaide, Australia
    High Score:
    The technology would require significant reworking for public consumption. The SGC can't spare resources for this so they hand the technology over and tell him "this technology comes from a classified program, make it suitable for public use". He's going to know the ins and outs of the technology far better that anyone else.


    Being aliens does not grant you mastery over all technology. All of those would need time to study the technology, even assuming they will bring them on board for what is an internal Earth problem.

    The entire NeverGear technology is a trap. You destroy the server and everyone dies. You kill Kayaba and everyone dies. It's booby-trapped. You think this wasn't considered in SAO canon? For all its fault this plot-hole was easily solved in canon.

    Because I totally want such an easy plot-solver.

    Maybe the thread of death? You know, the one that already exists?

    ---------- Post automerged at 22:40 ---------- Previous post was at 16:25 ----------

    Taking Jibril's advice I've actually decided to do a SAO/Stalker crossover instead. The characters will suffer but I'm trying to avoid grimderp.
  19. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    A Song of Ice and Fire AU in which the Point of Divergence is Cersei dying by an accident before marrying Robert.

    Who would marry Robert instead? Who is the most likely, most plausible candidate?

    What consequences would develop from this? How significantly is the history of the Seven Kingdoms altered, assuming that White Walkers and Dany's Dragons are inevitable anyway.

    Tagging Celestin, Odran, Rheagar I for input.
  20. Kravot

    Kravot Fourth Year

    Nov 11, 2009
    I don't think any of the great houses had a suitable daughter at the time, especially considering that the Tullys just married theirs.
    The closest house prestige wise would probably be Hightower, and they have a couple of daughters of age at the time (although I'm not sure if they are already married or not).
    Also possible is house Velaryon although we don't know anything about any daughters they would have. Also I don't think that Robert agree marrying a Valyrian looking woman with his Targ hate boner.

    The problem is both houses were loyalist in the rebellion - Lord Velaryon was Master of Ships and Gerald Hightower being Lord Commander of the Kingsguard - makes it a hard pitch.

    Aside from that I don't have any other ideas. Robert can marry for things other then prestige and alliance I guess - but this is a crucial step in solidifying his rule. He needs a queen that will bring something to him.

    Maybe even leave him unmarried - let that be a plot point - with the early years of his rule centered mostly around houses fighting for his support and trying to get him to marry them.