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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Not marry, but Jon Arryn would probably at least try to betroth him with Arianne Martell as a way to make peace with them. Robert didn't care for marriage and could wait even a decade, spending it with other women.

    Doran may even agree under condition she doesn't go to King's Landing before she's of age and ready to carry their vengeance.

    Other changes, if Jaime declined to leave the Kingsguard, which could change with his sister not present, I suspect Tywin himself would consider marrying again. With no ties to the Iron Throne, he needs allies and a heir that's not Tyrion.

    Even with these changes the war would happen, if only because there were too many people who wanted it to happen for their own gain.
  2. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    Delena Florent perhaps. Not a woman of a great house, but with a claim to the Reach, which could serve doubly as a warning to the Tyrells and of ways for Robert to get a bigger pull in said region too. Hightower, as Kravot suggested, is also an acceptable choice, but I think Robert would be wroth with house Hightower, what with one of theirs keeping Lyanna in the Tower of Joy, and that would eliminate them as a choice for a bride.

    We can say with some certainty that Cersei's replacement (whoever she may end up being) would not commit adultery/incest and give birth to bastards instead of Robert's trueborn children, so there's that bit at least. A different wife would quite likely also mean a different Robert as well. Not too different from his canon character, but not as bloated or as prone to whoring as he was during his marriage to Cersei. Having trueborn children he could also see himself in, perhaps partake in some of his past-times (hunting and such), would also help Robert be kept more within the norms.

    As for the wider range of consequences? No idea. I wanted to suggest Jaime Lannister could be released from the Kingsguard, as a way of repaying Tywin, but let's face it: he joined in the fray near the end of things, when Rhaegar was dead and Robert's victory was all but assured and that wouldn't really garner him any favors.

    Littlefinger would still be Littlefinger, Varys would be Varys, and so there'd be always some sort of shit going on in the background.
  3. Puzzled

    Puzzled High Inquisitor

    Jul 24, 2014
    If Robert marries into the Reach it would probably be to the Hightowers who are far stronger than the Florents. Granted, Mace's wife is a Hightower, but the Florents only bring 2k men so they're not really worth it. And they're all ugly.
  4. Lindsey

    Lindsey Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    If Cersei died before Robert's Rebellion (or during), would Tywin end up supporting Robert? After all, if he has no daughter to marry the next King, would he be as likely to join? Especially if she died before Rhaegar got married, and therefore didn't have a falling out with Aerys'.
  5. Odran

    Odran Fourth Champion

    Aug 12, 2013
    He would join in, if only for the slight chance that Jaime gets released from his KG vows. Because that's what really soured relations between them, Aerys taking Tywin's son and heir for himself, leaving him with nothing but a twisted dwarf for a potential heir.

    If she died before Rhaegar even married, who knows what would have happened? Too many butterflies.
  6. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    ASoIaF/Gurren Lagann fusion. Sort of.

    Basically, the Great Other is the Anti-Spiral that uses the White Walkers to keep the humanity from advancing. Something changes and from that point the Planetos experiences drastic social and technological changes.

    Like in the anime, they would basically get from medieval level to s-f within few years and people's abilities would drastically evolve along the way. From a master swordsman to an excellent pilot of big robots.

    Yet one of the points of this fic would be that while everything around them changes, the humans are still only humans and the Game of Thrones continues. Only now with actually nukes instead of dragons.
  7. nevu

    nevu First Year

    Jul 29, 2015
    Sort of a gamer fic, but not exactly. More of a parody/satire? Thought about rwby since there's a glut of fics that are power wanks (even though I do love TGWP). It also is one of the few settings with an easy in universe explanation and sufficient enemies to make this work.

    The basic premise of the gamer crossovers is that it provides an awesome way for a character to increase in power rapidly. Generally it does this based on RPG mechanics being ported to the story (usually a Korean mmo). However, there's quite a few RPGs with mechanics that are more... Infuriating.

    The SaGa series came to mind immediately. (Some people consider ff2, the NES one, the first of these, and it might be the most played)Basically if there's anything you hated in an RPG it is definitely in one of those games. Their designer has been called the honey badger of rpg design. Weapons break easily with low durability, information is extremely limited in ways that can hurt you, and minor mistakes early on snowball to make the games literally impossible at times regardless of grinding. There are no levels, stats instead only have a chance of increasing at random if you use them when defeating an enemy. Same with skill at weapons. The weaker the enemy, the lower the chance of an increase. In some games enemies got stronger with every battle as well. Techniques are learned at random when attacking or dodging. HP can only increase when you take damage in a battle with an enemy, though in some of the earlier games it was possible to have your party beat the shit out of each other to gain HP in random battles.

    An example of limited information was that in some of the earlier games monsters would drop meat randomly after battle, and if you ate it... That character would become a copy of a random enemy monster with no possibility for stat increase. It was possible by eating more monsters to go back to human, but highly random and unlikely. Easy to work in with RWBY and different classes of Grimm (you can't become something stronger than what was eaten), though admittedly would be an accident at first.

    Give it to someone as a semblance (Jaune is the easiest target, seeing as he doesn't have one yet), then just sort of torture them. Would make it impossible for him to improve via training outside of combat. He obviously wouldn't want to give his semblance effects to his team, not sure if it should happen anyways outside of his control.

    Only real plot idea I had was Nora eating one of the Beowulf's or Ursa and becoming one, mostly to see Ren freak out about it, especially when he learns she can't be easily changed back.

    Basically, combine all the worst elements to ensure that it is really and truly is a curse to have it as a semblance. Not really sure what to do with a plot though as that's kind of a ridiculous setup.
  8. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Cthulhu Mythos / Lovecraft story idea:

    A Lovecraftian take on anime waifus. People with anime anatomy would look creepy in real life, so imagine if they actually existed?

    Perhaps they would be the result of normal humans having children with some strange creatures. Basically, a much different type of the "Innsmouth look".

    Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Onii-chan A'nime wgah'nagl fhtagn.

  9. Hashasheen

    Hashasheen Half-Blood Prince

    Sep 10, 2008
    I would fully expect Robert to fuck off to Essos and leave Stannis holding the bag, to be honest.
  10. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    I'd read a story about Robert fucking off to Essos only to return at the head of a company he had founded to fight against the Greyjoy Rebellion, father a few noble babies, and then fuck off again. Depending on how shit went down in this AU, he could be for Jon Snow what the Golden Company was for Aegon.
  11. bakkasama

    bakkasama Seventh Year

    Apr 20, 2012
    As opposed to plastic surgery as it is today?



    Anyways, unto less creepy stuff.
    It is a bit barebones, but here is an idea: ASOIAF/Pokemon crossover in which instead of knights fighting with weapons, they do so with pokemon. You need special training to control your pokemon and raising more than one is very complicated so while peasant levies might be able to control 1 pokemon per soldier, it would be weak ones like rattata instead of higher evolutions like the nobles. If a smallfolk manages to train several pokemon though, they could probably become knights. The maesters are pokemon profesors, the nobles are trainers. Robert is the pokemon champion after dethroning the targayens and can control 5 pokemon, since he fights using wits him letting himself go doesn't affect him that much.

    A few changes in history: Dragon type pokemon can be controled only by people of valyrian descent but they are not extinct. This means that Velarions, Baratheons, Martells and the like can potentially control dragon pokemon. Aegon and his sisters were successful because they had the three legendary dragons from Black and White. Daenerys hatches th eggs of Palkia, Dialga and Giratina. The fall of Valyria was because some smartass thought it was a good idea to capture Rayquaza and now Groudon and Kyogre are ducking it out on the islands. Instead of Valyrian Steel swords, they use mega stones. Instead of Dawn, there is the Z Stone. Ned is considered by many a legendary trainer because of the battle against Arthur Dayne, considered the best trainer in Westeros that could defeat armies using Z-Stone + Deoxys. Now the only one with a legendary pokemon in westeros is Robert with that one stag legendary.

    The story would follow a bastard on their journey to get reknown as a pokemon master. Possible characters:

    Brandon Sand: Son of Ned and Ashara, raised in Starfall. Lives his life wondering what kind of man his father is, that is rumored to have killed the greatest trainer in the seven kingdoms and rejected the most beautiful woman in westeros, breaking her heart to the point she killed herself. Wants to inherit the Z Stone, for which he has to be a recongized trainer and meet his father to ask him "what the hell, man?". He goes to sunspear with a plan to challenge the best trainers there to gain fame, only to be crushed once he gets there. He has to learn humility (an humble dornishman? Madness!) and work his way to the top. After an arc kicking ass in Dorne, he goes to look for eddard in the capital and arrives when shit hits the fan, Stark men being killed and him looking a lot like a northern...

    Arthur Flowers: Son of Rhaegar and a raped Lyanna. When the baby was born, Gerold Hightower decides to send a servant with the baby away since a bastard is outside of the line of sucession. The baby ends as a charge of the starry sept in oldtown and raised by the faith of the seven. A bright lad but a troublemaker, he ends up stealing a pokemon egg from from a ship coming from Yi Ti (apparently, it was commissioned by the citadel). From the egg is born a Porygon, a pokemon nobody in westeros has seen before (nor have context to understand it since there is no internet). Getting in trouble from unsavory sorts who want to steal his pokemon, he is eventually saved by Maester Marwin. Upon seeing the Porygon already attached to the kid and figuring out what happened, he proposes the kid a deal: He can go around westeros collecting information about pokemon to make an index for him and in Exchange he won't get in trouble from taking the egg. Justified by Marwin being excentric for a pokemon profesor, it would be a story centred in completing the pokedex, the child's journey beating challanges and unknown to him, having the blood of kings.

    Brynden Rivers: Also known as the bastard of Harrenhal, he is the son of Lysa Tully and Petyr Baelish, who instead of being aborted was left with Lady Whent, who is distant relation. He is unaware of who his parents are but knows Lady Whent is nice to him. He trains to become one of the guardsmen of Harrenhal, an important position since part of the castle is full with wild ghost type pokemon. One night he wanders into one of the aandoned áreas on a dare from the other trainees and is attacked by wild pokemon. He finds a pokeball and uses the pokemon inside to fend them away. Upon escaping, he learns from Lady Whent that the pokemon he used belonged to one of her sons, who died in the rebellion and she was impressed that he could use a pokemon trained for war (who hadn't obeyed other trainers before) she lets him keep it and sends him to squire under a pokemon knight.

    Tybolt Hill: A thrall in the Iron Islands, he conspires with others to escape from his ironborn masters. However, the night before they enact their plan, one of his Friends convinces him to enact vengeance on their master by murdering him. Things don't go that well and the alarm is raised but they are helped to escape by the daughter of their master's saltwife in exchange of taking her with them. What she didn't tell them, however, is that she took something from her father, an orb that is vital for his... and Euron Greyjoy's ambitions. Thus they are pursued by their men.

    Lyn Stone: The son of a member of the mountain tribes, he was wounded when accompanying his father in his first raid and left behind in the confusión. He was adopted by a former knight turned septon and taught the faith of the seven and the concepts of chivalry. One day, his adopted father is murdered by a Vale knight in his coups when trying to defend a wench. Lyn then went in a journey of revenge and killed the man but not before growing throughly disilusioned with knights. Once his revenge was done, he traveled to the sept in which his adopted father became septon to learn if the man had family to which he could deliver the news of his passing. There he learned that thwandering septon was, in fact, a member of Team Star, a secret organization that wants to bring back the faith militant. Sincé Lyn's experiences with such an organization came from his 'father', he joins team star using his father's pokemon. His ambitions are to enact the team's goals and to eventually go back to his mountain clan and convert them to the faith of the seven.

    Gendry Waters: Bastard son of champion Robert Baratheon and apprentice blacksmith, his pokemon help in his craft. He has to deliver a sword for Thoros of Myr on the day of Joffrey's nameday tourney and once that done he is free to wander around, so he does so and is confused by some squires as one of them since he is walking with his pokemon out. Joffrey, in a mad scheme to earn his father's aproval, decides to enter the squire's free for all as a mystery participant and wanders around in disguise, then talks shit about Gendry's pokemon. Enraged, the bastard decides to teach him a lesson and enters the fight himself. Gendry eventually wins the free for all, defeating Joffrey. When he takes out his helmet he is the splitting image of Robert and both Jon Arryn and Cercei deduce who the boy's father is. At this point and by comparing the two boys, Jon begins to suspect that Cercei's children are not really Robert's and since he knows Cercei would not let Gendry live after beating his son, he arranges to move the boy to a secure location, be it the vale or Storms end. He arranges for a trustworthy knight to take the boy there but they are ambushed by Lannister men. Gendry survives and is told to go by the dying knight. Meanwhile, Joffrey decides to go on a pokemon journey to prove he is worthy of inheriting Xerneas once his father diez after a cutting remark from Robert convinces him to do so. Robert aproves of the move so despite Joffrey later regretting what he said, is forced by his pride to follow through, becoming later a rival to Gendry. Could probably fit the whole becoming champion bit better tan Arther, which would free Arther to a complete the pokedex plot.

    Lyra Snow: Daughter of a whore from Mole Town, she and her younger sister are kidnapped by a particularly bold wildling raid accross the Wall. She manages to get away from her captor once they are north of the Wall but she fails to reléase her sister so instead of doing the reasonable thing and going there for help she decides to track the kidnappers and get her back. She is the approached by an emissary of bloodraven, who gives her her pokemon for mysterious reasons. On her journey to save her sister, she faces the many dangers of the land including shadow pokemon (the wight equivalent). Eventually aftercompleting her missión, she has to head south to escape the lands of always Winter and is entrusted by bloodraven to carry the warning of the return of the others (defeating strong trainers to be taken seriously) or to prepare the night watch for the fight to come.

    Possible plots (besides the traditional ones from game of thrones and the character's quests):

    The whole sucession crisis and one of the trainers being destined to be champion.

    Team Aqua: Wants to increase the amount of ocean, it is mostly composed by the followers of the drowned god. Euron Greyjoy is a prominent member who wants to travel to Valyria to take control of Kyogre (for his own ends, though most members think it is out of idealism). Wants to bring the old ways and use the increased oceans to reave everywhere.

    Team Lumos: The faith of the red god, very much like in canon but with Melissandre focusing some of her followers on trying to find and capture Victiny, the pokemon destined for their champion. Another of its plots include capturing Groudon to use his ability to fight off Winter.

    Team Star: Wants to bring back the Faith militant and defend westeros from incoming religión/teams.

    Race for Valyria: Tied to the team Aqua and Lumos plots. If the situation with the fight between Groudon and Kyogre is resolved, the cause of the Doom of Valyria is no more and while still dangerous, the land starts on its way to recovery and the sea around it is no longer boiling. As such, there is a big land for the taking that contains the treasure of the freehold. This allows a plot about reconquering Valyria or at least loot everything that is not nailed down, something that must be done before the many daughters of the freehold muster their troops to take it for themselves.
  12. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012

    Could James Bond and the Kingsmen exist in the same universe or are they incompatible?
  13. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    Incompatible from a thematic point of view maybe, but beyond that they could very well exist side by side. I can't see Fleming's Bond failing to stop V-Day before it started.
  14. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    British Adventurer Universe which connects James Bond, Sherlock Holmes and Lara Croft.

    The version of Bond would be a mix of Craig and Connery. Holmes would be a mix of BBC Sherlock and the original books. Lara would be a mix of the original and reboot Lara.

    Here's the plots I've been thinking of:

    - Casino Royale.
    - The Man With the Golden Gun.
    - Thunderball.
    - Spectre

    - A Study in Scarlet.
    - The Valley of Fear.
    - A Scandal in Bohemia.
    - The Sign of the Four.
    - The Final Problem.

    - (Adventure featuring the Excalibur)
    - (Adventure featuring the Spear of Destiny)
    - (Adventure featuring the Holy Grail)

    The characters would be connected in various ways, for example M in James Bond is Mycroft Holmes. The assassin who kills Lara's father is working for SPECTRE, as is Professor Moriarty. Due to their upper-class background, Sherlock's and Lara's parents knew each other. And so on, various little connections.

    Their paths would cross on many occasions. Like Mycroft asking Sherlock to assist Bond on a mission or two, or perhaps Lara being hired to recover something with Bond for the British government. Or Sherlock consulting Lara regarding some ancient civilization for a case he's working on, etc.

    In terms of relationships between them, I suspect Bond (being his usual womanizing self) would initially attempt to woo Lara, only to fail because she's isn't the type to just take it. She's also much younger than him, so I dunno here. Sherlock would definitely think of the other two as less intelligent than him, but would eventually come to respect them due to their skills and expertise. Like the men, Lara prefers to work alone, but would come to appreciate their help when it's needed.

    Here's a timeline of events in terms of births and when the first real adventures begin:

    1979 - November 11th - James Bond is born to Andrew and Monique Bond.

    1982 - October 17th - Mycroft Holmes is born.

    1988 - March 31st - John Watson is born.

    1989 - January 6th - Sherlock Holmes is born.

    1990 - December 1st - Andrew and Monique Bond die tragically in a climbing accident in the Swiss Alps.

    1995 - February 14th - Lara Croft is born to Richard and Amelia Croft.

    1999 - July 5th - Amelia Croft dies in a plane crash.

    2006 - October 18th - Richard Croft is murdered by an assassin who makes the death look like a suicide.

    2012 - January 1st - Mycroft Holmes becomes M, the head of MI6.

    2016 - November 14th - At age 37, James Bond is promoted to "Double-O" status, the youngest agent to do so in MI6 history.

    2016 - January 29th - The events of A Study in Scarlet take place.

    2016 - August 20th - The events of Tomb Raider (Excalibur) take place.

    2016 - December 1st - The events of Casino Royale take place.
  15. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Star Wars Time Loop Fic.

    I have yet to read good one in SW Universe when learning how to become an amazing Jedi works were well for time loop mechanics that many enjoy. It's probably because both trilogies doesn't have a good point when such a loop could happen to one of the main characters.

    As such I invented AU additionally mixing characters across different eras instead of making bunch of OCs.

    The action happens around the time of A New Hope, but the Republic didn't fall to the Sith. It was saved by Anakin Skywalker who personally defeated Sidious. He did pay for it though. His whole body was burned by the Dark Lord and he's now more of a machine than a human.

    Now about eighteen years later, a young Padawan Zayne Carrick is close to completely failing his training to be a Knight. His lack of skill is only more apparent when compared to that of his companions who are already hailed to be the Great Generation - Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade, Kyle Katarn and Ray No.

    Struggling to convince his Master that he's worthy of being a Knight by capturing a black marketeer Marn Hierogryph, he gets his hands on a supposedly ancient artefact which he considers to be a fake and accidentally breaks.

    Shortly after he's informed by his Master that he's never going to be a Jedi material, suggesting that he should join "lesser" organizations for Force users, like the one created by Anakin Skywalker after he decided to leave the Order to be with his family.

    While his dreams are shattered, Zayne decides to be present at a knighting ceremony in the audience, if only to be a support to his best friend, Rey, who for some reason was visibly disturbed in past few days.

    With many of the high ranking Jedi present, including the Grand Master Fay and the Master of the Order Obi-Wan Kenobi, nobody would expect a major invasion to happen in the middle of it. Yet the Sith Fleet managed to get inside the planet system without anyone detecting them and apparently there is a big enough army of the on the ground already to lower the shields and engage in a fight with both the army and the Jedi.

    Taken completely by surprise and overwhelmed by the numbers of the enemy, the planet falls.

    Zayne wakes up a day after he broke the artefact. From there it's up to him to save his family, his friends and everyone else on the planet.

    In a tradition of the loop genre, it will take him years to not only finally be a Jedi he wanted to be with a help from unexpected sources like retired Master Yoda or terrifying Anakin Skywaker. Along the way he will make connections with people that will sometimes reach across the loops in subtle ways and discover some big secrets, like the parentage of his best friend, Rey, or how exactly Anakin Skywalker was able to defeat Darth Sidious.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2017
  16. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    When you say 'Ray' do you mean...'Rey'?
  17. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
  18. Ven Arima

    Ven Arima Slug Club Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Interesting idea rife with potential, though I can't help but feel that the overall time frame between where the loop begins and the invasion is too short to be fleshed out enough for alternative scenarios/plot lines between various loops.

    Is there any particular reason why you chose Zayne as the protagonist? Not that I'm against it, as I enjoyed his character very much, but I was just thinking about characters from KotOR or TOR (and a few comics but, let's be honest, there's a lot of fucking characters).

    By the way, this artifact wouldn't be some wonky ass holocron from some disgraced Sith Lord who found a hobby to pass time by fucking with time, would it?
  19. Agayek

    Agayek Dimensional Trunk DLP Supporter

    Mar 20, 2009
    I rather like the idea for the AU you've put together, it sounds like something I'd read in a heartbeat, but I do have to question this bit I quoted. Right off the top of my head, you've got the attack on Echo Base, just have the Empire able to disable the ion cannon in the alpha strike, and then follow Han, Leia or Luke as they loop through the battle trying to salvage things, or Obi-Wan dying to the initial execution of Order 66 and waking up during or immediately after the attack on Dooku's flagship in the opening of Episode 3, or Lando could loop from immediately after the end of Empire to right as Imperial troops are landing to set the trap, or Luke getting shot down during the Death Star trench run and waking back up right as R2 showed him the clip of Leia asking for Obi-Wan, etc, etc.

    And if you let the timeloop be unbounded, you could get even more interesting. Have something like Anakin dying in his son's arms, only to wake up moments after his post-Mustafar cybernetics finish installing, and then immediately going on a suicidal crusade to try and repent for his mistakes, only to keep waking up there every time he dies. Etc, etc.

    There's lots of options for time loop shenanigans in canon. Admittedly, good time loops are generally "you're completely fucked and are guaranteed to lose everything" type scenarios, and there really aren't many of those in canon, but there's a lot of scenarios that would be that simply by taking away the shield of authorial fiat, and I think it's perfectly acceptable to do exactly that.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2017
  20. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I'm unsure how many days the loop should have exactly for this reason. I don't want it to be too long because then it becomes too easy to solve the invasion problem. Too short and there is not much time to create connections between Zayne and the other characters in one loop.

    Why Zayne? Because I wanted a character that simply is not good at being a Jedi at first, but has a Jedi heart. The loops give him a chance to really shine, but at the same time he's not going to have it as easily as any of the more talented characters. That one of his characteristic is that he easily connect with the people, maybe even thanks to the Force, is additional bonus.

    Probably something older than that, but I'm considering to have it bound to a holocron of a famous Dark Lord who wanted to figure out what it was. Not sure which one, but I wanted someone to tempt Zayne into the Dark Side that is not involved in the invasion he's doing his best to stop.

    Yes, but some of these you mentioned are either big loops (an entire part of life) or just event loops (fix one specific scenario). What I was looking for is a training/event loop where the character not only needs to save the day, but do it by getting better at something, in this case being a Jedi.

    The closest would probably be having Luke fail at destroying the Death Star and then slowly escalate ANH events to even including the Emperor who feels disturbances in the Force.