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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Naruto Plot Bunny:

    Naruto and some of the other genin boys decide to try some strange spices. These turn out to be psychoactive drugs. Humor fic.

    Working title: Fear and Loathing in Konoha.
  2. Ven Arima

    Ven Arima Slug Club Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    I've been mulling over a Naruto/FSN crossover for a while now, haven't managed to write anything terribly substantive out over a series of drafts. Anyway, with the Fate/Apocrypha anime adaptation basically over, I figured I'd give it another shot.

    Naruto - Fate/Apocrypha Crossover:

    Tentative Title: The Great War
    Summary: When Darnic Yggdmillennia seceded his family from the Mages Association, there was no question there would be conflict. When Yggdmillennia declared ownership of the Greater Grail, there was no question there would be war. When Uzumaki Naruto was summoned as the Ruler-class arbiter of the Holy Great War, there was no question that something was wrong.

    Plot Points

    So the lead up to the Great Holy Grail war is pretty much the same as in the show/novel.

    Darnic and Shirou Kotomine are still around and kicking from the Third Holy Grail War. Darnic and his family secede from the Association, the Association sends the equivalent of a hit squad that end up getting ass raped by Vlad III which helps to activate the Greater Grail's reserve system that kick-starts the Great Holy Grail War. Shirou is still sent as a representative of the Church and manipulates his way to controlling six out of the seven servants summoned by the Red Faction.

    The primary deviations are found by way of the servants summoned for the war. The tentative list that I've come up with is:

    Black Faction
    • Saber: Richard the Lionheart
    • Lancer: Vlad III
    • Archer: Heracles
    • Rider: Perseus
    • Caster: Solomon (As in King Solomon. I know he's probably overkill, but I'm honestly at a loss for who should be Caster)
    • Assassin: Jack the Ripper
    • Berserker: Lancelot
    Red Faction
    • Saber: Mordred
    • Lancer: Karna
    • Archer: Robin Hood/Nikola Tesla (undecided, leaning more toward Robin Hood)
    • Rider: Achilles
    • Caster: William Shakespeare
    • Assassin: Semiramis
    • Berserker: Beowulf
    Ruler: Naruto Uzumaki

    So, a great deal of focus within the early chapters (let's say the first five or so chapters) would be exploring the relationships of the Masters and Servants of the Black Faction as well as between the members of the Red Faction. There would also be a chapter devoted to Naruto as he makes his way from Japan to Romania, pondering over the nature of his peculiar summon (as he would not be a servant normally summoned in any kind of Holy Grail War). This would be to lay a foundation for understanding the natures of the parties involved that will explode when they come into conflict.

    The story would then begin in earnest with Shirou's ordering of Karna to attack Naruto in order to nip the threat he presents to his plans in the bud. They fight midnight till morning, chatting as they do, until Karna retreats as Shirou prepares the Red Faction for the activation of Semiramis' Noble Phantasm, The Hanging Garden's of Babylon, to assault the Yggdmillennia base.

    As Naruto races to the battlefield, Shirou orders Robin Hood into the countryside with himself to lure servants of the Black Faction away from the battlefield. Vlad III, leading the Black Faction servants in defense of the Greater Grail, falls for Shirou's ploy and sends Richard and Perseus into the countryside in the hopes of eliminating a Red Faction Master from the war early. Meanwhile, he leads Heracles and Lancelot against Karna, Achilles, and Beowulf.

    There are, of course, battles. Intense battles. Robin Hood and Beowulf vs. Richard and Perseus, Karna vs. Vlad, Heracles vs. Achilles, Mordred (finally appearing) vs. Lancelot. Naruto arrives on the battlefield and is, as you might expect, aghast at the carnage. Lancelot, at this point, is essentially going fucking bonkers with an Artoria boner after he forces Mordred to reveal her face and attacks Naruto. With help from an injured Mordred, Naruto drives the crazed knight away.

    Shit happens. Homunculi die. Grudges/rivalries are made. Then Beowulf dies, because he was deep into his berserker rage that he would not see reason and retreat when Shirou ordered it. To be fair, he dies like a fucking boss against both Richard and Perseus with little help from Robin Hood. Fortunately, using the Hanging Gardens, Shirou manages to capture the Greater Grail so he considers it something of an even trade.

    Vlad leads a counter attack, Darnic makes him turn into a vampire. Shit gets really real as Naruto forces a temporary truce to deal with Vampire!Vlad. They can't really put him down and Vlad/Darnic end up escaping the fight only to meet Shirou, who reveals himself as the Ruler-servant from the Third Holy Grail War in Fuyuki, before exorcising the fuck out of Vlad/Darnic all the while trolling him.

    Naruto arrives and he and Shirou face off in a battle of ideologies. That ends part 1 of The Great War.

    Everything else that comes after is a little fuzzy, as I haven't thought too far ahead with that. Anyway, that's the idea I've got. I even have the stat sheet for Naruto, even though I can't tell if I made it balanced enough to make him powerful enough but not all-powerful.

    Note: Without the presences of Siegfried and Astolfo, the circumstances that lead up to Sieg's character development and arc aren't present but that doesn't mean he as a character is erased. No, he will still escape from the Homunculus holding facility and will be aided, if only partially, by Heracles. That will lead to a small subplot of the nameless Homunculus meeting Naruto, discovering his hearts desire, and leading a rebellion of the Yggdmillennia Homunculi.
  3. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    GoT/ASoIaF fic where instead of joining the Night's Watch Jon Snow decides to try his luck in tournaments.

    I would borrow an anachronistic style of A Knight's Tale and expand tourney business into something more akin to a modern sport like tennis with regular events spread across the year. The most important of them, the King's Great Tourney, would be held every four years.

    Of course, there would be plenty of politics going on too since as the tourney at Harrenhal proved these kind of events are perfect for talks between people that otherwise would have much more trouble meeting without raising questions.

    At the same time, the fic would be a lot less grim than the books and more adventurous.
  4. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    I was reading a thread over on reddit and it got me thinking, has anyone done a Naruto story from the point of divergence that Nagato couldn't resurrect everyone he had previously killed after Naruto's Talk no Jutsu convinced him to stop being an asshole? So Konoha remains destroyed with the majority of the population extinguished but for a handful of ninja?

    If it hasn't, or at least not very well executed, then I was thinking of trying my hand at that for a little while, possibly scale back the power creep that followed, see what dynamics between the characters and the other villages changed in this post-Pain world. Hell, Nagato might actually live on since he wouldn't be throwing his life away for the resurrection technique.
  5. Tempest

    Tempest Third Year

    Sep 22, 2016
    High Score:
    Well, there is 'A Meeting Between Heaven and Earth', https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4833651/1/A-Meeting-Between-Heaven-and-Earth

    It has been a while since I read this. And there was no 'Talk no Jutsu' as far as I can remember, but the aftermath kind of fits your criteria. It's not long, but I've enjoyed it.

    Of course, I would love to see your take on it. It's not explored properly in my opinion, not well at least.
  6. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    An expansion of a popular 'James Bond is a title' theory.

    The 'Double O' project was a MI6 experimental initiative started shortly after WWII to gather the best possible group of agents and give them a special licence to kill. For its first iteration twelve exceptional individuals, were selected from the most talented military personnel.

    Over the years most agents perished in action, but one, Commander James Bond alias 007, managed to save the UK more times than anyone cared to count and survive. But even he couldn't beat one foe, time, and it was just a matter of it before he would need to retire, leaving MI6 with no replacement.

    At first it was tried to simply find a replacement and give him James Bond as a cover identity of an established reputation, but it ended in a failure.

    For the second attempt, the Project Legacy was created. Instead of finding already highly trained people, it was decided to train them from the youngest age. Using a cover of a charity, the most promising children among these who nobody would miss, where taken into a semi-secret boarding schools where they were evaluated and modelled into a potential candidates for replacement Double Os.

    The best of these were given an opportunity to become the agents, but there was one catch. It meant leaving behind whatever remained of their old identity and fully embracing a new one based on the original Original Twelve.

    The unofficial tradition started by M had it that the one who proved himself the luckiest in the field got 007 alias.

    Over the years there were seven Bond, some more successful than others.

    The first one, the Original, managed to retire from the action and later become M.

    The second one proved himself to be emotionally unstable after a woman he loved was killed and needed to be removed from this position.

    The third one, the first from the Legacy, was a big success and served in this position for a long time before finally retiring.

    The fourth one had a good start, served few years, but then went rogue and disappeared.

    The fifth one was one again a big success. After his retirement he stayed in MI6 and currently is a new M.

    The sixth one was controversial, but highly effective. He retired and left the world of espionage.

    From this setup I would have the seventh who is just getting started and slowly establish his supporting characters. M is the Fifth Bond. Miss Moneypenny is surprisingly not an alias, but rather third generations of women from the same family who all got involved with MI6. Q is a reformed Bond villain who survived their encounter and agreed to use his expertise for MI6.

    The main villain group is an organisation calling itself the New Spectre that turns out to be controlled by the Fourth Bond.
  7. Jibril

    Jibril Headmaster

    Jun 7, 2006
    50.26°N, 19.02°E
    So being meta - Pierce Brosnan is M and Timothy Dalton is a Bond Villain. That sounds good :)
  8. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I was considering having the Fourth be an abandoned son of the First as one of the reasons he went rogue, but it may be a little too cliche.
  9. Villanelle

    Villanelle Groundskeeper

    Jun 30, 2017
    High Score:
    Had a dream where a Dean Pelton from Community who’d been roaming through Rapture (BioShock) somehow finds himself in front of a dead Geralt in Witcher 2 and with a cockatrice to fight.

    Of course, he has no idea where he is or what’s going on but is excited about outfits so promptly dumps his big suit so he can wear Geralt’s...
  10. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    A big superhero fusion crossover, but with more "grounded" focus.

    After the Secret Crisis, worlds of DC and Marvel with few additions from Wildstorm and Image, merged into a one continuity and the point of the fic is presenting this world as a cohesive whole.

    The main character is Clark Kent, a reporter from the Daily Planet, who mostly specializes in a coverage of superhuman related news and events. He's not Superman in this world, but at the same time, he's the only person aware of the merge because he was the last hero standing before THE END and sacrificed himself to save the Omniverse.

    He wasn't expecting to survive, but instead he found himself in this new world as a child, once again discovered by Jonathan and Martha Kents. Even an echo of his superhero identity managed to reach this world in form of 40-ties comicbooks that inspired first real superheroes to create their colourful appearances.

    Clark is a mild-mannered man in person, but fearless in presenting his opinions.

    He's not afraid to write that Latveria is secretly selling weapons to the Empire of Atlantis (Marvel) to help them in a civil war and that the Justice League is aiding the newly formed Kingdom of Seven Season (DC) despite their claim of neutrality.

    Neither when he attacks both Wakanda and Themyscira for their hidden racism and sexism behind the attitude of benevolent helpers of the world.

    Or when he writes about the cartel created by LexCorp, Wayne Enterprises, Stark Industries and even Future Foundation to keep ultra high tech from reaching the masses for their own good as they claim (they went as for as to sabotage Halo Corporation's ever-lasting batteries).

    Not when he criticises both the Superhuman Registration Act and Captain America's terror tactics to have it repealed.

    Basically, it's about our world's problems as they would be in a world where superhumans are possible with Clark being a nicer version of Spider Jerusalem.
  11. h2o

    h2o Professor

    Dec 13, 2007
    So I accidentally posted this in the HP Plot Bunny Thread, the idea hasn't left me yet though so I'm revising it a bit with a few changes now that I'm posting it in its correct thread. This is a crossover/melting pot of Disney's Hercules, One Punch Man & GoT.

    So it starts off the same as the Disney movie only Pain and Panic come clean to Hades about failing to kill baby Hercules. Hades comes up with a new plan and manages to open a small portal to another dimension and tosses little baby Herc through. Then the story sort of continues as the Disney version, only in GoT: He gets found by a couple who've been praying to the Seven for a child (In the Riverlands, lots of grain etc grown there), raised as a farm-boy until he's about 11-12 when they realize that he'll have to be trained not to hurt anyone with his god-like strength (Maybe there's some kind of accident, like in the movie only not as quite public or unbelievable).

    There's an old drunk in the nearby village who for years claimed that he used to be a great knight so Herc's parents convince him to come stay with them, to train their boy in exchange for housing and food. Upon seeing Hercules crazy strength the drunkard swears off drink, believing Hercules to be blessed by the Warrior himself and vows to teach him. Fast forward to Herc age 15-16 and he's out plowing the outer fields of their much, much expanded farm (After all, Herc can basically do the work of 100 Oxen if not more) when he sees smoke in the distance; from home. Racing back, he finds the place nearly burnt to the ground, his parents dead and his mentor bleeding to death; his shield shattered to pieces.

    Herc asks who did it and the answer is The Mountain & his men. So Herc sets his eyes on bringing justice to all such criminals, leading to a "how deep does the rabbit hole go" scenario where he learns about who gave them their orders eventually. His mentor then tells Hercules about how his parents had found him, that there was a medallion with his name and a symbol buried under the front steps and that he should go to the nearby sept to The Seven and pray to the Warrior for guidance. With nothing but his training sword and massive shield to his name, he digs up the medallion and heads for the sept.

    Once he reaches it, he prays to The Warrior, holding his medallion but it is the statue of The Father which comes alive: Zeus in da house. In the movie, he tells Hercules that to return to his home on Mount Olympus, he must become a true hero. You could do that or that he is in a different dimension where other Gods have powers and therefore he must live up to their virtues/fulfill a task for each of The Seven in order to come home. Zeus does manage to send him one gift however: Pegasus (Sans wings of course, the wings can be offered as the price to travel to this dimension). Still, Pegasus is a smart, large, seriously strong and fast horse. Now our adventure starts!

    From here on the story can go in several directions. His character should be much like in the movie when we start out: a good heart, honorable and shy + inexperienced with women. He's not fully grown here so, while he's not a small teenager people will still underestimate him. In a wiki they had Hercules at 196cm and almost 150kg when fully grown.

    Hercules has been taught not to kill, that "bad people" should be brought to justice etc and so fights with a defensive stance, mostly using his shield to knock his opponents down/out (Countering his god-like strength in battle). Queue obligatory fight scene where he is mocked for being a farm-boy with a training sword, (One bad guy is clever enough to point out that he seems to be able to wield that massive shield a bit too easily) he proceeds to knock all his opponents the fuck out with it when the idiots attack. This is where he meets Arya the first time. Instead of the buddy-cop vibes of the tv show (The Hound & Arya) we get Herc & Arya touring Westeros with Hercules trying to do the right thing and Arya wanting to murder all the bad guys.

    Since this is GoT, Hercs attitude will ofc get someone killed. Say he manages to capture one or two of the Bloody Mummers and hands them in to face justice at some town or holding only for them to escape/be released and kill/rape some more leading to a moral dilemma for Hercules and a lesson learned. Perhaps he starts to believe he should act as The Father and cast judgment on criminals/his enemies while the right people will still be shown the mercy of The Mother (So if he ends up fighting someone like Brienne or Jamie he can let them go for example.)

    His search for The Mountain leads Hercules to Harrenhall, this is where he has a second meeting with Arya (He saves her once from a few Bloody Mummers but she gets captured by another group and taken to Harrenhall anyway). He hears about her being captured, goes to Harrenhall to free her, she convinces him to free the Northmen being held and so a battle starts and halfway through he faces off with The Mountain who arrives at the castle just in time.

    After confronting him about killing his family, The Mountain sneers and mocks this "puny lad", leading to a One Punch Man style fight with Herc slamming the shit out of Gregor with his shield in one killing blow, kind of like this! (I love Hercules in Smite!) This is the first time he is angry enough to kill as well, with The Mountain flying through the castle wall from the sheer force, stunning the gathered crowd in silence and the legend of Hercules is born. He can even get his first GoT-moniker, Destroyer of Mountains :D

    This should wreck his shield which means he has to get/craft a new one where he paints the Zeus lightning bolt on. After that? Up to you!
  12. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    Didn't you(or someone) suggest a similar(ie near exact sans the Mountain directly) plot with Clark Kent in the place of Herc? Don't see the point of tossing in the OPM reference if that's all it was meant to be. Anyway, I liked it back then and I still like it now.
    EDIT: Shit, and this was my 1500th post since Prestiging.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2018
  13. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012

    I saw the above image today and it lead to this:

    Rise of the Pokemon Trainer or alternatively Pokemon: Tomb Raider Version

    Lara Croft and Trainer Red switch places at some point in their respective adventures. Lara appears in Viridian Forest and Red in the snowy Siberian wilderness.

    Red only has a Charmander, a Pidgey from Route 01 and a Pikachu from Viridian Forest. Lara meanwhile has a bow and arrows and a small hunting knife.

    So here's how this plays out: they can switch back to their respective universes if they both "beat the game", that is if Red defeats Trinity and destroys the Divine Source and if Lara becomes the Kanto Champion and defeats Team Rocket.

    Since there's no guarantee they'd realistically know that these are the goals they're supposed to accomplish, I'd give them a sort of "Game-Plot" intuition which would steer them in the path of the main storylines. Of course, they'd have to use their own skills and wit to actually win since no video game beats itself.

    So I'd have Red encounter the Trinity soldiers and have him find out that they're attacking innocent natives of the Valley and are basically all around bad dudes. Eventually he'd learn about their goal to obtain an immortality-granting Divine Source and he'd decide that they shouldn't have it. Of course since there's no Pokemon in the world of Tomb Raider, Red's party wouldn't expand beyond the three mons that he already has, but with an eventual Charizard, Pidgeot and Raichu he's good to go. Of course, Trinity soldiers have guns (which I still say do not exist in the Pokemon universe) so that's something Red wouldn't be familiar with.

    At the same time, Lara would survive the Viridian Forest despite not having a Pokemon. She would eventually reach Pallet Town and meet Professor Oak who would be impressed by someone surviving without a Pokemon to guard them. He'd use his authority to give her a Trainer License and set her up with a Starter Pokemon and then send her on her merry way. I'm thinking Lara would get the remaining starter that neither Red or Blue chose. So she'd get a Bulbasaur. From there she'd set out into Kanto and eventually encounter Team Rocket and their villainy.

    Bonus picture:

  14. Wynter

    Wynter Order Member

    Jul 31, 2012
    An Assassin's Creed/Persona 5 crossover.

    It'd be very difficult to pull off, but effectively the story would centre around Mementos and heart of humanity.

    The Templars and the Assassin's would hear of the occurrences within Tokyo and the escapades of the phantom thieves and are drawn to the idea of cognitive science and a way to subconsciously influence humanity to the Templar or Assassin ideals. That or Assassin's seek to thwart the Templars with no motives to exploit the cognitive universe themselves.
  15. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Something I'm playing with recently. A DC's version of MCU success.

    Phase One

    Superman: The Man of Metropolis (2008)
    After less than successful Superman Returns the DC's wants a reboot, but with a lot smaller budged. The director decides to focus a lot more on Clark Kent and his role as the reporter and how he uses it to fight Luthor.

    Superman's costume is at first just a t-shirt and a cape. He changes into his normal costume at the end of it, saving the city and announcing his existence to the world.

    Flash: The Fastest Man Alive (2008)
    While not a box office bomb, the film isn't successful enough for the sequel. It's decided that Flash will work better as a team player.

    Superman: The Man of Steel (2010)
    Introducing more Krypton lore with arrival of Kara Zor-El and later Brainiac.

    Kara tries being Supergirl, but later decides to have her own identity as Power Girl.

    Luthor helps to save the day.

    Wonder Woman: Spirit of Truth (2011)
    The beginning of Wonder Woman's mission as she tries to stop Ares from start of WWI to the end of the Cold War.

    Batman: Arkham Asylum (2011)
    After Nolan decides to not do the third film, DC reboots him with this film.

    Batman finds himself in Arkham Asylum facing his worst enemies.

    Justice League (2012)
    League: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Power Girl, Zatanna, Flash and Cyborg.

    Together they fight against President Luthor as he plans to use Brainiac's technology to rule the world.

    Phase Two

    Superman: The Man of Tomorrow (2013)
    Past, present and future Superman must battle Vndyktvx as he tries to erase them from existence. They have help from Mxy, the Legion of Superheroes and even his mother, Lara.

    Wonder Woman: Circe (2013)
    With help from Zatanna, Wonder Woman battles Circe.

    Batman: Knightfall (2014)
    It starts with Batman being broken by Bane.

    Green Lantern (2014)
    Only the beginning of the film is on Earth. The rest is Hal Jordan's Training Day in cosmos with Sinestro.

    Justice League: Doomsday
    Not as much a superhero movie as a disaster movie with Doomsday being the force of nature and as much focus on rescuing people from the destruction as on the fight between the monster and the heroes.

    From the beginning of the film to the end, Doomsday slowly defeats every superhero and even few supervillains who were helping saving people, until it's only Superman who stands in his way.

    The Man of Steel sacrifices himself to stop him.

    Power Girl: Reign of the Supermen (2015)
    Power Girl fights against Cyborg Superman as he plans to destroy Superman's legacy.

    Introducing Superboy.

    Phase Three

    Batman: No Man's Land (2016)
    Gotham City and Matropolis are twin cities and Doomsday affected them the same. While Power Girl keeps Metropolis safe, it's up to Batman and his allies to protect Gotham.

    The Books of Magic (2016)
    Timothy Hunter discovers the world of magic.

    Introducing John Constantine and the Endless among other magical characters.

    Green Lantern: Sinestro Corps War (2017)
    Sinestro is not a Green Lantern any more, but he's not done yet.

    Teen Titans Go! (2017)
    In a world without Superman, young superheroes decide it's time to step-up their game.

    Wonder Woman: A League Of One (2017)
    Feeling guilty she wasn't able to save Superman when they battled Doomsday, Wonder Woman decides it's better to fight alone.

    Mister Miracle (2018)
    Introduction to New Gods with Shilo Norman as our guide.

    Justice League: Infinite Crisis (2018)

    Power Girl and Superboy (2018)

    Captain Marvel: Shazam (2019)

    Justice League: Final Crisis (2019)

    Teen Titans: The Judas Contract (2019)

    Green Lantern: Blackest Night (2020)
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2018
  16. Lion

    Lion Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 8, 2009
    That place
    A Naruto harem fic that isn't just a masturbation fantasy. Naruto Namikaze has just turned 16 and in accordance to the Clan Restoration Act he must restart his clan. As a Clan Head he is entitled to a harem to ensure that his line continues. In Konoha each of the Clan Heads are allowed to have a harem, but each acts differently and serves a different purpose. Some have fallen to the wayside and others have kept to traditions hundreds of years old.

    - In the Hyuga the harem is comprised of all the females in the clan, until the they are old enough to marry, and run the household for the most part. Certain male members of the Branch family are chosen to act as guards for the women. They "willingly" choose to become eunuchs to ensure the sanctity of the women. Male births are far more common for the Hyuga in this AU and they can't pass down the gene as reliably. Only the First family males have a 100% chance to actually pass down the gene. The women generally aren't allowed to leave the compound and live most of their lives in seclusion. Hinata going to the academy is a first for many reasons.

    - The Uchiha harem acts more as bodyguards for the Clan Head's family. Each branch family that practices the ninja arts offers a daughter to the clan heir. These daughters are trained along with the head and act as his honor guard inside and outside the village. As they age they act as advisers and train the new head and his concubines. The strongest Concubine is normally chosen to marry the heir and continue the line. Sasuke is the Uchiha clan head and he had three cousins who act as his harem. They were spared along with Sasuke to raise him and teach him the family traditions, as long as they remember who the Uchiha should be loyal to.

    - The Yamanaka harem is purely an advisory council and tends to call the shots for the clan, with the Clan Head as a figure head. Both males and females are members of this harem and it's considered the highest honor within the clan. Members of the Harem take a vow of silence to focus solely on their mental abilities.

    - The Nara clan abandoned their harem.

    - The Aburame harem is focused around the hive and not much is known about it as none of the members ever leave the hive. Suspected that they have some to do with the breeding of the bugs that the rest of the clan uses.

    - The Inuzuka harem is comprised of entirely men. All male members of the clan are in the harem until they earn the right to start a family. The Matriarch of the Clan tends to use the men however she pleases and normally no one man is allowed to claim parentage of the next clan heir.

    - The Akimichi have no harem and have no history of them, which is considered strange in this world.

    - The Sarutobi clan's harem act as the heads of household and are in charge of raising the children in the family. Doesn't really extend further than that and as the clan has spread across the village they have had less of a purpose.

    Naruto has all of this sprung on him when he returns from his training trip. While Jaraiya prepared him to be the Heir to the fourth he didn't prepare him to deal with a harem. Especially not a harem filled with political rivals who each want to use him for their own gains. Each clan is allowed to send one member to become a part of his clan and for the most part each of them has ulterior motives or flat out doesn't want to be there. Hanabi hates that she wasn't given the chance to become a true ninja and sees marrying Naruto as the only path she has to becoming one for real. Kiba just wants to get out from under his mother and sister and tries to bro out with Naruto. The Saurobi is basically a mother figure for him who just wants to ensure that he holds the will of fire. The Yamanaka send a girl who causes most of the drama as she was told to become his wife and make sure the Namikaze is allied with them forever.

    Haven't really fleshed out the rest as I've only spent about a day thinking about it. Mostly though the story would revolve around a Naruto who reluctantly has to have a harem who either despise him or want to control him.
  17. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    Good luck.

    Kick rocks mang.

    Here's where you got me. Why are harem mechanics so interesting. I get the political side of it, but in the end, who is going to be able to write this effectively without it turning into a smut fic where each chapter he's just fucking a different woman.

    That said, as an expansion on your idea. Have Naruto raised as Ninja Royalty (think Coming to America). He's the Yellow Flashes son, and so that has to mean something. I would focus less on the harem mechanics and more on the fact that the people of the village really want to be in good with him because they picture him as the second coming of the Yellow Flash and all the benefits that entails. If anything, the harem would be comprised of women like you said, that are foisted off onto him to start his own clan again -- the only draw back to this was the fact that Namikaze was a clanless ninja, and the only thing Namikaze Naruto has going for him is the fact that he's a Jinchuriki, and he's going to be a likely leader of the village. If he was Uzumaki Naruto he'd be the second coming of the fabled seal masters of the water tribes and would have something more serious to bring to the village as a whole. Who wouldn't want to have a whole clan of seal masters at their beck.
  18. Moukaboy

    Moukaboy Banned

    Nov 30, 2016
    High Score:
    I disagree ,unless you make big changes to canon, Naruto doesn't really have any knowledge or interest in seals and no one to actually teach him.
    Maybe the chakra chaîne power would bé more suited ?

    Maybe Jiraya but then he should get à harem too.

    Why does Naruto have to to agree to any of this, I doubt the Hokage would force him into anything.
    Why is the harem made of politcal rivals that will never bé really loyal to him?
  19. Lion

    Lion Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 8, 2009
    That place

    The smut thing was on my mind a lot, which is why I didn't really want to focus on the more sexual parts of the story. It's not like he's given this list of girls and then he goes around fucking the shit out of him with a twelve inch dick. You have the right of it that he is pretty much royalty in the village. Everyone in the village knows who his parents are and he's basically canon Sasuke x10. It's generally agreed that he will be the 5th Hokage, Third isn't dead yet, and probably the youngest one at that. Him being the next likely Hokage is another reason that clans are trying to get into his harem. The Third's harem are his council of advisors. Koharu is in the harem and Homura and Danzo aren't as important. Another important part would be the second child clause, which Naruto wouldn't be aware of until about midway through the story. Essentially to pass the Restoration Act a clause was added that the second child a concubine has is given to the clan she was originally from. It's supposed to foster better relations, but of course attached is that the new head can deny clan concubines. Which of course they do their best to hide from Naruto.

    Lots of big changes from canon. This would be a heavy AU. It wouldn't seem very forced because it would be seen as a normal part of the world. Harem's have always been attached to important leaders. Both for personal and political reasons. Peace agreements last longer when you have to give over a daughter to the other side. Alliance's are stronger when you have children together who are viable heirs. Most of my ideas for how the harem will work were inspired by Ottoman harems, especially the Sultanate of Women. Along with splashes of some of the Chinese and Muslim harems. So Naruto is reluctant to do this, but he's seen it as an expectation since he was young. Jiraiya wouldn't get a Harem because he has no bloodline to pass down and he's still pining over Tsunade, who is never coming back to the village.
  20. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Superman/Clark Kent in MCU, but with a small twist.

    Clark Kent, the last son of Krypton and adopted son of Earth, wants to be a reporter and it doesn't changes when his parents reveal to him he's an alien. No, instead, using Kryptonian technology, he travels to other planets and finds a job at Daily Cosmo, the biggest galactic media bringing news and information to trillions.

    His first big news actually takes him back on Earth to learn more about sudden exile of Asgard's prince Thor by his father, Odin.

    Few months later, he investigates who was backing Loki's invasion and discovers an intergalactic conspiracy to hide some less moral dealings between various governments and Thanos, a respected, if a little controversial academic professor specializing in topic of sustainability of planets turned a genocidal warlord.

    Now, Clark has no less than three galactic empires going after him to stop him from finding more and revealing it to their citizens and even the Mad Titan himself gets curious about this fearless reporter and sends his favourite daughter to learn about him.
    --- Post automerged ---
    A different take to Superman in MCU.

    Kal-El, the son of Thanos.

    Thanos, as powerful as he is, can't just conquer/save all planets that in his opinion are in a need of being balanced. Some simply have too strong defenses.

    One of these planets is Krypton with its advanced and a very closed civilisation. For this reason, Thanos can't only be a passive witness of its destruction when the planets core becomes unstable from its use to meet power demands of the Kryptonians.

    When he plans to fly away, his ship's sensors pick up a small vessel that managed to leave before an explosion. On it he finds a young boy, about five years old, and he decides to have him join the Black Order.

    That for the setup. Kal-El is older than usual because I want him to be able to recall his home planet. Unlike Gamora, he's not a victim of Thanos' actions, but of what he's warning everybody about. This makes him a much stronger believer in a necessity to bring the balance to the universe. At the same time, he argues for less extreme methods than killing half of the populace, though he can't simply dismiss Thanos' opinion that there is no time for lesser measures and soon enough every planet will be another Titan and Krypton.

    Additionally, the potential fic would focus on other Thanos' children too. Their backgrounds and relationships with other, making them a proper, if highly dysfunctional, family.