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Plot Bunny Thread: Other Fandoms

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Oneiros, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    Real quick concept/kinda sorta opening scene for a story that popped into my head the other day:

    Uzumaki Naruto is happier than he's ever been. He just graduated from the Academy after three consecutive failures, and he gained a new kickass jutsu and super awesome friend in the process! And soon he's gonna be getting his own genin team and going off to save princesses and beat up evil nuke nin. Yep, it looks like things are finally looking up for the Hokage to be.

    He wakes up the morning after his beat down of Mizuki and goes through the motions of getting ready for the day, practically vibrating with excitement. He ties his hitai ate on last, absently running his fingers over the smooth, unblemished surface. A glance at the clock and he's off, breakfast forgotten on the table, as he sprints to the Academy for the last time.

    Naruto enters the classroom with time to spare, and collapses into the nearest empty chair with a relieved sigh.

    And then he feels a chakra vaster and more potent than he can even begin to comprehend slam into him, physically taking his breath away. He slowly falls sideways off the Academy bench, his vision rapidly growing dark as he experiences the horrifying sensation of his very soul being ripped from his body.

    Merciful darkness takes him a moment later.

    The first thing Naruto feels upon waking up is a mind-numbing agony that reaches down all the way to his bones. His chest rises and falls minutely, the act of breathing a strenuous task. He doesn't even attempt to move.

    A stray memory flits across his closed eyelids, of a lesson in the Academy he'd never quite taken to heart. Had never seen the need to. It had never been an issue for him, after all.

    Chakra exhaustion.

    The veritable sea of chakra he'd once commanded is now worse than depleted. The thought of attempting even a mere Henge sends spasms through his aching body. Naruto lays there for an indeterminable amount of time, simply wallowing in his pain. He waits to feel his chakra replenish, as it has every time before. He waits. And waits. And waits.

    He finally decides it's a lost cause and forces himself into a sitting position. Someone gasps off to the side, and Naruto opens his eyes, surveying the area. Or he tries to, anyway. The room is completely dark, save for slowly but steadily fading glow of a dizzying array of squiggles branching out from around his body.

    Another memory makes itself known. Seals. That's what they were. Seals so ridiculously complicated that comparing them to the examples shown in the Academy textbooks was laughable, but seals nonetheless. Naruto idly traces one of the smoldering squiggles with a finger when the sound of shuffling feet brings his attention back to the room's mystery inhabitant.

    "... Naruto?" They ask. Naruto doesn't recognize the voice.

    "Who are you?" He croaks, and the voice that comes out of his throat isn't his. It's hoarse and deep and wrong. Alarmed, his eyes dart down and widen in shock as he looks at himself for the first time since waking up.

    He's... bigger. His arms and legs are longer. He can feel tight, aching muscles ripple throughout his body as he moves his limbs about. His clothing is different. A shaking hand reaches up and traces the leaf symbol imbedded into the metal resting on his forehead. It's dented and worn. What in the world...?

    "Naruto?" The voice asks again, but this time their tone is different. No longer nervous, but excited, almost. The voice follows up with another question. "Did it work? Did- Are you-" The voice fumbles, back to nervously expectant, and it snaps Naruto out of his funk.

    "How do you know me? Where am I?" He demands, ignoring the adult voice that drifts through his adult lips for the time being. He hears a gasp.

    "It worked! They did it, they really-" Silence. Horrible, horrible silence. "Then why are we still...?" Naruto grits his teeth, fury racing through him as the voice continues to ignore him. Sweet, sweet chakra rushes through his body and he sees red.

    "ANSWER ME!" He roars. He might as well have been talking to himself, as the voice completely ignores him in favor of muttering a string of expletives that would have made Naruto blush had he been in his right mind. Rapid footsteps sound, moving away from him, and light fills the room as a door is yanked open, and a hooded figure races out. Naruto tries to lurch to his feet and follow the mystery person, but despite the chakra running through his body rapidly replenishing his reserves, he's still in no shape to move. He collapses in a miserable heap as the door closes with a quite click, and sleep quickly claims him.

    He wakes up some time later with a jolt. He blinks blearily, catching a retreating hand holding what he vaguely registers as being smelling salts before a stern feminine voice grabs his attention.

    "What's the last thing you remember?" Naruto frowns.

    "What the hell is this? Where's that other guy? What's going on?" He asks, indignation rising in him, along with a feeling of dread.

    "Answer my question, and I will answer yours," the woman's voice counters firmly. Naruto scowls, but nonetheless complies.

    "Last thing I remember was sitting down in the Academy to be assigned to my team," he says sourly. Someone inhales sharply off to the side, and Naruto squints futilely into the darkness trying to make them out. "Can someone turn on the damn light?" He asks. The woman chuckles.

    "Of course." There's a small surge of chakra, and light erupts from the palms of the woman in front of him. Naruto sighs in relief, and takes in the profile of the woman interrogating him.

    It's a Hyuuga. She's wearing Anbu armor and her hair is pulled back into a tight ponytail behind her back, but her eyes give her away immediately. Surrounding them are a few people that he can't readily recognize. The room itself is completely bare and covered wall to wall in the complex seals he's seen before. Naruto turns his attention back to the Hyuuga.

    "What's going on?" He asks, panic rearing its ugly head in the pit of his stomach. "I remember a bunch of chakra hitting me and falling out of my chair and when I woke up I was here and my body was bigger than it was before and I had no chakra and what's happening?" The Hyuuga smiles a small, pained smile.

    "The Fourth Great Shinobi War," she answers quietly. Naruto makes a strangled sound as he's hit with yet another bombshell. The woman takes a deep breath, seemingly readying herself for a long bout of talking, and begins. "Years ago, a man named Uchiha Madara formed a group known as Akatsuki. Made up of S-ranked shinobi, their goal was to capture all of the Bijuu and take over the world.

    "They managed to capture all but two and seal them away into a statue. Madara harnessed the powers of this statue himself and used them to devastating affect. At the same time, the Elemental Nations all joined together under a singular banner to combat Akatsuki."

    "He was that powerful?" Naruto interrupts incredulously. The Hyuuga shakes her head.

    "He was more powerful," she whispers. "At first, it seemed as if the allied nations would prevail, but things took a turn for the worse when a previously unknown ally of Madara's revealed themselves. They brought with them a hoard of undead shinobi that proceeded to inflict horrible injures upon our forces."

    "They brought back the dead?" Naruto gasps. The Hyuuga simply nods.

    "We managed to defeat all but one. Uchiha Madara." The woman holds up a hand to halt the question already on Naruto's lips. "This Madara was similar to the one leading Akatsuki in some way, but at the same time vastly different. He commanded a vast array of jutsu that not even the five assembled Kage had a hope of defeating.

    "At the same time, the other Madara was engaged in battle with the two remaining jinchuriki. He commanded the statue containing the seven captured Bijuu as well as their respective jinchuriki, revived by means of his kekkai genkai. His power was overwhelming. Insurmountable, even." A fiercely proud smile appears on the Hyuuga's face. "He did not win."

    "They killed him?" Naruto asks, completely enthralled with the woman's story.

    "No, they didn't kill him. But they forced him to retreat and crippled his power in the process. It was a great victory. Unfortunately, it was completely overshadowed by the loss of all five Kage, who had until then been the ones to lead the war effort.

    "The absence of these five nearly led to the collapse of our forces. Shinobi from various different nations fought constantly over leadership, and bad blood began to show through once more. It was then, at our darkest hour, that they arrived.

    "Physically and emotionally exhausted from their fight against Madara, the two jinchuriki nonetheless took up leadership immediately after things had been explained to them." The Hyuuga smiles sadly. "They both must have been anguished at the death of their respective Kage, which they had each shared close bonds with. But they didn't let it show. They gave the united shinobi nations the leaders they needed, and slowly, we recovered.

    "We engaged in a game of cat and mouse with the two Madaras and their unknown ally. We were constantly on the move, wary of the undead Madara's god-like powers. And the other Madara and his ally made sure to keep themselves hidden from the jinchuriki, who had become so powerful that only the undead Madara could stand against them."

    The Hyuuga sighs in deep sadness. "And stand against them he did. It was almost a year after the death of the five Kage when the jinchuriki and Madara clashed. One of the jinchuriki did not survive the experience. The other managed to force Madara to retreat, lest he be completely destroyed, but the damage had already been done. The spirit of the remaining united shinobi broke with that battle, and we lost more than half of our forces in the following month. Many died." Killing intent filled the room as the Hyuuga's mood drastically darkened. "The rest defected to the Madaras.

    "We few survivors were forced into hiding, leaving the living Madara to begin enacting his plans to enslave the rest of the non-shinobi world. But despite all of the losses we'd sustained, all of the defeats we'd suffered, the jinchuriki was not done yet," the Hyuuga said passionately, pride once more bleeding into her voice and fire appearing in her eyes. "He knew that the battle was lost, but he refused to believe the Madaras had won the war. He began searching for a way to change things. To spit in the face of the universe. To go back in time.

    "A master of Fuuinjutsu, the jinchuriki turned to the sealing arts for answers. After months and months of fruitless work, he finally did it. He created a space-time seal that would bring him back to a time before the war, before Akatsuki began hunting the Bijuu, back to when he could make a difference. It would take the combined might of him and his Bijuu both, and even then it was not a guarantee it would be enough."

    Naruto just stares at the woman as his world comes crashing down around him. His mind is already connecting the dots before she's done speaking, but he doesn't interrupt her. He's too shocked.

    "My name is Hyuuga Hinata," the woman says, staring at him with frightening intensity. "I am the second in command of the united shinobi nations.

    "You are Uzumaki Naruto, jinchuriki of the Kyuubi no Kitsune, and supreme commander of all that remains of the free shinobi world."

    Naruto is silent for a full minute after Hinata completed her tale, simply staring at his hands, deep in thought. Finally, he asks the question that has been burning in the minds of all the shinobi present since he woke up.

    "Why are we still here?"

    Hinata stiffens minutely, but answers his question without a hitch in her voice. "Things did not go as planned. There are two possibilities, and neither of them are good." At Naruto's questioning look, she continues.

    "The first is that the seal didn't work and merely fractured your memory. Unlikely, as Kurama would have confirmed as much by now. The other is that in traveling back through time, you created a new world entirely separate from our own."

    "And we swapped bodies," Naruto finished. Hinata's smiled mirthlessly.


    The room is enveloped in silence as its inhabitants ponder over these events. Finally, when the bleakness of the situation becomes too much for him, Naruto glances up from where he'd been studying his hands again and asks another question.

    "What do we do now?"

    Naruto feels a pulse of that strange chakra from earlier, except this time it's almost comforting in its warmth. While the room's inhabitants watch in silence as pure white chakra envelopes him, Naruto feels the presence of a being vastly old and powerful settle in his mind, just long enough to growl a single sentence.

    We move on to Plan B.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2012
  2. Shouldabeenadog

    Shouldabeenadog Headmaster

    Sep 3, 2010
    I like it as is. Its a good little one shot.
  3. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    I was thinking more along the lines of it being a novella or even novel-length if the author can swing it that way. We've seen just about every single angle of Naruto going back and fixing everything, but never Naruto going forward. I figured the story would follow the surviving free shinobi's last stand, with a fair share of Naruto/Kurama interactions on the side. Whether or not they win, on the other hand, is completely up to chance.
  4. Lion

    Lion Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 8, 2009
    That place
    Plus a Naruto moving forward wouldn't have any of the badassness of the previous Naruto he replaced.
  5. Drake

    Drake Seventh Year

    Oct 16, 2007
    I'm bouncing around an idea for a Naruto fanfiction in my head and I wanted to see what others thought of it.

    The story would be AU. There would be a few historic details that I would change which would change some of the motivations of characters, but that isn't the major AU part. The major divergence would be that the Fourth Hokage is a cold hearted bastard (maybe sociopath, but I'm not sure how well I could write one). He still "cares" for the village, but that feeling isn't very grounded in kindness and is more a protect what he "owns".

    One of the major historical differences is that Tobi will not be a character in this story. Therefore, Kurama was never released from his seal. Instead, Minato placed a seal upon Kushina that would transfer Kurama into Naruto, which would kill her after Kurama had been full transferred upon Naruto being born.

    Naruto is raised as a weapon at first, mainly by being taught how to call on the Tailed Beast's chakra. At some point in his adolescence Jiraiya kidnaps him. Jiraiya has little to do with Konoha being he is disgusted with the man his student has become, but he still keeps them informed from time to time because he can't in good conscience completely abandon the village that his own teach loves. Anyways, Jiraiya kidnaps Naruto and begins training him. This likely won't be "intense training", more along the lines of chakra control so that he can be a functional ninja that doesn't have to really on Kurama's chakra to get anything done. Eventually Minato will track them down and demand his weapon back. He'll threaten something to get Jiraiya and Naruto to go along with it.

    The next element of the AU will be the ninja academy. Instead of how it is in canon, I hope to make it more along the lines of the University from the Name of the Wind. Ninja gain promotions by attending the Academy until they have become a full blown Jonin. This isn't to say that there aren't ninjas that quit trying to advance in the ranks and drop out to simply do missions.

    Ultimately, the story would revolve around Naruto advancing through the ranks as he slowly tries to figure out his ideal ninja world. He'll chaff against Minato's cold heartedness, try to earn allies among his peers, and set forth on his own path to try to shape the world.

    This will likely have Naruto wanting to murder Minato for killing his mom. Whether this actually occurs hasn't been decided on.

    So does this sound like a functional idea for a fanfiction?
  6. Shouldabeenadog

    Shouldabeenadog Headmaster

    Sep 3, 2010
    Mass effect 3 continuation- synthesis ending.
    We came to this galaxy seeking trade and knowledge. What we found was terrifying, a dozen races all fued to machines, machines infused with life. They possess great strength of arms and a united purpose, the conversion of all of us to their own way of life. Now we fight them, these immortal machines made man and man made machine, to preserve our own sense of self, and our own mortality.
    Crossover with any space opera you want, but the idea is that the synthesis galaxy comes into contact with some other galaxy, who see the desire of the semi-synthetics to integrate all others into their collective as terrifying. But the Synths see no way to make the universe better than by bringing all of the galaxies into their fold, only then can they avert the true ending- Heat Death.
    (x2 points if it crosses over with star trek and the borg)

    It could work @Drake, but it would have to be started in the right place enough for us to be surprised. Having information to uncover about Naruto's past as the story progresses would be a good start.
  7. Lion

    Lion Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Jul 8, 2009
    That place
    I'd read if you worked out a few of the details. The idea of the ninja academy is really cool, but I can see people still going on mission once they get to Genin in the academy. Otherwise they'd have no experience in the field and would crack under pressure.
  8. Paranoid Android

    Paranoid Android Professor

    Jul 8, 2012
    Okay I've got a Naruto fanfic idea that's been bouncing around in my head for the last couple days.

    The basic premise is that due to a breakthrough in technology occurring near the tail end of the Third Shinobi war has caused the steampunk technology of the Land of Snow to become both widespread and commonplace. While this breakthrough occurred too late to have an effect on the war it has resulted in an arms race between the various countries as well as the rapid industrialization of the nations.

    The setting of this story will be a lot darker then Naruto is shown to be in canon. Take for example the Tailed beasts they are meant to be malevolent, giant, walking chakra monsters that destroy everything in their path. The Kyubi is shown to be so powerful that the God of Death is summoned to seal it away. Therefore in this story they are going to live up to this reputation, to put it simply I hope to be able to make them essentially giant walking eldritch abominations.

    To make matters worse Akatsuki, with their whole lets reform the Jubi, aren’t the only group that are looking to screw humanity, there’ll also be an assortment of smaller cults and leaders that have their own motive that is bad news for the leaf village and people in general. Akatsuki it’s self will also have a slightly different purpose then in canon.

    I’ve also got a couple idea’s about the world that aren’t as concrete yet, such as the Uchiha massacre not happing and Orochimaru will be quite different, although he will still be that dastardly villain we know and hate/love.
  9. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    I've got to admit, I do like steampunk fiction, and Naruto is one of those series that could really benefit from an Industrial Revolution. You just have to remember that it took upwards of a hundred years for most countries to become truly industrialised. As well as that, the revolution also paved the way for the capitalist class to gain power, so the very fabric of the Elemental Nations/Hidden Villages would be changing all the time as well.

    I'd read it, but I'd recommend thinking about what industrialisation actually does to a country and work out your world building from there. It helps that you already have a plot in mind though, that's a problem a lot of plot bunnies have.
  10. Paranoid Android

    Paranoid Android Professor

    Jul 8, 2012
    Thanks for your advice. I have to admit I hadn't taken into account just how long industrialisation would take nor did I think about the social changes it brings about. I'm going to do some additional research like you suggested and I'll post the updated idea.
  11. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    Plot bunny I had whilst re-reading Codex Alera.

    Kitai had always wanted a horse.
    Not a pony.
    And especially not a magical pony named Trixie.

    The basic plotline would involve Chrysalis coming back, and winning. Desperate to escape, the citizens of Equestria board ships to escape their country. On their way to Zebrica/Roam/Antelopeville or wherever, the ships disappear, and reappear on the wrong side of the Calderon Valley, beaching in Maratia.

    Stuff happens. It would run sort of parallel to canon, but I haven't fleshed out the plot at all, and have no intention of actually writing it. Although a single scene or two with Kitai and Trixie could be quite fun.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2012
  12. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    I would read the shit out of that.
  13. Thaumologist

    Thaumologist Fifth Year ~ Prestige ~

    Jun 27, 2011
    Wrexham, Wales
    High Score:
    I have a few other scatterings of thought on the thought of a CA story, that could be stuck in to give it some semblance of plot (heh).

    Tavi dies. Rather than being rescued by Doroga in FoC, he dies in the forest at some point, or he runs off somewhere, completely ignorant of his heritage and everything. The Marat invade (probably minus Horse and Gargant clans, but whatever works), and take Calderon Valley.
    Gaius unleashes Thana and Garados on the Wolf and Pidgeon. Whilst such a show leaves him weak, it impresses the hell out of the City Lords, and they stop being such backstabby gits. However, he also accepts he won't live forever, and (perhaps) offers the throne to Atticus, as long he takes it peacefully.
    The Canim, smelling blood in the water, launch their attack slightly earlier than canon. However, without Tavi, it doesn't matter too much that it was early. As the Legions are working in concert, they can try to hold the hordes off.
    All the violence makes the Icemen even wackier, and they too swarm into the Empire, in the hope of taking back their ancient lands.

    Of course, to really shake things up, the Vord could be brought in too. Or they could be ignored.

    The Ponies need to carve themselves out a country in this land of blood, war and magic. But they are a new source of magic, and Alera herself might have some ideas.

    So, to sum up:
    No open civil war - the line of succesion is broken, but a strong leader now and in the future is known. However, the Marat are furious (albeit Furyless), the Canim are howling for blood, and the Icemen cometh.
    And Trixie is whining at the loss of her fireworks.

    I'd gladly hand it all over to someone who thought they could do a good job, or co-op in if somebody wanted me to; but I can't pull off such a story by myself - it'd be big scale, incredibly AU, and long. I'm going into my final year, and need to pull my grades up.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2012
  14. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    Seemingly basic Pokemon fic, playthrough of Nuzlocke Emerald with a female protag (Ruby) dealing with raising a ... whatever that grass type was, while also hunting down Ruby and Magma and getting help from Devon Corp. However the problem is that Steven Stone and Mr. Stone are manipulating things to lead to the end of the world. I guess I'm going to have to work out more, but the bunny is that Devon are the real villains in Hoenn, possibly just a "legitimate" front for Giovanni... we'll see.
  15. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    The female protag's Sapphire (or May, if you prefer it), the grass starter's Treecko and I think you mean Aqua and Magma.

    How would Devon Corp be helping out the protag? From what I remember, Steven only helped out directly once or twice. Would the company be more involved this time around?

    Why would they want the end of world? If that's their goal then stopping Aqua and Magma would be counter-productive.

    What's the relationship between Steven Stone and Giovanni? Is Devon Co basically what Giovanni wanted Silph Co to be?

    Just some thoughts. :sherlock:
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2012
  16. Another Empty Frame

    Another Empty Frame Fake Flamingo DLP Supporter

    Apr 5, 2011
    Near Seattle
    High Score:
    1. Both game names are going to stick with female characters, Emerald will be a up and coming Devon trainer's name.

    2. They give such things as the running shoes and ... PokeNav? I'm going to also have the boat rides and a couple HMs be provided by them in the storyline as well. Basically most "helptheprotag" items are going to be gifts to try and win Ruby over.

    3.I'm thinking I'm going to actually show Aqua and Magma as formally peaceful groups that have switched from lobbying and protests to y'know... crazy legends being used for apocalyptic shit. Their incompetence is due to the fact that they just have no fucking clue what they're doing.

    4. I'm setting this 3 months after Red trashes Rocket, and I'm thinking "Steven" the mysterious travelling son no one knows much about could be either a former Rocket Exec, or just Giovanni (age can be an issue here)

    Thanks for the help, ideas are welcome, I want to start writing this in the next couple weeks.
  17. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    You could have the protag end up becoming an employee for Devon after retrieving their package (or whatever happened in Rustboro). He/she ends up using and testing their gadgets on the field, sending them captured Pokemon etc. That way she's already working for them and would have no reason to distrust them and gains a backer for her journey.
  18. Jester

    Jester Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    I once had a rough plot written out for Naruto.

    The big thought was Inari and Tsunami not being rescued by Naruto.

    I think it may have made Gato show up earlier in the fight to try and break Tazuna and kill Zabuza. This changes a few major things in my opinion.

    With this change I could see a lot of things changing maybe Kakashi kills Zabuza outright, I like leaving one of them alive to bring back as a vengeful antagonist later on. (I have visions of Haku appearing in Snow Country trying to hunt down Team 7, mostly because of the epic Hyoton abilities that Haku could unleash. This also helps add some more substance to the movie plotline if I felt inclined to use it.) Maybe Haku gets offed by Sauske or Naruto and then Zabuza goes on to be the new Mizukage and throws a large wrench into their lives. Not really fully sure how I would take it from that initial idea.

    Inari may or may not die to add another layer to Naruto's development. Kind of a replacement for Haku and Zabuza in canon. Change up Naruto and his way way of doing things a bit.

    I just had a lot of ridiculous fight scenes in my head for Naruto and Haku fighting on a platform of ice over the ocean and this is kind of a bare bones thought on how to possibly get to that point. It would need massive amounts of structuring outside of this singular idea.

    ---------- Post automerged at 12:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 AM ----------

    Also the plot had more then just that one fight as the whole basis. It had a Kyuubi possessed Kimimaro becoming the big bad. Mostly because he is the only charcter I could think of that uses an organic material to fight with... A scene with Naruto impaled through his stomach by Kimimaro with his level 2 curse seal active and Naruto losing control over Kyuubi as his blood and chakra mixes over the bone spear allowing Kyuubi to force his consciousness and a tail or two worth of his youkai into the curse seal removing the piece of Orochimaru's soul and chakra out.

    Kind of a crazy thought. Would be cool to see Kyuubi be a crazy badass hunting down and killing Akatsuki.

    Also would've of left Naruto with a bunch of poisonous youkai eating away at his insides, kind of putting a cramp in his style.
  19. lthovesh

    lthovesh Muggle

    Apr 9, 2012
    So my interest in the Mirror's Edge universe has been rekindled since getting it from the Steam summer sale and a plot bunny for a Naruto crossover attacked. So here goes:
    Konoha replaces the CPF and Naruto is friends with Kate (Faith's sister) and Faith having grown up the two of them after their parents were arrested/killed in the riots. He is conflicted about the situation where Kate is set up for Pope's murder and confronts Faith... Thats all I've got.
    I would read the shit out of anyone who takes this idea and runs with it, no pun intended
  20. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Thinking about understandable lack of Joker in TDKR got me this little plot bunny.

    Few months after TDK, when nobody is sure if Batman is gone for good or just better at hiding his activity, Joker escapes from the prison to play with the Bat. It's a battle on a small scale than the last one, but its ending leaves both of them seriously wounded with Bruce shattering his knee and Joker injuring his spine, but without a complete paralysis.

    About eight years later, Joker is almost completely healed, but he doesn't see a point in doing anything since his playmate seemingly retired. Then one day he watches the TV and see Batman's return. With a new energy Joker is readying himself for another game when this weird guy, Bane, takes Gotham hostage. As funny as it is, he knows that Batman will quickly take care of it. But the Dark Knight doesn't appear.

    Later Joker learns rumors saying that Bane killed Batman. It angers him and hr figures that if he can play with the Bat and he will play with his Bane. With unfortunate citizens of Gotham caught in between.

    Ultimately, after few months of war, Bane wins and kills Joker. But before he dies, the clown discovers that Batman is still alive what amuses him greatly, because Bane believes that he broke the Bat. Joker knows better and for him it's just a matter of time before Batman is back to get Bane and his beauty (he knows about Talia).