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Plot Bunny Thread

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Skeletaure, Apr 17, 2009.

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  1. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Now it reminds me about other idea I saw in some fic about this substances in Harry's bloodstream. He was highly resistant to poisons but also every minute of his life was constant pain of having his body killed by basilisks venom and cured by phoenix tears. When I was reading this I thought it's quite badass because Harry mentioned it only once and made it seem like after everything he lived it wasn't big deal for him.

    I don't know if I understood what you mean by potential for shipping (as in I never know if word 'shipping' means pairing itself or following it). But if you mean situation when we have two possible pairing for main character (and two groups of fans who argue about it) then I agree with you. It makes me wonder why fanfiction authors never really use this (with few notable exceptions).
  2. Kensington

    Kensington Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Mar 11, 2008
    West Coast
    This is the wrong thread for it, but I concur with Taure. While I can't really conceive Harry and Amanda having a happily ever after, I can imagine Harry knocking up Amanda and being a decent father when he's in town.

    That said, I may as well add in a plot bunny on a story I've been working on recently. Feel free to point out any stupidity.

    Yukon Ho!

    Brief History: While the Americas do have a Wizarding Society - it's severely underdeveloped compared to the European Wizards. The immigrants were probably educated by the Europeans, but they lack the resources in magical artifacts and books compared to their European cousins. Furthermore, due to the large landmass of the North American continent with the low Wizard population - there is no effective law enforcement making it an every person for themselves environment.

    Premise: The Goblins are complete bastards, and after the last chapter of DH seize all of Harry's assets in response to his break-in of Gringotts and forever ban him from Goblin territory. This is a problem, since due to the Ministry-Goblin Treaty of 1887, Gringotts is the sole financial institution for Wizarding England, which makes Harry more or less unemployable in England. None of his friends or the newly appointed Ministry will be betraying him, they simply don't have the leverage or will to take on the Goblins after defeating Voldemort.

    In comes Tracy Davis, who wants out of England after being the sole survivor of her family from the war. She plans to hunt for the lost wealth of the Batalliard family - a rare family that completely left Europe to move to the New World. Reportedly killed to the last member prior to the rise of Grindelwald, their priceless artifacts and wealth haven't been seen in nearly 70 years, presumed to be hidden behind the wards of their long-abandoned family compound somewhere in the Yukon Province. But unlike other treasure seekers - Tracy actually has a legitimate clue on where to search. With a little arm-twisting, Tracy convinces Harry to be her muscle for a cut of the treasure.

    The bulk of the story will consist of Harry and Tracy's various misadventures in the Wild West of magical North America. I imagine this story in the vein of the Indiana Jones movies, from having to deal with cultists to goblin expeditions. Oh, and there may be snakes.
  3. belleradh

    belleradh Murder Princess DLP Supporter

    Jul 15, 2008
    Throne of Decay
    That actually sounds rather fun. Quite off-beat, none of the overused school/dark lord/manchild nonsense, and with an open end for potential.

    Don't take it the wrong way, but that's precisely why I like Jbern's work - not so much for his style, or characterizations, but how they break out sometimes. This would quickly (and happily) take over for Bungle in my book.
  4. Ceebee

    Ceebee High Inquisitor

    May 5, 2009
    I suppose I can post a bit of a unoriginal plot bunny I had.

    The basic premise is that it would be similar to a series rewrite, but with an altered timeline. I've always found that one of the big detractions from a lot of rewrite stories is that they follow the now very old basic plot points that centre around the school years. I.e. Philosophers Stone, CoS, Sirius, Voldemort reborn, Umbridge/Prophecy, etc etc. In the rewrites/different takes on HP, especially with 7 year fics, a common sticking point is that writing an 11 year old is hard when you're in your 20's and you get some super mature kid.

    To combat this, the author would do a pretty big restructure of the timeline and remove a number of plots. One of the ways I thought this could be accomplished would be starting the story in Harry's fifth year, but the plot would be that of a PS and PoA blend. Have Quirrell as the muggle studies teacher, Remus as the defense teacher and Sirius running around trying to kill Petigrew still.

    Harry's previous four years would have passed without incident, just normal schooling. This could be told via flashbacks or second hand reminiscing with third parties.

    Sixth year would pretty much follow CoS canon. But of course have a much more epic ending, 16 year old Harry vs 16 year old Riddle uber duel showdown.

    Seventh year would follow the general storyline of GoF, but there would be some have to be some retooling of the HP verse. Since I'm a massive H/Fleur fanboy, she'd be around as the Beauxbaton champion. For some canon compliance, Krum would be there too. I also thought it'd be pretty funny for Harry to be chosen as the champion twice, once for Hogwarts and then again for Moody's fake school, so that could happen.

    Years 1, 2 and maybe 3 post Hogwarts can follow Harry as a member of the Order, or as an Auror trainee, and then be about the war starting in earnest, a possibly a Bungle style trip around the world on a Horcrux hunt.

    A big point of this is making the HP verse and the threats he face a bit more adult and action orientated. And of course a more competent that canon!Harry, and how he deals with the threats.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2010
  5. Kensington

    Kensington Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Mar 11, 2008
    West Coast
    Heh, Jbern just frustrates me. I like his overall plots - but the way he layers in the faults of characters - while possibly more realistic - tends to suck the fun out of the stories for me.

    And yes, I want to write something with no Voldemort, no conspiracies, just a blank canvas with the opportunity for a lot of fun. Thankfully, by being backstabbing and greedy bastards in DH, the goblins make for a great opponent for Harry & co.
  6. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
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    It might be interesting and if it had a talented enough writer behind the wheel it could really be good but to be honest this sound exactly like the kind of knee jerk reaction to Wizarding America littered all over the Potter Law thread that I can't stand. What I mean by this is that I've noticed that a lot of people in response to someone writing a fic with a super powerful Wizarding America in it will take it all the way to the opposite end of the spectrum and make it a retarded ass backwards hellhole where no one can find their ass with both hands and a map which I find stupid. What I'd like to see is something of a happy medium instead of everyone taking it to the farthest side of both ends of the spectrum.
  7. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
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    A nice story idea, Kensington. I wrote a story once where the goblins did a similar thing to Harry. I think it's a credible premise for him to leave/be forced out of Wizarding Britain.
  8. belleradh

    belleradh Murder Princess DLP Supporter

    Jul 15, 2008
    Throne of Decay
    There really aren't enough bad Goblin fics out there, come to think about it. I mean sure, one of the themes in 'verse is tolerance and love and all that Hippy bullshit, but c'mon.

    Here we have that astounding lack of common sense, cropping up once again. There were apparently enough Goblin Rebellions for them to be considered a serious possible threat at any point, possibly warrant enough material for Binns to use them for seven years of material (or at least one) and yet wizards use them for bankers - all the while sneering down at them and treating them as subhuman. Yes, lets taunt and demean our Economic Mainstay! Cheerio, what fun! Fucking retards.

    Even if it's fanon, no wonder Goblins charge for banking. Hold on, had a thought-

    (Bunny!) That 'degeneration' of pure blood issue everyone likes to play with. More squibs, less wizards born, less power etc. Blame it on the Goblins. They're using gold to pass on a cumulative curse, that strikes down the rich. The more money you handle, the less magical your progeny. Everyone likes to make the Goblins seem cunning and sneaky, well, busting up Hogsmeade by taking over a tavern isn't it. The latest Rebellions were smokescreen. This was the plan - wipe out the snooty, gold-grubbing, hair-gel sniffing jerkoffs and their kids in a nice, neat, fifty year timetable. Powerpoint slides after the presentation.

    Harry could work for or against them, depending on how noble/ pissed off/ misanthropic you make him. Use the old Griphook Tricycle even. That's why they're stunned - maybe James was a real sonofabitch to 'em. Maybe they like him, and think he'd be a good helper in the scheme. Maybe they think he'd taste good with ketchup.

    It's time to fight for your right to procreate, Wizarding England! Now go kick the shit out of a Goblin for the babies. (/Bunny!)

    Seriously, magical genepool needs some bleaching. These people are too stupid to live.


    JBern's 'humanizing' I kinda like, up to a point. I'm real waffly about him. After a while though... which one was it... Turn Me Loose? I get disenchanted. Too much conflict in that one. It started to feel like his inclusion and use of Luna was meant to be a foil for Wordly!Harry, but then, the setting and story don't care about it. He's accepted just fine, so instead we get pointless, winding, unresolved tension, that never abates.

    I like Luna just fine, but by later in the story, "Turn Me Loose" start taking on another connotation. I wish he just would let the poor girl go and get it over with.

    If I didn't already have like.. a thousand bunnies sitting on my head I'd try that Goblin one out. Sounds fun.
  9. Kensington

    Kensington Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Mar 11, 2008
    West Coast
    Hah, I totally forgot about that story. And I recall sorta beta-reading for it. If I ever publish Yukon Ho! I'll give you credit for being an inspiration subliminally.

    Krogan: The reason I have a weak Magical Governments in the Americas compared to Europe is that well, I wanted it to be a somewhat lawless region for plot's sake. The rationale is less that the Europeans are so awesome, it's just that the residents of North America are centuries behind the Europeans in population and accumulated knowledge. I can foresee a few families immigrating over before the various European Ministries enacted barriers to migration.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2010
  10. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
    High Score:
    Heh. Don't worry about it. It was hardly a memorable story and not my best stuff.

    I like the premise of a Wild West HP. Many western staples could carry over quite naturally: dehumanized native people and rebellious native lycan, gunslinging and magical dueling, gold/silver rushes and your treasure hunt, etc.
  11. Juggler

    Juggler Death Eater DLP Supporter

    Feb 10, 2008
    Nova Scotia, Canada
    For one, I thought the first two paragraphs were completely different plots.

    I thought this would be a good plot, until I saw it mention an icequeen from Slytherin. Why can't Harry ever be in any situation with anyone from Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw, or (heaven forbid) Gryffindor? Or even a member of the same gender?

    Just sayin'. I mean, it could be worse. There could be wizard cowboys fighting wizard nazis.
  12. Kensington

    Kensington Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Mar 11, 2008
    West Coast
    Yeah, let me just state that Tracy Davis will not be an ice queen. Nowhere in my notes do I have the phrase "Ice Queen." I realize that some people have made a stereotype of Daphne Greengrass being an Ice Queen, but I haven't realized that now any Slytherin female could be considered one.

    So far in what I've written Tracy Davis wants to get the hell out of England (her Dad was too close to her muggleborn Mother for the sake of the Death Eaters), she thinks she has a chance to score some serious money, but she's smart enough to go looking for some help. Of Tracy and Harry, Tracy will definitely be the extrovert.

    As to your other objections, well, I wanted the flexibiity of a male/female partnership for some of the scenes I have planned (I still haven't decided how much of a pairing if any this will be) and I originally started to plot out this story due to a lack of Harry/Tracy stories out there. My prerogative to use her.
  13. belleradh

    belleradh Murder Princess DLP Supporter

    Jul 15, 2008
    Throne of Decay
    Nothing wrong with Tracy, and it's the fans that make Daph out to be a frigid bitch, not canon. I think she gets one line, really. OotP ch. 31 mentions her taking her OWLS with Hermione. And that's about it.

    Most people construct a stereotypical 'rich bitch' persona, and build off that based on the fact she's a non-entity in Draco's year. Taken from a different angle, someone in Gryff who was in a similar situation would seem a Potter sympathizer, so most fic authors push a pureblood yet tolerant angle with her (Myself included). It helps rectify her presence, while keeping her within boundaries.

    I'd like to think that perhaps some of the Slytherins aren't mentioned often because they simply aren't as annoying, but we just don't get much data. Perhaps they have as much political power, or just enough, to make then untargetable (silly idea in truth, but easy enough to play with). Maybe they don't live in the UK. Perhaps there are other reasons, but the bottom line is lack of data.

    Tracey and Daph present an author with canon names and an archetypical backdrop, but no real definition to bound them. Pleasantly fertile ground.

    ---------- Post automerged at 22:55 ---------- Previous post was at 22:54 ----------

    I would read this.
  14. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
    High Score:
    I concur, though if they're wizard Nazi tyrannosaurs, the idea is awesome.

    I wish I'd voted for Samurai Cat (Miaowara Tomokato) instead of Obama. The State of the Union Address would be so much more enjoyable.
  15. Agnostics Puppet

    Agnostics Puppet Professor

    Sep 28, 2008
    Denver, Colorado
    When I read your post, my mind immediately put 'Pizza' in between 'Samurai' and 'Cat' and I was reminded of that horrid....HORRID cartoon.
  16. Krogan

    Krogan Alien in a Hat ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Dec 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Oh alright then that actually sounds fairly interesting, my apologies, you understand it just gets tiresome listening to the Eurofags going on about how Wizarding America could never be anything than the asshole of the wizarding world.

    What you've described far actually sounds very entertaining now that, that little matter is all cleared up.
  17. Jaysues

    Jaysues Squib

    Jan 3, 2010
    I've got a small plot bunny that's been annoying me lately. Unfortunately, I don't have the time, or in my eyes the skill to write it out well, so if anyone else likes it they can do with it what they will:).

    Rise of Voldemort


    Follows the rise of Voldemort. Would include some, hopefully not all, of his Hogwart days. Would follow all the way up through the war, or end just at the start of it.

    It would follow his slow fall into the Dark Arts, his discovery of the Chamber of Secrets, and how his goals came into being. He will be shown building connection at Hogwarts, and slowly gaining a firm foothold into the current, and future Slytherins. Also shows his manipulations continuing after he leaves school, making his Horcruxes, murdering the competition, building his own empire.

    Would also enjoy seeing old names popping up. Examples would be Abraxus Malfoy, or any of the current Slytherin's ancestors. Saw something like this in DobbyElfLord's Altered Destinys, and really enjoyed it.

    Basically, my plot bunny is the literal rising of Voldemort, told by HIS point of view. No Harry time travelling or any of that crap. I haven't seen this done before, and think it would be awesome if done well.
  18. Grubdubdub

    Grubdubdub Supreme Mugwump

    Feb 22, 2008
    It would have been interesting if we didn't already know about the horcruxes and the like. Too predictable. If you add a few twists then it might be good, though it will suffer from the same problem.
  19. Jjf88

    Jjf88 Auror

    Oct 15, 2007
    Do want. Except not uber trio, and perhaps a motivated Harry who just enjoys learning about magic.
  20. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
    High Score:
    @Jaysues: Your instincts are good. You probably shouldn't write this story without giving it more thought.

    The challenge with such a story is that if it's canon compliant, the reader already knows essentially everything that happens, so where's the tension? Also what are the essential conflicts? A "missing moment" or two might be captured without worrying these details, but unless it's an AU departing significantly from canon (like DEL's story), there's unlikely to be enough to keep readers engaged in a longer story.

    That's not to say that you can't make a story out of this idea, just that you have to think more about what it's really going to be about and why a reader should be interested in it.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2010
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