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Plot Bunny Thread

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Skeletaure, Apr 17, 2009.

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  1. Kensington

    Kensington Denarii Host DLP Supporter

    Mar 11, 2008
    West Coast
    Hate to break it to you, but that's about as lulzy as Harry deciding that Dobby should be his house elf. A lot of fics feature a scene where Harry decides that the portrait of Mrs. Black needs to go, and usually at least have the grace to add comedy fire.
  2. Agravaine

    Agravaine Seventh Year

    Jun 7, 2010
    New England
    Aww man, n00b blunder! I suppose that it's my great fortune then not to have come across all that many of them.
  3. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    Yeah, like wasn't there that scene in that story, whatsitcalled, you know, where Harry has the voice of an angel or something in his head, and that cool sword, and he can do all sorts of awesome magic? He did that there too. ;)

    But yeah, seriously, that is really, really common. I'm surprised you haven't seen it before, Agravain. Must have not read too many independent Harry fics?
  4. Rym

    Rym Auror

    Aug 4, 2009
    You mean Joe's Hero trilogy? It's not exactly an angel in his head, but everything else you mentioned is in there. And this scene does occur in the third fic of the series.
  5. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor

    No, actually. Although that trilogy is also very good.

    Any other guesses? Though I really didn't think I would need to clarify this...

    EDIT: Yep. It did happen there, in the Knight.
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2010
  6. Rym

    Rym Auror

    Aug 4, 2009
    Oh, hah. You probably mean the Denarian series by Shezza
  7. Sin Saiori

    Sin Saiori Death Eater

    Jul 28, 2009
    Hmm, the only ideas I have for stories right now are:

    1) Harry Potter/Darksiders

    In the midst of the apocalypse, Harry finds everyone he knew dead, caught in between Angels and Demons. Wracked with grief, he fully embraces his position as Master of Death, becoming something far more than human...and far less. In the hundred years of chaos following War's 'imprisonment', Harry cuts a bloody path of vengeance through Angels and Demons alike until the supposed cause of all his grief reappears. Now presented with an opportunity to destroy the ones truly responsible, he is pulled into a conflict far more complicated than he wanted.

    - The Hallows are gifts from a long forgotten Nephilim.
    - Harry is the last Human. Period. This isn't a happy 'Harry brings back humanity' story. It is the Master of Death tearing out the hearts of the ones who tore out his.
    - The ending would be as vague and unspecific as the ending of the game. Loose plot-threads abound, most likely.

    2) Harry Potter/Guild Wars

    With Abbadon's ill-concieved gift of magic to the species of Tyria, the Gods see fit to send a guide out into the world - a human without prejudices who could teach the world how to wield this powerful and dangerous magic. Reaching out through the Rift, much as they did with the Forgotten, the Gods find a lonely soul wandering through the afterlife. They're summoning complete, the Exodus of the Gods proceeds, and with a new life and purpose, Harry ventures forth. In one last act of defiance, Abbadon imprisons him, holding him captive for as long as his magic is his own. Centuries pass, and with the defeat of the God of Secrets and Water at the hands of humans, Harry is released from his thousand year imprisonment, and seeing the disastrous state of the world, he begins his quest anew.

    - Follows HP canon for the most part, but that won't affect this story that much.
    - Abbadon started out with what was best for Tyria in mind. He didn't start out as a horrible anti-god, but was corrupted by his own malice and spite over the course of one thousand years.
    - Abbadon didn't want to kill Harry since he was a pure soul, and couldn't send him back into the rift on his own, so the next best thing was to encase him in crystals until he was no longer needed. Abbadon wanted the beings of Tyria to mature for themselves without the help of someone not of that world.
    - Harry's release would be in the years following the end of Nightfall, and the story itself would take place in the Eye of the North campaign.

    Nothing great, but it keeps my mind working during the summer.
  8. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    James Potter; The-Dad-Who-Lived. Let's get it done!
  9. Admonkeystrator

    Admonkeystrator Seventh Year

    Jul 19, 2008
    There's not enough crazy!harry fics imo.

    Plot bunny for crazy!harry with the most potential, imo, is Multiple.Personality!Harry.

    You could do it serious... or you could make a crack fic, where each of Harry's distinct personalities fits a FF cliche... sorta like that show Inside Herman's Head.... Rowling style.
  10. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    Probably been done before. The fifth Hogwarts house: Gregory.

    "Dude, which house are you in?"
    "I am in Gregory House. M.D."
  11. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    And then it becomes an angst-ridden slashfest. ;-;

    EDIT: spelling... >_>
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2010
  12. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    It's only gay if you are the one receiving?

    Right? :(
  13. Naga's Shadow

    Naga's Shadow Seventh Year

    May 24, 2006
    Its been done, it was pretty good to until Harry changed his name to Shadow, got adopted by Snape and started buggering Draco. I stopped reading after that so I don't know how it ended. But I do have decent Idea about a MPD Harry. Starts off in a bloodier than cannon ending. Far more people die and Harry, knowing time travel is possible, starts obsessing about changing the past. He eventually finds a way and send his soul back in time to just before he receives his Hogwarts letter to set everything right.

    Technically he could go back as far as the story needs but if we follow his "save everyone" logic going back to first year works the best.

    So he gets back in time and his soul merges with his younger self, well not quite. His mind can't take the influx and breaks, enter future Harry and cannon Harry living in the same body. Only one's awake at a given time and neither originally knows about the other. After either an encounter with Voldemort or a horrocrux the bit of Voldemort wakes up and starts to cause trouble as well.

    So three personalities, future Harry figures out whats going on first but cannon Harry would remain in the dark as long as it adds to the story.
  14. Rin

    Rin Oberstgruppenführer DLP Supporter

    May 28, 2007
    I guess because I don't think that mental disorders are a laughing matter, and that MPD (should be Disassociative Identity Disorder, btw) played straight would make for an angst fest because it's caused by trauma.
  15. Scrib

    Scrib The Chosen One

    Dec 31, 2008
    Right, this plot bunny has been bugging me for days and I wanted to make sure there wasn't anything glaring wrong with it before I
    sunk any real time into it.

    It's basically a complete fusion of th HP and Dresden universes.

    First off, the HP branch of wizards have come to be known as mages, the Dresden wizards are still wizards.

    Thousands of years ago both branches of magic existed together in Atlantis, the first organized home for people of magical background,it was the strongest confluence of ley lines in the world, strong enough to make summoning and enchanting orders of a magnitude easier, hell strong enough to allow a few wizards and mages to lift it out of the way of any warring tribes in times of need.

    However the wizards fucked it up. Well someone deliberately or by accident summoned a bunch of Outsiders right in the city, the resulting battle completely wiped it out, and the wizards and mages fled. The mages were convinced that it was the fault of the wizards since they couldn't perform convinced themselves and thus wizard-mage relations were never the same.

    Years passed the White Council was formed, the mages found their own means of government and all was well until the first Wizard-
    Black Court War. The mages were pretty content to sit it out and let the wizards deal with it, vampires had little interest in them, their magic died when they were turned. And the war might just have gone on without the help of the ages if a young Lord just coming into his inheritance didn't feel that the White Council would surely be destroyed without their help and then the vampires would descend upon them. Merlin had been arguing for an end to the emnity between magical beings but no one really gave a shit. Long story short, Merlin begged bribed, and perhaps even murdered (if the journals of his best friend have been interpreted correctly) to make sure the mages fulfilled their duty to their allies. Hell, the Black Court had no reason to enthrall and bleed a small mage settlement, not if it meant war.

    Summary: Black Court curbstomp, one of the many times they had been beaten to near extinction.And thus the Reunification began,mages and wizards seeing what value there was to working together joined hands yet again. The mages, worried about the wizards more zealous views on the use of magic used the goodwill they had earned to squeeze out a few concessions ; the mages, and them alone would be responsible for the governance and punishment of it's citizens.

    Besides being the single loudest voice for the Reunification Merlin went on to do more great things, the taming of the giant tribes of Germania, the founding of the Order, and discovering and cataloguing the various properties and uses of over a hundred different magical creatures (including some pissed off Faeries).

    Theres a whole bunch of shit that I'm still rolling around because of timeline, but suffice it to say Merlin, a hero found himself on the wrong side of a Red Court scouting party.The battle left him so vulnerable that he was promptly eaten by a hunger-crazed Malvora who had found himself on the wrong side of the battle. The mages didn't take that well. War No.2 in which the dominant Malvora house was forced into hiding only to return later and find a certain Raith was helping them out with the ruling part of the business...

    The Red Court retreated to the New World to lick their wounds. The Ministry of Magic was founded. Then Hogwarts. All was well until the other Founders decided to entertain the the idea of allowing wizards to come to the school (a decision influenced most likely by Ravenclaw's own mixed heritage and abilities), Slytherin protested, quite loudly in fact and the wizards mistake his assertion that there was no way to reconcile the two branches of magic with arrogance and relations grow cold.

    Political posturing takes place, Slytherin convinces the others that the hybrid school isn't the best idea. Wizards either form their own schools or use the Master-Apprentice teaching method. The Triwizard tournament is formed, supposedly to increase communication and cooperation but it has been used on more than one occasion as evidence of superiority of one branch of magic.

    Wheew there goes background, or as much of it as I felt like putting down.

    The story basically takes place in Harry's fifth or sixth year when Dumbledore has decided to help reinstate the Triwizard Tournament. But that's not where the AU stops, Tom Riddle never became Voldemort. Instead he's stuck as the Defence professor for Hogwarts after he's seen playing fast and loose with the rules during the second coming of Grindelwald, that and his strange youthfulness even at the age of 60+.

    The Triwizard tournament doesn't get off to a good start, the White Council push around enough muscle to be allowed to send a few representatives to keep the tournament...honest.The ever volatile dragons decide to be spectatators. Pets and people start disappearing, half-giant mercenaries slaughter game animals and Tom Riddle starts hearing voices in the walls no one else can hear... Shit hits the fan.

    As you may notice in my hastily typed and badly spelled post, the actual plot of the story seems a bit thin, quite frankly most of it is thin. Right now I'm really more worried about the universe. I get the feeling something's really wrong (possibly with timeline) and don't want to start other shit till I get more feedback on it.
  16. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    The idea I've got right now. What if Voldemort wanted Harry for his ritual in 4th year for more reasons that he stated? What if he needed him because he had this brilliant idea - why only come back as Lord Voldemort when he can at the same time use a new face. The face of the Boy Who Lived. He planed ritual so that his new body will look like Harry's and he could use Potter fame for his plans. And before someone say that he could use Polyjuice Potion, let's say that you need person you want to look like alive to make it work (it make sense, because why then Barty didn't kill Moody) and Voldemort definitely wouldn't let Harry live.

    But of course rest of the story went like in books and Harry ran away. So we have now two Harrys and one of them is Dark Lord. How will you explain to people that Voldemort returned when they clearly saw no other but the Boy Who Lived killing these poor Muggles? And how Order can be sure that Harry they are protecting isn't really Voldemort who is pooling some elaborate scam on them? It's perfect setup for isolated Harry from everyone, because even Dumbledore wouldn't be sure if this dark aura he is feeling from Harry is from his scar or maybe, just maybe, it's not real Harry.
  17. enembee

    enembee The Nicromancer DLP Supporter

    Feb 22, 2008
    High Score:
    And before someone say that he could use Polyjuice Potion, let's say that you need person you want to look like alive to make it work (it make sense, because why then Barty didn't kill Moody)

    This is exactly what canon says if you want to do it for any long period of time. You need fresh hair.

    This idea would be amazing if done not from Harry's POV and from a horror perspective.
  18. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    B2 'The dueling club'
    "As you see, we are holding our wands in the accepted combative position," Lockhart told the silent crowd. "On the count of three, we will cast our first spells. Neither of us will be aiming to kill, of course."

    "I wouldn't bet on that," Harry murmured, watching Snape baring his teeth.

    "One — two — three —"

    Both of them swung their wands above their heads and pointed them at their opponent; Snape cried: "Avada Kedavra!" There was a dazzling flash of green light and Lockhart was blasted off his feet: He flew backward off the stage, smashed into the wall, and slid down to the floor.

    Malfoy and some of the other Slytherins cheered. Hermione was dancing on tiptoes. "Do you think he's all right?" she squealed through her fingers.

    "Who cares?" said Harry and Ron together.

    Lockhart remained motionless, his face permanently etched with shock.

    Snape took a bow and left the stage.

    -notes- The books seem to be inconsistent on whether or not the AK actually blasts you back rather than the person just collapsing to the ground, but in B6 Dumbledore does get blasted off the tower with it. Maybe Snape just loathes the world so much that his are extra powerful.
  19. Portus

    Portus Heir

    Nov 25, 2008
    Music City
    Disregarding the fact Snape would hardly lose his cool so badly as to use the Killing Curse - out loud, mind you - in front of people not wearing Voldemort's brand, it's a funny concept.

    Still, it would be infinitely better to have Snape use Sectumsempra on pretty-boy Lockhart, Snape's extra hate for the world at large seeming to do almost nothing, until Lockhart tried to move or speak, at which point he'd either fall apart like a loaf of sliced bread, cartoon-style, or perhaps the top part of his head would slide off at an angle a la the movie Underworld. The students could be shocked silent for a moment, then all cheer as one, save Hermione, who would have a nervous breakdown then and there.

    Come to think of it, I could see that being the beginning of a pretty epic asshole!Snape-mentors-a-ruthless!Harry fic. :awesome
  20. EinStern

    EinStern Seventh Year

    May 25, 2010
    Physically Weak!Raistlin-style!Harry has been bugging me for a while. It's probably been done before, but I've at least never seen it done in a Library-worthy story. Maybe I'll try writing one such story myself, though it'd be more likely to fall in the 'Bin or get abandoned than actually going into the Library.

    Of course, if Harry was to be weakened in some fashion, then, by the First Rule of Fanfiction, either his enemies must become weaker, as well, or Harry would have to become stronger in some other fashion...
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