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Plot Bunny Thread

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Skeletaure, Apr 17, 2009.

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  1. Anme

    Anme Professor

    Apr 17, 2008
    A really good writer could probably pull it off and make it good, but then again, a really good writer shouldn't waste his time on it because he could write much better stories.

    It reminds me way too much of some crappy fiction I have already read.
  2. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    Not quite I think. Hit Wizards are ministry employed assassins as far as I can tell.
  3. Anya

    Anya Harley Quinn DLP Supporter

    Feb 26, 2008
    Arkham City
    I don't think they are assassins. Just witches and wizards employed by the Ministry to track down dangerous fugitives and bring them in.

    Sirius Black was caught by Hit Wizards iirc.
  4. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Well, I did mention that they're sort of half baked: I'm mainly focusing on researching Nordic/general European mythology at the moment for a fictional arc that I'm planning out...well, that AND Starcraft II. (By the way, I don't suppose you know of any links on the internet that go indepth about Nordic mythology?)

    To someone who has descended into Erotomania, those things would be seen as 'proving their love': it's delusion.
    I was actually thinking something very vaguely along the lines of 'Fatal Attraction' spliced with the events of the Triwizard Tournament/Voldemort's ritual, essentially hijacking the plotline of book four. I do admit that the listed avenues for the Fleur angle have been done to death before, though.

    Actually, Ginny could fit the nutter role well in that, but I get the feeling the only redeeming feature of a fic' like that would be the ending, only if it followed the original film's ending exactly. (e.g., Gin-slut = dead).

    I've always wondered why people do the whole "real look" for Tonks thing, and then go for a look that makes her seem like a 'mini'Bellatrix...wasn't it confirmed in the Half-Blood Prince that she looks the same, except with "mousy, brown" hair?

    As for Hermione going Dark...yeah, it would be nice to see since I don't think there's that many fic's like that around (even bad ones), but I don't see how it could be realistically pulled off with her aim of changing the wizarding world for the better...any thoughts?

    I do like the idea of a loony Harry, though, killing everything with fire. Maybe a crack!fic?

    Hit Wizards seem to be apart of the MLE, like the Aurors, but judging from the qualifications you need to be a Hit Wizard and those you require for being an Auror, you seem to need more to be an Auror...wouldn't that mean that Hit Wizards are 'below' Aurors in MLE status? Then again, if that was true, why would they capture Sirius Black instead of a squad of Aurors?
  5. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    I think the closest comparison we got to Hit Wizards/Aurors was the general police force and SWAT.
  6. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    That does make quite a bit of sense...
  7. Anya

    Anya Harley Quinn DLP Supporter

    Feb 26, 2008
    Arkham City
    In a story I've been writing though I've made Hit Wizards also Bounty Hunters. Ministry employed ones. But also SWAT type people acting with Aurors.

    That's my artistic license showing.
  8. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Sounds good, but wouldn't Hit Wizards have more training than Aurors in that case? In canon, Aurors apparently have more training/recruitment requirements than Hit Wizards...?


    I've been playing/reading way too much Starcraft related material (also see Starcraft/Harry Potter crossover on ff.net) recently! Also, Marvel with the mutants and all of that sort of comes to mind, here.

    Well, another half baked plot bunny floating around my brain (don't groan, Vlad!) at the moment is a rewrite of the Harry Potter series with a few, major A/U twists in the background/character lore. The trouble is, with the follow changes, would it still 'be' Harry Potter?

    In order to compensate with wizards and witches having the magical gene and with the steady increase of muggleborn births over the last century, baseline mugglekind (or perhaps a slice of the muggle population, like a mutation) are starting to rapidly develop psionic/psychic abilities as an evolutionary response/reaction.

    As magic is in tune with nature, the last century (two Dark Lords and at least two majorly horrific muggle wars) have caused an explosion in psionic growth/evolution amongst the muggle population for survival purposes.

    With all of the shit hitting the fan within the wizarding world in the last fifty+ or so years and with the atypical wizarding world ignorance/ingrained superiority over muggles, reports/news of the psionic development are relatively ignored or classed as Dark Magic and dismissed (in a twisted mirror of how muggles used to burn/persecute witches/wizards/what they did not understand).

    It's only after 'The-Boy-Who-Lived' knocked off Voldemort for the first time and in the peacetime/stable period following did news of the psionic developments amongst muggles become well known.

    Naturally, wizardkind goes into a panic, with the pure-bloods/blood purity minded individuals pretty much shitting themselves because of the new breed of man who are set apart from both the baseline and the magical genepools. It doesn't help that they are emerging with non-magical related powers that either rival or even surpass their own.

    Attempts at culling/containment of the psionic potential in the genepool/family lines by the ICW fails miserably, because even those who aren't psionic themselves carry the mutated genes (and of which do not know about it) and then pass it on to their offspring (in a mirror to wizarding squibs, basically 'too little, way too late' by the ICW).

    There's also the fact that these 'psionics' are also marrying/breeding into wizarding lines/populations en masse, resulting in many infant deaths from either still-births or diseases like immune disorders because of the incompatibility of the wizarding/psionic genes when they're both attempting to be dominant (e.g., one parent being directly magical, one being directly psionic).

    By the time of Harry's 11th birthday, the world is fractured into several factions: various and many groups of either self aligned, muggle aligned (with governments or shadow organizations) psionics (for a rough model, see the fractured status of the Terrans in Starcraft), the wizarding world with its own sub factions (blood purists such as the Death Eaters, the Ministry, Albus Dumbledore, etc), and the baseline muggle world at large.

    Dumbledore in the meantime is attempting a reconciliation with the various racial factions (e.g., "Live together in peace").

    Now, where does Harry come into this FUBAR'ed world of JKR's?

    Lily, being a muggleborn, also had recessive yet potent psionic genes within her from an ancestor, like how she had with a magical one. While her wizarding genes were dominant, the psionic genes still lurked inside of her genetic line. James, being a pure-blood, was purely magical. Somehow, this unpredictable cocktail of genetics allowed both the magical and the psionic genes to co-exist within any of their offspring, without killing them or causing them harm.

    Their son, Harry, is the first of the next 'evolutionary step' for psionics: he's also, unfortunately, the first known hybrid of the two racial groups, being capable of both magic and psionic ability.

    As there are many shadowy groups after him, some for revenge (e.g., Death Eaters), others for research/kidnapping (e.g., shadowy psionic groups), Albus hides him away at the Dursleys like how he did in canon. He also tries to keep Harry's hybrid status under wraps: the wizarding world believes him simply to be a powerful wizard.

    As the years go by, he slowly develops both his magical/psionic potential whilst keeping the latter hidden due to fear of persecution.

    The only downside I can see to this is that it'd interfere with a key component of the universe, e.g., magic in general.

    So, yay or nay?
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2010
  9. EinStern

    EinStern Seventh Year

    May 25, 2010
    You fail biology forever. Other than that, it's interesting and I might just read it, were it written well enough.
  10. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Sounds like just another X-Men crossover to me, even with a Charles Xavier analogue in Dumbledore. Still, it's an interesting idea and I think I'd enjoy reading it if it was ever written. Just do us all a favour and give the 'Shadowy Psionic Organisation' from becoming too overpowered; they tend to be the reason the majority of these stories fail (look at Heroes and the ever expanding scope of the Company and its members).
  11. Captain Trips

    Captain Trips High Inquisitor

    Oct 24, 2008
    I have a plot bunny that goes like this.

    Voldemort is winning the second wizarding war, the order of the phoenix and the remenants of the ministry of magic are getting desperate. So they send Harry and a few others back in time to prevent Voldemort from ever being born, they succeed. But when they return to their own time everything is wrong, the pureblood supremacists without Voldemort to keep them in line has started an all out war against the muggle world.

    Harry and his small group must now defend them self against threats from all directions as they try to fix the mess they have created.
  12. iLost

    iLost Minister of Magic

    Aug 8, 2009
    @Ichor. That sounds fantastic, truly. Other things to watch out for is making Harry OP. It would ruin it.

    One route you could take is making Harry political towards the end, trying to bring the groups together(maybe after Dumbledore died and war broke-out?) One idea. Kind of like following in DD's footsteps.

    Maybe halfway through his years, his secret gets out, then everyone is out to get him. Voldemort to join him, Dumbledore(?), the Psionic group, muggles, etc.

    Or maybe there is an uneasy alliance and the psionics are slowly introduced into the magical world(would bend your idea a lot I know) and all three groups are trying to not actively, as in the idea before, but subtly have Harry side with them.

    Just throwing out ideas, but this looks like it would be an interesting fic, though I think the backdrop being at Hogwarts would be a little boring.
  13. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Aren't there fic's like that out there already, though?

    Yeah, I sort of do. When/if I start fleshing this out in the future (I'm concentrating on planning out an A/U continuation of books 4, 5, 6 and 7 at the moment- researching European folklore/mythology is eye straining!), would you agree to help me nail out the genetics angle so that it's more realistic/plausible?

    Yeah, X-Men did come to mind when I was about to finish the original post/rambling, but the plot idea was originally derived from too much Starcraft bleed-through. And I agree with your view on the 'overpowered' angle in plots/storylines: way too much of that these days, both on TV and in FanFiction. What was the name of that story that had Harry/Fleur/Tonks are God!Unspeakables? Gray, White, Black something?

    See above post on overpowered elements in fiction.

    I can sort of see that, yeah. Some wizards might flock to Harry because he's the 'boy-who-lived', while some psionics (maybe also some fanatics, too), would also flock to him because he's seen as an icon.

    Well, there are plenty of other backdrops in the magical world for use other than just strictly Hogwarts. It'd have to be a component, though, otherwise it wouldn't be a Harry Potter fic'.
  14. iLost

    iLost Minister of Magic

    Aug 8, 2009

    You want to keep the Harry Potter flavor then. hm. I can see that, I mostly write pretty big AU myself, but I think your biggest challenge will be keeping it interesting. Maybe I should ask what the focus of your story will be? Harry learning his powers? Old hat that.

    The thing, to me at least, that made this stand out was the struggle between the groups and how Harry is could be caught in the middle. Balancing that focus with his tenure at Hogwarts would be exceedingly difficult. If the focus is not that struggle, then I fear you may lose your hook and end up with with a regular old Harry gets (insert-power) to fight evil with.
  15. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    Simple timetravel/alternate dimension story sort of inspired by inception but having nothing to do with it really.

    A magical accident (of the writes choice - make it original) has sent Harry off into an alternate plane of existance.

    When Harry regains conciousness, he sees that everything is different. Harry still thinks he is dreaming, as it is hardly anyone first guess that you have timetravelled.

    Harry assumes that his dreams are happening while he is a coma from the magical accident, so he goes about the world haphazardly meddling with everything. He kills people hes doesn't like, meddles with his alternate self, etc...

    However, he comes to the startling conclusion that he is not dreaming and that he just royally fucked up the reality he found himself in. Now he has to focus on damage control and writing his wrongs, and keeping himself out of Azkaban. All the people he killed because he thought it was a dream, their families come after him and there is little Harry can do about it.

    Harry goes about, slowly correcting his wrongdoings one at a time, liberal use of imperio/memory charm/AKs. Eventually after a long period of time, things calm down a bit and his involuntary bid as an rising dark lord is slowly forgotten.

    Harry settle's down with a family eventually, pick any pairing that you fancy, something completely random like Harry/Verity or Harry/Hestia, or hell Harry/Rita for more lulz. Not particularly important.

    Many years pass, kids go through Hogwarts, Grandkids go through Hogwarts. But Harry hates to be idle. He starts tinkering with magics beyond his comprehension, and one day another magical accident occurs.

    This time Harry wakes up in the Hospital Wing of Hogwarts, this time back in his original body.

    Dumbledore comes by, "Ah, Harry, I see you are awake."
    "Uh, what is the date and time, Sir?"
    Dumbledore says a random date and time only a week after the original accident occurred.
    "Ah fuck. so that WAS a dream!"
    "I'm afraid so, my boy. was it a good dream?"
    "FFFFFUUUUUUUUUU." Harry rages, realizing that the past 50 years of his life never actually happened, and that it was a dream all along. His family, they were never real. Hi was never in an alternate universe, because such ideas like that are absurd. His brain was just dreaming during his magical coma. An overactive imagination one might say. But how does he know this is real? There is some doubt in the back of his mind, because he wished he was still with his family, even if they were fake.

    Harry finishes Hogwarts, Defeats Riddle, does what a good wizard does and never kills anyone. He settles down with a random person again, could be anyone, but not the person from the dream. Could be a slytherin girl, but I think Harry/Luna would work best here.

    Harry thought about becoming an Auror, but instead becomes and unspeakable with Luna. She is a spellcrafter, or tests experimental charms. Harry takes interest in her work after several years. Harry could be the metamorphmagus!hitwizard from my previous idea, but is not necessarry.

    They have kids that go through Hogwarts, with normal names that don't include Albus Severus. Grandkids happen eventually too.

    Eventually Harry starts mucking about with Luna's notes, and attempts to recreate one of the interesting spells for himself. He botches the spell, causing a magical catastrophe. Luna watches on as Harry is consumed by the same spell that killed her mom. Harry blacks out from the magical whiplash

    Harry wakes up in the previous alternate dimension. He looks on at the city that is in ruins, the city that once held so many memories.

    Memories of Luna slowly recede to the back of his mind and memories of his previously dreamed relationship come back, the original one.

    He looks for the house they settled down in, but like the rest of the city, it is partially destroyed from natures persistence. Harry finds a newspaper and the date is that of several hundred years after he left. He wife and family are long gone and dead.

    Harry slowly becomes convinced that this is the real reality, and that he would never be waking up from it. He starts to think that the original reality with Luna was actually the fake one, and that this is the real one. Reality is in the perception of the behold after all.

    Harry slowly travels the world, getting more angrier and confused with each destroyed city he finds, and no sign of life anywhere.

    Many years passed with not a sign of a single human. Harry eventually finds himself back in Brittain, and more specifically, in front of Hogwarts.

    He is surprised to see Hogwarts is still standing, and in even better shape that he remembered. He walked up to the doors and pushed him open.

    To his surrised, he saw that there was a man sitting in the headmaster's chair. It was a man he recognized once upon a time, but struggled to recall now.

    That man had no problems however. He noticed he had an unwelcomed guest and stood up.

    "Harry Potter!" He exclaimed, arms spread wide. "The Boy-Who-Lived! Do you like what I've done with the place?"

    Harry froze with shock. "Y-Y-You! Voldemort! -I thought - I... you destroyed... Killed everything..... Kill me. Kill me! KILL ME!"

    Harry ran up to the immortal dark lord and practically begged to be put out of his misery. His mind was on the very of snapping from the endless solitude of the world. the world t hat Voldemort ruined. He was on the brink of going crazy, and he just wanted it to end.

    "Very Well."

    Harry saw the mouth move, and in a flash of green light, everything was gone.

    Harry woke up, and saw that he was in a train station, the familiar train station of King's Cross.

    Harry looked around for anything, but his mind was still on the verge of snapping. He saw nothing. He heard something though, the sound of a train.

    Think that his salvation was finally near, Harry jumped in front of the train as it soared past. Harry got eviscerated by the wheels and rails. Harry sighed in content that his miserable tantalizing life was finally over.

    Harry woke up once again in his original dimension. He was in St. Mungo's, and saw mediwizards walking around in the hallway.

    Harry didn't care though. He couldn't do anything but laugh. It wasn't a real laugh though, it was the giggle of a crazy man.

    He looked down at himself and saw that his arms were strapped across his chest. No matter though, after a few minutes and liberal use of his teeth, he chewed through them.

    He took the first wand that he saw and ran straight out of st mungo's. he did not realize that he was still completely naked, as he was completely insane.

    He stole a broom from somewhere and flew to the first place his scrambled mind could think of. his old house that existed in the other dimension. He got there and saw that the house was there, but not the family he was expecting. His wife was not in this dimension, but his brain could not comprehend that.

    Harry freaked out, and did not know what to do, so he killed them and ate them. He was hungry, and with some transfiguration, they looked delicious.

    He flew around randomly and found his way to somewhere. He had no destination in mind. in fact, he had nothing in his mind. He simply had one goal; to make this stop.

    He flew up high in the sky and jumped. as he plummeted, Harry pointed his wand out the ground and said the one phrase that he could remember. "Götterdämmerung"

    The earth ripped open beneath him as he plummeted from his broom. The sky was torn asunder, and the ocean lit on fire, as he insanely called forth the apocalypse.

    Harry landed in a pool of erupting lava and died.

    Harry woke up , this time in the familiar setting of Hogwarts Infirmary. He sat up and was immediately engulfed by a girl with a massive amount of red hair. The girl engaged him in fiery kiss.

    Harry broke out of it and screamed. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

    "Whats wrong Harry. You've been knocked out for three days, there was an accident in your potions class.

    "FUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKKKK!" 'please be a dream, please be a dream, please be a dream' 'if this is a dream, I should be able to die again like all the other ones, and wake up again, right?'

    Harry reached for his wand. He pointed it at Ginny first, out of spite. "Avada Kedavra."

    He then pointed it at himself "Avada Kedavra." the green light washed over him.

    Harry laid in a bed. Witches and wizards bustled around him, but none were paying attention to the unmoving boy.
  16. Stalin's Pipe Organs

    Stalin's Pipe Organs Auror

    Apr 18, 2009
    I really like the idea Lord Anarchy.

    You could make it into a short story with an immense downer ending. Just if you do, don't label it tragedy. You'd want it to be a complete surprise.
  17. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    I tried to make it so you can't tell if he wakes up again at the end, or if he is actually dead. I also thought about just ending it once he blew up the earth during his crazy time.
  18. Stalin's Pipe Organs

    Stalin's Pipe Organs Auror

    Apr 18, 2009
    My suggestion is that you should have him die at the end. It's original in the world of fanfiction to say the least and it will get the strongest reader response.
  19. EinStern

    EinStern Seventh Year

    May 25, 2010

    Unfortunately I don't really know very much biology and genetics and stuff, just that what you based your idea on was very implausible. I'd love to help, but I'm certain that there are people on this forum more qualified than I am.
  20. Garden

    Garden Supreme Mugwump

    Apr 25, 2010
    @Ichor- Cool idea, sounds like an epic Au. Just... No such thing as evolutionary levels or evolutionary response(who's responding?Evolution?). Those don't make any sense.
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