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Plot Bunny Thread

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Skeletaure, Apr 17, 2009.

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  1. Rin

    Rin Oberstgruppenführer DLP Supporter

    May 28, 2007
    I'm suddenly taken with the idea of a Hermione who figures out horcruxes and forces Ron and Harry to make ones of their on using Draco and some other unlucky sod after she's made one with Pansy. Then she decides to make several more. Being a muggle born who never became obsessed with trying to prove herself better than other wizards, she uses the the most creative ways she can to ensure no one will ever find her own horcruxes, and insists that Ron and Herry do the same. The Golden Triangle each make seven horcruxes because seven is a powerful number. Obviously Tom didn't get the memo that only making six horcruxes and his soul isn't good enough: you have to make SEVEN horcruxes. By the end of 5th year, pretty much most of slytherin is murdered by totally acidental circumstances that not even the most conspiratorial idiot could contribute to anything but pure fault of those who died commiting appernt suicide doing crazy shit so Hogwarts doesn't get closed.

    ---------- Post automerged at 18:47 ---------- Previous post was at 02:37 ----------

    Another bunny hopped through my head . . . a nice stupid one.

    So like, in the Roma (Gypsy) thread on the Politics subforum, someone half-joked about a nomadic Roma Krum.

    The bunny that this spawned in my head is a sort of "what if" any one of the characters were raised with the Roma. It has to be plausible. Maybe Harry got sold to them by Mr. Dursley. Maybe Veela are actual magical Roma. I wouldn't mind seeing Roma!Fleur or Roma!Harry, or some-such.

    Yeah, feel free to fling your feces at it now. I know it's dumb.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2010
  2. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Mm...well, I dunno about the Roma, but one storyline that I am working on right now is sort of similar to the one you suggested.

    I'm fleshing out the Valkyrian back-history at the moment, but I'm basically mixing together the Norse legends of the Valkyrie, the Greek legends of the Amazons and elements from the fictional Yautja (Predator) species' and Native American culture. (E.g., honor code, viewpoints on things, 'The Hunt', etc).

    Harry's taken as a babe from the doorstep, mere minutes after Dumbledore left him there, and is raised as a Hunter/Warrior.

    It's fun stuff going through all of these old legends and mixing and matching them, and all.
  3. imanut

    imanut First Year

    Jul 21, 2009
    Right now I'm working on some ideas for a story featuring a legit Lockhart who either mentors or inspires Harry. I can't decide exactly where I want to go with it, but what I have right now is that Lockhart is still the full of himself bastard that he was in canon, but instead of being a fake, all of his books are true. I was thinking maybe a story where at the end of second year he decides that Hogwarts is too boring for him, and so he returns to adventuring, except with Harry at his side.

    I don't know if its any good, but whatever.
  4. Rin

    Rin Oberstgruppenführer DLP Supporter

    May 28, 2007
    The power he knows not is one motherfucker of an Obliviate and Voldemort is reduced to little more than an 11 year old Tom Riddle in the body of some weird snake-looking thing.
  5. The Rock 'n Rolla

    The Rock 'n Rolla Raptured to Hell

    Aug 12, 2010
    Wherever it is they have good beer here.
    I just woke up from a dream alot like this plot bunny.

    Right so baisically it's a semi-crossover with Resident Evil and will probably be very AU.

    So the story is that many years ago (probably around 1960) Dumbledore heard a prophecy. I didn't catch all the words but it spoke of a coming darkness and the 'Perfect' Magical being. Dumbledore after hearing this prophecy creates the company Umbrella in an attemp to mask his true adgenda. He tries and fails for many years to create this magical being through means that I wasn't made aware of, but one night in 1980 he succeedes and Harry Potter is born. But he doesn't like being a weapon and goes 'rouge' eventually becoming the 'Darkness' that the prophecy spoke of. obviously Dumbledore then creates someone to replace him. I'm undecided on who it will be, but I'm thinking either Cedric, Hermione or Neville. I'm not to sure on what will happen either.
  6. Tomatta

    Tomatta Seventh Year

    Jun 10, 2010
    Surely it makes more sense for Tom Riddle to be the rouge and Harry the replacement?
  7. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    That would make more sense, yeah.

    Harry should -logically- be a tad superior to Riddle as well, but with Riddle having age, experience and knowledge on his side; the techniques and technology that created Tom Riddle would of been improved upon by the time that Dumbledore had decided to manipulate James' and Lily's DNA in order to create Harry.

    A nice bit of backstory that could be used is that, because Dumbledore did not believe in blood purity (or perhaps, eventually come to believe that by the time Harry's development came about and due to failure of Riddle), he chose Lily and James because they were extremely magically strong and healthy wizarding specimens: prime/superior genetic stock, regardless of Lily being Muggleborn. This does raise the question as to why Dumbledore did not use his own DNA, though: maybe because Riddle used his DNA, and since Tom went wrong, Dumbledore was worried that something within his DNA caused it? Or that he had a flaw in his genepool that would have a negative impact to the project?

    One plot bunny that I had was an A/U veering off from the Goblet of Fire.
    From the 'What happened to Fleur?' thread, people pointing out Fleur's behavior and possible back history (derived from her reactions/quotes) helped spawn this little demon.

    In this plot bunny, Fleur's family is middle-class, her father having an average job at the French Ministry of Magic (though not as mundane as Arthur Weasley's job).

    He could possibly be a director of a minor/unimportant department within the Ministry. (Possibly as a reaction/nod of respect to his family name: he is still a pureblood even if he has been disgraced/disowned, after all. See below).

    Although he himself did come from a wealthy and possibly pureblood family (Delacour, 'of the court'), he was disowned and cut off for marrying a veela and not a pure blood witch as was intended. He and Fleur's mother married for love (not lust aka veela allure), not for money/blood, and they believe in this choice for their daughters, too, by constantly turning down marriage contracts for Fleur.

    The result of this was that while they were not poor/destitute, they were not exactly wealthy or powerful in influence. (Thus turning a popular fandom cliche on its head).

    Fleur entered the Triwizard Tournament to try and bring some fame to both her and her family's name, as well as the prize money. As seen in the fourth novel, she is arrogant, conceited, etc, believing in being independent and wanting people to look at her, the woman/witch and not 'Fleur the witch with the veela beauty' (like "Just Harry" and "The-Boy-Who-Lived") and her own accomplishments, although she does care immensely about her family. While later on in canon she does mature and marry for love, not money (see Bill and the Weasleys), at this stage of her life she did not really see this life lesson just yet.

    Anyhoot, things continue up as canon until about after the first task, where she finds out by chance that despite Harry's scruffy attire and the rumours/declarations that he's an arrogant snob, he is actually a nice/noble/brave/humble and rather wealthy person (as the Potters were originally a wealthy, pureblood family). This piques her interest, and she learns more about Harry and his back-history, including what she could of his home life and his previous Hogwarts adventures.

    As she's learning more about him (and thus her opinions of him change despite her disbelief of some of his deeds/stories), the events of the Second Task occur. Harry saves her sister and herself like in canon at great risk to himself, and this essentially confirms everything that she had heard of him.

    Fleur sets out to snare him, partly because she has become fascinated by him and that she wants to help him (that, and that he could bring great prestige and wealth to herself and her family. Unlike other women who would date Harry for just the wealth/prestige that came with 'The-Boy-Who-Lived', she'd be doing it for the wealth/fame that came with it -'The-Boy-Who-Lived'- while just wanting "Just Harry"). She hopes that in time, the affection that she had gained for him after him saving her and her sister would blossom into love, and that she could make him feel happy/loved (one of the things that he lacks in his life, really).

    Now, thing could go two ways here: since there's not that much known about veela, we do not know (as the text neither confirms or denies this) if Fleur is a full veela or a 1/4ths veela.

    Fleur could either be a full veela, or a witch that because of her veela heritage, is unnaturally beautiful and has a few 'perks' (see allure).

    Either way, the general arc of the storyline would start veering off from canon over time (Butterfly effect): after the events of the fourth year, Fleur would move to somewhere in England close to Harry, and help him get over his summer by being there for him. Cedric dying or not in the third task also changes the direction of the general storyline: if he lived and helped to confirm that Voldemort is back, events would move a lot quicker than in canon, and there wouldn't be a year of Umbridge/public hate at Harry). If he died, Fleur would be there to help him get over his grief/guilt.

    She'd also be basically defying Dumbledore by being with Harry/visiting Harry during the summer, and because of the Weasley's opinions of Fleur, could slowly -and unintentionally- drive a wedge between them and Harry. This wouldn't be a Weasley bashing or Manipulative Dumbledore storyline -far from it-, but a realistic portrayal of altered events. Harry declining an invitation to the Burrow (I'm not sure if this happened in canon, I haven't read the books for a while) either because he wanted to spend time with Fleur, or if Fleur wasn't invited/forbidden to come could also help drive a wedge.

    With Fleur's influence, Harry basically becomes more independent and more assertive when it came to Dumbledore/the Weasleys/the Order, although not going the traditional 'Indy!Harry' cliche of him cutting ties/going it alone. Basically, Harry would grow a backbone. Dumbledore and the other Order members respect this, though, and Dumbledore realises that Harry is more mature/could handle things sooner than anticipated. Things speed up in that regard compared to canon.

    Fleur eventually realizes her parents lessons of 'marrying for love', and although she eventually matures and sees this lesson, she has fallen in love with Harry and finally understands the lesson that her parents were trying to impart upon her and her sister.

    Things take a slightly darker turn, however, when Dumbledore realises the significance of Harry's scar during his fifth year, and what would have to happen, much to his grief over Harry's doomed fate.

    Fleur, however, becomes more and more suspicious of Dumbledore due to his suddenly odd behavior, despite his actions to try and keep key pieces of information away from her. She convinces Harry to be more cautious around Dumbledore.


    Sorry this is a bit jumbled/rushed. Just getting the jist of it down onto paper.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2010
  8. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Tom's pretty pale, I seriously doubt he wears any rouge. :facepalm
  9. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    You mean like McDonald?

  10. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Jesus fuck, two different people spelled rogue wrong.
  11. Phantom of the Library

    Phantom of the Library Unspeakable

    Nov 22, 2009
    Pfft, that's nothing.

    Around 6 million people can't spell it properly in WoW.
  12. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Quoted for fucking truth.
  13. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    World of Warcraft. Pft.

    "How to mine for fish?"
  14. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I was thinking about Groundhog Day movie the other day (I blame Joe and him mentioning it in Heartlands of Time) and thought that nobody did it properly in HP fanfiction. I don't mean doing it in a epic way, because it was done in such way that I doubt it can be done better (once again I blame Joe for this), but I'd love to read a good humorous take on this.

    For instance - my idea is to make it Triwizard Tournament Year. Harry dies at the graveyard and wakes up on the first day of the tournament. He is not sure if it was all dream or maybe he is a clairvoyant, but he has a dragon to defeat. Only this time he doesn't make it and dies one again, only to wake up in the morning. This repeats quite a some time and Harry discovers he really had a lucky shot first time around.

    In the end Harry is aware that he can't die and he needs to compete in the tournament, because any failure or not participating in the tasks make him "reset". Ending goal is to kill Voldemort at the graveyard. Horcruxes can be included, so if Harry has once a lucky shot at Voldemort it would still not release him from time loop.

    That for setup. Of course Harry would train himself to be a better wizard than Voldemort and all that, but it would be mentioned in few paragraphs and the rest would be humor, humor and humor with Harry trying to end loop and different outcomes of situations that happened to him in canon.
  15. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
    High Score:
    On a slightly related topic:

    Somewhere on my hard drive, I've one where Harry's been stuck in a Groundhog Day for an eternity. He has acquired the ability to play the perfect game of Quidditch and he bags Su Li, having worked his way through all the ladies in his year in Hogwarts in the aeons past.

    He's realized he's stuck in a time loop and sets up such things as challenges for himself. Going from having never spoken to many of them to wooing their panties to their ankles in a single 24-hour day has become his only motivation, the sole thing that keeps him going.

    I didn't think it was inspiring enough to post, mostly a time-waster, but I could look it up if anyone's interested.
  16. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Wasn't there a Stargate: SG-1 episode (and hundreds of Star Trek episodes) like that?

    I remember seeing Jack O'Neill playing golf through a wormhole...
  17. Fiat

    Fiat The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Sep 2, 2009
    I'd read it if you could find it.
  18. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I'm interested. Challenges that main character is setting up for himself is what makes Groundhog Day interesting.

    By the way, did you know that in the original script for Groundhog Day movie Phil was going to read entire library? It was to show how much time must have passed for him to do this. I don't think I saw a fic where Harry read whole Hogwarts library, but I remember fics where he read way too much books in way too short period of time.
  19. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Has anyone ever thought about a transposition of the Harry Potter storyline/characters into another fictional setting, magic or not?
  20. Sacrosanct

    Sacrosanct Auror

    Nov 29, 2009
    Melbourne, Australia


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