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Plot Bunny Thread

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Skeletaure, Apr 17, 2009.

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  1. Radical Dreamer

    Radical Dreamer Fourth Year DLP Supporter

    Jan 13, 2010
    Fairbanks, Alaska
    True. I'm not good at crossovers since I don't often do them, thus why I stuck this here instead of writing it myself.

    And I'm an idiot for misspelling malevolent wrong. I'm up way too late tonight. :(
  2. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    To perform inception on Voldemort, you have to capture Voldemort. Which isn't exactly easy. But there is an easier way.

    Harry has the soul of Voldemort inside him, right? Just like Mal is for Cobb's dreams that spirit is the unstable element in Harry's dreams (which is actually what we see in canon). If you go deep enough, you can establish contact with that spirit. If able to bring it under control, you can extract the location of Horcruxes from inside there. (At least the ones he made up till that point)

    Another side-plot can be to figure out how to "remove" that soul spirit from Harry via the Dream Machine (or whatever it is called) to eliminate the Horcrux inside of Harry.
  3. Silens Cursor

    Silens Cursor The Silencer DLP Supporter

    Nov 23, 2008
    The other side of reality
    I think I can see a way around this, though - considering the Horcrux piece inside Harry's mind (like you mentioned) has shown evidence of a link between Voldemort and Harry. So perhaps, there might be a different way to get to Voldemort - through Harry's mind.
  4. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    That is something I had thought of before. But that would alert Voldemort what they were upto... also being a master at Occulmency (I don't know if I spelled this right) it is possible he should have some control over this. Even trying this would be risky because he would protect the Horcruxes more.
  5. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I said it long time ago - it's quite obvious plot bunny, but I've yet to see it done right.
  6. Admonkeystrator

    Admonkeystrator Seventh Year

    Jul 19, 2008
    Harry staring at the same spot in his cupboard, has dreams of Samara
    Samara stearing at the TV, has dreams of Harry
    In the movie The Ring, Samara apparently had a childhood, very similar to Harry's

    Maybe not so far into The Ring - perhaps H + S save each other from their respective fates?
    Though how to due so without mary-sue-ing Samara is a bit of a mystery.
    Still.. even if mary-sue works out to be the best option..
    How often do you see a dark!evil!mary-sue?
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2010
  7. Rin

    Rin Oberstgruppenführer DLP Supporter

    May 28, 2007
    I'd prefer Sadako over pedobait!Samara. Also, apparently
    smallpox is magical, or at the very least, sentient
  8. Admonkeystrator

    Admonkeystrator Seventh Year

    Jul 19, 2008
    not that I mentioned anything shippy...but:
    Harry Potter is a series of books about school faring teenagers and pre-teens in a magical setting.
    Its ALL pedo-bait.....

    I was thinking more Harry and Samara emerging from Dumbledore's pensieve, or the enchanted great hall roof, with an army of inferni .
  9. Scrib

    Scrib The Chosen One

    Dec 31, 2008
    Yea, I like the original version's Samara-Sadako- (the movie, not the even stranger books,which I have to find someday in English).

    Granted, Sadako would need to be downgraded a bit for Harry to even survive a run-in with her God-of-Death alter ego, but still. Being a wizard, Harry may be the only one to match a down-played Sadako's dark side and save her.

    And another benefit of a crossover is you can believably ret-con her history and motivation to whatever you want believably.
  10. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    I wonder if anyone's ever thought about a Doom/Harry Potter crossover?

    Simple: DoM workers (or Voldemort in his attempts to further his immortality/powers) fuck around with the Veil of Death. Finding ancient runes/symbols hidden underneath the initial layers of rock/stone, the aforementioned party fucks with the runes, changing the 'destination' of the veil from the afterlife to...well, hell. Unlike the trip to the afterlife which is 'one way', the nature of the dimension/alternate realm connected to by the Veil's new address allows for movement on both sides.

    Cue DooM 3 style demonic invasion of the Ministry of Magic and London/the world.

    Voldemort's stupidity in creating the horcruxes attracts the forces of Hell due to their unusual nature, making secondary openings: while the Veil is a neatly crafted 'doorway', the secondary openings caused by the consumption of the fragmented souls leave rough 'tears'. This drastically speeds up the invasion. Meanwhile, the DoM has become a 'Delta Lab'/'Deimos base' sort of area: half in phase with Hell itself.

    The sucker punch? The only way to shut down the Veil is on the other-side, meaning Hell. Harry, being the hero that he is, knows that he is the one who has to do it. It also means that it's likely he'd be stuck there after the portal is severed.

    Meanwhile, Voldemort, realising that his horcruxes have been essentially eaten by Hell, plans on 'doing a Betreuger' in order to achieve immortality.

    Haven't really thought this out much as it's essentially just come to me, but it ends up with Harry ending up with the Deathly Hallows, which give him a minor shot at surviving.

    Throw Harry Potter, DooMs 1, 2, 3 and RoE into a blender, and voila.

    Alternatively, instead of the DoM, it could be something to do with Azkaban.

    Another vague sort of idea is a Harry Potter sort of story set in the vein of 'Event Horizon' and 'The Cube', involving Azkaban Prison.

    Harry was framed, usual 'Harry in Azkaban' shit (although with the premise of the 'set-up' well thought out and somewhat plausible), when one day Azkaban simply vanishes into thin air: no sign of the island or the prison remain, aside from a catonic/deeply disturbed Harry Potter, who was floating on a piece of debris in the middle of the freezing North Sea. The team of aurors/his old friends who were sent to retrieve him due to his innocent being proven find him. (Typical Azkaban!Harry shit made somewhat plausible).

    After being dragged to St Mungos, Harry is found to be mentally broken: he's prone to hallucinations, screaming about impossible things and unspeakably horrific tortures, and often has long periods of catatonia.

    He ends up in a secure ward of St Mungos for the next 7 years.

    One day, however, Azkaban reappears: the MoM gets a distorted message from Azkaban.

    Harry, meanwhile, regains his senses and faculties, almost as if he hadn't been a madman for the last 7 years. The war with Voldemort still rages, although strangely it is not as active as it would of been, almost as if the Death Eaters were missing someone or something, and thus the take-over of the magical world hasn't happened as of yet. Remus, Ron, Bill and a few others are killed in the fighting.

    After being reunited with his friends -and dealing with the betrayals, etc- Harry is a part of the team send to Azkaban (after convincing them/being forced by the Minister) to find out what happened to both the prison and Harry.

    They find the prison empty and devoid of life.

    Investigating, the group's interactions are frosty at best, aka, typical Azkaban!Harry crap. Slowly, however, they warm up to one another, if only to get the mission done. There are a few 'red-shirt' aurors amongst the group: OCs, mainly.

    They soon start getting visions of their deceased love ones: for Harry, it's Sirius, for Hermione, Ron, and for Tonks, Remus and for Fleur, Bill. Each urges for them to 'come home'.

    Soon, twisted shit starts happening, and clues to what happened to the amnesiac Harry and Azkaban become known: journal entries, Harry's cell covered in bloody runes, etc. They find the mutilated and twisted remains of some of the Ministry workers/aurors that were posted to Azkaban, as well as those of the inmates. Remains of the dementors are also found, killed in seemingly impossible ways. Typical 'horror/ghost film' sort scenes, like blood on the walls, ghosts, etc. Some of the red-shirt aurors are soon killed in horrific ways/'accidents', and it soon becomes apparent that where-ever Azkaban had been for the last 7 years, it's brought back a sentience with it, urging them to go to the bottom of the prison/into the depths of the isle.

    Finally, the mystery is solved: the dementors long-term effects screwed with Harry's soul fragment, allowing it influence as he slowly became hateful of the world in general. Voldemort at the time was also mentally assaulting Harry through the link, although due to the dementor's influence, he was unaware that the soul fragment that consisted of his connection was also doing the same.

    He prepared a ritual in his cell using his blood that was created due to the soul fragment's influence. He travelled to the bottom of the prison, and created a gate that allowed him to bypass the wards and allowed him exit from the prison. Unfortunately, this had the 'side effect' of sending Azkaban to god knows where, and tearing out the soul fragment as well as Voldemort's consciousness from Harry's scar and dragging it along for the ride, wrecking his mind as part of it was scrambled, hence why he went crazy. He also had a link to view what horrors the dementors, inmates and Ministry workers went through, too, via the soul fragment.

    The reason why the Death Eaters/Voldemort haven't tried to take over the magical world yet and still stick to their current tactics is because Voldemort is catatonia: his mind was sucked into what was essentially Hell, and the Death-Eaters don't know what to do. It seems that they're waiting for him to 'wake up', especially after what had happened to Snape. (After being forced by the others to enter the Dark Lord's now empty body's mind just after the incident occurred, something happened to Snape's mind that stopped him from reporting back to Dumbledore/the other Death-Eaters. Plot hole sealed).

    Although the doorway created was destroyed during the initial trip, it's slowly rebuilding itself, and it won't be long before it returns to the dimension. The group and Harry have to find a way off of/out of Azkaban, which is determined to drag them back with it, especially Harry.

    Now, Harry could either 'go like Weir', here, or still remain the protagonist and try to escape with the others.

    Ninja edit: full of plot-holes and errors. Blame that on it being 8:20 and me not sleeping all night. If this idea has any merrit, I'll write up a more detailed plot bunny when I haven't got caffine deprived shit for brains later on.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2010
  11. Jibril

    Jibril Headmaster

    Jun 7, 2006
    50.26°N, 19.02°E
    This is AWESOME! Somebody needs to write this. Especially the Azkaban!Harry part.
  12. Grinning Lizard

    Grinning Lizard Supreme Mugwump

    Sep 25, 2010
    United Kingdom
    Great idea, Ichor, but a couple of suggestions:

    • Souls should come into it, and the Dementors should be a part of it. With the central theme of Hell being human souls, Voldemort instead of just 'losing his mind' should become something akin to a dementor victim, by losing the fragment of his soul that he currently uses.
    • Combine the DoM and Azkaban ideas, instead of one or the other. Voldemort's fooling with the Veil enacts an Elder-Scrolls style 'plane of Oblivion comes closer to the mortal plane' thing, triggering the other bits, and Harry creates the portal in Azkaban because he's the only other living embodiment of a Voldemort soul fragment (aside from Nagini), undergoing some sort of possession that makes him open the portal.
    • Don't use 'journal entries' cluing them into what's occurred, but use strands of pensieve-type memory or something (magical representations of Harry losing his mind to the demon?) and official auror/warden logs. Make it harder for them to read the runes; only a single auror with them completed an Ancient Runes OWL, and struggles with it, as opposed to 'oh these runes what I wrote say this'.
    • Make the Snape bit a lot more interesting, as opposed to just a plothole patch, by having him become possessed or something by entering Hell through Voldemort's mind. Once he's recovered, with the aid of a hell-bent demon within him, voila we have a new villain.
    • Don't make the Harry goes to Azkaban bits anything approaching typical. Do an original one of some kind - gets sent for Cedric's murder or something, which is what probably would have happened if Fudge hadn't convinced himself on the spot that it'd been a 'horrible accident'. Don't have his friends testifying against Harry and all of that shit, for one, and have Dumbledore campaigning to get him out. Make that plot (which will be the main plot for the first act, not just a subplot) fairly decent. When he's found, the fact his innocence is proven is why it's so bittersweet that he's lost his mind. Dumbledore's campaign is successful, they prove it wasn't Harry's wand to kill sparkles, but oh shit this has gone wrong.
    • Don't use the convenience of seven-years' catatonia to kill off various characters you don't like. Especially Ron - this is the perfect opportunity for a wartime Ron and Harry, who don't agree on anything but are on the same side. Ron underestimating the Demons, for example, as they start to break through, thinking they're 'just another dark creature' or somesuch. An allies-but-not-friends relationship, which had the war continued would probably have been how their friendship devolved.
    A couple of contributing ideas, to take or leave at your whim. But overall a great bunny and definitely something you should now spend three years of your free time writing.

    Go do it. Nao.
  13. Oruma

    Oruma Order Member

    Dec 13, 2010
    PoCo, Canada
    Since it failed to post the last two times, I'll cut it short and just post three Bunnies.
    Please let me know if these have been done before, or how I could improve upon them, etc.

    (1) Harry Potter: Time Traveler
    -Inspired by:
    TimeTravel!Harry stories like NoFP
    A DarkFuture!Harry time travled to the past, to set right whatever went wrong by taking over the body of his child self. So a 10-year-old-soul Harry (or 10!Harry for short) woke up in said dark future world, with no money, little magical abilities (10-year-old magic core and no training at all), and a battled 30-year-old body and many Dark Wizards/ex-Death Eaters who wanted him dead. Thankfully, he's picked up by Agents from Temporal Investigations...friends, at once old and new.
    -Main Characters:
    10!Harry, Veteran!PotentialLoveInterest!Agent Luna Longbottom, Veteran!SilverArmed!Agent Dean Thomas. Most others were dead or incapcitated.
    Could work as a parody and dig at TimeTravelFics, or as a straight action adventure story.

    (2) Harry Potter: Temporal Investigations
    -Inspired by:
    All those dastardly TimeTravel fics.
    There's a trio of agents in the Ministry of Magic, Department of Mysteries, Temporal Investigation Unit that protected the fragile timelines from temporal incursions. They chased supervillains, fought off interdimensional abdominations, and prevent desperate heroes from changing histories. This was/is/will be their story.
    -Main Characters:
    Susan Bones "Red", leader of the team; Astoria Greengrass "Black", research, theories, investigations; Luna Lovegood "Silver", war veteran, enforcer, possibly the most dangerous witch in the world. (Through their missions they would accidentally inspired legends, such as the three witches from Macbeth.)
    Another angle of Time Travel stories. Could be humor and action adventure, but also have potential for angst/drama whenever the trio confronts people with dead friends' faces, and especially Desperate!Harrys.

    (3) Harry Potter: A Fellow Traveler
    -Inspired by:
    All those dastardly time travel stories (again)
    Most of his friends and love ones dead, a DarkFuture!Harry tried to travel back in time and change history. He was stopped during the process by a fellow time traveler, who told him not to throw away what he had left and tried to pick up the pieces of his life. (After convincing him to return, the time traveler was revealed to be his older self, who HAD picked up the pieces and found peace.)
    -Main character:
    DarkFuture!Harry, a Time Traveler
    Most likely just an oneshot with a more optimistic theme.

    Again, please comment on the pros and cons of these bunnies, and/or point out similar stories if they exist! Thanks!
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2010
  14. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    The only way Luna would ever be the most dangerous witch in the world is if she accidentally summoned Cthulhu.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2010
  15. b0b3rt

    b0b3rt Backtraced

    Sep 28, 2010
    If the second one is supposed to be parody-ish, there's nothing wrong with making Luna super-competent.
  16. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
  17. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
    High Score:
    @Seratin: I believe it's extended canon that Luna named her vagina Cthulhu.

    @Oruma: You're new, so you may not be aware of this, but few plot elements traipse as close to the "autofail" line as the fanon Magical Core. (Soul Bonds come to mind).

    I've seen variants of #1 done in BtVS Xander-wank (with different characters, obviously). It sucked pretty bad, as I believe it would if commuted to HP. Yeah, it might be salvageable if someone who channels the awesome were to tackle it, but these people are few, far between, and generally have too many of their own story ideas to take on something like this.

    #2 is likely to turn out bad, a story premise that sounds like a bad comic book. See notes above. "Time cops" just don't interest me unless there's something more. Also, the whole faux secret agent/code name stuff is weak, if not played for humor or irony (a la nonjon's The DA Missions or, for that matter, Ian Fleming's novels). Go read some le Carré novels if you want to see the spy/secret agent thing done right.

    Your third story has elements in common with Time is the Fire by Oddment Tweak. I hated the story's basic premise (you can read my comments in the story thread), but some seem to like it.
  18. Oruma

    Oruma Order Member

    Dec 13, 2010
    PoCo, Canada
    Thanks for the responses.
    Urgh. I didn't know about DLP's hatred of "Magic Core" (then again I've only spent a few days here). Well, that bit is out methinks; the "didn't believe in magic and never been to Hogwarts at 10 years old" would probably suffice (if I salvage that story).
    * By the way I share the same hatred of so-called "soul bonds".*
    Time Cops *roll eyes*
    Forgot to mention that it was supposed to be another Dark!Future!background for this one, that's why these three were the main characters. The colors were not, in fact, codenames; just their hair colors (I was thinking about the three witches as in Gargoyles, how they were identical except for hair color)...okay so that was a little random.
    @Seratin: Argh! I meant desperate!Harry as in "doing whatever he could to save his world" kind, not the "horny but no woman around" kind, thank you very much! Now I couldn't get that image out of my mind! *ROFL*
    @Perspicacity: Will read said story first; I'll get back to you later :)

    I guess if I have my dastardly amazing writting skillz *roll eyes* they may be salvagable, but I guess these three will go back to D-Hell for now.

    Before I go on to other bunnies, can someone suggest
    (1) good Hufflepuff!Harry stories, (2) Healer!Harry stories?
    Again, thanks in advance!
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2010
  19. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Souls would be a good idea: seeing tormented visions of the prisoners/apparitions would be a good 'skidding the pants' element for both the reader and the characters.

    By 'losing his mind', I meant in the vein of having his soul/consciousness sucked out much in same sort of manner how a dementor would do a kiss victim, but through the scar link.
    The beauty about Event Horizon was that the dimension that they were sent to wasn't actually Hell as we know it: it was basically a fucked up dimension where the laws of physics were turned on their head, and where 'pure evil' prevailed. Reading the original Event Horizon script actually had the reincarnated Weir as the embodiment of some sort of ancient and primal/evil force/consciousness native to that dimension. Sure, that could be called Hell and the sentience 'The Devil', but the ambiguity of it all was a key part of the charm. The Hell in DooM 1 and 2 /DooM 3/RoE are also alternate dimensions, but they're much more 'traditional' with the whole 'Judaic Hell' angle.
    Warden/staff journal entries is what I had originally meant: I didn't exactly explain things in full in my original plot bunny, and for that I apologise. The pensieve memory angle could be worked well - old vials of memories left around by the former Azkaban staff for evidence could be found as well as having supernatural type projections of unseen memories/events blasted onto the walls or into the team members' minds.
    I was thinking Hermione could do that, or at least have a vague inkling of what the runes did/do: like how one of the team members in Event Horizon took ages in descrambling/cleaning up the video logs, maybe she could spent time researching/translating the runes, and then be freaked out when she gets a defined result? (Perhaps a momentary vision of what lurks behind the 'gateway'?)
    That's a great idea! Having a mentally screwed up Snape around may just work out, especially if his actions are ambiguiable to the characters. (Right intent, wrong methods). Snape's actions in canon were to make sure that Harry survived, due to his dedication to Lily: maybe this could be worked in somewhere with Snape's twisted mindset?
    Agreed. One major letdown of the 'Azkaban!Cliche' is that the plots used to send Harry there or the circumstances that involve his framing are pretty flimsy at best. Most Azkaban!Harry authors also throw out the canon!character developments when having Hermione and company testify against Harry.
    While that could work, it wasn't strictly to have characters 'just killed off', but to give members of the investigating team personal 'demons' that the sentience would use to torment/persuade them. If, for example, Hermione felt guilty that Ron had died because of her (through legitimate reasoning or through 'survivor's guilt'), the sentience would use that to torment her through conversations and visions.

    (Wouldn't you want to shit yourself if you saw a blood stained/rotting vision of your former love talking to or blaming you?)

    I'll definitely be working on fleshing this one out.

    Except that the whole 'love interest' angle would be flawed: he might be 30 physically, but mentally he's a 10 year old.

    The whole 'inspiring legends' thing could work, but...

    I think that this -as a oneshot- has the most promise, here. The rest are just rehashed atypical time!travel cliches.

    I think that most timetravel!Harry stories are pretty much the same as at least one those plot bunnies.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2010
  20. Rin

    Rin Oberstgruppenführer DLP Supporter

    May 28, 2007
    It's not secret around there that I might vehemently disagree with Taure's "skill" theory, but even I dislike "magical cores."

    DLP in general probably dislikes "magical cores" first and foremost, because they're not canon. In fact, not only does nothing in canon support the idea of magical cores, but multiple instances of canon would seem to suggest that wizards don't have magical cores.

    Beyond that, though, is that "magical cores" have featured in several (in)famous stories that have spawned a thousand copycats - they might not have been cliches when they were written, but they originated the cliches that DLP so hates. NoFP is one such story.
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