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Plot Bunny Thread

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Skeletaure, Apr 17, 2009.

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  1. Oruma

    Oruma Order Member

    Dec 13, 2010
    PoCo, Canada
    Well like I said, I can make do with the "10-year-old-don't-believe-in-magic-not-even-heard-of-Hogwarts-anyway" angle for limiting his magcial abilities.:)

    As for potential!love!interest!, I guess he'll have to wait till he's mentally 20/physical 40 for the relationships without it becoming squicky.:facepalm

    As for NoFP...well I did mention it to be an inspiration :awesome
  2. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    And that stopped DLP authors when? ;)

    Love HP/Event Horizon idea. Has much potential, but I'm against killing characters to gave others personal demons. That's an easy way to take, be more original.
  3. Admonkeystrator

    Admonkeystrator Seventh Year

    Jul 19, 2008
    One interesting point about doom/hp - is that he can hold his torch and wand at the same time, since they are one and the same!
    However, does he have to 'nox' the torch in order to cast other spells?!

    Also of note - I wonder why there's no plot bunny bouncing down the Doom/Dresden lines.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2010
  4. Grinning Lizard

    Grinning Lizard Supreme Mugwump

    Sep 25, 2010
    United Kingdom
    Basically the plane of Oblivion in TES as well. And, as far as I'm concerned, the best way fiction portrays Hell. But working in the classic interpretation to an extent would be awesome, especially insofar as souls go.

    Both of these are better than my suggestions. A nice way to avoid too much in the way of OC reliance, using Hermione, but perhaps there's a better character (while avoiding OC's is good, the idea that Hermione would be going in with an auror squad and then the only one there who could do this is a bit iffy). It could be done, but it's going to be harder to write it and make it believable than using someone like Bill, going in to break the bizarre wards that've cropped up around the place, or some other canon char that's got a brain on their shoulders. Dawlish, a total arseholen who is otherwise useless, turns out to be the only one there with any proficiency in ancient runes, for example. Gives the third dimension to a minor antagonist.

    This is much better than my idea. I was thinking demon possession, but having a cracked Snape with shards of Voldemort's twisted mind in his head and plagued with visions of hellfire would be a pretty terrifying prospect, especially if he's trying (or thinks he's trying) to do some good. Makes a very human and yet very monstrous character out of Snape in one go.

    Exactly. The more reality - and real legal process - as you can throw in here, the better. The reason I suggested Cedric's death as a divergence was because the 'Voldemort's Back!' subplot, with Fudge breaking ties with Dumledore, would be an exceptionally complex political backdrop and make it more likely that they could sentence Harry without Dumbledore being able to do anything about it. The campaign that Dumbles and the rest of them wage therefore has to be a campaign of reputation, trying to clear Harry's name through the press and releasing stories of his heroic exploits or w/e, because between Fudge and Malfoy the political/legal process is locked.

    Too often Azkaban stories have the trial, release and apologies completely rushed through and without any substance, so eager are the authors to reach the real story. 'Oh - it's only been a chapter, but three years have passed and it turns out that no, Harry didn't murder the entire Weasley clan, surprise surprise...' etc. Here, the behind-bars story is integral because of Harry's descent into Hell, and it'd make sense to have a true-substance story ongoing with not only Voldemort, but all of the axes at play; Fudge/Malfoy, Dumbledore, Weasleys/Hermione, etc. Isn't that point in canon Percy's divergence as well?

    Aye, no accusation intended. As Celestin said, killing off characters just to give people something to think about it worse reading than a well-built character interaction. Have a think about the Ron idea specifically - it'd have more impact to kill off that char after you've had a Ron/Harry feud anyway, and would give Harry a hell of a lot more to feel guilty about. And something to do with the Remus/werewolf thing might be nice too, but it depends on where you want to take it and how you're integrating magic as an entity into this other realm.

    It's your story and go where you need to, but it can look very cheap if you scrap certain opportunities in order to quickly reach a resolution. It's shouldering serious character development out of the way so you can get to the character you prefer.

    If you want a beta for this when you start penning, I'm game. Bitchin' idea is bitchin'.

    Edit: apologies for tl;dr. Eurgh.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2010
  5. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Don't be vulgar... it's an octopussoir. :awesome
  6. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Little idea for a crack time travel story.

    Very old Harry Potter is reflecting his life and comes to realization that he spent it all on fighting one Dark Lord after another without anything in between. So he decides to manipulate a new wannabe DL to steal something from DoM, only to kill him afterwards. What he wanted is prototype (and not yet tested) of the Time Turner, first one that in theory will take user much farther in the past. Not really caring what will happen Harry uses it.

    He ends in the past, let's say around his 6th year, with much younger body and all life ahead of him. The only problem? He thinks of it as an alternate world and doesn't really care about this Voldemort or Death Eaters to extent he is more willing to ran away from them than fight if he happen to see them. He did his part first time around and is not willing to make it second time.

    Now, of course Dumbledore doesn't agree with Harry's new philosophy and is trying to manipulate him into doing his part. Only this time he has worthy opponent as Harry is as old and has as much experience with manipulating people as Albus. It's a battle of wits between two grumpy old wizards.
  7. b0b3rt

    b0b3rt Backtraced

    Sep 28, 2010
    That's kinda stupid, given that with all that future information he can quickly and easily (considering his life and magical experience) destroy the horcruxes, take out the death eaters, and put down Voldemort. Not sure why he would waste his time arguing with Dumbledore about it then.
  8. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Sure and then what stops him from defeating the next one? He also knows about him. What about the third one? Fourth? And so on and on to the moment he is as old as he was the first time around.
  9. b0b3rt

    b0b3rt Backtraced

    Sep 28, 2010
    He would take what he learned through decades of political manipulation, become supreme ruler over the magical world, and stamp out idiocy everywhere

    yeah, I get your point - but how can he enjoy life if there's a dark lord taking over the world?
  10. Mutt

    Mutt High Inquisitor DLP Supporter

    Jun 1, 2010
    Maybe it's 'cause I'm a sucker for time travel, but that sounds cool. You should write it. :D
  11. Silens Cursor

    Silens Cursor The Silencer DLP Supporter

    Nov 23, 2008
    The other side of reality
    Because a campaign like that takes time, it doesn't happen immediately. Harry could choose to go and do something else for a few decades, or go to the other side of the planet, almost like what was suggested in Wastelands of Time, and that scene was profoundly moving.

    It's a believable story - I see it as a oneshot, albeit a longer one.
  12. Tenages

    Tenages Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 19, 2010
    Philadelphia, USA
    Except at this point he doesn't. People always forget this in time travel stories. By taking he action, he alters the future. By wiping out Voldemort quickly, he will have created massive differences between this world and the one in which he lived. The idea that subsequent dark lords will rise in such a way that his knowledge of their actions from the old world are useful, is frankly retarded. In all likelihood, even the identities of the new DL's would change.
  13. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    That depends on if you go by 'butterfly effect' route or 'destiny' route.
  14. Tenages

    Tenages Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 19, 2010
    Philadelphia, USA
    If you go with the destiny route, then Harry is destined to stop those Dark Lord's regardless, making the both entire rationale behind his decision to travel to the past, and your whole story plot moot.
  15. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Or both: despite what butterfly effects are caused by Harry's actions, they inevitably end up forcing him to confront and kill those Dark Lords. (Destiny).

    I think that was pretty much the same sort of route that the original Prophecy followed: it was certain that Harry was going to defeat Voldemort, but there could of been many, many outcomes/routes for it: he kills him in a horcrux cave or at Malfoy's home instead of at Hogwarts, etc. Characters killed could of stayed alive, and character interactions could of been different. (See romance).

    That it, unless, the prophecy's end was just the Battle of Hogwarts, and there could be no other outcomes.
  16. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    One, who said that Harry would be aware of existence of the destiny, and two - who said that it was his destiny to defeat them? Maybe destiny was only about them becoming Dark Lords and nothing more. Not to mention you can go by route where destiny can be changed if someone is aware of it.

    And with Harry it also about matter of principle. He will not fight with Voldemort, because it is how it all started in the first place and he is not willing to repeat his past mistakes.
  17. Wizardmon0073

    Wizardmon0073 Second Year

    Aug 17, 2010
    If Harry will not fight against Voldemort, then he practically gives Voldemort free chance to conquer Wizarding Britain and enslave its population. Who else can fight LV ? Corrupt Ministry or inefficient Order ? Without Harry Potter Voldemort would have won soon after 1981 and he would have surely won in DH time frame. And what would become of morale of "Light Side" if they see their savior just giving up ? They would fold like house of cards.

    Harry Potter who does not fight would maybe avoid his past mistakes but he would be making other new mistakes that could be catastrophic.
  18. Tenages

    Tenages Order Member DLP Supporter

    Aug 19, 2010
    Philadelphia, USA
    That an extraordinarily restrictive idea of destiny. It only works to force toe villain into a course of action, while everyone else decides their future? At that point you've crossed from an interesting plot idea to a Deus Ex Machina. Also, even if destiny worked this way in the story, Harry's future knowledge of how the new Dark Lord's rise would be still be invalidated.

    Sure you can. At which point you're back to my original point that they butterfly effect effect must be taken into account. If Harry's actions change the course of history and 'destiny' than they alter the world to the point that his future knowledge becomes increasingly useless.

    tl;dr Any time-travel story that fails to deal with the butterfly effect and the consequences of altering 'know history' aren't worth reading.
  19. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Who else? Dumbledore, of course. Like I said, this Harry thinks that he did his job, saved everyone from Voldemort and is not planning on doing this again. For all he cares this world is not his, these people only look like his friends and he plans to have very long vacation far away from any Dark Lords.

    Once again who said anything about it only works for villains? And destiny as I see it is rather tricky thing. It can say that one guy will become DL and will be killed by some other good guy, but it didn't say which one. That works for the other side to - someone is destined to become hero and defeat DL, but which one isn't clear. Some have it and some not, some try to fight with it, some want it to happen. Makes things more interesting.

    Sure, but why he needs to know it? He knows who this guy is, he monitor him, see that he is trying to do something bad he takes him down. He is just unwilling to spend his time on this.

    See above.

    Suit yourself.
  20. Johndoe022

    Johndoe022 Third Year

    May 25, 2009
    I generally dislike stories that have as a basis harry/ginny pairing. But I also am a fan of the....well unconventional like well harry/lily. Do you guys think that there would be any future to a story to where ginny dies (COS) and lily takes her place as something left over from her sacrifice or something. I don't know I just lost what I was thinking about.

    Its just as much as I love different pairing harry/Tonks,harry/Daphne fanfics It would be interesting to read something that was a lily/harry pairing with a Dark Lord Only Crunchy / Lies I've lived vibe to it.
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2010
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