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Plot Bunny Thread

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Skeletaure, Apr 17, 2009.

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  1. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    I'm oddly reminded of a manga called Drifters (written by the creator of Hellsing). Still, I quite like this bunny.
  2. Stalin's Pipe Organs

    Stalin's Pipe Organs Auror

    Apr 18, 2009
    You might want to tie down that plotline with a few down-to-earth subplots. The fic may easily be ruined by its own uncontrolled epicness.
  3. b0b3rt

    b0b3rt Backtraced

    Sep 28, 2010
    Johnny: That could be insanely epic, but you'd have to be a really good writer to pull it off. I could see Santi or Joe doing it... to be fair, I could see a few other DLPers pulling it off as well, but nobody else writes with enough consistency to actually finish it ever.
  4. Oruma

    Oruma Order Member

    Dec 13, 2010
    PoCo, Canada
    DO WANT!:awesome

    How about both Harry AND Luna are trained as Hit-boy and Hit-girl, though through different means (Harry by Sirius, Luna by her father) and have a kind of relationship like Batman and Catwoman? :D

    ---------- Post automerged at 00:54 ---------- Previous post was at 00:28 ----------

    I had an idea a while back, a HP/Discworld crossover.

    Short version: Death of Discworld adopted Luna.

    Death of Discworld adopted Luna as a daughter after her mother's experimental spell destroyed their house and killed her mother. The girl was raised in Death's realm and found her place reading the biographies of people. She was most interested in the story of one Harry Potter.
    Meanwhile back in the world of HP, Harry goes to Hogwarts. (only certain events are protrayed)

    Year 1, Harry confronted Quirrelmort, and at his near-death moment Death also had a near-Harry moment. He saw the 7-foot skeleton and his little girl, visiting her home reality.

    Year 2, Harry fought the Basilisk and saved Ginny, who Luna recognized as her childhood friend. Luna called for Fawkes (as Death's adopted daughter she had certain connections with an avatar of life). Harry again saw the little girl when he was near death, and began to ponder why he saw this strange girl.

    Year 3, Harry fought for his, Hermione's and Sirius' lives and souls. Unbeknownst to them, Death and Luna were hiding among the Dementors (because Harry was having yet another near-death experience, to the annoyance of Death) (his life-timer was apparently as twisty as a certain Wizzard on the Disc). Harry caught a glimpse of Luna and felt hope--every time he saw her he lived--and was able to cast the Patronus. He continued puzzling about the strange deathly girl, and started looking into various mythologies about such an entity.

    Year 4, again, Harry saw Luna, this time at Voldy's rebirth ritual. (She had begun training, ala Mort, and was there to take Cedric's soul away) His heroics was such that she began to fall in love with him.

    Year 5, Death decided that Luna should have a chance at life, and prepare to send her back to her home reality, the HP-verse. Cue battle of DoM: Luna, knowing how much Harry loved Sirius, gave up her chance and pushed Padfoot out of the Veil. When Sirius recounted the story of the strange girl to Harry, Harry realized that Luna was not a fragment of his imagination, and came to think of her as his guardian angel.

    Year 6, Harry began his training against the Dark Lord. He found out about the old Lovegood house near the Burrow, and that after the investigation they found that the explosion was actually caused because Luna's mother actually was experimenting on and attempting to destroy one of Voldy's Horcruxes. He also found a picture of Luna, his Deathly Angel. Meanwhile, Luna continued her training, as her one chance to return to the living world was lost. She decided to stay away from Harry, but Death noticed that she was depressed and slowly turning inhuman, like him.

    Year 7, Harry hunts the Horcruxes, but was also slowly gathering the Hallows. He kept dreaming about Luna. At the climax, he was killed by Voldemort and entered Death's realm. As Master of Death, he was able to return to life and gain one favour from him, and he chose to take Luna with him. Cue defeat of Voldy in Hogwarts, and two months later, Harry walked in to the Department of Mysteries, and in exchange of the DHs, Luna walked out of the Veil and into the arms of Harry Potter. Death winked as the two gave themselves a chance.
  5. The Arid Legion

    The Arid Legion Professor

    Oct 6, 2010
    If you do decide to write it I'm not going to read it now beacause one your ending swallows and two I already know what's going to happen. This is a thread to post your plot bunnies. Not a place to put up, what seems to be, a challenge of some sort.

    Whatever it was it definitely wasn't a plot bunny. Also it seems kind of bland and boring, you know? It's just same old, same old romance stuff with a new coat of paint slapped on.
  6. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    Potter Law Uno. That is all.
  7. Sacrosanct

    Sacrosanct Auror

    Nov 29, 2009
    Melbourne, Australia
    Potter Law isn't the be all and end all. There are plenty of good fics out there that focus on another character.

    That being said I still didn't like the plot bunny because alternate universes are annoying and crossovers rarely workout and the ones that do are always written by near-profesional quality authors.

    I just hate it when people cite Potter Law as the only reason for not liking something.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2011
  8. Portus

    Portus Heir

    Nov 25, 2008
    Music City
    I have a hard time believing I'm the only person to thumbs-up this or comment on it, because I think it's incredible. Again, Celestin, I want to know where in the hell you get these magnificent plot bunnies. And again, I'm pissed that you told the whole damn story in here, instead of going and writing the thing so I can *READ* it, not just this synopsis. Bitch.

    I like it. I've had a tangentially similar plot bunny going for a while now, but it definitely goes in a different direction. Anyway, the only change I would make is for the story to not exclude Voldemort, but rather have six or seven Tom Riddles and/or Voldemorts now running around, possibly as a third faction in this uber-war. Imagine a diary!Riddle in cahoots with a diadem!Riddle, a cup!Riddle, a Nagini-esque!Voldemort, a locket!Voldemort, and even a scar!Harry/Voldemort, the most twisted one of all, and all of them having to be stopped by Master-of-Death!Harry and resurrected!Dumbledore.

    I think it has a Queens of Darkness-Ladies of Light angle that could be fucking epic. Oh, and if you're bringing back only the most bad-ass wizards and witches, there's no way you could leave Snape dead, and that would be another avenue of conflict to explore, as I doubt Snape would be keen on helping *anyone* after he went the distance to fulfill all his obligations once already. Unless you went the cheap route and brought Lily back as well, in which case Snape would be all in... :/
  9. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    You mean Twilight of the Wizards? What I wrote happens in its opening chapter and the whole story is about their journey. Why I'm not writing this? Because my English is rather poor and I'm still have problems with writing my first fic. Where do I get these ideas? Hard to tell, they just come to me. :)

    And you are right - Lindsey's plot bunny deserves thumbs-up.
  10. Portus

    Portus Heir

    Nov 25, 2008
    Music City
    Fuck me. I thought it was *your* plot bunny there... :facepalm
  11. Lindsey

    Lindsey Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    Oh, so because Celestin did not come up with that plot idea, it's not as awesome? Haha.

    I think Celestin and I have a very similar mindset. We both get these amazing plot ideas but are unable to write them because of lack of skill/time/other reason here.

    The reason why I have not begun to write it is because I do not think I am skilled enough to make it epic and I already have a story in works (as in the first three chapters have been posted.) This story I am writing now is going to be two books long at least and I already have two new stories that I want to write afterward (and this is not counting the one shot plots I have saved away). -There goes five years of my life, lol-

    The main reason is that I do not know the details of this story. I know the basics and the ending, but I do not know what Ginny/Lily would change. I would be willing to co-write it or even completely write it if I had help with hammering out the details and being able to talk it out with people.

    Btw, I should mention... Twilight of Wizards... is AWESOME. Someone needs to write this, now.
  12. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    Johnny, I hope to God you're writing yours. If there's one plot in the entire 84 pages of the thread that deserves to be written out, it's that one.

    Listen to yourself, Snape and Lily? :/ How do they make the cut when the body of resurrected wizards and witches are Grindelwald, Dumbledore, Andros, the Founders, Merlin? Peter Pettigrew going to wake up too?
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2011
  13. b0b3rt

    b0b3rt Backtraced

    Sep 28, 2010
    Yeah, Snape isn't coming back. I'd argue that Voldemort's soul fragments shouldn't come back either, and if they do they ought to be dramatically weakened for (insert plot-point/reason) as they'd otherwise be far too powerful in combination, even as a completely separate third faction.

    Let's see if we can't hammer out some more details?
    First of all, it makes no sense to have Grindelwald resurrected before Dumbledore - so he should come first, and then the rest in reverse order of their deaths.

    "Good Guys"
    Andros the Invincible (empty character)
    Godric Gryffindor
    Helga Hufflepuff (presumably powerful enough to have helped raise Hogwarts)
    Rowena Ravenclaw (presumably powerful enough to have helped raise Hogwarts)

    "The Undecideds" (either unsure of faction or placement on list at all)
    Salazar Slytherin (canon never explicitly stated he was evil - a basilisk for the purpose of ridding the school of muggleborns/half-bloods makes no logical sense and was presumably placed there for some other reason)
    Nicholas Flamel (not sure if he should be on the list - he could have been simply either incredibly intelligent or gotten lucky in making the stone)
    Antioch, Cadmus, and Ignotus Peverell (presumably they were powerful enough to create the Hallows, as I reject the anthropomorphic interpretation of death - leaning towards Ignotus being on the Good side, undecided on the other two).
    Ptolemy (famous figure, leaning towards Good due to academic/philosophical contributions)

    "Bad Guys"
    Herpo the Foul (creator of horcux, unsure if we should have one, two, or not have him at all)
    Merwyn the Malicious
    Morgan le Fey (presumably able to stand up to Merlin in a duel)

    ...looking back on the list, having seven Voldemorts running around wouldn't be impossible to take out if you stuck all or most of the undecideds on the good side. In all seriousness, I'd prefer that this sort of fic focus on epic fight scenes with multiple extremely powerful wizards throwing their weight around in duels, rather than war waged with armies that they command. This seems very much like Joe's and Shezza's playground, but Shezza is semi-retired and Joe is working on Heartlands >.>

    edit: Also, having gone through the HP lexicon and only getting three characters (Ptolemy, Merwyn, and Morgana) who aren't immediately obvious choices or already mentioned on this thread was really annoying.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2011
  14. Portus

    Portus Heir

    Nov 25, 2008
    Music City
    Maybe I saw that your post appeared to be written by a person for whom English is a second language.

    Anyway, it *is* a great plot bunny, whether you've been here from the beginning or just joined yesterday, so don't get your tampon string in a knot about my mistake, mkay?

    If you think Snape is anything other than the most accomplished wizard of *his* generation, you're deluding yourself. And the Lily thing was a joke, although many would argue she was better at magic than most of her generation as well. <-- irrelevant, except as needed for author fiat, but my point about Snape stands.

    What we hear about the Founders is that they were great, but can we pin a lot of awesome-sauce magic on Hufflepuff? One could argue she was the Peter Pettigrew of that lot, right? I'm not saying she wasn't superior, but we have a fuckload more canon evidence of a completely kick-ass Snape than we've ever had about Herpo the Foul or Andros the whatever. And before anyone says that Hufflepuff's Cup was reputed to have magical properties hurr durr - the Sword of Gryffindor was/is pretty bad-ass as well, but that's because the goblins made it, not because of anything old Godric did.

    Look, I don't like Snape very much myself, and have always enjoyed the guilty pleasure fics where Harry wtfpwns him in a fight, but let's be honest: he wiped the floor with Harry in the one narrator-POV fight Harry has with him, all the while taunting Harry to try getting him to pull his head out. Snape fought McGonagall, Slughorn and (I think it was) Sprout to a standstill while actively trying not to kill them, tricked every DE and Voldemort himself concerning his loyalty for years. This is all rehashing shit we've talked about numerous times, but if we're counting wizards who can fuck someone up and not break a sweat doing it, leaving out Snape is just juvenile.

    Hell, from what we saw in DH, Bellatrix was pretty fucking bad-ass as well, and there's nothing better for a story than resurrecting a bitch who was crazy *before* she got killed and brought back to life. Plus, the seven Voldemorts could run a train on her for the lulz/squick factor. <-- another joke, in case senses of humor have again been left at this thread's door.

    I don't know and haven't researched the Lexicon's list of famous witches and wizards, but many of those are empty characters as far as canon goes. Even Nicholas Flamel is pretty much a blank slate; all we know about him can be summed up as: he and his wife are old as fuck, he owns the Philosopher's Stone, and he worked with Dumbledore on Alchemy, finding the 12 uses of dragons' blood. Oh, and that he and his wife presumably died following the destruction of the Stone after Harry's first year at Hogwarts.

    Do what you like, of course, but I personally think Snape is worth considering. And yeah, seven Voldemorts, while likely a bear to manage/write in a story, would not necessarily mean army vs. army battles, just that you'd have a set of extremely dangerous opponents to deal with.

    Oh, and Grindelwald *should* come back before Dumbledore, as he was killed by Voldemort in DH, whereas Dumbledore died at the end of HBP.
  15. b0b3rt

    b0b3rt Backtraced

    Sep 28, 2010
    Right, my mistake about Grindelwald. Still, I don't think so much time should pass between resurrections that they get caught completely flat-footed.

    Also, regarding Snape and other characters in his generation: Now that I think about it, I tend to agree. Given what we know about him, it seems to be fully possible for him to have matched Voldemort had he undergone the vague, unspecified rituals to increase his power or whatever. He's certainly intelligent enough - the only reason he wasn't scoring as well as Riddle is because he didn't really care for much outside of Potions or Dark Arts, as far as we know. The same goes for making a horcrux - he didn't have an obsession with immortality.

    In my list, I acknowledged that we don't know fuck-all about a lot of these characters, but to be fair it's said somewhere that Gryffindor was the greatest dueler of the age. I can't imagine that just being the sword, really.
  16. Viper

    Viper Fourth Year

    Nov 30, 2007
    But he didn't. And so, Snape is not as skilled or powerful as Voldemort.

    But do we really? I might be forgetting canon but as far as I know nothing of that sorts has been mentioned. All we know that Snape had a penchant for Potions and a longing for D

    Correct. And that obsession with immortality is what made Voldemort seek out rituals and become uncharacteristically powerful.

    And sticking to topic : Here's a plot bunny of mine expressed uniquely.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2011
  17. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    Then no one from his entire generation comes back. When was it stipulated that the top gun from every generation come back?

    If you're not convinced then just drop Hufflepuff from the list. It's that simple.

    We're exactly not, we're counting wizards who are the legends of the wizarding world, not just merely competent people. Read between the lines of the plot bunny post.

    Duelling McGonagall, Sprout, and Slughorn (don't remember that at all either) to a standstill, not getting killed as a mole, that just proves that Snape isn't in the same league as Merlin presumably was, and can't contribute to the destructive worldwide scale conflict between titans of the wizarding world's history.

    It's assumed that each of the resurrected wizards are colossi and are armies unto themselves. Or if that's too close to Joe's territory then you ease up on the mass destruction a little.

    Bringing Snape back directly violates that.

    If you're saying you want to change the premise, lowering the standard from legendary figures in magical history to any wizard or witch who was merely exceptional, that's something different. But the spirit of this idea that has eluded you is that the mythic airs surrounding these figures are all true. We're ignoring everything along the lines of "Oh the truth was lost to the ages, these were tall tales, the actual people are much close to the canon norm". "Gryffindor was only great because of his goblin sword". Forcing that realism defeats the potential of the plot.

    The "presumable" is really the "actual".
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2011
  18. Lindsey

    Lindsey Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    Woah, I was just joking, I thought the haha covered that. Everyone makes mistakes, I can accept that.

    Was my grammar really that bad? English is more-or-less my second language (I learned both English and Swiss-German at home from a young age and Seattle fails at teaching grammar, so everything is self-taught.) I'll try to be better.

    I think Helga Hufflepuff should be included on the list. She helped build Hogwarts, which means she had to be much more powerful than the average wizard. We know nothing about her and it would be exciting and different to come up with a personality that no one expects. Her house symbolizes her, hardworking and loyal, and that does not mean she was weak (or even weaker than the other founders).

    Just because Sprout was weak in canon, does not make her whole house so.
  19. ParseltonguePhoenix

    ParseltonguePhoenix Unspeakable

    Oct 4, 2007
    South Carolina
    While I tend to agree with you that seeing Hufflepuff done well and maybe a little differently than canon would be awesome, I'm going to point out that just because she helped to build Hogwarts does not necessarily equate to being all that powerful. Logical fallacy. She may have just been an architect for all we know. Just saying.

    On the other hand, she's one of four from that time period who are remembered as legends. We can assume she had some skills, at least, just by the company she kept.

    With that said, I'd love to see what Perspicacity could do with Portus' take on Snape. See Persp's line on Pettigrew being a hardcore motherfucker for my reasoning for naming him specifically.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2011
  20. Portus

    Portus Heir

    Nov 25, 2008
    Music City
    I see where you're coming from, but that's also not how I read the bunny. And no, not every generation would have someone come back, but nowhere did it say "legendary", but here's what the bunny actually said:

    Snape fits both to a "tee", so I guess we'll have to agree to disagree, and anyway, I'm not planning to write this, so unless you are, it'd be up to the author to suss out who returned. I simply thought that since Snape is a known commodity, it would provide a lot of potential for conflict, both emotional and snarky, to have him be one of those that was resurrected.

    I was only busting your chops, so chill out. Hang around here long enough and you *will* be insulted - and I mean, *really* insulted, so start thickening your skin now and just let shit roll off you. Otherwise, you're gonna be mad every time you come here.

    And no one said Sprout = Hufflepuff, or that she was weak. After all, she dropped Mandrakes out the windows onto Death Eaters in DH, so she ain't afraid to kill some motherfuckers.

    I think Pers could make me root for Malfoy if he set his mind to it. And that's saying something...
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