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Plot Bunny Thread

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Skeletaure, Apr 17, 2009.

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  1. Jinx

    Jinx First Year

    Apr 25, 2009
    It's also similar to "Betrayal," a melodrama written by the late British playwright Harold Pinter, that was made into a film in the early 80's. It stars Ben Kingsley and Jeremy Irons. In it, we see a plot that's essentially told backwards, scene by scene, over a period of several years. There was a Seinfeld episode that parodied it.
  2. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
  3. The Arid Legion

    The Arid Legion Professor

    Oct 6, 2010
  4. Rin

    Rin Oberstgruppenführer DLP Supporter

    May 28, 2007
    This, for all intents and purposes, is the plot of 12 Monkeys.
  5. Admonkeystrator

    Admonkeystrator Seventh Year

    Jul 19, 2008
    <--- my av approves.

    However, I found that movie, mind-numbingly boring and immediately pulled out my Kung Fu selection.

    Speaking of Kung Fu - I've seen ninja!Harry and Katana.carrying!Harry.. but has there ever been a Wing Chun!Harry?

    Get some Bruce Lee happening in the potterverse.

    Enhanced with Magic, Crane,Dragon,Tiger,Mantis,Snake, and more importantly, Monkey style Kung Fu.

    It could make for an interesting plot bunny - or it could be a complete disaster of fic-ruining proportions.
  6. Sacrosanct

    Sacrosanct Auror

    Nov 29, 2009
    Melbourne, Australia
    Alright, I have never seen or heard of any of the movies mentioned. So I've looked them up and the only similarity to Momento is the the fact that it is told backwards. Everything else is different.

    And considering the plot of 12 Monkeys, you could use this plot to invalidate any time travel story as the only similarity is the time travel. The effects of the time travel are different as well as it turns out that
    the time travel is actually what caused the virus in the first place (I think, it was very confusing to read).

    Betrayal is in the same boat as Momento, the only similarity between it and my bunny is the way it is told.

    Ultimately, just because a plot bunny reminds you of this movie or that book or this play or whatever doesn't mean it is immediately invalidated or unworkable.
  7. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    I was actually arguing the same point as you - the method of delivery isn't the same thing as the plot, so knowing how the story is going to be told wouldn't ruin anything.
  8. Rin

    Rin Oberstgruppenführer DLP Supporter

    May 28, 2007
    Dunno why we need to use spoilers for a 12-year-old movie . . . isn't there a statute of limitations of Spoilers? I generally give a year, and that, to me, is being extremely generous.

    Anyway, the time travel did nothing to cause the virus. However, James Cole's and Kathryn Railly's efforts to thwart the initial spread of the virus ended up leaving clues such as the answering-machine message that, in the future, were interpreted as clues that the time travelers could use to stop the virus. As it turns out, they figure it all out too late, and the virus was spread at the security checkpoint by the king-of-incompetence TSA agent. He then chases after the terrorist only to be killed in front of his younger self. This event is what caused him to be all psychologically fucked up later in life, which got him sent to prison, which is why he was chosen, involuntarily to go back in time.

    I said the plot bunny was essentially 12 Monkeys due to the time-travel leading to the protagonist getting all psychologically fucked up, which causes him to trime travel, which psychologica . . . and so on. Also, Rowling's portrayal of time travel is consistent with 12 Monkey's portrayal; i.e., going back in time has no effect on the future from which you traveled - and in fact, may lead to your traveling back in time in the first place.

    All in all, I wasn't being particularly critical of the plot bunny, but essentially, it's certainly not innovative in terms of time-travel stories.

    No, you could not. 12 Monkeys (and Rowling) specifically adhere to a completely inflexible time-line such that nothing changes, no matter what you do in the past because it's already happened. Paradoxes are only an issue with this type of travel - although a paradox, by definition, cannot happen, the paradox is merely a trick of the human ability to string certain words together that form an illogical contradiction. You can't kill your parents because then you wouldn't be born to go back in time to kill them, so they would have you so you'd go back in time to kill them so they wouldn't have you and so on.

    Other theories of time travel posit alternate dimensions where the time traveler can freely change the past without erasing his own future - he could even go back far enough and kill his own parents before his parents conceived him without erasing himself because he merely eliminated the possiblitiy of that dimension's version of him from existing, not his dimension's (i.e., him).

    Another theory posits alternate time-lines - we see this in Back to the Future II, where the future is not so immutable, but neither are they in different dimensions - i.e. Marty could, in theory, kill his parents in 1955 and simply erase himself from existence.

    Another model of time travel is sending one's memories back into your younger body as oppose to sending your current body. This isn't so much a theory because this method could be used in conjunction with all three of the other theories. Maybe you send your memories back to a previous point in your life, but you either remember being possessed by your future self already, or you might simply have a blank spot in your memories from that time. You could send your memories to a seperate dimension, or form a different time-line.

    Last edited: Jan 24, 2011
  9. Lawl

    Lawl Squib

    May 12, 2010
    Right, had an idea of sorts. My first post here xD

    Starts off with a cliche: Harrys brother is the BWL, while Harry himself is 5 years older than the brother. Sort of a Bigbrother!Harry. Pettigrew has been in Azkaban for a while, while the other spy is still at large. Remus Lupin.

    The werewolf always had a dark side, and after being goaded to join the Death Eaters by Pettigrew and finally getting to hunt, he's happy. Then Voldemort disappears. Lupin doesn't know what to do from there on, and simply keeps the secret of being a Death Eater secret.

    Fast forward a few years, Lupin is slowly going mad, after restraining himself for so long. The moment James and Lily leave him in charge of the children, he loses it and bites Harry, the house wards expel him and gets caught.

    As the years pass, Harry, now a werewolf, grows distant from his parents and brother. He still loves them and they still love him, but James and Lily are always more comfortable and connect better with their other son.

    Harry doesn't really mind, preferring to be alone and study to never be helpless again.

    The Boy Who Lived doesn't really understand any of this, and hasn't been told of Harry being a werewolf(Harrys choice).

    From then on small snippets of how Harry helps his brother out in Hogwarts.(Like dismissing Malfoy at the train, helping/saving the trio from the troll and waiting for his brother to return from the Chamber of Secrets)

    The story picks up during the Third book, when Lupin and Pettigrew escape from Azkaban. During his time there, Lupin has been feeling more and more guilt, how he failed and couldn't restrain himself long enough.

    Yes, if only I could have hold on long enough, I could have bitten the Boy Who Lived! His room was only a few feet further.

    Yes, a Psychopath!Lupin(has it been done before?)

    He fails in breaking in to the castle and is eventually confronted by Harry, and forced to flee.

    From then on Harry does his best to keep the werewolves out from the coming war, while Lupin goads them in to fighting.

    Ends with some fight between Harry and Lupin.

    Or you could forget all that, and simply think of the Spy!Psycho!Lupin.

    Or something.

  10. Warlocke

    Warlocke Fourth Champion

    Sep 17, 2006
    The armpit of Ohio
    Because Harry wasn't enough of a butt-boy to everyone in canon, cleaning up their problems while they all do their damnedest to make his life suck harder, we have fanfic where he just helps out his Boy-Who-Lived brother. :facepalm

    Sorry, these just annoy me.

    Also, Lupin was a shitty character, and this bunny is about Lupin finally asserting himself... so he can turn the books' main character into another Lupin, mentally and physically.

    Maybe someone will be interested, but it's definitely not my cup of tea.

    And, while I could be very wrong, this being your first and only post (and your name) suggests to me you are here to fish for people to write something for you. At least post in the introduction section.
  11. Admonkeystrator

    Admonkeystrator Seventh Year

    Jul 19, 2008
    On the other hand, I can't remember ever reading a fic where Lupin joined Voldemort.
    Not even in all-character-bashing Azkaban or Betrayal fics.

    In fact the only times i've ever even seen dark!Remus, was in other Dark!harry fics, and he blindly devotes himself to either Harry or Dumbldore.

    For some reason I thought of Gone With the Wind when I read this line.

    I got a mental image of Remus coaching Harry through some of his transformations and leading him on his first "hunt".
    Picture if you will: Harry in werewolf form, crouched over and mauling some poor bugger who's blood now scarlets the forest snow.
    He turns to Remus, with adorable werewolf puppy-dog eyes, which become filled with the ever cliche determination and power as he declares that He Will Never Go Hungry Again!!

    /me request DLP donations page to my therapist.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2011
  12. Lindsey

    Lindsey Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    I have been reading the Dresden files in the last few weeks (currently on Proven Guilty) and I have been astounded at how awesome this material is for making fanfiction, especially crossovers with Harry Potter. We need more. DLP is the leaders of Dresden file fics (and crossovers) and I want to suggest a plot I've come up with while reading.

    Most crossovers we deal with Harry Dresden and Harry Potter being two different types of wizards, but what if they were not? What if the Ministry of Magic banned the magic Harry Dresden uses, similar to Dark Magic in Out of the Night.

    In Roman times, the dark was overtaking. The Roman Empire was corrupted, lead by dark wizards and the Fallen. Power was the source of wealth, respect, and everyone flocked to it. God grew enraged at seeing the Fallen grow in power and the innocence of magic dying and so he created Jesus. Jesus was not just a compass for the muggles, but for the wizards as well.

    The disciples of Jesus ended up creating a new branch of magic- neutral/balanced magic. Magic that did not rely so much on emotions but of movement (the more precise you are in the movement, the stronger the spell). This allowed so even the weakest of wizards were able to produce great bits of magic. The Fallen (and dark wizards) chased the disciples, eventually ending their lives.

    Over time the neutral magic became more common and was harder to suppress and the White Council did very little to stop it. There was no spells to directly break the seven laws and there were less dark wizards, they were content.

    Being chased out of Rome, a large fraction of these new "wand-waving" wizards (As they found out it was easier to create the movements with shorter foci), ended up in England and flourished.

    The Founders in 900, built the first school— Hogwarts, for the many magical families to practice this magic. Slytherin though ended up not being pleased. It had nothing to do with muggleborns or purity, but because the other founders did not want to teach old magic (Dresden magic) as it had the tendency to corrupt.

    Slytherin and older family lines, grew angry and left and overtime the real reason of his departure was twisted.

    Old magic was frowned upon but not banned until the English Ministry of Magic was set up, which declared that all old magic was banned. They did surprise raids across the country and burned any knowledge they could find, kill or imprison any supporters that used it. Old magic was practically forgotten except by the older family lines and scholars.

    The Blacks and Malfoys at a young age learned about this magic, how to summon demons and the Sidhe. They learn both the darker aspects of old magic, as well as the light. The Potters, as well, practiced old magic and was the reason why they could get along with other pureblood families. Each family did not have a collection of books on the subject, as it was too dangerous, but a few books they had managed to collect over time. The most important book was the families grimoire which each family member could write down what they wanted to pass on.

    You can combine the two series pretty well... The werewolves in Harry Potter could be someone trying to cure a loup-garou and failing horribly.

    There would be banned magic in the ministry, namely any type of magic Dresden possesses as well as a banned spell list, mostly just spells that are harmful and banned, the "dark arts" we know in canon.

    This is why there are effy spells in canon. The killing curse is a modification of the death curse and taps into the nevernever or old magic. The patronus is not necessarily banned(but many Ministry employees eye it warily) because it deals with emotions (aka old magic) than movements.

    The Story
    When Lily was brought into the Potter family, she was given the secrets of the old magic and learned how to use it. In a desperate attempt to save her son, she called upon a high Sidhe to aid her. Lily made a deal with the Sidhe; she would give up her soul and life to the Winter/Summer courts if they ever had to protect Harry from Voldemort.

    Halloween happened, and the moment before the killing curse struck Lily, her soul was brought into the Nevernever and Harry was protected.

    I was thinking at the beginning of 5th year, Harry Potter somehow discovers the existence of demons and the Sidhe. He begins to look into it, maybe studying the grimoire, and by not having a teacher, makes some stupid mistakes, like giving his name to a Demon or something.

    So you have Harry learning banned magic, as well as true Potter magic (which you never see, its always Harry embracing Black or something), hiding from the ministry, trying to fix what he fucked up and then finding out about his mother.

    His mother, being alive, in the Nevernever, and ends up going to kick Sidhe ass to get her back. If you wished to combine the time frames between the two series... Well... There was this changling that becomes the Summer Lady... Who just happens to be named Lily...

    In my head, this could be an epic fic if written by the right person. I hope I am doing a decent job trying to explain it, as in my head it's huge, complex and filled with possibilities.

    And yes... the backstory is super long, but its always details like this that make me love a story.
  13. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    It's got some good and some bad elements.

    The Good (or at least interesting): Dresdenverse Lily being Potterverse Lily is on I haven't seen before. I'm not really sure how the logistics of it would work though. Did Potterverse!Lily have her soul sent back into the human world immediately after death? I always assumed Dresdenverse!Lily was in her early twenties, and that the series was set roughly when the book were released (i.e. early 2000's), which would mean that Lily would have to be reborn immediately. The logic of this is a bit shaky since it wasn't predetermined that Dresdenverse Lily would become the Summer Lady; she just happened to be the closest being with Sidhe blood to assume the Mantle after Aurora died (iirc). If it wasn't predetermined, then why would the Sidhe relinquish control of a soul they were given?

    Your backstory is interesting as well, though a bit confusing. I'd think that the Ministry would discover the White Council pretty quickly (wasn't one of their headquarters somewhere in Britain?). I suppose it's possible that they could have a truce or something like that, but I'm not sure that would fit the nature of the Ministry.

    You have a new way of splitting the magic systems which does a fair job at accounting for the enormous power disparity between HP magic and Dresden magic, but it still has some holes. Namely, we've seen spells in the Potterverse that don't rely on any movement at all (Lumos, the Unforgivables, Transfiguration as well), and we've seen spells cast with no wand movements (Harry's wandless Accio Wand, Legilimens). Because of this, you may want to work on refining the differences.

    The Bad: The grimoire/Potter magic thing has been done so many times that it's become a pretty horrible cliche. In general, any sort of super, instant power-up, all the spells you could possibly dream of (and some you couldn't) book is an instant fail in a story.

    Also, it would be important to note that the Lily-makes-a-deal-with-the-Sidhe idea has been done before (amazingly, not as a Dresden crossover - the author had never read Dresden, but used the same basic concepts for the Sidhe as Butcher) by an author here on DLP. I can't remember the name of the story though. The end result was much different that what you proposed though.

    Edit: The fic I was talking about was Grim by belleradh
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2011
  14. Lindsey

    Lindsey Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2010
    Seattle, WA
    Yes, I am iffy on the Grimoire as well but if you are a good writer, you can make it work without making Harry instantly powerful.

    I was thinking the Grimoire was never meant to teach beginners, parents were suppose to teach their children. The Grimoire was just a way of storing information, such as demon and Sidhe names, spells they might have created and information they deemed important. The grimoire is very scattered with knowledge and is for advanced wizards. (Similar like Bob in Dresden except it doesn't talk back.)

    I was leaning more for that Harry finds it, tries to do some advanced stuff without knowing the basics, and fucks up. It would be a new twist.

    It's a good jumping point in connecting the two worlds.

    Lily - You would have to combine the time periods. The Sidhe have no use of a wandering soul and steal a child and put her soul into the child's body. The child could already be five or so, and so Lily would be a few years older than Harry. Either way, a good author can figure this out if they wanted too. I'm just giving basic ideas.

    The Ministry has always known about the White Council and vice versa. I was thinking that the White Council had much more important things to deal with than some wand waving wizards who were not breaking the rules of magic (at the beginning). And as time went on, they became more and more separate and with the formation of the ministry, the White Council could of decided to leave the wand waving wizards to the control of the Ministry. The white council could have given it's word and created a truce and very few people in the Ministry know about the White Council.

    I have ideas for the magic system and how to split it better, but I'll leave that up to anyone who wants to write it.

    I will never have time to complete this, nor do I know the Dresden series well enough to feel comfortable writing this. But if anyone decides to pick this up, I can send you my complete notes as well as bounce any ideas off with you.

    edit: just looked at Grim. This would be much different from the fanfic. I have not seen a fic similar to this plot, the closest I would say is The Denarian Lord (and Series). Yet, even this fic, does not share much of a resemblance.

    Thanks for responding to my plot though :D
  15. The Berkeley Hunt

    The Berkeley Hunt Headmaster

    Sep 19, 2010
    The Nevernever
    Wait, Lily in a body just a couple of years older than Harry, and loves him enough to sell her soul to save him. Harry, going through the toughest period of emotional and physical upheaval in his life. They meet, and...hehehe, incest.
  16. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    Another plot bunny. Nothing original, but I had fun thinking it up. Inspired by movie Se7en.

    AU where Voldemort never become the Dark Lord. Auror Shacklebolt is given a new partner named Harry Potter and both of them must solve mysterious murders. Much of the plot is the same as in the movie, but victims are much more famous in the wizard's world and because of it the Ministry is desperate to find who is killing the finest wizards and witches.

    - Ron Weasley - old classmate of Harry and very popular cook.
    - Lucius Malfoy - powerful politic.
    - Gilderoy Lockhart - who disappeared a year ago, but everyone was thinking that he is taking another of his heroics travels around the world.
    - Fleur Delacour - famous model.
    - Albus Dumbledore.

    In the end, it's Albus who reveals a name of his killer writing it using his own blood before he died - Tom Riddle. When Aurors are read to take him down, he shows at Ministry. Riddle demands to be taken to specific place by the Aurors who were first taking his case, if they want last two victims to live.

    Potter, Shacklebolt and Riddle go to a cemetery and at the midnight a Portkey brings a package with obvious content. In the end Potter kills Riddle using a Killing Curse.

    What I find the most interesting in this idea is Tom Riddle. In this AU I see him as exact opposite of his canon self. Instead of embracing his wizard self, his religious upbringing at orphanage makes him hate it. Instead of believing in pure blood, he believes in pure souls and in his eyes wizards are evil at their core. That's why he starts his crusade against them, showing them their sins and in the end willing himself to be killed, thinking that this sacrifice will purge his own soul.
  17. Portus

    Portus Heir

    Nov 25, 2008
    Music City
    Of course. :-\

    I propose a new internet Law, not unlike Poe's Law and Godwin's Law, that any time a thread involves discussion of an alive!Lily Evans Potter, the thread will invariably come to contain musings on how the situation can be manipulated to become Harry/Lily incest-smut.

    Note that I'm not saying it's necessarily a *bad* thing - I like Oedipus Flower and Take My Hand as much as the next depraved DLPer - but does /every/ thread have to come to that?!
  18. wordhammer

    wordhammer Dark Lord DLP Supporter

    Feb 11, 2010
    In the wood room, somewhere flat
    I was about to have fun with Harry whining "What's in the BOOOOOOX?!", when I went over your victims list.

    Gluttony - Ron Weasley - old classmate of Harry and very popular cook.
    Greed - Lucius Malfoy - powerful politic.
    Sloth - Gilderoy Lockhart - who disappeared a year ago, but everyone was thinking that he is taking another of his heroics travels around the world.
    Pride - Fleur Delacour - famous model.
    LUST?!- Albus Dumbledore.

    Seriously- it wasn't bad enough in the film, but you've lined up the detectives to discover the whitest wizard of their world being punished, viscerally for his

    Egads, man. Ginny or maybe Cormac McLaggan was the obvious choice.
  19. Celestin

    Celestin Dimensional Trunk

    Aug 21, 2008
    I didn't see Se7en anytime recently, but wasn't fifth victim pride? Lust was suppose to be Fleur. Still, Albus works too since everything bad he had done with Gellert could be because of his lust. ;)
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2011
  20. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    Lust for power, not sex - though it was a hundred years ago and you could easily argue he'd atoned by that time.
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