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Plot Bunny Thread

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Skeletaure, Apr 17, 2009.

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  1. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Awesome. My only complain is that the main divergence should not, in fact, start in fourth year. The first three years themselves should be given quite the amount of attention and originality, because you do realize that Harry's new attitude and House would lead to completely different situations, outcomes, and relationships.

    That said, you need to do it. Nao.
  2. Admonkeystrator

    Admonkeystrator Seventh Year

    Jul 19, 2008
    Hmm yes and no imo.
    Sew the seeds for the first three years.. either with flashbacks, or character interaction mentioning them (or something!), but certainly, the story could be just as good - If not better, starting from Book 4.
  3. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Hogwarts Academy has been held in high regard for centuries, as only the most gifted witches and wizards could be accepted. The four founders of the school had been most adamant that students be divided based on their character traits, things like loyalty, ambition, bravery and intelligence. But not only did Godric Gryffindor create his Sorting Hat, he also found a way to determine the strength of magic in new borns and he developed a catalogue of the world's most talented children.

    Into this world, Harry Potter is born. A quill comes to life and scribbles his name legibly into an open book. He will be expected to attend Hogwarts when he turns eleven.


    Headmaster Dumbledore is one of the brightest and most intelligent wizards the world has ever seen. It would behoove him not to keep track of incoming students. He also happened to know both of Harry's parents very well, and he made it his duty to inform them that their son would also join them in graduating from Hogwarts.

    It was to his great dismay that less than a year later he would be forced to read the roll once more in search of the object of the prophecy he had just born witness to.

    His attempt to persuade Frank and Alice Longbottom that they needed to go into hiding resulted in the fiery young Aurors ignoring him, preferring the safety of the Longbottom's manor and the countless protections around the property. He made his own preparations just in case the Dark Lord decided to attack them, but he did his best to concede to their wishes.

    His attempt to persuade Lily and James Potter that their son was in immediate danger was much more effective.


    It was two years later, following the subsequent deaths of Lily, James, Frank and Alice, and the orphaning of their two young boys, that Dumbledore wished he had never heard the prophecy at all. So much lost in order to put one miserable man away. Dumbledore also expected that Voldemort would eventually return, as he had never found a body and he knew young Tom Riddle's fascination with the darker aspects of magic.


    Harry comes to Hogwarts, having lived with Dursleys most of his life; he is no closer to understanding magic than he is to driving a lorry, and yet, he can see that his teachers expect greatness of him. The classes are oh so difficult for him, but he enjoys being allowed to learn for the first time in his life.

    He makes an enemy in Draco Malfoy, and friends in Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, but he also meets older students. Nymphadora Tonks, a shape-shifting seventh year shows him the entrance to the kitchens; Fleur Delacour, a beautiful fourth year teaches him a spell in the library; Viktor Krum, a burly Bulgarian Quidditch player, is the only person to beat Harry on the field.

    French students, German students, Spanish students. All of the nations of Europe were represented, and yet, most of the students were English. /

    It was just a thought I had really, on a way to have Krum and Delacour enrolled in Hogwarts without being completely contrived. This way, the founders of the school were responsible for acquiring all that talent. It also makes it super competitive, and a good way to have Harry grow quickly. You could drop characters like Ron, Ginny and make them distant characters; for example, Fred, George and Percy made the cut, but Ron and Ginny did not. Yet, because of Harry's friendship with Fred and George, he hears about the Weasleys.

    Hermione would certainly still be in Hogwarts. Cho Chang, Padma Patil, Susan Bones, Daphne Greengrass. And then there would most likely be a shit ton of OC's, but if you gloss over the students that don't matter to the plot, then I think it would be okay.

    It could also drive the plot by making Harry a little more self sufficient early on.

    Oh, and Rosier doesn't have a daughter in this.
  4. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    Rosier will have a daughter when I damn well say he has a daughter.

    But yeah, that's actually kind of awesome and I'm surprised I've never seen anything like it before. All it's missing is a plot.
  5. Dr_Orpheus

    Dr_Orpheus First Year

    Sep 23, 2008
    To make Hogwarts believable as an actual premier school, you are going to have to replace or improve the inferior teachers and eliminate the curse on the DA position.
  6. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    Sounds a lot like Prince of the Dark Kingdom's Hogwarts. Not a bad idea, mind.
  7. Averis

    Averis Don of Delivery ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 8, 2007
    North Carolina
    High Score:
    Slughorn instead of Snape, with McGonagall, Flitwick and Trelawney (with actual seeing prowess, even if she is still bat shit crazy and smells like sherry) still employed. Sprout could be replaced by a Icelandic botanist (peep the irony). There would also be an Ancient Runes Professor from Greece; an Astronomy professor that is one of the few wizards to reach the moon; a ex-professional Quidditch star teaching students to ride broomsticks; a South African who helped eliminate a nundu teaching Care of Magical Creatures... Hagrid would remain as caretaker, of course.

    You could even keep the curse on the Dark Arts position, with extremely knowledgeable, courageous teachers still meeting untimely deaths. Quirinius Quirrell was a truly gifted teacher that Voldemort possessed. Gilderoy Lockhart fooled everyone to get into the position, stealing reputable wizards' work and calling it his own. Remus Lupin deserved his position, but was unable to hide the fact that he was a Werewolf...

    A little creativity could go a long way towards making the school realistic despite the changes. The important thing is driving home the intelligence of the professors and the talent of the students. You could conceivably keep most of the same characters, and mix in small glimpses of International students to get the point across.

    For example, Cho Chang speaks near perfect English because she is from a long line of Chinese wizards from Hong-Kong. Padma and Parvati Patil were both raised in Delhi until their father moved to London as a diplomat. Su Li is from Seoul and speaks very little at first because she doesn't have a great grasp of English. Of course, translation charms exist, but they are not perfect in all cases.

    Students would all be on a level playing field as far as talent goes, because they all had to be the best of the best to get this far. For example, Hermione would not feel inferior to Draco because of her blood; instead, he would attempt to belittle her early on and fail because she works harder than him in class. While his father would have the same influence on Hogwarts being a governor, Draco wouldn't be capable of intimidation unless he showed his power.

    Harry would be powerful, more so than most at Hogwarts, but early on he would lack knowledge suitable for him to excel. Hermione would know more than him in the beginning, and be likely to help him based on their similar backgrounds.

    Neville would be there, though he would also be one of the worst in school because for most of his life he thought that he was a squib.

    But, as said before, there is no real plot to this yet. It's more of a guideline to follow in coming up with an alternate universe.
  8. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
  9. Admonkeystrator

    Admonkeystrator Seventh Year

    Jul 19, 2008
    Barnabus the Barmy survived teaching trolls to tapdance, successfully invented the cheese cauldron, and died for reasons unknown to the wizarding world, while trying to apparate to the moon.
  10. smarties2

    smarties2 Backtraced

    Oct 30, 2010
    Here's a bunny: what if Harry's animagus form was a bunny?

    /lame joke
  11. Hero of Stupidity

    Hero of Stupidity Villain of Sensibility ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Oct 5, 2010
    High Score:
    It"s a lame joke.
  12. smarties2

    smarties2 Backtraced

    Oct 30, 2010
    You are perceptive.

    In other news, the Johnny Answer idea MUST BE WRITTEN!

    May I take up the challenge? I'm a shit writer but I promise I won't post any of it until I've reached the 30k word count mark. And then I'll post it all up to show how authentic and truthful I am.
  13. Perspicacity

    Perspicacity Destroyer of Worlds ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 27, 2007
    Where idiots are not legally permitted to vote
    High Score:
    I could come up with a credible rabbit!Harry plot: consider a Watership Down crossover, where Harry, Master of Death, is drawn to their world as the Black Rabbit of the Ilné (essentially the rabbit version of the Grim Reaper). General Woundwort is grievously injured, but through sheer force of will, manages to transcend simple rabbitdom and oppose the inevitability of his passing. He somehow endures Death's touch to live on as a supernatural rabbit wraith, a sort of Bunny Big Bad who gathers a warren of evil henchrabbits to his cause: sunder Watership Down once and for all.

    Around this time, Fiver has another prophetic vision: this would be a time of great strife for their warren, but Frith will send a servant to aid them in their time of greatest need. The rabbits all expect El-ahrairah and wait with reverent hope for the Great One to bless them. They are shocked and repulsed that the Black Rabbit visits them instead. They flee him on sight, misinterpreting him as a servant of General Woundwort. He ghosts about their warren, drawn inexplicably to protect them, despite their coldness and fright.

    In time, a particularly attractive young doe is nearly captured by Woundwort's minions, who have been endowed by their leader with various supernatural powers. Harry rushes to her aid, fighting off the invaders with his own brand of magic. After this, she opts to take a chance and approach him. They speak and Harry finds her mischievous and clever, with a funny manner of speech that reminds him of Luna. The danger forgotten, the two hit it off. She rejoins the warren and speaks to Hazel on Harry's behalf, about how he has been sent to be their protector, not a talisman of their doom. He is allowed to join the warren and he learns of their troubles.

    At night, Harry and said doe go about making all sorts of bunny rutting. (Cue obligatory lemon).

    General Woundwort's minions conduct a carefully orchestrated raid. Harry, Hazel, and Bigwig fend them off, but are drawn away from the primary warren. Upon their return, they find that the does have been taken, including Harry's love. He puts his game face on and prepares to open up all sorts of whoop-ass on Woundwort and his followers. I don't have to tell you that things get pretty ugly from here on out.

    And fuck all you haters--Watership Down is one of the best books ever, especially when read out loud to a four year old who requests a story about bunnies. (He also got Lord of the Flies after asking me to read him a story about pigs). I should write a book on parenting or something.
  14. Khazad-Dumb

    Khazad-Dumb Loves the Gay Porn DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2008
    Clutch City, USA
    Pers is a master troll.
  15. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    I lol'd so much my village burned to the grou-Oh wait, that was Nero.

    Pers, I'm afraid we're going to have to kidnap you and enslave you in order for your time to be concentrated on more important activities; like writing all these damned awesome plot bunnies you think up.
  16. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    This is one I got while watching Burn Notice (and indirectly remembering the Bourne Identity).

    Treat for those hungry for assassin!Harry.

    Fact: Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald because he was power hungry and wanted the Elder Wand.

    Dumbledore still believes in Magic is might, but he knows that by openly declaring war on Muggles some wizards might still turn on him because they don't hold the same notions and he does not want to alienate his own community and be named a Dark Lord. So he decides to work in shadows and control the government and reaches the stage where he is in canon. Head of ICW and Wizengamot. Meanwhile he does have an "army" (trained assets like in The Bourne Triology) of sorts which he uses to take out those in the political arena who are a hindrance to him and his plans.

    ENTER: Voldemort.

    (Dumbledore, to maintain his image, still forms the Order against Voldemort)

    Voldemort is powerful, Dumbledore knows it. He is forming a plan when he hears the prophecy. Peter Pettigrew is the spy in order. Dumbledore knows it. He uses him to stage the death of Potters. Harry defeats Voldemort. Dumbledore arrives first. Hides Harry. Fakes his death. Sirius kills Peter without listening to what he says.

    (Just want to add that the world will be quite different with Dumbledore having different plans this time around. Dumbledore passes laws favoring Wizards over Muggles while actually showing support to them. Playing both sides.)

    Harry (the Jason Bourne here) is raised by Dumbledore to be his biggest assassin. Being taught occlumency so early on, Harry completely clouds the Voldemort inside him so Dumbledore is unaware of the fact that Harry is a horcrux.

    On a certain mission, Harry loses his memory and is now trying to find out who he is in a world being taken over by Wizards and where he is presumed dead.

    Cue in, awesomeness.

    Kinda rushed, but I am typing via phone...

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:51 PM ----------

    Can not find the edit button, sorry...

    Dumbledore already knew about Voldemort making Horcruxes even before Harry defeated him, so he took measures to control the spirit that left when Voldemort's body was detroyed by year old Harry. When Harry loses his memory the Voldemort inside him escapes. He (the escaped Voldemort) might or might not know of Harry's existence.
  17. smarties2

    smarties2 Backtraced

    Oct 30, 2010
    Or Harriet turning into a playboy bunny... I think that's a great idea. We can have many lemons chucked between Harriet and others of her ilk. LEMON (or pillow) FIGHT!

    To the one above me: *cough* stranger trilogy *cough*

    Pers: genius. If I ever hear of the media calling someone the next Albert Einstein, I'll know your true identity, Brian.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2011
  18. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    Though I left that story in between. Tell me one similarity between that and my plot bunny?

    And to clear it,

    ST: Harry is diff Dimension
    ME: Harry with no memories
  19. smarties2

    smarties2 Backtraced

    Oct 30, 2010
    ST: Harry with no memories of the life everyone perceives he has lived.
    You: subconsciously copying ST, which copied Bourne Identity, which... etc.
  20. Malcolm Tucker

    Malcolm Tucker Second Year

    Jan 26, 2011
    There was a story somewhat like that centering around Ron, who Dumbledore from a different reality took from "normal" HP because the other worlds Ron was killed.

    Anyways, this must be done, soon:awesome

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