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Plot Bunny Thread

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Skeletaure, Apr 17, 2009.

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  1. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    ..ok guiz, Voldemort + Joker coalition. DOIT
  2. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    Did you read my post? I haven't even read half of ST, how will I subconsciously copy it?

    Harry Potter knows he is Harry Potter in ST. He knows about the magical world and who exists there.

    In my plot bunny he DOES NOT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT HIS LIFE. Not his name. Not his age. No the magical world, nothing at all and he will of course remember stuff from his flashbacks which is something that most probably does not happen in ST.

    If you meant the two of them working together. Neither of them can share power.

    If you meant, a guy with the mindset of Joker + Voldemort. They have opposite mindsets. Voldemort wants to bring stability (wizard rule) out of the chaos (wizards having to hide themselves). Joker wants to establish chaos wherever he goes.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2011
  3. smarties2

    smarties2 Backtraced

    Oct 30, 2010
    If Voldemort was after stability he wouldn't be killing people left and right. He is just power hungry and the best way to achieve that is to make things more chaotic (hence taking down the ministry). In this regard the Joker and Voldemort are similar, the former has chaos as the end and the latter has chaos as the means to his ends.

    Also I said subconsciously because that implies the subject (you) is not aware of his action. It's no insult. I would argue JKR integrated many ideas already in place into her work.
  4. The Berkeley Hunt

    The Berkeley Hunt Headmaster

    Sep 19, 2010
    The Nevernever
    Ok folks, in the middle of my second read through of Wise Man's Fear. In the midst of this, I thought up a crossover between that universe and HP. Just hear it out.

    So Ron is gone. His character no longer exists. All the better. On that first day on the train, Harry is greeted by another young redheaded boy, called Kvothe Boralin. The Boralin are magical gypsies, travelling from place to place making merry and music for the normally stale wizard society. They are outcasts, because some way down the family line a brilliant wizard (Illien?) desperate to extend his life drank Unicorn's blood. While this did extend his life, it drove him more than slightly mad and lit his hair all afire. Literally. His descendants, though not mad, still carry a trace of this heritage - true red hair, red as flame, hot to the touch and a streak of imperiousness a mile wide.

    Kvothe is the young son of the Boralin, and has shown a considerable talent for magic, more than the family can teach. He is sent to Hogwarts to pursue his interests. He occupies a curious political void, one of the old, noble houses and yet utterly reviled for their ancestor's folly and their own status as nomads. Kvothe himself is intelligent, determined, dramatic and curious. He is also one of the smaller boys in the year and hardly the strongest. His clothes are threadbare, he knows nothing of the old ways and tradition, practically a muggle. But still, he greets the noble families with a wide bow, and a quote of a house motto, as is the custom amongst the highest of high society. A quandary.

    He and Harry get along splendidly. Harry provides the rock of faith and magical strength, while Kvothe is the spark and the cunning. They quickly become best friends. They gain an ally in Neville Longbottom when he is cornered by a troll in a blocked off stairwell. Kvothe distracts him with a few words in Troll, while Harry accidentally banishes it down the stairs. Neville provides the restraint, the voice of reason and guide to magical society. Kvothe and Hermione maintain a friendly rivalry that Hermione often wins, but through this the trio becomes a foursome after a harrowing night with the cerberus. She gives the.... I don't know, you work it out. Anyway, the four begin to see a plot in motion, partly because of Harry's quidditch debacle, Kvothe's sense of drama and Neville's general paranoia.

    They see a man drinking unicorn blood out in the woods (detention?) and Kvothe takes this rather harshly. He insists on trying to find this guy at any cost and taking him down. They suspect Quirrell, as the turban and baldness would contain the flame-hair and he sounds half mad already. They cannot, however, find any evidence against him. Kvothe cannot let it go, even after the other three lose confidence. Kvothe follows Quirrell, and sees him enter the third floor corridor. He sneaks in after him, and must use all of his wits to survive in a brutal challenge all on his own. Eventually, he makes it to the final chamber where he finds he cannot grasp the stone form the mirror as he is too aware of what his family could do or become with the stone. This leads to the Mirror breaking on its own of stress, and Voldemort, realizing his time is up, flees. Kvothe is heavily injured after the challenges and Quirrellmort, but he survives. Endeth book one.

    As you can see, Kvothe is clearly the main character. Hes the charisma, the flair and the plot. I can see him growing quite clearly, and fitting in pretty well, neatly taking the hero's role while leaving the dependable best friend slot to the much more suited Harry. The four could work in a manner much the same as James and co. with Kvothe as James, leader, Harry as Sirius, sacastic, loyal, strong, Neville as Peter, only not a snivelling toolbag and Hermione as Remus, the smart guy who researches stuff. Eh, I though the idea was cool, but I have no time to write it right now, and I have a WIP right now anyway. Up for adoption, could be good.
  5. Jormungandr

    Jormungandr Prisoner

    Jul 26, 2010
    Merry ol' England
    So, it's basically a canon rehash with a character from another franchise being the protagonist, whilst the original protagonist (which the series originally and primarily focuses upon in both development and plot) is being shunted to a secondary role?

    What's the point in reading that?
  6. The Berkeley Hunt

    The Berkeley Hunt Headmaster

    Sep 19, 2010
    The Nevernever
    A far more compelling main character, I'd love to see Kvothe balling it up in the HP world instead of Harry being a pussy throughout the whole thing, and not in fact a canon rehash at all. Its called a divergence point for a reason, that being the story changes dramatically after that. No Boy Who Lived propaganda, prophecy seems even more strange, war coming together on groups of heroes rather than fetch quests, there are a ton of directions it could go.

    In my head, it would show the first year and timeskip to about fifth, to show how crazily everything had changed. Probably should have mentioned that. And in any case, not a canon rehash. Similar, but different.
  7. Khazad-Dumb

    Khazad-Dumb Loves the Gay Porn DLP Supporter

    Feb 28, 2008
    Clutch City, USA
    Potter Law 1 says go fuck yourself.
  8. Admonkeystrator

    Admonkeystrator Seventh Year

    Jul 19, 2008
    Id still like to see a Hp/Ghost Hunt crossover, with possible Harry/Mai pairing or Harry/Masako
    So much win is possible.
  9. Styx0444

    Styx0444 Minister of Magic

    Feb 11, 2010
    Between here and there.
    The Potter Laws are more like guide lines then actual laws. Regardless, I think that would count as a Kingkiller Chronicle fic. Interesting enough, though.
  10. iLost

    iLost Minister of Magic

    Aug 8, 2009
    Taking that idea to the extreme, one could supplant any number of protagonist for the foursome, mirroring the Marauders theme. Kvothe would be good with Harry. Toss out Hermione and replace her with someone else. Eh, no strong leads come to mind. Wouldn't mind seeing Matrim Cauthon thrown into the mix somehow.(Insert appropriate backstory of a muggleborn, what have you.)

    Hell, toss out Harry Potter and stick in Dresden.

    So Kvothe, Matrim, Dresden, ????. Screw the prophesy and add a few more dimensions to the HP universe and you have yourself an extreme alternate universe. Maybe even fiddle with the magic system a tad to fit more in line with the Dresden, Kvothe systems.


    No matter how awesome the idea would be in anybody's head, the execution wouldn't hold-up. There would be too many conflicts with how the reader views the new arrivals versus how they fit into the world. Fitting their personalities only into the world is easy, but what defines these characters in our minds is what they accomplished in each of their individual worlds. (Circumstances make the man argument.)

    So, the idea sounds cool, but I don't think it could ever be pulled-off.
  11. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    Okay heres an idea I thought of, but am nowhere good enough to write. We've all read a few stories where to Horcrux in the Chamber of Secrets successfully leeches Ginny's life and becomes its own entity.

    But, what if all the Horcruxes managed that. There are six/seven/eight Tom RIddles running around at the same time, causing havoc. But that wouldn't be interesting enough.

    No, my idea is that Voldemort made the horcruxes for the sole reason of splitting his personality into completely new bodies. They just happen to have the pleasant side effect of making him pseudo-immortal. He did because their is only one of him, and he can only do so much by himself. Also, the only person he can trust is himself, so it made sense to just have more of himself. But further than that, no one knows that all 6/7/8 of the Tom Riddles are the same person (they go by different names). They have infiltrated the Ministry, and Hogwarts, and other positions of power without anyone the wiser.

    Dumbledore is still suspicious of course, no body was found when one of the Voldemorts got defeated by Harry, but even the crazy old man doesn't think there are 6/7/8 potential Voldemorts running around, slowly converting an entire nation to his ideology.

    The kicker is that only Harry can kill them, according to the prophecy. So that means he has to become a trained killer to kill all the voldemorts, when his web does come to light. (I suppose you could make the story lame by Dumbledore wrangling up the copies and just having Harry stick a knife in them, but thats boring.)

    There are a few different possibly times where Voldemorts web becomes revealed. A good spot could be a tom riddle polyjuicing Moody instead of crouch, and becoming exposed at the end.
  12. Malcolm Tucker

    Malcolm Tucker Second Year

    Jan 26, 2011
    Could be ok. Also if Ron gets possessed by the locket having Harry kill his first ever and bestfriend, the one who gave him a family for all intents and purposes would add some depth, maybe play off of DD's whole "love is powerful" thing with Hermione trying to turn Ron back.

    Who would be possessed with the others though?

    Ginny and Ron with 2

    Whose possessed by the Ring?
  13. wordhammer

    wordhammer Dark Lord DLP Supporter

    Feb 11, 2010
    In the wood room, somewhere flat
    Ring - Frank Bryce goes looking for evidence to exonerate him from the Riddle murders so long ago

    Cup - Griphook is cleaning the Lestrange vault when...

    Diadem - Luna discovers an unusual place, as hidden as she likes to be. There she espies a curiously familiar artifact that she's seen in her House common room...

    Diary - Ginny

    Locket - Ron


    plus the original spectre

    Whether Quirrel was carrying the spectre or was hijacked by another Horcrux is up for grabs- maybe his turban used to be Riddle's.

    (He was hairless and might have needed the insulation. Whatever.)

    EDIT to explain: rather than it being a concerted effort on Tom Riddle's part (since if he had been successful, Dumbledore would have been taken out by a trio of them and the story would pretty much end there) maybe it's instead that the unintended side effect is the independent personalities, first seen with the diary. The Riddles would certainly operate effectively by using the victims I've mentioned, until they start to recognize each other. The question becomes 'would there be a battle of ascension?', since the spectre is stuck in Albania (for reasons passing understanding) and the others are each limited by the knowledge he had at the time they were made.

    It's like an evil version of the Magnificent Seven crossed with Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2011
  14. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    I think what he meant was he created the horcruxes, then distributed them, not left them lying around.
  15. Portus

    Portus Heir

    Nov 25, 2008
    Music City
    ^What he said. Yeah, I got the impression Voldemort would've waylaid a powerful wizard or six and forced or coaxed or tricked them into having their life-force leeched out to form a brandy-new Voldemort.

    The question is not who gets possessed, but what the resultant Voldy-clone looks like. I'd personally prefer a range, the way the diary Horcrux looked like 16-year-old Riddle, etc.

    The real goods of a bunny like this is that Voldemort would be practically unbeatable. And he wouldn't even need Death Eaters if the author didn't want to take that route. Observe:

    Say Dumbledore corners a young man he suspects of being one of former student Tom Riddle's collaborators, thinking he'll either smooth-talk the kid or subdue and mind-fuck him. It's whatevs, 'cause he's Dumbledore the Bad-Ass.

    But as soon as the "kid" realizes Dumbledore's onto him, pop! 3, 4, 5 or 6 other people show up, each effectively Voldemort in sheep's clothing, and Albus has to GTFO or be laid out. I mean, Voldemort communicated with Nagini, even controlling the snake in OotP, so you've got potential for a Voldemort hive mind, or Volde-Borg to contend with.

    Cue EPIC battle.

    Can you tell I've thought about this?
  16. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    My original thought is that the voldeclones came into existence before Harry was even around. The ginny-tom is just the example we see used most often in fics (albeit rarely).

    Voldemort's downfall would be the same as canon. Overconfidence in his infallibility.

    Also, the horcruxes are not linked to each other. They are Tom Riddle, but they are all their own entity too. It's the same reason why Voldemort couldn't 'feel' a horcrux being destroyed. They might not have an easy way to communicate, since Voldemort does not have a dark mark himself.
  17. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    I couldn't see any of the Voldemorts working together as equals. It just goes against his character to view anyone besides himself (in the literal sense) as deserving of power. Young Tom would probably be the most willing to work with others though, since he hadn't had a fuck ton of horcruxes warping his mind at that point, and the diary is basically an impression of his mind at that age.

    Spectre!Voldemort and the diadem would be the most powerful of them all, with an extra few decades of study and work behind them compared to the 16/17 year old Toms from the diary and ring, 18 year old Cup!Tom, 20-something locket and 30+ diadem.
  18. addictedforlife

    addictedforlife High Inquisitor

    Sep 11, 2010
    I thought he got the two of them at the very same time when he killed that woman Hebzibah Smith or something?

    I agree with what you said in the first paragraph. Voldemort and Voldemort don't work together, especially if you have them as separate entities. One of his defining characteristics is his ego, the fact that he does always lead, and never is lead by others. 'Voldeclones' would mean that you had seven such egomaniacs, and even though they technically are the same person, they still wouldn't and couldn't work together.
  19. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    Yeah, actually, wouldn't they just start backstabbing each other as soon as was convenient?
  20. Castiel

    Castiel Headmaster

    Dec 7, 2010
    This. Voldemort punishes the one who fucks up. If a Voldemort fucks up and another Voldemort (this feel weird) Crucios him. The former Crucios back and so on...
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