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Pottermore Discussion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Another Empty Frame, Jun 16, 2011.

  1. brad

    brad Third Year

    Sep 24, 2006
    Yep. Pottermore satisfies all of the criteria set out by the definition of 'canon' - it's work of the author, it's accepted as authentic by the readers, etc.

    I don't *like* Pottermore being canon - I detested Rowling's attempts to 'force' her fans to think her way with the infinite number of interviews she conducted, the TV documentary where she said with a sour face "I know it's not official, but I want people to kowtow to how I see Harry and his friends after DH, because it's my world" (my slight rephrasing :)), how she won't let go, and most particularly how she just says anything that comes into her head with zero thought (but hey, she made billions doing something like that in the first place) - but yeah, it's canon.

    It's canon that is probably inconsistent with the books, but that's normal for Rowling; 'book' canon was internally inconsistent also.
  2. The Pro

    The Pro Seventh Year

    Jul 27, 2016
    High Score:
    What's your wand?

    So I recently joined Pottermore and got sorted in a Hogwarts house, got sorted in my Ilvermorny house and discovered my Patronus, in that order. I just found out that my wand is

    Some more information on my wand:

    So here's the question to all here on DLP. What wand chose you? What do you think of that wand?