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Psychopathic Harry

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Platypus_Assassin, Dec 10, 2011.

  1. Platypus_Assassin

    Platypus_Assassin First Year

    Nov 3, 2010
    I have an idea for the Nov/Dec writing contest that is pretty much Harry as a sociopath. No emotions, torturing animals, all that shit. But to be quite honest, I'm not that experienced of a writer, and I was hoping to get some help from the DLP community in hammering out this idea into something besides the rough thought that I have right now. Any help at all will be greatly appreciated.

  2. Andro

    Andro Master of Death DLP Supporter

    Jun 23, 2007
    Take your pointers from reading American Pyscho, and other pieces of literature with sociopaths. The fact you want to write sociopath!Harry years after the phase is over says that you're probably going to place last in the contest without doing your homework, and might anyway.
  3. Platypus_Assassin

    Platypus_Assassin First Year

    Nov 3, 2010
    Don't really care if I place last, I'm really just looking at this as a way to improve my writing. In regards to the research, I've definitely been doing that, trying not to go into this half-assed.
  4. NoxedSalvation

    NoxedSalvation Temporarily Banhammered

    Jun 24, 2010
    Sociopath!Harry is interesting in light of his upbringing and the horcrux inside his head, but it's really hard to write. After all, we write best about the things we know.

    Besides, how can we help you without any idea of the plot you have in mind?

    - PTSD Harry time traveling back and losing it
    - AU with Slytherin!Harry
    - Azkaban!Harry
    - Sly Sociopath!Harry in Gryffindor a la Lecter as psychotherapist

    There are countless options. If you want help, give us something to actually help with.
  5. Shouldabeenadog

    Shouldabeenadog Headmaster

    Sep 3, 2010
    Dont' forget your basics: Protagonist, antagonist, conflict, setting.
    If Psycho Harry is your antagonist, then we need to want to identify or support the protagonists. If Harry is the protagonist, then you have to get us into his head, to understand his goals, at least in a broad sense. 'The world really would be better if he was in charge, look at how bad it is now' Or 'I will purge the world of emotions, and make myself not alone.'
  6. iLost

    iLost Minister of Magic

    Aug 8, 2009
    Also, not sure if this would actually impede on any of the rules. May be a gray-area. Before you start posting what the story will be about, remember the spirit of these was to have them judged without prior bias from the forums.

    May want to PM a mod to see if this thread is a legit place for help on your story.
  7. Philo Vance

    Philo Vance Fourth Year

    Nov 16, 2011
    One book you might want to check out is "I am Not a Serial Killer" by Dan Wells. It's about a fifteen year old sociopath who is aware of his sociopathy, but refuses to become a serial killer, hence the conflict in the book. You could go interesting directions by making Harry reject his impulses and struggle with them as the plot goes on.
  8. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    "I am Not a Serial Killer" isn't an accurate portrayal of a true sociopath - they don't see the need to conform to arbitrary systems of morality except to keep themselves out of jail.
  9. World

    World Oberstgruppenführer DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 19, 2006
    Axis of Evil (Original)
    Thread approved for being generic enough.
  10. Platypus_Assassin

    Platypus_Assassin First Year

    Nov 3, 2010
    One of the first things that I'm trying to decide on is just how to tell the story. I want to tell it as a start at the Dursley's when he's like 5-6 area, then progress from there. The only problem with doing that is me not knowing if I can swing that.

    As far as characterization of Harry goes, I was thinking somewhere along the lines of Peter from Ender's Game, with a generally very sadistic streak that starts with him torturing animals, to moving towards eventually killing/maiming the Dursleys.
  11. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    Overdone. Sociopaths are typically charismatic, have Harry make use of that and whatever intelligence you decide to give him to get rid of the Dursleys in a more subtle manner than butchering them.
  12. Platypus_Assassin

    Platypus_Assassin First Year

    Nov 3, 2010
    True, which was why I mentioned the characterization would have a dose of something resembling Peter, who while sadistic, also went on to become the Hegemon of earth. In light of your overdone statement, any ideas about how he could go around getting rid of them in a discreet(sp?) way?
  13. T3t

    T3t Purple Beast of DLP ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 21, 2011
    Los Angeles
    High Score:
    Legally? Have them arrested for abuse, or whatever. Except give it the sociopathic angle and up the pain inflicted on the Dursleys - make it public, humiliate them, whatever. Obviously it has to be orchestrated by Harry. It shouldn't be overly complicated (he's at most 11) but it should be effective.
  14. Philo Vance

    Philo Vance Fourth Year

    Nov 16, 2011
    He isn't conforming to arbitrary rules though. It has nothing to do with morality, he rejects his impulses because he doesn't want to become a slave to his obsession.

    I haven't finished the book yet (I'm reading it right now) so maybe something happens that changes my expectations, but so far I'd say it's a pretty decent portrayal of a sociopath.
  15. h2o

    h2o Professor

    Dec 13, 2007
    Have you seen the new Sherlock TV series? Holmes always was a bit of a sociopath but, here its slightly more "open", great stuff...
  16. Philo Vance

    Philo Vance Fourth Year

    Nov 16, 2011
    While Sherlock calls himself a sociopath in the BBC Sherlock series, he certainly doesn't act like one. He shows clear displays of empathy throughout the series, especially toward Watson. If anything he seems more of a high-functioning aspergers than a sociopath.
  17. Feuer der Nacht

    Feuer der Nacht Squib

    Sep 18, 2011
    About Antisocial Personality Disorder

    Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) is the DSM-IV official diagnosis for socio/psychopathy. APD runs in my family and I grew up at the tender mercies of two confirmed and one suspected psychopaths. So, as you can probably guess, I have intimate (if that's what you dare call it) experience with their ilk as well as have done extensive research into their traits over the years including interviews with various psychologists ranging from the sympathetic all the way to the callous mindsets.

    I'll give you a quick run through.

    I copypasta'ed a summary from wikipedia. Not the best example, but it's a start. Please note that this is incomplete and you can find many better versions elsewhere.

    A) There is a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since age 15 years, as indicated by three or more of the following:
    failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest;
    deception, as indicated by repeatedly lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure;
    impulsiveness or failure to plan ahead;
    irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults;
    reckless disregard for safety of self or others;
    consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations;
    lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another;
    B) The individual is at least age 18 years.
    C) There is evidence of conduct disorder with onset before age 15 years.
    D) The occurrence of antisocial behavior is not exclusively during the course of schizophrenia or a manic episode.
    New evidence points to the possibility that children often develop antisocial personality disorder as a result of environmental as well as genetic influence. The individual must be at least 18 years of age to be diagnosed with this disorder (Criterion B), but those commonly diagnosed with ASPD as adults were diagnosed with conduct disorder as children. The prevalence of this disorder is 3% in males and 1% from females, as stated in the DSM IV-TR.

    Moving on from wikipedia...

    APD is associated with Low MAOA gene. It is a genetic trigger typically initiated by severe psychological trauma although it is not necessary (e.g. Jeffery Dammer came from an upstanding family).

    This can start very young. When it with contrary-obstinate disorder (also called a few other things), which is generally a antisocial mindset in young children (5-9) but not complete enough to be considered a true psychopath. This is generally marked by poor impulse control and malicious behavior. It is frequently misdiagnosed as ADHD. Many believe the misdiagnoses are why 60% of children diagnosed with ADHD go on to develop Conduct disorder which is basically APD in minors. 40% of children with conduct disorder go on to develop APD in adulthood (18 and up). This means that 24% of children diagnosed with ADHD go on to develop APD.

    That may seem like a high number, but around 4% of the human population is antisocial. To put that in perspective, that's 280 million people or about one in 25 people regardless of culture or ethnicity.

    Ever go to a mall? Lot's of people huh? Divide the number of people you see by 25 and tremble.

    Please note that the majority of psychopaths aren't even violent. They are rational people and fully capable of understanding cause and effect. They know what will and will not ruin their lives. However, they also tend to be not very bright ranging of about average intelligence and are almost always poorly educated because of the environments that tend to produce them. If they think they can get away with something for whatever reason that floated through their heads, they will do it.

    From my personal experience, I can tell you that they generally depend on the politeness of others to get away with their shenanigans (legal definition). Ever see Ferris Bueler's Day Off? Ferris Bueler is a textbook budding sociopath. They have poor impulse control and general drag people in using mind games until they're too deep to withdraw.

    I can't really give much better info than this in just a few minutes without digging up my old research. If you want me to send you old research papers of mine on the subject, then just PM me or something. Fair warning, my stance on psychopaths is that they are unfortunate, subhuman degenerates deprived of higher emotions much like reptiles. I am unflinching and unwavering in my viewpoint.

    Hope this post helps however incomplete it is.

    Fun fact: the human conscience is located in the section of the brain behind the right ear. If you place a strong enough magnet there, you can temporarily create psuedopsychopathy (a real but rare diagnosis). Test subjects show that once the magnet is removed, then everything goes back to normal and the subject generally subconsciously confabulates rationale for whatever happened while they were under the influence (or lack thereof). Tests showed that people subjected to the magnet were perfectly willing to (hypothetically) do the most heinous of acts so long as they were compensated and guaranteed no negative repercussions. They also did not exude typical emotional reactions to normally grotesque and horrifying stimuli.

    Taking this idea and running, you could perhaps have a Slytherin!Harry uncover a dark hex that removes the conscience when necessary like the way a magnet would. Then you could have the conflict center around Harry facing the horror of what he did while under the influence of the hex while at the same time yearning to be "set free" from moral burden. Maybe you could have the hex last longer each time he casts it.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2011
  18. CrackedMind

    CrackedMind Chief Warlock

    Jul 17, 2011
    Sort of like a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde! Harry? I'd read the hell outta that.
  19. wordhammer

    wordhammer Dark Lord DLP Supporter

    Feb 11, 2010
    In the wood room, somewhere flat
    Didn't you hear? It was all in Cameron's head- he's the sociopath.

    ... you have a perfect explanation how bluetooth headsets are going to turn people into raving lunatics. More.

    Or the military may be planning a new full-protection helmet for 'proper asset control'.

    Maybe Voldemort should have considered putting the Dark Mark behind the inductee's right ear. It might have prevented such unbecoming exercises of moral fiber from Wormtail and Draco.
  20. Feuer der Nacht

    Feuer der Nacht Squib

    Sep 18, 2011

    Jekyll and Hyde? Well, when you put it that way that probably is good analogy. Hmm... My gears are turning.

    How about a setup like this

    I. The Intro

    A. Standard horrible Dursely family plus a little physical abuse
    a. Note that Harry's attempts to fight back were futile so he tried to fly under the radar most of his childhood.
    b. Too good-natured to really hurt someone

    B. Mostly glance over train ride and go to sorting (Slytherin!)
    a. Sorted into Slytherin b/c of his carefuly crafted sneaky nature from avoiding the Durselys' wrath as well as his thirst to not be so treaded upon.
    b. Ron horribleness briefly noted (not necessarily bashing but logical anti-slytherin sentiment).

    C. Draco ponces around Slytherin while the firsties are hazed by upperclassmen
    a. Maybe alter the scene in the train with Draco's handshake. Don't really think it's necessary though.
    b. Have Draco be the cock of the walk in Slytherin with sycophants (but sneaky sycophants who are taking advantage of him).
    c. Harry's trouble avoidance aids him in sidestepping malicious hazing with various levels of success.

    D. Establish Harry's place in the Slytherin pecking order
    a. Have him be in the middle/lower quadrant of the pecking order but getting used to disappearing when the time comes.
    b. Stealth and privacy spell specialty???

    Focus of this portion of the story should probably be political. Classroom focus should be minimal, maybe only mentioned in passing. From what I've seen, classroom antics are not that good except for establishing a Fic's magic theory and interacting with the professors.

    Perhaps have stealth and privacy charms be low power/medium to high skill stuff that takes dedication.

    II. Introduce the Dark Arts

    A. Hard to survive in slytherin without knowing at least some Dark Magic (reason?)
    a. Have it be "required reading" in the snake dorms for whatever reasons.
    b. Harry runs into his first experience with the Dark through quietly observing upperclassmen of the Slytherin Persuasion.
    c. Perhaps parseltongue should come in here somewhere
    d. Delving into the Dark Arts

    B. The Conscience Spell (Perhaps A Creation of Riddle's?)
    a. Surprisingly simply since it's just confusing the conscience (if we can do it with a friggin magnet then a second semester firsty learning as much magic as he can to survive slytherin should be able to.)

    Hey, a 12 yr old boyscout built a nuclear reactor out of led and duct tape once.

    b. Harry has his first experience without his conscience and it serendipitously allows him to get a leg up on someone who outranks him in the Slythein pecking order.
    c. A few minutes later he realizes what he did and spews in Myrtle's toilet (insert potential plot device here).

    C. And so it begins
    a. With much trepidation, he reuses the spell when he's in a tight spot and it overtimes becomes easier to use both physically and "ethically"
    b. Later he finds himself refreshing the spell while under the influence in order to avoid it wearing off in only a few minutes, making him go longer amounts of time without a conscience.
    c. He soon finds that he doesn't need to refresh it quite as often as he used to.

    It could probably go anywhere from here.

    I figured a good scene for Harry beating himself up over using it would be finding himself staring down the troll on Halloween, using the spell in a last ditch attempt to help Hermione, and then while under its influence going "Wait, I'm going to die. Fuck this," and then leaving Hermione to her death. Survivor's guilt?

    I'm liking this idea more and more

    Well that was a massive brain dump... thoughts?

    Onto the business of:

    That's.... actually an interesting point concerning Volde. The asset control aspect is also rather horrifying isn't it?

    Also, I did read that cracked article, but it seems more logical to me that Ferris just sucked Cameron into his little game along with the little Cunt for his own personal amusement. Even the part at the end when the car gets wrecked could be explained by Ferris not expecting Cameron's extreme reaction and trying to twist it around so Ferris himself was not liable.

    Although assuming it was indeed all in Cameron's head, I wouldn't know if that would make him a sociopath. Definitely romanticizing the characteristics of a sociopath, but I dunno about him actually being one. Maybe it could be that he was coming into his own and realizing that that was the kind of person he wanted to be? A really lousy way to self actualize if you ask me >...>

    Also, thank you CrackedMind, Scrib, and Warheart for the thumbs up.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2011