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Quality Naruto fics

Discussion in 'Story Search' started by Inert, Feb 17, 2012.

  1. 0jordinio0

    0jordinio0 Seventh Year

    Jun 6, 2012
    Well. At that age in canon only a few really come to mind. Kakashi didn't become a Jonin until 13 - so it can be assumed he didn't reach a level of skill that made him strong enough to obtain such a rank until he was atleast about 12.

    Itachi was a Genin at 8 with a 3 tomoe Sharingan - capable of probably giving a Jonin a good fight, but not quite ready to win I'd say. By the time he was 11 though, he was an Anbu so yes he'd be able to pwn some Jonin by then I'd assume.

    Sarutobi probably could do it mind you. He became a Kage in his early teens. And a Kage would chew up and spit out a normal Jonin with ease. So at age 8 he was probably around that level lol.

    Gaara as far as I'm aware is the only one mentioned in canon at that age to have killed a Jonin. And that was basically Shukaku doing most of the work.

    But anyway, I've always been of the mind that Jinchuuriki could become very strong at such young ages because they were Jinchuuriki. Their Bijuu made their bodies naturally stronger and their chakra reserves easily enough to perform some high level Jutsu with even as children.
  2. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    Link is to chapter 10. I wondered if this is some kind of 'cold open' thing, before checking the page. Just delete that 0.
  3. Lamora

    Lamora Definitely Not Batman ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 10, 2009
    New York
    High Score:
    Try the entire Rookie Nine when they went after the Sound 4, who ate a bunch of Jonin and ANBU for breakfast. And they were like, what, 11?

    Blah blah blah protagonists and clan heirs, I know, I get it. But Konoha produced 9 of them, in the same fucking graduating class. Presumably, bloodline clans have gone through the Academy before and been placed on the same teams before, so it's not just their clans or the coincidence of them being in the same class.

    Really, if you look at how much strength they gained over the timeskip and how much they had before, you really have to start wondering if it's not them being good, but rather, the entire rest of the Naruto universe being gigantic jack-offs who stop training when they hit chunin.

    Because honestly, we've seen how much power the main characters gain through even average training montages (IE, basic team training, practicing skills, anything NOT involving kage bunshin no bullshit). We can't assume all the main characters were killing themselves training every single day over the timeskip, and they gained a pretty decent power boost.

    So what the fuck are all these nameless jonin and chunin doing in the meanwhile? I've always been aware of it, but I guess it just really hit me how hard Stormtrooper and Red Shirt Syndrome are in effect in the canon Narutoverse.
  4. 0jordinio0

    0jordinio0 Seventh Year

    Jun 6, 2012
    12, nearly 13 was what Naruto was aged at that point. He's the youngest of the rookies to. The rest may have been closer to or were 13 and Neji was almost or 14 at that point.

    I think it was just Kishi glorifying the rookies. Neji and Lee? I could understand them thrashing average Jonin after the time skip because Lee is Gai's 2nd coming and Neji was the strongest Hyuuga produced in like ever. Choji I ould understand aswell because how many random slob would have a Jutsu in them with the power to take down Choji going full size with his clan jutsu? And Shikamaru doesn't so much as own them with his mad ninja skillz as much as he outsmarts everybody so completely and utterly you wonder why they bothered attempting to fight in the first place.

    Other than them, only Shino stands out as such. And Kiba if he uses the technique that fuses him and Akamaru.

    Hinata she just comes off as weak as hell for the majority of times. To be perfectly honest, the most she ever done was jump in to save Naruto during the fight with Pein and I think she just got in the way there. Because Naruto still had a clone in Sage Mode left. Pein done worse to Jiraiya with those rods, and he still managed to push himself up with just one arm and outside of Sage Mode at that. And despite the wounds, Naruto looked pretty damn fine all things considered.

    Sakura is pretty flexible and good at dodging after the timeskip. But other than her Super-strength she couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. She's pretty much Chunin at best.

    Ino the less said about her combat ability the better. The only thing she has going for her is Yamanaka clan jutsu. Without that she's useless fodder.

    And Tenten? When was the last time anybody even saw her fight? There was a brief mention of her fighting Kakuzu using one of the so6p tools. But please, I doubt anybody took that seriously. Kakuzu outclassed Kakashi. The notion that Tenten would last more than 5 minutes against a guy like that is just silly.

    The sound 4 were the equivalent of Jonin specialists that had Cursed Seal power ups. If I remember right, they took Genma and Raido by surprise. Choji beat Jarobou(sp?) with a Kinjutsu that would have killed him if nobody came to save him. Neji and Kidomaru were a good match for each other - Neji was a badass though. By far the most skilled Genin we saw, much more than Sasuke IMO. Shika needed to be saved by Temari, Kiba by Kankurou and Lee by Gaara. Kimmimaro? Now he was a beast, props to Gaara there because that guy was easily A-ranked material and if it wasn't for his illness probably would have advanced to S-class.

    The Naruto and Sasuke fight is still one big ? for me. To me, Naruto was the stronger of the two in base. Sasuke was mostly addled with a steroid like haze from his revival after 'dying'. This was the moment Sharingan began to just not work the way it was supposed to.

    In the 2 tomoe form, Sasuke couldn't even see Naruto move in his base cloak. But suddenly, when the 3rd tomoe formed he could see him and react fast enough to counter? I'm sorry, but if the 2 tomeo couldn't even see him how the hell was Sasuke fast enough to counter? It should have ended up like his first meeting wit Lee.

    Then when Cursed Seal 2 and 1-tailed cloak came around. Hell man, they should have been qualified to become Jonin right then and there because they both would've stomped all of the sound 4 besides Kimmimaro with ease.

    This was also the moment Kishi's disturbing fanboy-ism of Sasuke started to really hit home for everybody.

    ...Man I really went off tangent. The reason the rookie 9 are seemingly stronger than Jonin that should trash them is because of plot jutsu. Disturbing as it is, but don't worry. Every filler-arc that introduces new filler missing-nin are all just random 'fodder' Jonin anyway that kick the crap out of the rookies for the most part. Hell, in the 3-tail arc of Shippuden the fodder aren't even Shinobi to begin with. They just got freaky powers from Cursed Seals and don't even need training at all.
  5. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    Well the Sound 4 only really beat tired Jounin coming back from a mission who they outnumbered anyway right? Kimmimaro seems to be the only true beast of that lot.

    If Uchiha's chakra potency increase with the strength of their sharingan then it would make sense for them to become faster when their eyes become stronger.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2014
  6. Knyght

    Knyght Alchemist

    Nov 21, 2010
    With three tomoe, Sasuke was able to predict Naruto's movements. He knew exactly where Naruto was going to be so he could react before he moved, putting himself in the best position for an evasion and/or counter. It's just the next level of the Sharingan's eye of insight.

    It also may have increased the potency of Sasuke's chakra like Vincent said. I'd never thought of it.
  7. 0jordinio0

    0jordinio0 Seventh Year

    Jun 6, 2012
    Sasuke also saw Lee and predicted him. But was far too slow to even put up a guard. It may have increased the potency of his chakra, but if potent chakra was all it took to be fast shouldn't Naruto and the likes of Kisame been the fastest in the series?

    What I mean is, with the 2 tomoe Sasuke could predict Lee, yet not react fast enough. Naruto was so blindingly fast that the 2 tomeo couldn't even see him move nevermind predict him. The 3rd tomoe allowed Sasuke to see him at full speed and predict his movements, but he shouldn't have had the needed speed to counter. Unless the 3rd tomoe also gives the user enhanced reflexes and a speed boost it still would have been futile until he was fast enough to counter.

    Now if he entered the 1st stage of the cursed seal. I woulda believed that because the first time he activated it he was fast enough to dodge the decapitating Air Waves Jutsu from Zaku, then rescue his downed teammates like twenty feet behind him and get them out of the way aswell all in the blink of an eye. And this was before his training with Kakashi to copy Lee's speed.

    But base Sasuke never should have had the speed needed to counter Naruto's speed at that point without the Cursed Seal. Kurama's chakra augments Naruto's abilities. At the Valley of The End fight it showed Sasuke and Naruto about even in speed and Sasuke was still taking alot of hits despite the Sharingan.

    ...Right stopping myself here. That's all I needed to say and it's only my opinion on it. I'm not trying to force it on you or anything. Although, in the final clash of that fight did anybody else feel like Naruto let Sasuke win it? He powered down his Rasengan to scratch his headband.
  8. Hachi

    Hachi Death Eater

    Sep 5, 2010
    In the Zone
    Isn't that what everyone thought? Naruto letting Sasuke win I mean.
  9. Striker

    Striker What's up demons?

    Aug 7, 2010
    In the Tesla
    No, see, you're missing a key distinction here. Sasuke didn't predict Lee's movements, he just saw them in slow motion, because that's what the second stage of the sharingan does. That's why he couldn't react in time, because he'd see Lee throw a punch that looked like it was moving at normal speeds, but then he'd try to dodge and it'd feel like he was moving through molasses, because Lee was just that much faster.

    Sasuke started predicting movement when he unlocked his third tomoe, which is the reason why he was able to keep up with Naruto hopped up on Kurama. The sharingan didn't suddenly make him ten times faster. What it did was tell him two or three seconds in advance what Natuto was going to do, so that he could start reacting to Naruto's punch before he even finished his last attack.
  10. 0jordinio0

    0jordinio0 Seventh Year

    Jun 6, 2012
    To be perfectly honest I enjoy all of Kenchi's works besides his first 2 stories. I had just started reading fanfiction when he was like 20 or so chapters into Sealed Kunai. There's a bit too much anime-esque moments in his fics. But, other than that I think they're all ranging from good to great.

    But, I'm a Kenchi fanboy. Have been for a while because it SK was the first 'good' fanfiction I read which got me interested in fanfiction to begin with.

    The latest power-ups Naruto has gotten have kinda screwed him over in his Naruto/One Piece crossover.

    https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9270492/1/Legendary-Warrior - I've seen alot of these fics. Somebody new training Naruto for the Chunin Exams. But this one stood out from the rest - It's really nothing special, and is quite cracky but Naruto trained by Team 4 Star Popo? That's pretty original. Because as far as I'm aware nobody else has done it yet.

    Edit - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6tPTeT5F8o - Ah Sakura, way to ruin the epic moment by getting curb stomped.
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2014
  11. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    Like Knight said potency is the quality of chakra not the amount. Uchiha are known for their powerful chakra. I think that may have at least something to do with their special brain chakra. Perhaps it leaks into their normal pathways and increases the potency overall.

    I think that every time someone says that Sasuke's chakra is cold or dark they're at least indirectly commenting on its potency. Kurama stated that Sasuke's chakra was more sinister than his own pretty early into the time skip. At the summit Karin stated that Sasuke's chakra was colder then when he was using the 2nd lvl of the cursed seal.

    Don't think this story has been mentioned. I found it decent enough when I read it.

  12. Sn0rkack

    Sn0rkack Professor

    Aug 24, 2011
    Long Island - 631

    Just started reading this HP/Naruto crossover that's Hermione/Sakura centric with Hermione being reborn in the Naruto world as Sakura. Basically it's just a less annoying Sakura. Not sure if it's already been mentioned in this thread or not. I like it, so far. At the moment it's only got 10 chapters and under 60k words. Just thought I'd get some other thoughts on it.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2014
  13. Ayreon

    Ayreon Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Sep 18, 2006
    Here is a review by 9TailedDestroyer from the crossover stories thread.

  14. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    Read it during a boring period.

    3.5/5, not quite library material, but has the potential to become so.
  15. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Why would anyone like a fic like that.
  16. Vincent

    Vincent Death Eater

    Jan 28, 2011
    I have no interest in reading Hermione or Sakura centric stories. I'd probably read something like that if I found the two characters involved more interesting.
  17. Chime

    Chime Dark Lord

    Aug 22, 2007
    Sakura is only interesting because she's less of a powerhouse than Naruto, which means conflicts involving her will be naturally more interesting - she has to get creative to get the job done. Most authors treat her like a doormat or a one trick pony.
  18. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    That includes Kishimoto.
  19. Darth Disaster

    Darth Disaster The Waking Sith ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 10, 2011
    Two blocks from the beach.
    High Score:
    1). The writing is smart.

    2). It's not a canon-rehash. Already things are vastly different.

    3). Sakura(Hermione), a character I generally can't stand pre-timeskip, is actually interesting to read.

    4). The other characters are seeing good development as well, and what we've seen of the author's interpretation of the Shinobi World is refreshing.

    That Said... it has some problems.

    1). It's Sakura-centric, and, well written or not, that gets wearying.

    2). There is potential for Sakura to become a Mary Sue. I haven't actually seen any real signs of it happening yet, but the groundwork is certainly there.

    I don't like Sakura having access to Magic. It enhances the possibility of the Mary Sue route, and Magic is waaay, waaaayyy too capable of breaking all the rules of the Narutoverse. If the author doesn't handle it exceptionally well, it will only be a detractor to the story. Additionally, I just don't think it fits thematically at all. Wands and spell incantations have no place in Naruto.

    Yes, well, that's the wonder of fanfiction isn't it? Being able to change things we don't like.

    In fact I'm pretty sure that's one of the main motivators behind the vast majority of fanfiction.

    Kishimoto is not known for his well thought out female characters, so using canon!Sakura as a justification for her being one dimensional and a one trick pony doesn't exactly carry much weight. A good fanfic author can fill in at least some of the holes of the source material. Sakura's characterization (and female characterization in Naruto in general) is one such hole.
    Last edited: May 4, 2014
  20. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Meh. Hermione is one the characters from HP I find most annoying. Same to Sakura and Narutoverse, only worse. To see them both combined into one person, presenting the perfect Mary Sue package, it made me throw up in my mouth a little.
    Last edited: May 5, 2014