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Ranked Diaries

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Churchey, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. Peteks

    Peteks Order Member

    Jun 15, 2008
    Played my last placement game for season 3. 6-4 and placed in Silver 4.

    I'm pretty optimistic about reaching gold quickly, because all games I lost we had a leaver, and at least at this level I do always well even if team starts raging and feeding. Just need to avoid playing support at this level because the ADC players seem to be utter horseshit here.

    Well, as long as I can have one of my favored picks for any other role than support, I'm rather confident in my ability to carry these guys considering I regularly play blind pick with a couple of friends who are diamond 1-3 and I can hang with the people in those games just fine, and at least placements were full of braindead retards.

    PS: If you ever see your teammate pick toplane Shaco, better dodge. They are going to feed horribly and then leave. 3/4 losses due to Shaco top being some 8 year old dancing on his keyboard.
  2. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    Shaco... top is that frequent of a thing for you??
  3. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
    That right there is already a wrong thought. If you want to move up in league/division, it's not a, "how can I stop teammates from feeding" but "how can I play better." People are on the same levels on both sides. You will find feeders on both teams.

    Think of things like, how can I win harder during laning. How can I position myself better during teamfights so that I can carry. Know when to roam, when to push down towers. Inhibs are more important than baron. And wards. Ward all game, not just laning phase once or twice.
  4. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    If you're crushing your lane, then either your lane opponent is forced to roam or call their jungler up - which does several things.

    They roam = Free pushing power.
    Jungler comes up = Pressure from your team elsewhere (though even in low-Gold this is difficult to get across to your jungler and mid as they roam up whilst you die - rather than take an objective)
    Lane-swap = Swap back ASAP, or crush your new opponent with your advantage.

    From there, it depends on where you are. Assuming a solo lane, it's all mechanics, which you seem confident in if you have a lead, though a lead to me is CS/exp, not kills. If you get a kill, great.

    As Tragic said, solo is all about 'how do I get better? What did I do wrong there? Was I outplayed or did I just screw up?' - Once you notice these things, you'll get better. I've started timing summoners whenever possible and it gives me an idea of what I can roughly do 1 vs 1. I limit myself with my champion pool - That can also be a problem.

    The best way to carry is to have a good game performance wise, which unfortunately for most people at this level means a high KDA - then and only then do they tend to start listening to calls, though at least that's from my experience.
  5. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    I don't play ranked except to get the skins, but a friend of mine has started using a 'hail mary' playstyle in any game where his lanes start feeding. Instead of playing standard, he rushes mejais/mobi boots and goes balls to the wall.

    Try that.
  6. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    Feeding teammates? Split push ftw!
  7. ElDee

    ElDee Unspeakable

    Sep 2, 2008
    That's also an option, yeah. Mobility Boots, Statikk Shiv, Sword of the Divine and some AD. Run around split pushing and backdooring towers.

    Of course if you do it on a mage and get reported by your raging teammates, the Tribunal log is going to look... questionable.
  8. Zerg_Lurker

    Zerg_Lurker Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2010
    Ho hum. Second Promotion series to Gold made me sad for what's ahead.
    Basically supported myself there because every time I'm not supporting I feel like I leave some incompetent jackass to it who would rather be super carrying like in his dreams.

    First game, Zed mid with a red pot start gamble shits all over a first time TF who later feeds intentionally. Even though Zed's lower ranked duo partner gives first blood, enemy jungler gives Zed double buffs and he basically single handedly destroys all enemy morale.

    Second game, my ADC is awful, which I noticed by him missing his first CS in lane and eating Draven harass. After game I look him up on lolking and it turns out he ran 25/1/4 and has a shit ton of stupid rune pages, which along with his skins tells me he has more money than skill. Jayce is an idiot going all in to die because yolo or some stupid shit, and he jumps into the awaiting arms of Darius when he sees Brand strolling towards him, but Brand was running around the jungle instead of cutting him off from behind, which makes him look even more retarded. However, Draven leaves for god knows why and we find out after 10 minutes of anxiously running around the map that I've had completely warded while the enemy turtles up. 5v4 win is not a win I can enjoy, but I'll take it. We definitely should not have won that game.

    Third game, last pick convinces first pick to trade him Thresh for Xin, and he was apparently duo with the ADC. I go top as Jayce against Nasus and after 15 minutes I'm pretty much useless, definitely built wrong even though I held decently against constant Zac ganks when Xin was always diverted to bot which was getting demolished. Graves overextends for the last fight, reminding me that I need to learn how to carry.

    4th game, I'm first pick. Fuck yes, supporting. I help the 4 man invade into enemy red while my ADC eats pizza by bot tower, but he told me it was Delissio and not delivery, so I'll forgive him. Lee Sin makes solid plays and burns summoners, but enemy TF ganks are nasty. I pick up a double kill after Graves eats a Leona ult and dying myself, because shielding towers while Vayne takes aggro>shielding myself, and exhausting Xin when he dives me right next to tower is fucking hilarious. Vayne ultimately decides to dick around and try to split push while we end the game.

    As an aside, why the fuck do people pick Leona into Janna, particularly on purple side?

    Goodbye Sejuani's Highwaymen, hello Irelia's (Irelian?) Renegades :awesome. Holy fuck there are a lot of people in Gold 5.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2013
  9. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Congrats on getting into gold Zerg, another one of us! As a side note, never struggled playing Leona vs Janna from either perspective, and my janna is dreadful. I guess I get to play against bad ones too? That said lately I've been picking Sona into Janna lanes because I feel more comfortable playing sustain vs all-in like Leona.
  10. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    Yay, demoted to Silver II!

    And I feel like it was maybe 40% my fault at most.

    I go support and I get a caitlyn who e's back into Draven and the enemy jungler when we're being ganked and doesn't set a single trap after about 5 minutes. She also thinks my sacrificial dive into them to save her is me making some genius play and tries to go balls deep against the Draven we've been feeding free gold to. Our jungler starts raging at our whole team even though we're only behind in bot but still holding tower, then everyone's too busy going keyboard-warrior mode to play the game and we lose every lane.

    I go Morgana mid, I get a Heca jungler who sits in a bush I told him was warded then tries to tower dive the enemy Diana and give her much needed gold, then bot lane both overextend and die, top gets pushed way too far and I'm raped with a 4 man gank and have to back and lose two towers while Voli goes and does golems?

    I go top with GP and they counter-pick Yorick. I flat out tell my team I'm not gonna win lane, but I'll hold towers as long as I can and get as much cs as I can, and for our Warwick jungle to just do his best in mid and bot. He decides he'll keep ganking my lane while Caitlyn is desperately pinging for help in bot, rages at bot when they're ganked and lose a tower, rages at everyone, afk's for a few minutes, comes back and then trolls and we lose.

    Every game I've gone ADC though I've missed cs like crazy and just done all-around awful so I take full responsibility for those losses.

    I seriously need to start queuing with a partner. >_<

    EDIT: What's with the jungler always being the one to go into crazy rages? Maybe it's confirmation bias, maybe it's just a much more stressful position to play, but I feel like any time anything goes wrong at all, it's usually the jungler who starts calling everyone retarded.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2013
  11. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    Confirmation bias. The other half of the time it's everyone raging at the jungler.
  12. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    As a jungler you're probably right. v:

    Back to unranked for me for a bit. Just spent a game farming the enemy Nunu/Draven bot as MF. My Leona was on the ball with every single snare and ult, and I was 9 kills and 100 cs up on Draven like 20 minutes in. And some amazing ganks from Hellarimz, mid Fizz was shitting all over their Diana and Rumble just about held even with Zac top. Why can't ranked be this good for me? XD
  13. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Normals are a mixed bag too, you either get people trolling and saying it's fine due to it being a normal, or people there who are legitimately trying to practise champions - There are a few lobbies set up for people who want to play against people their kind of level or slightly better though, in custom games just to practice certain match ups or champions.

    I forget the names, but it's something about practising, might be somewhere on reddit though a quick search hasn't brought anything up - you might have more luck.

    Not touched ranked in a few days, been enjoying watching the OGN and LCS too much to really feel like playing, though feel like a jungle Voli game could be favourable as more and more people are banning Nautilus in Gold IV, interestingly enough.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2013
  14. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    Practice lobbies would be cool, I'll have a look for them. Really need to work on my mechanics. Getting better at last-hitting, but still not good enough. D:
  15. Dante

    Dante Slug Club Member

    Mar 31, 2007
    I've been playing a lot of Fiddlesticks support in Bronze II (yeah, crap, I know :D). Had a first encounter with an ADC who had Cleanse today. Fiddle Graves vs. Nidalee Vayne. Baited it in a good position, killed him when we got another opportunity. People being stupid + Graves' wave clear = lots of Fiddle E bounces on enemy bot lane = killapalooza. Sadly, at least half of the kills went to me, because Fiddle is just that awesome :D Didn't go to waste, because I got Zhonya's after Ruby Sightstone and Sorcerer's Shoes. Every ult resulted in at least one kill :) Was about to get Rabaddon's Deathcap too when we won. I have an excuse, Nidalee was building damage too, didn't even have enough decency to act as if it was a support by getting Sightstone! :D

    By the way, what do you guys think about Gold/10 quints, Magic Penetration Marks, Armor Seals and Ability Power Glyphs for support Fiddle? Delightful if E bounces a lot, but I'm really thinking about getting CDR glyphs for this champion...

    Also, do you think it would be alright if I used my Fiddle jungling runes of AP Quints, Magic Penetration Marks, Armor Seals and AP Glyphs for supporting? Might lose a little bit of gold but it might be worth it because it would free up one rune page (have only two).

    Also, am I the only one who thinks that AD Lulu with BotRK and Wit's End is OP?
  16. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    The idea behind using AP on supports is that you're going to need to be aggressive and secure kills quickly for them to be of more use than gp10 pages.
  17. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    There are only a few supports I'll go full AP on (M-Pen reds, AP quints, potentially AP per level blues) and those are Fiddle and Zyra - the idea is you build like a 2nd/3rd AP carry after you get your sightstone.

    GP10's are... Not wanted in terms of quints, though it never hurts to have one if not two item wise but that's assuming the game goes late. At most I'd perhaps pick up a Kage's as the 25 extra AP in lane can help.

    I've never played support Fiddle though, nor jungle Fiddle but I'd imagine your setup sounds fine. The one problem is of course poke which you can't really sustain too well due to probably maxing fear first.

    Another game today, jungle Naut once more, bot lane did work and their TF was the only real one who got any kills so, we did eventually win. Started out weirdly as our Thresh called for an invade (still not sure why I said ok) - Naut vs lee Sin. I have no idea why Lee was down near his blue on purp side, or why he wandered into the river bush just up from Dragon but Thresh hooked him in and I got FB.

    Like an idiot I didn't go back and buy my spirit stone, I just wandered over to my blue and waited. Still, we won, another 27LP puts me on a 4 game win streak and 80LP. I kind of hope I don't skip over Gold III, though I don't think my mmr is high enough to do so thankfully. Isn't there a website you can check out your mmr?
  18. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    At lower elo the only reason not to invade is that the enemy's lvl 1 is stronger than yours.
  19. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    That was the exact reason I didn't want to invade.

    Naut, Yorick, Katarina, Thresh & Ezreal vs Lee, Singed, Draven, Leona & TF. We had no CC outside Thresh & my passive. It was sheer dumb luck we only saw Lee and that we killed him as it was the tick on my shield that killed him after he flashed - Nobody used ignite for some reason.
  20. Consumptus

    Consumptus Groundskeeper

    May 3, 2009
    I pretty much just got 45 LP from a win.

    Was playing Vayne with Fiddle support and vs Draven Sona. What a shitty lane matchup. Thankfully, our Hecarim jungle realized this and ganked for us. I secured first blood on Draven while he traded a kill on our Fiddle. Then I got disconnected and Draven picked up the free kill and tower. It looked pretty grim, as our Kassadin mid died 3 times pretty early. Our Fiddle turned into a whiny ass who didn't even try to make plays. Thankfully, I made a nice play with Kassadin to pick up a double kill on Draven Sona, and we traded kills in several teamfights with our Tryndamere turning up huge. Eventually we outscaled them with stupid amounts of damage from Trynda, Vayne and Kass.

    Holy crap, I just had the most garbage team from out of shithole-harassment-center. Yet another duo queue. Everyone asks for roles, etc. The first pick duo queue takes my top so I say jungle. 2nd and 3rd pick mid and AD and then the 5th pick tries to say he's jungle. the Orianna mid sucks the 5th pick's dick while the Renek top who's duo'd with the guy is absolutely silent.
    W/e, champion select problems it's fine. All game bot and mid are trash talking in allchat and in team chat. Especially after Orianna feeds hardcore, while botlane dies as well.
    I snowball top and countergank for him so the Renek is 5/0. The Nunu who's duo'd with him is still trash talking me and Orianna, who was standing up for him in Champ select.
    We had several good teamfights where me and Renek made plays as the most fed of our team, but we end up losing since mid and bot were too far behind.
    I stayed silent throughout the game, except to ask Renek why he was duo'ing with this jerk.

    They then report me for harassment.
    Holy crap.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2013
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