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Ranked Diaries

Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Churchey, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    Confirmation bias of course, but Kellros and I bot as quirky Lulu/Taric, Lulu/Thresh, Lulu/Nautilus(Dot-ilus, and also his favorite combo so far), with both of us building offensive, has won lane(and game) every time.

    Only done it in Normals, so far, but I do agree that it's fun from time to time. I think I usually go for:
    Zerk Greaves
    Ruined King

    and depending on what whims take me in a given match, Tear into Muramana(so she has mana for abilities), Rageblade, BT, Wit's End, and others.
  2. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    6 Straight wins in a row, into my promo series for Gold III. Got stuck with a Trist who had no faith in my Sona - In her defence, I did get caught 3 times against Cait/Lux in a duo-q, but what else am I supposed to do when Rammus speeds in and I get caught by Lux?

    Good news is our Yi mid stomped Zed, roamed down and picked up a bounty, took the tower and drag which just swung the game for us - still not sure how Kayle beat Jax up top, I assume Voli was up there when I wasn't paying attention. Either way, lost just the one tower and rolled teamfights once I got an Oracles and we grouped.

    Unsure if I want to play this promo series today or tomorrow. Tomorrow is OGN which depending on the matches means a late start, though I'm always wary of playing promo series the same day as I enter them. I dunno.
  3. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    -Take two weeks vacation. Chill like no one has chilled before.
    -Get back to League, tryhard forgotten.
    -Pick up good old support.
    -Win all 5 games. Carry like a motherfucker.
  4. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
  5. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Edit because ffs:
    When the second and fourth pick both scream MID again and again and go double mid. ADC is left alone, enemy jungler has party.
    I lost 25 LP from this. This is ridiculous.
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2013
  6. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
    Just reached Gold I. Still, while I still win lanes, it's harder to go unstoppable every game now, making me more reliant on teammates. Hopefully I can reach Plat V quickly without delay ~
  7. Zerg_Lurker

    Zerg_Lurker Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2010
    Anticlimactic climb to GIV.

    First series was a bust because trolls and fail, Duo'd with Deak for the first game but full retard Fiddlesticks picked mid against Cassiopeia.

    On the climb back I played my second actual game with Elise in jungle, my weakest role. Had some solid ganks and saved Teemo top while feeding him Shyvana for double buffs, but really that game was won when our Kassadin hit 6 against midalee and again, full retard enemy Fiddlesticks except as a support. Nami also landed some sick bubbles, catching Shyvana mid flight. I still managed to die three times because I don't know how to time my rappel. Or play junglers.

    In the promotion series I took Jayce against Udyr who started boots +pots and sat there eating my shots until I took first blood for free at lvl 2. Sloppy Lee Sin ganks and squishy bear build let me basically smash down top lane and stroll wherever I wanted, while the enemy team had to share their jungle. Nearly threw when Graves went to farm a wave after baron instead of helping close out the game with a downed inhibitor and ace, but we were just too far ahead. Also, I didn't buy Manamune at all but went pretty old school with 2 Dorans into BT.

    Second game I played Lulu and only stole 2 kills intentionally, the other three were trying to shield someone over a big fat Cho or Nasus hitbox. Yorick vs Nasus for the most boring top lane ever, AP Sion mid vs Swain, who surprised us all because he apparently only plays AP Sion and has a ~40-13 record, and a super passive Sona who didn't really have support figured out. Pretty hard stomp to be honest, but had some great, friendly post game lobby conversation with Sona and Swain.
  8. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Lost my Gold III promo after a 2 week break, screwed over by duo-q again so, I'm really starting to rally behind people who want it removed or at least limited to the same league.

    Game one was a steamroll because we all played terribly and people screwed up the last teamfight so hard by getting caught at Baron pit against a Blitz & well, the rest was history.

    Game 2 was fairly even then we just snowballed - my first Nami game and it was good fun having a Vayne who could communicate and actually be pleasant alongside make some good calls for me to follow up on or start off with - was a good fun natured game from both sides.

    Final game my team banned my entire jungler roster out (at least, my most confident 3) so I ended up going with J4 - we invaded the Udyr and got FB easy, stole his buff, he never took mine. Here's when I realised we had a duo-q. Plat IV Lee top vs Quinn (Where he got wrecked, she's such a good anti-bruiser it hurts) and a Silver V Lux.

    I don't get why people duo at that level - you will NOT climb when your Plat IV buddy drags you into a game filled with Gold III - I bar me, because I'm trying to get into Gold III. We got out-picked to be fair but, my bot lane spent the game flaming me when they threw their own lead away 2 vs 2 and our Lux just did nothing. 30 Minute game and she finished with less than 100 farm as she roamed constantly without achieving anything, I couldn't gank her lane as it's a Morgana so, black shield & away she goes.

    I dunno, I like duo-q but I also hate it when I get stuck with bullshit like that. In a promo game for Gold III, why do I get the quo-q with a Silver V? The other 2 games had no duo-q's and they went great, and then bam, instantly stuck with someone trying to help their friend out. If you want to carry your friends, please just make a smurf account.

    TLDR; Duo-Q loses me my Gold III promo, not happy.
  9. tragicmat1

    tragicmat1 Death Eater

    Mar 7, 2011
    See, that's the thing with duo queue. When people lose against duo queues, they blame GG, have to play against a Plat player who carried. When they play with duo queues, they blame the losses on GG, have to play with that Silver player that duo'd. Duo queue might not seem to be the most balance thing in the world, but really, a lot of times they lose just as much as they lose. If someone truly belongs in their elo, it's very hard for duo queues to "carry" them out of their place.

    Nonetheless, it is often nice to duo when you know you don't belong in the elo you are in (and I can personally guarantee most 200 games veteran are probably in the place they belong.)
  10. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    I didn't think much of it at first, because normally duo's aren't so bad outside when the enemy team is already stacked because of the queue finding them to play us/it's a promo so it's supposed to be harder to win.

    But she picked Lux into Morgana, no idea on the match up so I can't comment - What really annoyed me was she would roam at the most random time, without clearing her lane so they knew she was coming, she couldn't follow Morgana to save her life, and I think she landed all of maybe 2 ults the whole game -after- rushing max cdr.

    I think honestly it was the fact it was a Silver V more than anything. Silver III and above, ok, you might have an inkling of what you're doing but V... Unless you're a smurf who got counter-smurfed in your placements, it's gonna be a rough ride.

    Edit; Another lost game - SIlver IV top on their team? Ok, could be good, mechanically he was pretty good - His partner? Diamond II. For fucks sake Riot... Plus side is I only lost 1 single LP for that game.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2013
  11. Zerg_Lurker

    Zerg_Lurker Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2010
    So yeah, duo queues.

    Plat 3 Zed actually doesn't know how to carry/play as Zed, loses lane, builds full retard and never gets the opportunity to split push. He also uses his ult last instead initiating on the back line with it, which tells me he doesn't know how to play. First time Brand gets completely demolished by Fizz and Kayle who lane swapped. Zed's duo partner, Sejuani, builds full retard as well, going for Rylais, Liandrys and Sunfire instead of a Bulwark against all the magic damage on their team, and ends the game with like 70 MR. Vayne and I as Nami win lane, lose game. Brand's score in the end is something like 6-18, Zed is 3-12 ish.

    Silver 1 Sejuani at the end: "Tanks build DOT." :facepalm
  12. Consumptus

    Consumptus Groundskeeper

    May 3, 2009
    Duo queue's ruin pretty much all my ranked games. It's annoying and really not fun at all. I really wish they would disallow duo queue for ranked games. Your rating is supposed to be your personal rating, not a duo queue and solo rating.
  13. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
    When this happens in champ select you know things aren't gonna go great, but you try your best. I was first pick and banned Elise, Jayce and Amumu in that order. Enemy team banned Leona and Thresh (missed the second one idk why).

    Early game, (apart from a retarded invade that only delayed everyone on both teams from getting to lane and put jungle Olaf behind a buff) things looked good. Was ahead of Vayne in CS and the gap kept widening and their Blitz couldn't land a single hook. To top it off, Vayne was awful and kept condemning me to safety the two times I got caught out (once clean away from a grab).

    Olaf then decides to gank bot, we get Vayne to about 50% HP before she escapes to tower and Blitz's passive saves him. Olaf goes mongo-man and tower dives, giving first blood to Vayne. Sona follows him after he's already dead and Vayne picks up another fucking kill.

    Jax and Lux lose their lanes hard and Jax and Olaf are too busy flaming everyone to just fucking play the game. They go in 2v5 and rage at me for not joining them on their suicide quest. In the end we only take bot and top outer towers, and lose with no towers or inhibs.

    I dunno, I feel like there wasn't much I could do that game at all. Mechanically it was probably one of the best games I've played as a carry. I consistently farmed well while poking the shit out of Vayne and Blitz, map awareness was good enough to save Lux's ass mid, positioning in team fights was good (I didn't explode like I usually do).

    C'est la vie. Maybe I'll have more luck in Silver IV. :D
  14. Zerg_Lurker

    Zerg_Lurker Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2010
    Another attempt into Gold III bust. Not sure if I'm in Gold IV or actually Short Bus V.

    First game, I completely counterpicked myself with first pick Jayce against Wukong. Lvl 2 gank leaves me dead though Amumu goes and helps bot get a double kill. However, Morg farms mid while Jarvan proxies the wave and Wukong takes the tower before I can respawn. Amumu lands godly bandage tosses and sets up Cait to be legendary, but I got basically 50 cs the entire game and was completely useless. Also, Morg just made retarded decisions, trying to either kill a lvl 8 monkey when she had no hp, or more likely to farm the wave at the tower.

    Second game, ADC disconnects right before team fight. Twice. Nuff said.
  15. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    I was distracted by outside-of-game stuff and didn't select a champion, for a technical loss in my second promotion match... First-pick too, and I had already done bans.(was distracted during the enemy last-ban)

    Worked out, though, since I won the first, third and fourth matches handily.

    ---------- Post automerged at 09:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:15 AM ----------

    Hmm, just started a ranked 3's team with some friends. Won our first five in a row, placed into Gold 3. Won the next three, up for series. Won next two, and skipped into Gold 1. About to see if we can win the next six or seven in a row and go into Plat.

    Wish me luck, eh?

    Had 14 minute queues for the last two matches, though, which is annoying.
  16. Zerg_Lurker

    Zerg_Lurker Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2010
    Fuck supporting forever.

    1. Orianna mid vs Lux: passive as fuck and actually fell behind in CS about 1 every minute. However, me and Lee Sin shat on the enemy Shaco because he didn't have the mechanics.

    Series attempt 3 went L-W-L.
    First game Jayce got completely wrecked and I simply could not save Twitch with enough Janna shields when he went full retard.

    Second game, Jayce from last game went Ashe and I ran Zyra, with a team comp like Cloud 9's. Syndra 2shot a lot of people but GA solves everything.

    Third game, Mid Zed and team captain left Blitz open, so we get raped bot but he picks up the triple early. However, Gangplank fucks him up mid lane and ults bot whenever he pleases, then strolls down while Zed tries his darnedest to splitpush without a Bork.

    Down to 90 LP, I queue and take Jax for the first time in ranked expecting to face Kayle, but she goes mid and eats Midalee while Heimerdonger sets up shop top. Commence carry mode, with easy first blood under turret and endless splitpushing and facerolling. Man moded a little too hard but still basically free win because dongers weren't raised high enough and I could 4-hit people.

    Fourth series from Gold IV went splendidly.

    Jayce into Rengar, I expected to do poorly but I just abused his ass all the way to the turret then picked up first blood when Hecarim came around to kill me. Hilarious Zombie Brand shits on Ryze mid, Zac outpaced Hecarim all around.

    Second game, Jayce again, this time against Malphite. I fall behind in levels a bit because I helped Amumu for a smiteless leash when Ahri just buggers off, but I stay farming the lane until around 10 minutes while he builds Glacial-Sunfire and I rush Last Whisper. When Amumu showed up to gank, he blew his ult to escape, which was hilarious. Didn't carry that game, going 3/3/11 but I did my part in taking a ton of hard objectives and shutting down enemy carries. Altogether beautifully played game with Amumu and Ahri making the big plays.

    tl;dr, Jayce and Jax OP. Skipped Gold III entirely, fuck yeah. :awesome
  17. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Good stuff Zerg, always nice to read about people skipping an entire division - Hoping I have a similiar skip given as I'm still losing 10 - 12lp a game but winning 27+. Not sure if that puts my mmr high enough but, fingers are crossed.

    Probably won't be able to touch ranked as friends are coming to stay for a week today, so should do some good - another short break from the game bar the odd aram to come back ready and refreshed. Best of luck to anyone else battling it out in Promo's!
  18. Jawke

    Jawke Squib

    Aug 2, 2011
    Just lost my third promo due to dodge went W/L/leave. This guy called jungle or top we say ok go jungle then he proceeds to grab rumble(last second) saying I thought someone else called jungle after I lock in top.
  19. ElDee

    ElDee Unspeakable

    Sep 2, 2008
    Did a promotion series yesterday. Finally got three games in a row without a Plat/Silver duo queue fucking everything up.

    Game one was a disaster. Jungled Jarvan IV against Lee Sin. By the time I got double buffs, all three of my lanes had immediately pushed to the enemy turret and they stayed that way for 25 minutes. Lee Sin was just wandering between top and mid getting free kills from Zyra and Volibear while I'm running around desperately trying to cover lanes and counter gank. Team fights roll around and it's barely worth trying to peel for Vayne because she does no damage. We arguably had the better late game team comp, we just couldn't survive long enough to reach late game.

    Game two the enemy team didn't ban Amumu so I instantly lock that shit in. Enemy jungler picks Lee Sin and exactly the same thing happens as last game - all three lanes push HARD and Lee Sin wanders between them ganking at will. This time though I just ignore him and farm both jungles. Most of his ganks fail and he really starts to fall behind. Curse of the Sad Mummy and Solar Flare with Ryze electrocuting everything makes winning team fights incredibly easy. I am now 13 - 4 with Amumu.

    Game three I end up as top lane Jarvan versus Gangplank. I guess he picked it to counter me without knowing how to play it, because he spent more time sitting on the fountain healing than he did in lane fighting me. Bot lane lost and fed Vayne, but our Gragas crushed their Twisted Fate in mid almost as hard as I won top. I end the game 11/1/9 and am reminded of how much fun J4 is with items.

    So, now I'm in Silver I. Just 100 points and a best of 5 series to go until I achieve the improbable and hit Gold.
  20. Consumptus

    Consumptus Groundskeeper

    May 3, 2009
    I played a couple ranked games.

    Game one was fun. I was Udyr vs a Shyvana who tried hard to counter jungle me. I started Dorans vs his Machete though. He got destroyed. Our Quinn top beat the enemy Riven who kept bragging about being a Gold I smurf.
    All in all a fun game.

    Played another game today as Tryndamere vs Ryze top. Ryze was super passive and I got a bunch of crits off and farmed the lane. Ryze tried to turn it into a farm match with his TP to make plays, but I killed him solo and roamed. Ended up stealing their blue twice and roamed down mid to get a kill on their TF.
    TF and Nunu ganked top twice and my team made the best of it. Our bot lane + jungle died 3v2 to the enemy bot lane, but our mid Kassadin roamed bot late and picked up the double kill spare.
    All in all, me and Kassadin ended up 2v4'ing the enemy team even though we both died and they surrendered soon after.

    I then look at my match history and find out i'm 7-0 as Tryndamere. Holy crap. I had no idea.

    ---------- Post automerged at 11:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:55 PM ----------

    And yet another duo queue ruining my game.

    Our Xin and Ashe bot are duo'd. Xin is Gold 3 and Ashe is Silver 3.

    Ashe gets raped in lane hard.

    We lose the game despite me as Kayle trying to carry hard. I go top to get a kill for Xin, I get my tower and pressure Diana off. But their duo queue is better than ours so we lose.

    This is so stupid and frustrating.
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