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Discussion in 'League of Legends' started by Churchey, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    I honestly feel like duo ques are the worst thing in the world.

    Anytime I have to deal with a duo bot they get smashed.
  2. Eilyfe

    Eilyfe Supreme Mugwump

    May 27, 2014
    Experimented with Alistar to widen my hero pool. The cow is pretty awesome, most of all because I can kick Kindred out of his ultimate.
  3. Tutorial Boss

    Tutorial Boss Seventh Year

    Apr 10, 2012
    I've added to my limited champion pool Lux.

    I'm kind of depressed. I'm in a mad rush to try and get Gold before season end, but I'm only going down (just dropped a division from II to III) and I feel like I'm playing worse.
  4. Oz

    Oz For Zombie. Moderator DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2008
    Baile Átha Cliath
  5. Tutorial Boss

    Tutorial Boss Seventh Year

    Apr 10, 2012
    North American servers.
  6. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    Got my ego decaying stop win because the enemy team had a DC rager. The game before that reminded me why I don't play league anymore, having players on your team who aren't on the same page as you tactically is beyond frustrating, and the social environment is so toxic that trying to communicate to someone who is losing is pointless.

    It also helps they gutted my favorite champion and I can't pick a new one yet, but mainly I have no interest in playing because league is less balanced now than it ever has been since I started playing in s2.
  7. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    WTF LOL. You think this is less balanced than League of Cleavers, Warmogs meta, Kassadin permaban times, Kha zix and Zed, toplane elise, etc. That is some serious selective memory there.
  8. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    I didn't have a problem with any of those metas. People liked to complain and be dramatic about them but I personally never played 'meta' champions and was still able to enjoy playing even in league of X or Y, or when champion Z or A was strong.

    Coming from a player who has always had a positive w/l ratio, playing 'meta' champions is now important than ever. Some champions just can't find a strategic niche like they used to, and are basically worse at everything than other champions. Why would I ever want to see Taric in my game when I could get Tahm instead? Or Soraka?

    Mid lane has always had a diverse meta, and you see more 'in meta' picks than ever (many of which are permanent picked/banned in solo queue) but the champions in top lane are currently out classing other champions in every aspects. Why would I ever want a Renekton when I could get a Darius, Fiora, or Garen? And even better, those champions absolutely destroy people (by explicit design) if they get lane advantages. Their kits are overloaded and whatever picks are most 'meta' will continue to be chosen based on their position in an arms race of poor balance. Champions get both utility and damage now (albeit conditional) when before it was one of the other. It's not just the champions, but the way they are allowed to itemize now.

    I started this in the other thread but Fiora is a prime example. She can ignore CC (and actually benefits from you trying) and auto attacks, has amazing mobility, a slow with a conditional stun, an MS boost, an air heal and true damage. Her ideal item path means she gets aoe life steal and an item that increases how much she heals from her autos and her ultimate.

    Newer champions are more frustrating than ever to play against. Tahm can eat a champion you went all in on just before they die and there's nothing you can do. Kalista can me you for days, and Kindred has very high mobility and good snowball potential from the jungle. Echo just lolnopes your damage if you can't CC him while you burst him and has multiple mobility tools. I could go on but there's no point because I've already mad out the pattern, the parts of Champions that make them frustrating to play against is stuff you can't interact with on every champion. If you happen to be one of those champions that can interact effectively with the current champions? Great you can play league of legends today. Otherwise? Hope the people on your team playing a current champion can carry you.
  9. Bill Door

    Bill Door The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Dec 1, 2011
    Behind You
    I'm not going to bother countering everything you say because you've just listed things that champions are good at without discussing their weaknesses. Every champ can sound op when you do that.

    And there have always been frustrating champs. I'd say they are a lot less annoying than champions used to be. At least you don't have to deal with S3 Kassadin, midlane soraka or Teemo. The game is in a good state atm, you can get away with playing just about whatever you want and it can work. There aren't really any champs that just aren't viable, even Taric can do some work in the right situation.
  10. Wildfeather

    Wildfeather The Nidokaiser ~ Prestige ~

    Oct 18, 2007
    High Score:
    Solo lane Mordekaiser? Urgot? Ryze on solo Queue has a 43% win rate, just like Azir. Syndra isn't doing so well either. There are loads of Champions with less than a 45% win rate right now.

    What are Fiora's weaknesses? You can't CC her or out burst her, you can't kite her. She scales incredibly hard and has good sustain and few mana issues and her early game isn't trash. Her build isn't too expensive to get going either. The only counter to he risk sustained damage, except that she gets natural sustain to counter that also. Can she be beaten? Absolutely, but only by a small group of Champions that can beat her in a number game (Darius and Rumble, and Jax in theory) by playing her game as good as she does (or better). Fiora is the magnum opus of this entire trope, because you can't even make the argument "CC her/burst her" because her kit gives her options to play around even that. And that's the issue, because her kit (and others like her) is set up in a way that punishes you for doing the stuff you normally would do to counter something. Glass cannon melee dos? Building armor. Oh wait true damage, better build health (which has been nerfed). Cc? Just made riposte into a stun. Run away? Insane mobility and a built in slow. The people who beat Fiora are the people who do ramping or sustained damage and have some form of sustain.

    There have always been frustrating champions. Those frustrating champions did not have ways to punish you for everything you did.
  11. andy50

    andy50 Groundskeeper

    May 6, 2013
    Think i'm about to get demoted to gold 5 again.
  12. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    I need to learn when to dodge.

    I should have done it as soon as the guy said Kindred mid. But I didn't and was forced to endure a 10-0 LB roaming bot and oneshotting me with QR at 20 minutes before killing the support for a double kill after we killed off their bot lane. Fun times.

    She ended 32-5-1. Or some shit like that.
  13. Eilyfe

    Eilyfe Supreme Mugwump

    May 27, 2014
    Failed my placement in gold 2-3. Overall this week feels like I'm getting worse with every game.
  14. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Currently 2-2 in Placements, not exactly doing well considering my worst placement record (I think) has been 7-3... Possibly 6-4, I don't remember. Either way, couple of easy games, both losses were ridiculously hard. Both rather massive throws.

    Going over the match history afterwards to see what I could've done better and outside 1 silly death in each game, I feel like I played it fairly well, it was more a mixture of bad calls on the teams part, and people just doing the usual "you're all bad" all game. Notably in my most recent loss, we placed 3x the number of wards the enemy team did - unfortunately, nobody else bought pinks, or sweepers, or actually watched the wards.

    That and their Zac did work, we had a great opening 15 minutes but then Zac was just landing 4 man E's everywhere & unfortunately Jinx/Annie always had follow-up. Our Lee had high ping all game so he said, and then just afk'd for the last 10 minutes before finally quitting. A shame, as we won a 5 vs 4 4-2 but couldn't do anything with it due to 3 inhibs down.

    I always end up writing essays... fuck. Oh well, fingers crossed the remainder of the evening goes better.
  15. Fenraellis

    Fenraellis Chief Warlock

    Dec 29, 2007
    In the Comfy Chair
    Yay, Kaemrynn is now Plat 5. On a related note, I'm just shy of Plat 2. I could go for Diamond, but... I only play with friends, really, so, meh.
  16. Aerylife

    Aerylife Not Equal

    Jan 28, 2011
    High Score:
    Hey. Guy. Winkey face~
  17. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    TIL if you play Mundo half the enemy team takes ignite, if you play against Mundo, nobody on your team takes ignite. Though my bot lane did blink pick Vayne/Soraka and got a Graves/Leona lane so, I guess there was that.

    Oh well, 4-3 with 3 games to go, I cna already sense the impeding 5-5. At least it means my MMR will have taken a slight dip and I should get some easier games. No more Plat II's for me, just mid-level Gold's, who still don't get lane match-ups. Crap.

    How's everybody else's luck going?
  18. Zerg_Lurker

    Zerg_Lurker Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2010
    Decided to play out my series one more time, must be the 5th or 6th attempt now.

    Two games of full retard. First one with Brand calling ADC 4th pick after bot lane was done, so I picked Ryze top. Stupid shit happens and their Malphite decides to give a free kill every other 5 mins but ultimately wins because their Kindred got stupidly fed, 10-2 by 15 mins and not slowing down.

    Second game was with a Heimerdinger "support" who didn't buy sightstone. Win lane anyway, rotate mid, lose massive fights because of Jarvan/Malphite wombo, take baron, die to literally the exact same shit in the exact same spot afterward, lose game.

    So ends season 5 for me. Not going to bother grinding it back to series in the 24 hours and change remaining.
  19. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    I'm wondering if I'm somehow playing in bronze 5 instead of Silver 5.

    I go Akali jg, but they 4 man invade before minions spawn and kill me, our Varus and our Leona. Great start. Then their Ashe ADC and Cait ADC stay in their lane at 100 hp after forcing our bot to back, giving me an easy double for the snowball to start.

    Meanwhile, their level 6 Ekko towerdives our level 4 Kat twice in a row, feeding her two kills and level 6 while our Cass is 1-3 to their Cho, who died by walking into her W and dancing after he killed her.

    We 5 man towerdive them at bot, I get a quadra when Cho TPs down into the Leona ult. They towerdive us at mid 2 minutes later, Kat gets a quadra. With a fed Akali and fed Kat, it's kind of over for the other team.

    I then spend the rest of the game farming their two splitpushing ADCs because no one on their team other than Lee had a sightstone, and Lee never bothered warding other than for his W.

    I end with 24 kills, Kat with 18, everyone else on our team has negative KDA.
  20. BsuperB

    BsuperB Headmaster

    Mar 22, 2008
    Went 6-4 as I thought I would do, one good game on J4 jungle with a Riven/Trist carrying combo, one bad game on J4.

    I will never understand why people see things like Riven, Leona & Kassadin & then pick such passive or late orientated lanes. I picked J4 jungle, so you take Vlad & Shen? What the hell am I supposed to do for the first 20 minutes, gank a Leona when you took Janna? x_x. We had a chance with Vayne but Vlad and Janna kept wandering off into the 100 Acre Wood of Death.

    Sufficed to say Riven & Kassadin went off & my team gave up at like, 13 minutes. I dunno man, it stings after a good game to get such a snowballed as shit loss, especially considering every win I've had, has been a 40+ minute game that frankly, were all closer than they needed to be. Every loss? We've been shit on, bar the first one actually.

    I dunno what it is, something just doesn't seem to click and suddenly it all falls apart. Maybe I should go ADC as I won 4 games playing that, lost 2 as support & jungle - though no surprises there as I haven't jungled properly since the end of S2. The support games were, well, average, though I should probably just fall back to playing Leona every game as it's how I got Gold in the first place and short of my team picking something like Kog'Maw it can't exactly fail.

    Oh well, 6-4 and I get Gold III, I'll take it. Hopefully my MMR got shit on so I can play against people more my level now instead of high Plat guys, kinda soul destroying when you get your promo and see an entire enemy team Plat III+.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2015
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