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Reason for hating Harry/Ginny?

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by chronic dragon, Feb 5, 2006.

  1. chronic dragon

    chronic dragon Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Jan 28, 2006
    whats your reason for hating harry/ginny stories or just ginny herself. i never really got into the harry/ginny stories for some reason. plus theres too many of those damn stories.

    Edited title and moved - Mid
  2. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    I hate the canon character b/c she was created simply to be the "One" for Harry. It was so obvious in book 1 with her being obsessed with him, and solidified in book 2, with the various issues there, then him rescuing her.

    She's mostly forgotten about the next 3 years, with her main apperance in book 5 being Harry's seeker replacement, and her showing up at DoM to keep the boy/girl ratio balanced.

    The hints dropped in book 6 about a love potion (which JKR doesn't have the balls to use I'd wager) are obvious as well, and the ship comes out of nowhere.

    In fanon she's done the same way, the love comes out of nowhere, and she's slept with a ton of people either to prepare herself for Harry, or to try to find someone other then Harry to be with. Or she's plotting to ensnare him and use him for his wealth, or she turns him into an even bigger bitch.

    Regardless, I've seen very, very few stories that were H/G that were worth the time I spent reading them, they seem to turn out horribly written as a rule.
  3. Silent

    Silent Kinky Wench

    Dec 4, 2005
    Reasons to dislike her?
    Put simply, she's the Canon version of a Mary-Sue.
    For the first five books, she hardly merits a passing notice. Then, in HBP, she's suddenly this perfect girl, and Harry is obsessed with her. There isn't even as much setup in Canon for Harry/Ginny as there was for Harry/Cho. The relationship is two-dimensional, and I found it a touch tacky. If she stayed in the background, as just another Weasley, I'd be fine with her. But why is she suddenly a main character?
  4. Quack

    Quack Second Year

    Jan 3, 2006
    I don't have reasons as good as the other two, though I agree with them.

    It's too fairytale for me. Little girl has a crush on famous hero and he saves her, then they get together and fall madly in love. It's the same in some fics too, which adds fuel to my hatred. I mean, how realistic is it to actually DATE your childhood crush? It's damn near impossible to fall in love with your crush, especially when you didn't even know him in the first place. Like I said, too fairytaleish, relationships aren't like that. Just because you confess your feelings doesn't mean they will be reciprocated. xD

    Not to mention it is extremely overdone, and often badly so. And what's there to like about her? She's nothing special. Short, pale, flat, and has more freckles on her face than stars in the sky. But people make her into some short of goddess -- which she isn't. Frankly, I don't think she deserves Harry. I will admit I can push aside these feelings if the fic is well written enough.

    Feels good to get that off my chest. xD
  5. MrMucus

    MrMucus Groundskeeper

    Jan 31, 2006
    Down memory lane
    She's a bland character with not many qualities that make you wanna like her that much.

    I also agree JKR probably won't go with the love potion idea though it hints at it a lot in HBP because she will have h/g fanboys and girls bitchin about it and prolly get mobs after her though that would be fun to watch :twisted:

    However fanon!ginny simply put the death knell on her since most h/g stories are about true love which i do not believe in. :microwave:
  6. Dark Syaoran

    Dark Syaoran No. 4 Admin

    Jun 4, 2005
    Never really liked canon Ginny but didnt hate her character. I just thought the books could really do without her. She was just there... someone for Harry to fall for.

    Fanon is what really made me dislike her character.

    All I have to say is the books wouldnt lose anything by cutting her out. Someone else could have easily opened the Chamber of Secrets and it wouldnt damage the storyline any. That's the only major thing she does in the whole series.
  7. bornagainpenguin

    bornagainpenguin DLP Archivist

    Oct 27, 2005
    I gotta take the Midknight train here... I agree with most of what he said. Especially the bits about the love potions.

    My biggest problem with the matchup is that it has no reality. Like others ahve said she shows up in book one as a little brat, gets stupid in book two and then just about nothing until book five when she compares her posession in book two with Harry's issues. Give me a frigging break here. She chose to write in the diary even though she knew better. She chose to not ask for help when she was suddenly missing time and having strange thinsg happen to her. Does she report the situation to Mcgonagall? No she tries to cover it all up. She tries to destroy the evidence. Meanwhile Harry has Voldemort in his frigging HEAD! The guy's got an open door into his mind and its through no fault of his own! Not to say he's perfect but he's not exactly responsible for what happened when he was a year old is he?

    Then of course there's the misbegotten fanfic that is book six.... I won't rehash what others have said already-- love potion, monster in his chest, Mary-sue, ect... But somehow everything that was good about Herminone (note I'm talking about the gfood parts only here) gets transplanted into Ginny and Hermione's character is replaced by a shrew. Character rape pure and simple. Its turnarounds like this that give birth to all those Azkaban stories, you know! JKR are you listening?

    Putting aside these issues I really don't mind Harry and Ginny stories if they manage to tone down the fluff and start with some character building at an earlier part in the series that leads into a relationship. Its still unrealistic but its more doable IMHO... That said, any story that has a good Harry and Ginny relationship must by its nature be an alternate universe for it to work. And any time this happens you no longer have Ginny you get some kind of strange Original Character.

    ---bornagainpenguin (who doesn't mind OC+Harry romances on occasion)
  8. Xanatos

    Xanatos Professor

    Aug 26, 2005
    I agree with all thats said above , gd points ppl

    I also hate how she suddenly became the 'griffindor babe' and every guy forgets what an obcessive bitch she was and wants to do her
  9. LINKed up

    LINKed up Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Jan 28, 2006
    A certain place in a certain area of space-time, a
    I don't like her because of the ammount of fanon stuff. I haven't read HBP, and from the ammount of people that don't like it, I'm waiting for the movie. H/G doesn't make much sense to me most of the time, but if I'm bored and can't find anything else to read, I'd read some H/G, but probably won't like it. I read one where Harry's love for her was spurred by him walking in on her. Bleh.
  10. bornagainpenguin

    bornagainpenguin DLP Archivist

    Oct 27, 2005
    Waiting for the movie? How the hell are they going to make HBP into a movie? There's nothing left once you take out the Riddle background -- and the Riddle background is just the kind of thing they usually cut out! These days I'm beginning to think the HBP was nothing more than a big #### you to Warner Brothers at the way they've done the last few movies. Sort of a I dare you to make THIS into a film...

  11. kota_dawndragon

    kota_dawndragon Second Year

    Aug 16, 2005
    Out in the Middle of Nowhere, Texas
    I agree with you there. Think they'll actually show Dumbledore getting killed? I personally believe they'll do some sort of off-camera scene in order to make it safe for the 2-year-olds that people bring to these movies.

    Now as to why I hate Ginny:

    Like a lot of the others, it's mostly the fanon that's gotten to me. In the books, she's such a bland character that I never really noticed her until Half-Baked Plot. The thing is, with a bland character, you can make that character into just about anything short of actually IN character. I think that's why a lot of authors (including JKR) make her into Harry's love interest, because, unlike Hermione, she doesn't have much of an established personality.

    Also in the fanon, Harry usually falls in love with her suddenly, either the first time he sees her or the first time he realizes she's a girl and a "hot" one at that. That is an oil-tanker-sized load of ****. Most boys I know don't fall in love until they've known the girl (I mean have REALLY known the girl) for a long time (meaning months to years). They certainly fall into LUST easily enough, but love? That's a whole 'nother ballgame.
  12. Giovanni

    Giovanni God of Scotch

    Aug 4, 2005
    Gilligan's Island
    Pretty much. Its insulting that Harry always falls in love with the red headed whore after noticing that

    A) She had Triple E tits
    B) She is skinny and has perfect sized tits
    C) She has a nice ass
    Or Everybody's "Favorite"
    D) She is the only person who will ever understand him... Thats why she slaps him, verbally abuses him, stalks him, and generally acts like a bitch to him.

    Personally I see her as a quick shag for him.... Like one night he is frustrated and just angs the school slut.
  13. bornagainpenguin

    bornagainpenguin DLP Archivist

    Oct 27, 2005
    That's a great point! I just wanted to underline it, and it ought be on a list for all the female writers out there along with the 'boys don't cry from physical pain; emotional pain yes--physical pain no!' rule that so many women writers forget.

  14. Syn

    Syn Fourth Year

    Dec 20, 2005
    hey, who said harry fell in love with the little doxy in HBP?

    afaik, he just had a monster grow in his pants...and he snogged/shagged the hell out of her.

    i don't recall the 'L' word being thrown around ever.
  15. bornagainpenguin

    bornagainpenguin DLP Archivist

    Oct 27, 2005
    Actually what's really twisted of JKR is the idea that Harry is so screwed up he doesn't know the difference between a Monster in his chest and Troo Luff!

  16. Goddess of Ran

    Goddess of Ran Sixth Year

    Dec 16, 2005
    I completely agree with every other reason. Basically I just don't see the connection between them. I mean, suer he saves her but only because of his "hero complex" and not because he loves her. Cares for her, but not loves her.

    Just because she somehow understands how he feels because of what happened during her first year doesn't mean she's the right one for him.

    Also, fanon fics with H/G pairings are too rushed. Their relationship simply has no basis. I've seen fics where they just suddenly end up together with no explanation at all. I guess I got tired of reading those kinds of fics and why I got tired and irritated at Ginny.
  17. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    Personally I don't mind the ship. I thought JKR handled it pretty crappy in HBP, and I'd say 99.9999999% of fanon cannot come even close to doing it worthwhile. I mean, I will rag and complain about the pathetic moments of romance and the 'monster' in HBP, but at least JKR has left Ginny what she will always be: a completely secondary character. Harry comes first. Then it's his two best friends. A trio not a quartet. Romance I don't think will play a very large role in the final book, and if you never read fanfiction, you wouldn't have been stupid enough to think it would ever play a major role in canon. It's a minor point, an unimportant sub-plot to carry empty space before we get to any of the shit that matters. Serves about as much purpose as Quidditch does, if even that much.

    And Ginny isn't very bad nor good. She's just a manufactured damsel in distress, the poor lil cinderella, gift-wrapped for Harry. Until you make the romance a bigger issue than say quidditch in your fanfic, I'm all for Harry/Ginny. It's just if you read fanon, it becomes essentially impossible to ever like Ginny as a character. I think it was Dark Syaoran who said it earlier, she's just there in canon... not bad, not interesting. But after fanfic, I think I hate H/G as a cliche more than trunks, heir of something, and every other shitty cliche combined.

    My real problem is with romance in the fics... basically at all. Ginny's just the posterchild for bad romance. In the same way Draco and Snape are posterchildren for bad angst. HBP had some romance, OotP had some angst. Now lets have a book 7 that knocks our socks off.

    I don't even mind if Harry dies, if he takes the redheaded bint with him.
  18. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    I don't like ginny because she's a fangirl of his. She's stupid...her father basicly works with magical items and how they affect people, muggle but still people, tell her not to play with magical thing...what does she do she plays with a diary that talks back to her. Then hides the fact about her having blackout and waking up covered in blood and feathers.Then in the third book she disappears...fouth book nowhere...fifth book comes reappears and believes she knows whats going on..sixth book i want to kill her. I also have how everyone compares her to lilly. She is talentless. I could comeup with other things but meh..
  19. Giovanni

    Giovanni God of Scotch

    Aug 4, 2005
    Gilligan's Island
    She isn't talentless... Not every human female is capable of having sex with 1000 men in under 10 minutes.
  20. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    Using a timeturner does not count as talent.