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Reason for hating Harry/Ginny?

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by chronic dragon, Feb 5, 2006.

  1. Giovanni

    Giovanni God of Scotch

    Aug 4, 2005
    Gilligan's Island
    Good point... Though one must assume she gives rather good head after getting so much practice.
  2. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    Would you really want head from her?
  3. Giovanni

    Giovanni God of Scotch

    Aug 4, 2005
    Gilligan's Island
    No... But I am sure that there is some poor desperate bastard somewhere who would.
  4. Quack

    Quack Second Year

    Jan 3, 2006
    Apparently canon and many fanon Harry.
  5. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    *glares around*

    If JKR would of did some building to it, like have the two of them work close together on a project or something, or him giving her a ton of seeker training, anything that kept the two of them in close contact, with just them, then I could of bought it. Shoving the two together like she did with no explanation other then a "monster" (the gayest fucking thing in HBP next to "withered hand" a million times) made no sense
  6. Giovanni

    Giovanni God of Scotch

    Aug 4, 2005
    Gilligan's Island
    Don't knock the withered hand... It got the Notorious S&P Section Started :)
  7. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    Thats exactly why it should be "knocked".
  8. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    cut off and burned is more like it *glares @ Ravenclaw* for starting the need for a S&P section with his comment about the hand
  9. Giovanni

    Giovanni God of Scotch

    Aug 4, 2005
    Gilligan's Island
    Yeah it was during a discussion of the withered hand that we all started the initial drabble of office *CENSORED*

    "Jump with the moon and move it
    Jump back and forth
    And feel like you were there yourself
    Work it out"

    Fuck sorry listening to Dare... Damn that is one catchy tune. Fucking Europop + Techno with a heavy dance influence... Its addictive. Seriously I am about to start break dancing to this shit.
  10. MudEye

    MudEye Second Year

    Jan 16, 2006
    I could write a long text to explain why i hate her but iam tried so the short version:

    She is a skinny,baby-faced,stalker %&§"%&"!
  11. LINKed up

    LINKed up Chief Warlock DLP Supporter

    Jan 28, 2006
    A certain place in a certain area of space-time, a
    Gio, have you listened to Clint Eastwood? That is a song that sticks with you for a looong time. Anyways, I now believe that I am happy that I haven't got around to reading HBP. Then again, it was spoiled to me at summer camp, but I did ask for the spoiler.
  12. bornagainpenguin

    bornagainpenguin DLP Archivist

    Oct 27, 2005
    "I ain't happy--I'm feeling glad...
    I got sunshine, in a bag..."

    Clint Eastwood --Gorillaz

    --bornagainpenguin ( :twisted: )
  13. Aura

    Aura Seventh Year

    Nov 28, 2005
    In front of the monitor...
    Meh... At one point she reminded me completely of my sister and i hated her then. But then i started reading fanon and my hatred of ginny grew. And then i found you guys and it started growing to overwhelming proportions...

    Do you actually need a reason to hate Ginny? I thought it was something that was instilled in the psyche of the rational people out there. :?
  14. Lord Dragon

    Lord Dragon DA Member

    Nov 22, 2005

    harry needs to grow some bales and go out with daphen greengrass to get his posim drest
  15. That_Boy

    That_Boy DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Dec 10, 2005
    Wellingon, New Zealand
    What really pisses me off is people use the 'he suddenly noticed her argument' AGAINST ships. Every single relationship I've had has started like this. Sometimes, especially when you are a teenager you look at someone you see every day and don't notice and go woah. They may not be particularly interesting or attractive or have much to do with your life but you suddenly have this huge attraction to them. It happens much more often than developing from a close friendship with someone you already know, though these are usually the longest lasting. Personally I don't mind H/G as a ship but is often really badly written which is why I think so many people disagree with it, but I hate all the soulmate, love, together forever crap at 16 or in your first or second relationship.
  16. parselmaster

    parselmaster Sixth Year DLP Supporter

    Jun 8, 2005
    спуститься с небес на землю
    My reason for hating it is that she is turned into a marysue in almost every fic I have seen. She and harry is also one of the most common pairings out there. She is protrayed as perfect and that bugs me. I can tolerate it, not my fault that some people are unimaginative idiots.
    I do not believe in the suddenly noticing thing and also use that againsn't the pairing. I believe the attraction builds up over time and then you notice that (meaning it doesn't have to start with friendship). The love at first site thing I am sceptical about as well, as I have never heard of a case of that happening to any of the people that I know.
    The pairing has ruined most of the fics I have read and that has given me a grudge againsn't as well.

    I don't normally hold grudges though.
  17. That_Boy

    That_Boy DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Dec 10, 2005
    Wellingon, New Zealand
    I agree completely about the way she is portrayed in most fics, it's just that particaular aspect of suddenly noticing someone that people say is unrealistic which it isn't at all especially at that age imo.

    Another thing is that while I disagree with the fact that in almost every fic Harry's g/f is portrayed as perfect, especially Ginny. Do we actually have a description of Ginny from after PS or CoS? Because of course she was short and flat chested then, she was 10/11. Do we have any updated on her appearance or do people just assume it stayed the same?
  18. Tinder

    Tinder Seventh Year

    Feb 3, 2006
    I don't really care about how well or badly a Harry/Ginny fic is written, because I hold a grudge against Ginny in all her forms. I'm not even sure why, perhaps partly because she always seems to cause an increase of the pussy!Harry factor - and I don't mean how much he gets.

    The fact is, I hate Ron, and I hate Ginny... I think they would just be people who I wouldn't like in real life, but also because Ron just seems to be a drag on Harry, one of the things that has turned him into the weak know-nothing character of HBP (and before, though it didn't seem so bad then). I also hate Molly.
  19. Seraphym

    Seraphym First Year

    Nov 10, 2005
    Unlike most others, I don't actually hate the pairing or the character. I've read a few Ginny/Harry that I really liked, though those seem to be rare in the ship. My main issues deal with the way people write these fics. Most of the fics I read can be broken down into a few catagories, which I hate all of these.

    1. Harry is in a funk of severe depression over Sirius (which is stupid in my opinion anyway) and Ginny decides what he needs is a good slap and screaming that proves how much she really loves him.

    2. Harry suddenly notices Ginny, and deals with jealousy issues while trying to find some way to tell her that he has fallen in love with her, even through he has had no positive examples of love or physical affection, but had no problem when they start their relationship.

    3. Harry notices Ginny and confesses during the summer, after it is revealed that she lied about Dean, then constantly says "I'm so sorry for never noticing you before, I can't believe I was so stupid" when he is just turning 16, and age most of us are just really begining to date girls.

    Though there are others, these three seem to be the bulk of Hogwarts era romances for Harry/Ginny.

    One thing that bothers me about how people view Ginny is that she is some sort of slut that moves around the school. She had what, two boyfriends? And you can't tell me that in a society that is so close to fuedal era europe in traditions, that she isn't concerned about her virginity? Though muggleborn children may get around, I can't see Pureblood, girls at least, not waiting for marriage, as it would bring down their bridal price so to speak. Besides, she's 14 when she first started dating in a boarding school with several of her overprotective brothers around, and her first boyfriend is in another house.

    Ginny isn't bad, its just that she's bland. If someone would write a fic with Harry/Ginny where one of the following would happen.

    1) She isn't some sort of goddess come to life, but instead an actually realistic person with flaws, but yet is beautiful to Harry for her character(Yeah I know, very fluff, but hey)

    2) Everyone in the situation realizes that Harry did not owe her anything, he did not have to notice her, and she didn't just sit around pining for him. Instead she actually made her intentions clear and asks for a chance.

    3) They don't start with the 143 until they have had more then just a bloody week dating.

    4) Ron isn't an obsessive freak who wants to hit Harry for dating her (This again makes no sense to me, as Ron hasn't beaten Corner for it in the fifth book when Ginny is already younger then after OotP)

    5) The one I never really see except for a few that were not well written. Ginny gone bad. I would love to see a fic with both Harry and Ginny evil. Both have had Voldermort in thier head, both have a link together, and I could see Ginny's obsession with Harry making her very loyal to him. Make her a bit like Bella, and next thing you know you have the next Dark Lord and his insane enforcer.

    Anyway, thats my two cents.
  20. Veriaty

    Veriaty Guest

    I think you've hit the nail right on the head... All I can really add to it is that in the Harry/Ginny fics which I've actually taken the time to read I also noticed another pattern that has developed. Following the events at Dumbledore's funeral (aka. Harry dumping Ginny because of the threat of Voldemort using their relationship to hurt either of them), the summer after HBP, Harry and Ginny meet again and Harry 'suddenly realises' how much Ginny loves him, that she'll 'love' him for all his life, not caring what Voldemort does, or tries to do to their 'relationship'.

    Ginny's character, without time and effort spent into constructing a well-balanced personality, strengths, or weaknesses will always be seen in a 2D sense, and therefore not worthy enough to play a role more then the 'youngest child in a family of many, whose father is in the Ministry and the Order and whose brother is friends with someone important'.

    Fics that portray her as some kind of beauty queen, or goddess are too overblown, and unrealastic and as such, will never truly be anything greater then a dirty little smudge on the ground.