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Roll your Harry Potter Adventure!

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Andrela, Oct 19, 2014.

  1. Reptile3607

    Reptile3607 Third Year

    Sep 30, 2014
    K, year two : )

    Nobody rescues Harry from the Dursleys, and he is okay with that. This is mainly because of the fact that hid relatives had been hiding in the basement for three days.

    Terry boot gets the diary, and immediately starts a Ravenclaw club to try and solve its mysteries. Luckily, Flitwick realises its evil and stuff, mainly because I can't be bothered with this plot bit.

    This years DADA teacher is Andromeda Tonks. She immediately fucks up by letting Harry participate in a group activity.
    Four minutes later, thirteen students were in the hospital wing, a dozen tranfigured spiders were stalking the hallways, and the DADA classroom was in another dimension.

    Professor Flitwick was petrified on Halloween, because Harry let a basilisk into the school for shits N' giggles.

    Soon after that, Dobby tries to save Harry's life by sending a charmed bludger at him. Harry jumps off his broom and tackles it to the ground- which on this case was 150 metres away.
    Whilst in the hospital, Harry nearly OD 's on pepper up potion

    Ron is petrified. Nobody cares.

    Argus filch is petrified. Nobody cares.

    Harry finds Dementors in the forbidden forest, and manages to stare them down. Impressive, since he couldn't see they're eyes.

    In the chamber, Harry decided that if he couldn't ride an acromantula (last year) he could at least ride a Basilisk. Said basilisk disagrees, and sues Harry in the court of law, where he is bailed out by Fawkes, because its 2 in the morning and I need sleep.

    Anyway, things happen, some more shit blows up, and Everyone lived happily ever after. Maybe. I need sleep so badly.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2014
  2. Invictus

    Invictus Master of Death

    Mar 21, 2013
    Xandrel, where is Year 4? I need it, it's the one I've been waiting since this started. Help meee.
  3. Nerox

    Nerox High Inquisitor

    Jan 29, 2012
    Was in this post, but edited out I believe.
  4. blogwraith

    blogwraith Squib

    Nov 23, 2014
    Year 3​

    After Harry blows up Aunt Marge like a balloon, he accidentally summons the Knight Bus. When asked for a destination, Harry answers with the first location that pops into his head…Albania! At the international floo station, while waiting for his departure and destination fires to be ready, Minister Fudge intercepts him and tries to allay his fears of Ministry reprisal. Harry is insistent that he must go to Albania at all costs. Fudge tries to flatter him, reason with him, threaten him, but if anything Harry becomes more determined. Xenophilius Lovegood and his daughter interrupt the scene. Xenophilius informs the Minister that he himself was going to do some research in Albania and would happily supervise Harry. Since Xenophilius is going to be the new Defense Professor, he can make certain that Harry returns in time for school. It turns out Professor Lovegood is going to Albania to investigate what brought about the changes in his old friend Quirinus Quirrell, before his untimely demise. Harry can’t ever explain why he wants to go to Albania to either the new professor or even himself. During the mini-vacation Harry gets a crash course on the REAL goings-on of the Ministry of Magic, the escape of Sirius Black, why its wrong to use your power to abuse the defenseless even if angry, and wizarding folklore. When Professor Lovegood and Luna tell him about the Deathly Hallows, Harry considers revealing to them his family jewel but decides that it is best kept his special secret.

    On the Hogwarts Express, Harry introduces Luna to Dean and Terry. Harry pulls out discarded ninja turtle toys he swiped from Dudley and coaxes the others to play with him. Terry gives in and starts lecturing the other two on ninja turtle lore and Socrates plays the role of Master Splinter. The game is interrupted when the train stops and Harry & Dean feel a chill they haven’t felt since first year, the advance of Dementors. The two boys bar the doors and convince Terry to keep his mouth covered until the oppressive despair of the Dementors vanishes. When Harry looks at Dementors this year, he can see the souls they are digesting inside their cloaks. At the carriages Harry is shocked to see them being pulled by flayed pegasi. Dean & Terry don’t know what he’s talking about, but Luna explains that what Harry is seeing are Thestrals and are only visible to those with a sufficient understanding of death. At the Welcoming Feast, Professor Lovegood is introduced as the new Defense Professor and Professor Lupin is introduced as the new History Professor. The Grey Lady warns Harry off of haunting for the year, as it’s easier for Dementors to gobble free-range souls than caged ones.

    Arithmancy interests Harry, not only because of the subject matter but because of the class make-up as well. Harry saw students that he had never seen together, as well as students he’d never seen without others. By the end of the year Harry feels like he’s become better friends with Hermione Granger, Michael Corner, Megan Jones and Vincent Crabbe. In contrast, not only does Divination earn its blow-off class reputation, but it seems like almost half of Harry’s year had enrolled in it. When Harry first hears about how Draco was attacked in Care of Magical Creatures by a baby nundu, Harry wishes he had enrolled in that class instead. But as Draco’s recovers ever slower, Harry is glad that he hadn’t. Lovegood and Lupin both prove to be skilled educators.

    Quidditch try-outs almost lose Harry the Seeker position to challenger Cho Chang. Quidditch try-outs and hormones almost lose Dean & Terry their friend Harry to challenger Cho Chang. During Hogsmeade weekends, Harry helps Snape brew wolfsbane while Snape lectures Harry on the history of Sirius Black’s friendship and betrayal of Harry’s parents, the history of Black’s friendship with Lupin and doubts as to how clean that break of friendship is. At what should have been the Halloween Feast the most fascinating thing occurs…nothing. No food, no decorations, the elves of Hogwarts have disappeared. McGonagle has to arrange for new kitchen and custodial staff at Hogwarts as the Headmaster had been called away to emergency ICW business, elves have vanished all over the world! A cloud descends upon the Hogwarts residents. All must burden greater workloads. Strangers have to move in even as the Dementor presence becomes more oppressive on account of an escaped killer. The only person happy about the situation is Professor Lovegood, who can’t stop speculating about what happened.

    At the end of Ravenclaw’s first Quidditch, Harry’s benched on account of Dementors and Harry can’t help but resent Cho just a little. Not enough to shut about how cute and talented she is though. Dean & Terry give Harry tips on how to be Quidditch supporter instead of a participant. Given how drawn the Dementors are to Harry and how quickly he succumbs to them, McGonagle takes it upon herself to instruct Harry on the casting of the patronus charm. When Lovegood fills in for Lupin he gives a history of the rise of lycanthropy post-Grindelwald, the advances in lycanthropic treatment and the further oppression of an already marginalized sector of the populace by a Ministerial/Industrial Complex only interested in maintaining and expanding its own power. Harry & his dorm-mates quickly twig to the idea that Lupin is a werewolf. Harry confronts Lupin and hears his side of the story.

    Over Christmas, Harry heeds the Grey Lady’s warning and refuses to seek answers from his parents. It wouldn’t do to summon them for questions about their killer and risk having their souls devoured. The Weasly Twins give Harry the Marauder’s Map by way of apologizing for almost killing him last year. This year they’ve been keeping their pranks to policing the kids who hassle other kids about Dementors. Luna introduces Harry to her friend Ginny, who seems nice enough but weirdly shy, and Harry thinks its sweet of Luna to befriend such an odd girl.

    Draco Malfoy recovers enough to work on a Shrinking Solution. In a bizarre ruling, the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures Board has allowed Draco to shrink the nundu and keep or dispose of it himself in lieu of traditional execution. Draco’s father argues that it would be a shame to kill such a rare animal and it would help Draco learn safety and responsibility on a more controlled scale. There is a mixture of envy and worry about Draco acquiring such a potentially deadly pet.

    Sirius Black finally makes his move. Blatant attacks on Griffindor Tower sow discord over Hogwarts and everyone suspects everyone else of abetting this dangerous lunatic. Harry spies Sirius Black dragging Ron Weasley and an unfamiliar student with the Marauder’s Map. Harry invites Dean & Terry along to confront him, but Terry declines. Harry hops on his broom and attracts the attention of the Dementors and leads them to Sirius Black. Sirius rants about a rat as the Dementors encase him. When the abominations are finished with Black, they move on Harry, Dean & Ron, but Harry drives them off with a giant eagle patronus. The authorities are late on the scene as they were pre-occupied with a wolfed out Remus Lupin. Snape is confused and Dumbledore id dismayed to find that Black was not sporting a Dark Mark.

    At the Leaving Feast, Professor Lupin is absent and no one seems to know where he’s run off to after being driven from the castle in wolf form. Dumbledore asks everyone to thank Professor Lovegood for the splendid job he did as a teacher and brave protector during the unfortunate attack, but unfortunately Professor Lovegood has elected to forego renewing his contract and return to journalism. Afterward, Snape confidentially implies to Harry that Professor Lovegood sustained injuries in his battle with Lupin that would make him an unfit instructor. Snape has also agreed to offer Luna tutoring over the summer on brewing various medical potions, including rare potions such as wolfsbane should the necessity arise.
  5. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    Thread revival time.

    Right, so Xandrel has given me permission to continue this (as long as its awesome enough). Let's get Year 4 going!

    Roll Your Harry Potter Adventure - Year 4 Edition.

    Roll 1 - Who does Harry go to the Quidditch World Cup with?
    1*The Weasleys and the Diggorys.
    2*The Malfoys.
    3*Cornelius Fudge.
    4*Who Harry sat with on the train (Year 1).
    5*Mundungus Fletcher.
    6*Albus Dumbledore.

    Roll 2 - What happens after the Quidditch World Cup?
    1*Death Eater Attack.
    2*Leprechaun Kidnapping.
    3*Drugged Centaur Rave.
    4*Stolen World Cup Trophy.
    5*Veela-Induced Riot!
    6*What World Cup? An Earthquake destroyed the Stadium before the Game.

    Roll 3- Who are the Ministry Judges?
    1*Barty Crouch Sr. and Ludo Bagman
    2*Cornelius Fudge and Ludo Bagman
    3*Barty Crouch Sr. and Amelia Bones
    4*Dolores Umbridge and Barty Crouch Sr.
    5*Griselda Marchbanks and Ludo Bagman
    6*Griselda Marchbanks and Amelia Bones

    Roll 4 - Who are the Champions of the Triwizard Tournament?
    1*Fleur Delacour, Viktor Krum, Cedric Diggory, Harry Potter
    2*Fleur Delacour, Viktor Krum, Angelina Johnson, Harry Potter
    3*Fleur Delacour, Someone from Durmstrang (Not Viktor), Harry Potter
    4*Someone from Beauxbaton (Not Fleur), Viktor Krum, Harry Potter
    5*Fleur Delacour, Viktor Krum, Someone from Ravenclaw, Harry Potter
    6*Fleur Delacour, Cedric Diggory, Viktor Krum

    Roll 5- What do they face in the First Task?
    1*Dragons and the Golden Egg.
    2*Facing the Giants.
    3*Resist the Siren’s Song.
    4*Drugged Manticores.
    5*Facing a Dementor.
    6*Pass through an Acromantula’s Nest.

    Roll 6 - Who does Harry go with to the Yule Ball?
    1*Parvati Patil
    2*Hermione Granger
    3*Millicent Bulstrode
    4*Susan Bones
    5*Daphne Greengrass
    6*Fleur Delacour

    Roll 7 - What do they face in the Second Task?
    1*The Lake
    2*Gringotts break-in simulation.
    3*Treasure Hunt in the Forbidden Forest.
    4*Find buried hostages.
    5*Open the magical box.
    6*Roll again.

    Roll 8 - What do they face in the Third Task?
    1*The Maze
    2*Free-For-All Duel.
    3*Go through an obstacle course without a wand.
    4*Find the Invisible Cup in the air.
    5*Convince the other Champions to let you win.
    6*Knowledge Brawl.

    Roll 9 - How does Harry escape from the graveyard?
    1*By Portkey and with a dead body.
    2*By foot.
    3*By broom.
    4*By hiding.
    5*By Portkey.
    6*He doesn’t.

    Roll 10 How does the Ministry take the news?
    1*They ignore Harry.
    2*No comment.
    3*They believe Harry but keep it from the public.
    4*They surrender to Voldemort.
    5*They believe Harry and announce it to the public.
    6*They arrest Harry.

    Edit: Removed Ginny, and put in Parvati for the Yule Ball question to remain canon-consistent. Thanks for the spot Jeram!
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2015
  6. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Only problems I see is that Roll 10 can potentially get fucked by roll 9 if Harry doesn't escape (and presumably dies or is just captured).

    Also, you didn't give me the possibility of going to the World Cup with the Greengrasses. Why you hate me :p
  7. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    Cheer up, Rep. You can still take her to the Yule Ball. :)
  8. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Seriously tho, do we just skip roll ten if we can't escape?
  9. Radmar

    Radmar Disappeared

    Feb 3, 2014
    Czech Republic
    Maybe option 6 in roll 9 means that Harry really didn't escape - he was sent back by Voldemort.
  10. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    Roll 6 was meant to be ambiguous, to give the author more freedom on how to get around it.

    One method Radmar has mentioned - the being sent back by Voldemort.

    Another possibility, depending on the rolls, is Harry being set up for the death of whoever happens to be there. Harry being left for dead could also be done. Harry getting rescued (by Snape or Dumbledore) would be sort of borderline.
  11. Sacro

    Sacro Groundskeeper

    Dec 18, 2010
    So what about option 6 of roll 4? Wouldn't that make rolls 9 and 10 obsolete, since Harry would presumably never get to the graveyard? Or would he get there regardless? I assume it's the latter, but a clarification would be nice.
  12. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    I assume that Harry gets kidnapped some other way. It's up to the writer to make the points connect, after all. Think of something.
  13. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    Like Rep said, these Adventures are a Writing Exercise. Exercise creativity to connect the plot dots.
  14. H_A_Greene

    H_A_Greene Unspeakable –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Aug 30, 2009
    High Score:
    I totally forgot about this thread. Rolled up some Years 2-4 and plan to get started on them in the weeks ahead.
  15. Jeram

    Jeram Elder of Zion ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jun 27, 2006
    High Score:
    These are good, but the Roll 1 for the Yule Ball should be Parvati, because that's what he did in canon. Otherwise it's not consistent.
  16. Andrela

    Andrela Plot Bunny DLP Supporter

    Apr 19, 2012
    Indeed, I always tried to make the Roll 1 the canon option.
  17. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    Yup changed it. Thanks for spotting that, Jeram! I'd give you a thumbs up but I think I've run out :(
  18. Reptile3607

    Reptile3607 Third Year

    Sep 30, 2014
    Oops, I clicked the wrong button. Will edit in a minute.

    ---------- Post automerged at 10:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:42 PM ----------

    Eh, might as well do a year three. I actually should redo my year two- since it sucks donkey balls- but I really can't be bothered.

    After the Marge incident, Harry "flees" to the ministry, and (predictably) tries to burn it down. Luckily, Destructavore the Flaming Fuckface provides a distraction, allowing Harry to escape.

    Extra luckily, Fudge is cool with the whole thing- though that may have something to do with the Monsters Book of Monsters that had found its way into his pants at some point in the meeting.

    Xenophilius Lovegood is the new DADA professor, and, unsurprisingly, becomes good friends with the teacher. They have tea parties and try to resurrect Cthulu together.

    Harry decide to take care of magical creatures and divination. COMC because he wants to have another go at riding an Acromantula, and divination because... Fuck it, he basically picked it at random. Unfortunately, Harry is quickly ejected from Divination, after he tries to get high on incense smoke, and succeeds.

    Harry finally succeeds in his grand plan for the last three years, and the house elves revolt. Harry-of course- leads the revolution, betrays the revolution, joins the revolution again, betrays it again, and then ends up creating an entire third faction, who are trying to blow as much shit up as possible.

    Nobody teaches Harry the Patronis, and he doesn't bother learning it by himself.

    Hagrid decides to bring a Chimera into the school. However, since Harry ends up trying to ride the damn thing, the lesson ends early. Oh, and Draco gets bitten. Nobody cares.

    At the end of the year, Sirius' is free and peter is in Azkaban. Harry and Sirius get on great- after all, Harry still thinks that Sirius is a mass murderer.
  19. Halt

    Halt 1/3 of the Note Bros. Moderator

    May 27, 2010
    Roll Your Harry Potter Adventure - Year 5 Edition

    Roll 1 - What does Harry face during the summer?
    1*The Hungry Dementors.
    2*The Lost Fluffy.
    3*The Rabid Vampire.
    4*The Clumsy Werewolf.
    5*The Angry Squib.
    6*The Happy Voldemort.

    Roll 2 - Who goes to rescue Harry?
    1*The Order of the Phoenix.
    2*The Ministry of Magic.
    3*His friends.
    5*The Death Eaters.
    6*Harry is a strong, independent man. He don’t need no rescuing!

    Roll 3 - Why does Harry arrive at the Ministry?
    1*Court Hearing for Underage Use of Magic.
    2*Interview with the Daily Prophet.
    3*Interrogation Session for his part in the Triwizard Debacle.
    4*Meeting request from the Minister of Magic.
    5*Acceptance of the Order of Merlin.
    6*Follow your Headmaster to work day.

    Roll 4 - Who is the new Defense Professor?
    1*Dolores Umbridge.
    2*Sybill Trelawney.
    3*Harry Potter.
    4*Sirius Black.
    5*Emmeline Vance.
    6*Augustus Rookwood.

    Roll 5 - What does DA stand for?
    1*Dumbledore’s Army.
    2*Defenders Anonymous.
    3*Dibs on the Arse.
    4*Dementors Affiliated.
    5*Dance Artists.
    6*Don’t Ask.

    Roll 6 - Who teaches Harry Occlumency?
    3*He learns it himself.
    4*The Defense Professor.
    6*He’s doesn’t learn it.

    Roll 7 - Who gets expelled this year?
    1*The Weasley Twins.
    2*Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.
    3*Crabbe and Goyle.
    4*Colin and Dennis Creevey.
    5*Cormac McLaggen
    6*No one.

    Roll 8 - What is Harry’s choice of career?
    2*Professional Quidditch Player.
    6*Dark Lord.

    Roll 9 - How is the plot of the year resolved?
    1*Canon Level (Harry goes to the Ministry, Fights Death Eaters, Sirius dies, Voldemort duels Dumbledore, Hears the full Prophecy).
    2*Easy Level (Harry figures out the visions are fake, Hears the full Prophecy).
    3*Normal Level (Harry figures out the visions are fake, Doesn’t hear the Prophecy).
    4*Hard Level (Harry goes to the Ministry, Fights Death Eaters, Voldemort duels Dumbledore).
    5*Stupid Hard Level (Harry goes to the Ministry, Fights Death Eaters and Voldemort without Dumbledore).
    6*Kill Me Now Level (Harry goes to the Ministry, Fights Death Eaters, Dementors, Werewolves and Voldemort. Without the Order).

    Time to get cracking :nyan:
  20. blogwraith

    blogwraith Squib

    Nov 23, 2014
    Year Four

    Three times does Harry Potter leave Privet Drive in the summer before his fourth year at Hogwarts begins.

    The first time, Dumbledore takes Harry to a will reading for Sirius Black’s estate. Harry is confused to learn that Sirius has left his bequeathments to Draco Malfoy, Nymphadora Tonks and himself. Harry is also surprised to learn that he already had a trust account from his parents that he didn’t know about because Snape, Dumbledore & Lovegood had taken care of his school supplies for the last three years. Harry has an unpleasant exchange with Nymphadora, because she blames him for her mother’s insanity in the Chamber of Secrets, and an unpleasant exchange with Draco, because Draco’s a jerk. Dumbledore takes Harry to his vault so that he can take out some spending money for Hogsmeade trips, Christmas presents, fancy robes and buying his own school supplies for a change.

    The second time, Dumbledore takes Harry to the Ministry of Magic where Harry is being presented with an Order of Merlin, 2nd Class, for taking down dangerous fugitive Sirius Black. During Harry’s acceptance speech, he goes into a rambling ponderous speech about whether or not Sirius was really guilty and how Sirius kept talking about the rat before the dementors swarmed him. Minister Fudge pulls attention back to himself with some smooth political speak, but Wizengamot member Griselda Marchbanks privately congratulates Harry on his honesty as well as his courage. In the weeks following his acceptance speech Harry is plagued by nightmares of a fat hobo, a wolfman and a giant snake killing people under a baby’s orders.

    The third time, Dumbledore takes Harry to the Quidditch World Cup at the North Pole. Harry enjoys the match, but the after-party is crashed by a stampede of frenzied centaurs and cackling elves attacking the unsuspecting wizards. Dumbledore, Harry and a few other wizarding big guns are able to drive them off, but no elves are captured.

    At Hogwarts, Mad-Eye Moody is introduced as the new Defense Professor and Dolores Umbridge is introduced as the new History Professor. The Tri-Wizard Tournament is announced and Ludo Bagman and Griselda Marchbanks are introduced as the impartial ministry judges. Harry manages to enter his name in the Goblet of Fire using the muggle trick of paper airplanes, but is not chosen as a champion. In Moody’s Defense Class most of Harry’s classmates share an initial resistance to the Imperius Curse thanks to Professor Tonks’ occlumency training, but only Harry is able to shake it off completely. Griselda Marchbanks takes umbrage with Umbridge’s History class. Harry use the stone to ask his parent’s about Sirius Black and they reveal that Black was innocent and that Pettigrew was the rat. The stone confirms that Black is absent from the afterlife, his soul trapped inside a dementor’s robes.

    Harry likes Rita Skeeter, as she tends to write flattering pieces on him even as she writes unflattering pieces on those around him. He’s upset when she is caught in animagus form by Crookshanks and sent to Azkaban halfway through the year.

    Terry Boot takes Luna Lovegood to the Yule Ball. Dean Thomas & Harry Potter take Padma & Parvati Patil to the Yule Ball respectively. Dean has a wonderful time with Padma, until Parvati is devastated by realizing that Harry is still pining for Cho Chang and both twins run out of the ball.

    The first task is getting a golden egg from a Giant. The second is rescuing a hostage from the lake. When Harry sees Cedric Diggory rescue Cho from the lake, and the awkwardness he’s caused between his best friend and his best friend’s crush, Harry tries to reconcile with Parvati by offering to take her to Hogsmeade instead of watching the champions fight through a maze. Parvati’s not too interested until Harry pulls out the Marauders’ Map and explains to her his plan for sneaking out. Mad-Eye Moody, who’d been trailing them, catches them outside the Shrieking Shack. Mad-Eye is about the march them back to Hogwarts for punishment when the fat hobo from Harry’s nightmares ambushes him.

    Harry and Parvati are taken to the Little Hangleton Cemetary and the pain in Harry’s scar flares up. The fat hobo makes to kill Parvati, until he is stopped by the wolfman. Harry and Parvati are tied to a tombstone and surrounded by wolfmen. The fat hobo, Pettigrew, animates the skeleton of Tom Riddle Sr and dances it into a cauldron before taking a bit of Harry’s blood, cutting off his own hand and dropping the baby into cauldron. When Voldemort emerges from the cauldron, the pain in Harry’s scar subsides and Harry sees that Voldemort’s torso is teeming with spirits just like the insides of a dementor’s robes. When the Death Eaters arrive and Voldemort makes to duel Harry, Harry casts the Patronus Charm at Voldemort, freeing the trapped souls and allowing them to attack the newly risen Dark Lord. Harry then modifies the spell he saw Pettigrew use animating the senior Riddle’s bones to animate all of the corpses in the graveyard to attack the Death Eaters. Harry sends Parvati back to get help. When Parvati returns with Aurors in tow, Voldemort is nowhere to be seen but the lifeless body of Harry Potter is. Minister Fudge believes Parvati’s tale, but begs her to keep it quiet to avoid a public panic.