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Rosswrock stuff

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Master Slytherin, Jan 8, 2006.

  1. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    He's pissed off at Dumbles at the moment for stealing Wormtail away, they reconcile later. It's a valid reason, and not the simple manipulative shit everyone else pulls. He hasn't and won't learn learn specifically dark magic, he simply learns higher magic that'd just fallen out of use. Sirius's inheritance is simple, the house and the head of the family. Overused true, but I involve no money, or extreme stuff from it. What'd ya mean by the best of us bit?

    I can't name a fic off the top of my head that had ALL of them, as tbh most have faded into obscurity, which is what I said, he combined all the individual things, and improved on them slightly. He doesn't deserve the sheep like following the guy has.

    Either way I can't say anyone should get credit for manipulative Dumbledore, or painting the old man in a light that isn't at least slightly manipulative. It's all there for anyone to see, now if he'd come up with Snape the vampire, or Harry the alternate son of a DE from Lily being raped, or something that isn't totally pbvious from canon, then yeah I could see that. Not to mention breaking ties with Dumbledore does not an independant story make. It's a no brainer after the sheer amount of times he's fed Harry over. It's how Harry handles himself in a fic that defines it.

    His fic may of been the first that combined them all and brought it mainstream, but to me, that doesn't mean I should worship the guy and feed his ego like so many of his reviewers did/do or his various groups he's had in the past.

    to the above post - I think of him as arrogant b/c of various attitudes I've seen him unleash on anyone that doesn't hold his fic in the absolute highest regard. He just can't take constructice critisism no matter what it seemed when I kept up with his stuff ages ago.
  2. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    See my post above. For a small bit of constructive criticism he banned me from his group. I thought it was a mistake, so I got on a different name and asked and he banned that too. That and he flaunts it, especially in chats. "I'm RossWrock, so I'll do whatever the fuck I want!" kind of mentality. Fine for writing, but not for social interaction.
  3. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    The whole arrogant/stand-offish is always based on talk-forums and how he runs his yahoo group. I'm curious just what Lord Ravenclaw said that got him banned. Often if you disagree, its arrogance, if you agree it's opinionated. I'm all for everyone's right to choose to be an asshole, and sometimes, in regards to verbal promises to his group and then silencing them or booting people out, he is a bit stand-offish. I think Jeconais offered him a place on fanficauthors.net and he wasn't particularly courteous when declining the invitation.

    That being said, running and moderating a group of 6000+ sort of requires him to be an asshole and stand-offish on some things. And again, it's a measure of the maturity and intelligence of your "fans" that he does deal with the whiny teenage fanboys demanding the updates they feel they've earned by waiting.

    But none of this crap matters to the fics, nor whether you like or enjoy his semi-abandoned fic.

    The fun comparison is to little Michael. Michael Jackson rose to huge popularity and I too loved Thriller back in the 80's. Others have copied the King of Pop, and he no doubt influenced tons of the music we enjoy these days. Still doesn't mean you want to leave your kids alone with RossWrock or that he's not dangling babies. Neither will you be inviting to the dinner table tonight.

    And let's be honest, the guy can't write an ending for shit.
    At least as far as I know.
  4. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    He just reminds me of a cross between typical Fanon!Jealous!Ron and Gilderoy Lockhart.
  5. Mrriddler

    Mrriddler High Inquisitor

    Oct 23, 2005
    Somewhere high, somewhere low and somewhere in bet
  6. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    Yeah, but most of the people on that group rarely post. And wasn't there a big brouhaha when he said that he was going to post on November 28, but just didn't and didn't give a reason for it? That's an awfully specific date, btw. Yeah, I don't mind if he doesn't update (not that I should be talking about this), but when he gives such an exact date and then just ignores everyone, that's just being a arrogant bitch.
  7. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    Agreed. And the silence he's imposed since then is pretty annoying.

    I wasn't saying he wasn't arrogant. I just think his arrogance can be halfway justified and even sometimes necessary. It's a shitty thing to promise by a date, then when you fail to meet that date simply silence the entire group and give no explanation. He could have a very good reason for failing to post when he said he would, but I think most people are skeptical by now. At least those that still care.

    I just think this many people still focusing on him and his fic, as well as holding him in either contempt or high regard fuels his arrogance and the justification for it even more.

    I like his fic, think he's a fine author, but feel like everyone's making a bigger deal over just another seemingly abandoned WIP fic.

    I'd say Ruskbyte's 1 chapter Shattering of Souls is more worthy of our ire about abandoned goodies. Of course Russell keeps writing other stuff and actually mentioned his plan to continue it later.
  8. Blackstar

    Blackstar Second Year

    Jan 11, 2006
    Brooklyn. NY
    I believe there was another Fic on Schnoogle that came around about the time that PoT was released "Dance of The Warrior by Lord Dragon" that also showed some themes that are used today with Harry getting a trunk and spending alot of galleons on equipment and tomes/manuscripts. In this one he uses the room compartment in his trunk which apparently shields him from the underage magic detectors so he can learn freely, This fic also introduces Ancient Magic into the mix along with training via Sentient Book. I liked it at the time but it was abandoned after 8 chapters i believe:(

    P.S. This Fic also made importance of enhancing rituals the idea of rituals
    Link is http://www.fictionalley.org/authors/lorddragon/HPATDOTW.html

    I also believe the First fic to introduce incarcerated Harry would have to be either Barb or Slowfox.. just on the topic of originality
  9. IndoGhost

    IndoGhost Dark Lord

    Apr 12, 2005
    Lost in the sands of time
    That was one of the best stories i've read back in the day when i didn't care what about what fic i was reading....then ginny came..i looked past it...then merlin came...i looked past it...it's like the only h/g i would read...damn it i hate me now... :evil:
  10. nonjon

    nonjon Alumni Retired Staff

    Dec 1, 2005
    I'm no longer a member of his yahoogroup http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lorddragon/, but I'm pretty sure most of Chapter 11 is on there. Think it involved a phoenix blessed wedding ceremony, or something. Been over a year since I read it.

    In fairness though, I'm pretty sure Ross's fic started a few months before this one. And this is more of a training!Harry than an Independent!Harry. Though LordDragon's is certainly one of the most interesting Harry/Ginny fics where you can stomach the Harry/Ginny-ness. Great courtroom scene (by no means the first), great ideas about Merlin's spells and writings. Can't remember much but still... just another great start abandoned well before the school year begins. After 1.5 years and no word from the author I don't think, it's safe to call it abandoned.

    It's a shame at how many of fics like this are out there. I group Oriens Bennu's Rising of the Bennu and probably Omagic's Fire of Life in with LordDragon's fic. These cool starts that really didn't even get that far. Makes me appreciate so much more fics like sib's The Awakening Power, even if they do have too much Ginny-loving-mush and some just uninteresting emotional scenes.
  11. Midknight

    Midknight Middy is SPAI! DLP Supporter Retired Staff

    Apr 11, 2005
    I spent quite some time discussing that story and helping like a year or two ago, blast him to continue it at GWGarrett@pbsj.com
  12. madeyemoody

    madeyemoody High Inquisitor

    Dec 24, 2005
    United States
    Thought this would interest Ya'll

    "From his yahoo group message board"

    Yeah, it's old by now. Sorry, but it'll be awhile still till PoT
    gets done. Sorry to have dropped off the face of the earth, but I
    got recalled by the Navy to active duty (I was in the reserves), and
    had to leave suddenly two months ago. Since then I've been in a sub
    most of the time, and as you can imagine, I don't get a great
    internet connection from 800 ft. under water. Even at this moment,
    I'm in a public library using their computer to write this.

    I've seen tons of emails to me and reviews all begging to know what
    happened, so sorry for the no notice. I'll still be out-of-touch
    for a few more months before I'm back here semi-regularly.

    I also want to say Walker, I got your pic, and it looks good. I
    won't have time to put it up today, but I will my next visit, and
    give you mad props for churning it out after all this time.

    And finally I want to reinforce this all to you. I HAVE NOT
    ABANDONED MY STORIES. Yes, they're dragging on, and have no doubt
    suffered for it, but what can I do? I'm finishing them more for
    myself than anyone else, which is the same reason why I started them
    in the first place.

    So this will (again) be my last communication for awhile. And while
    I appreciate all of your emails, chances are I won't have to time to
    write back. Don't worry though, they're just pile up in my inbox,
    and I'll get to them eventually, no matter how late.

    Later all.

  13. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
    See, stupid Bush manages to screw up everything...
  14. Rahkesh Asmodaeus

    Rahkesh Asmodaeus THUNDAH Bawd Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 3, 2005
    ::snorts:: Bush has been ruining America since he took office 5 years ago. Nothing is going to change in the next 3 years.

    And what bull. He been lying to his readers. Either about having many of the chapters done, or making this excuse about being away at sea.
  15. Blackstar

    Blackstar Second Year

    Jan 11, 2006
    Brooklyn. NY
    Hes lucky to have such an adoring fan base that actually still waits and hasnt given up on him

    I won't lie though, I'm still waiting for the latest chapter
  16. Master Slytherin

    Master Slytherin Headmaster

    Apr 15, 2005
    London, England
    I personally don't think it's worth the wait and gave up waiting in July.

    As to that excuse, I remain sceptic (but I'm a very sceptical person)
  17. Zevrillion

    Zevrillion Founder Retired Staff

    Apr 2, 2005
    New Zealand
    Looks like he has more than just the regular fans. :lol:

    I started to read the fic, but it became boring after a while. Too much text for so little action.
  18. That_Boy

    That_Boy DLP Elite DLP Supporter

    Dec 10, 2005
    Wellingon, New Zealand
    I like the story myself, and while i don't believe the submarine story for a minute, I will wait for the next chapter. I'm hardly hanging off the edge of my seat though, when it comes i'll read it but it's not going to keep me up at night.
  19. Redeye

    Redeye Penultimate Lurker DLP Supporter

    Aug 17, 2005
    see if you read it back when it was first out then you were like "whoa this is pretty good i like it."
    i just went back and read some of it again and when you read it just isnt as good as it was back then as it is now.

    I dare you to go back and read it. see what you say when you finish a bit of it you will be like "my god" not in a good way either.
    at least i did
  20. Promios

    Promios Fourth Year

    Mar 21, 2006
    I like RossWrock's "Best of a bad situation" pr something like that on AFF.
    Pity that he wont update...
    I dont know if anyone mentioned it earlier in the thread, and I am to tired to look through it..
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