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Complete Saving Connor by Lightning on the Wave - M

Discussion in 'Almost Recommended' started by pimpostrous, Feb 25, 2006.

  1. Silent

    Silent Kinky Wench

    Dec 4, 2005
    Nah, temporary empath. The point the author is at, it's managed to turn into possesion.
  2. DarthBill

    DarthBill The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Mar 31, 2006
    This story is the biggest emo-fest I've ever seen. I don't think it can be classified as SLASH, though, because Harry is such a pussy. If you can ignore the emo, though, it is tolerable because the updates (which, admitably have slowed down) are about one a day, and it is really detailed about magic and the workings of the wizarding world. That just frightens me though, because it makes me think it may be just as detailed about the boy on boy action. Meh.
  3. Kari Black

    Kari Black DA Member

    Jan 21, 2006
    12 Grimauld Place, London
    This is one of my absolute favorite stories and I've been reading since she was not yet finished with the 1st book. That being said, I do have to admit that this probably wasn't the best site to post it. However, I'm glad they did anyway just because I feel that this has some of the best battle scenes, descriptions of pureblood society, and of magic overall that I have ever seen, and the slightly more open-minded people on this site might enjoy reading it.

    I must admit that Giovanni's comments did irritate me since I honestly think that this fic has so much more to it than being "emo-fangirl jerk off material", but he's entitled to his opinion just as I'm entitled to mine.

    It does have it's drawbacks (someone mentioned "redundancies" and "show, don't tell" and the general theme of OOCness), but overall, for me, the good outweighs the bad.
  4. Skeletaure

    Skeletaure Magical Core Enthusiast ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 5, 2006
    United Kingdom
    High Score:
    I tried to read this, in fact, I got as far as half way through the fourth one before I gave up. In contrast to what has already been said - the magic in this story really ruined it for me - there is no skill involved, no knowledge needed - Harry just unleashes his power and tells it to do stuff for him - no spells, no wand, no style, no finesse.

    Another problem I had with this is there are many inconsistencies. For example, Harry, who is supposed to be a "lord" of magic - so powerful that only 2 other people (Voldemort and Dumbledore) can compare, then goes and looses a macical duel to Evan Rosier, who is just a normal wand weilding wizard. This completely contradicts what is shown earlier in the series that Harrys version of magic is far superior to that of using a wand.
    It appears that the author has the familiar problem of overpowering Harry, and has therefore has had to overpower everyone else.

    Another contradiction is that Harry shows all through the series his hate for people being controlled, especially himself. At times he has become very violent towards Dumbledore, Lily, and the ministry when they try to control him or tell him what to do. However, when Snape tries to control him, instead of blasting him to bits like he would have done to anyone else, he just does exactly what he says.

    Add to that the building signals of slash, sappy!Snape and still, after several hundred thousand words, wussy!Harry, I gave up.

    However, to be fair, if one ignores the actual content of the story, I have to admit it is well writen.
  5. Lord Nemesis Black

    Lord Nemesis Black Fourth Year

    Mar 5, 2006
    Standing watch over the Gates of Misery
    OHHHHH My god, i clicked on the link for the story just to take alook at it and i couldn't even make it past the Author's notes. I mean don't get me wrong I do applaud the author for trying to write a HP story were the character's act diffrent than would the would in cannon but even just reading the notes about the story made it seem so EMO!!!!

    * runs to the bathroom to try and scrub the thought of an emo Harry out of my mind*
  6. Zero

    Zero Seventh Year

    Dec 5, 2005
    Sailing the bermuda triangle...
    I stopped reading this awhile ago, it seems the author is dedicated to making Harry's life as miserable as possible.
  7. DarthBill

    DarthBill The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Mar 31, 2006
    I had hoped that the author had fixed Harry's wussyness by having him rebuild his mind, but that didn't work. He is still as big a wimp as he always was, and just seems to be dumber for it. I've decided that I am going to pretend that the curse he took at the end of the last chapter killed him. The fic is over for me.
  8. Rain

    Rain Pirate Navigator of the 7 Seas

    Jun 5, 2005
    Adirondack Park, NY
    I kept hearing such good reviews about this story, constantly seeing it on fav. stories lists until the point where I just said "damn the HP/DM pairing" and clicked on the link.

    I was disappointed. I forced myself to read all the way up to the last update (back when it was still CoS-timeline) and marked it for story alert (I didn't think I could type a review at that point) in hopes that when I was less tired I would see what all these people saw in it. I still can't, and I've been scanning every new chapter.

    Why do people like these angst fests? Sure, some angst adds to the plot, but what's the point of writing a story where the main character never seems to get ahead? It's positively depressing! *sigh* It's just not my type of story, I get enough of that in real life!
  9. DarthBill

    DarthBill The Chosen One DLP Supporter

    Mar 31, 2006
    *nods head empathetically*
    I hear you. I got to second year before I just got discusted, but I figured, "I've gone this far, right?"

    I shant be going any farther.
  10. Amerision

    Amerision Galactic Sheep Emperor DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2006
    The Gardens in the Desert Sand
    Anyone notice how most of the supporters of this fic happen to be female?

    Ok, so I've been skimming along. Here are my problems with this story:

    Word/Concept/Phrase Repition: Annoys me to hell. I can get over this.

    BadBoy Outside, Turmoiled Inside...for nearly every slashable Male: It's just unbelievable. This is just a HP fanfiction version of Brokeback Mountain. Guys are big bucks who cry when they are somewhere alone...like in a shed. This is fangirl material boys. But I'm open minded. Pisses me off to hell, but allright...

    Harry's General Stupidity The sheer devotedness from Harry to Conner is sickening. What I would give to Crucio Conner on the spot. And Harry too for being such a emo idiot. He has no regrets. "Must save Conner, oh look...AK, I'll jump in front of it...Anything for my bro!"

    Redeemed!Everyone There is evil. Face it. The author must have fell in love with almost everyone evil, as they somehow or another get drawn back to the "light side", of emo, tough as nails, guys, and the fluffy, heart to heart atmosphere. I think she had trouble deciding.

    The Whole Goddamn Magic System Yes, I can do, literally, everything. Just by willing to be done. This idea is so crappy I have no idea where to begin. It has no style, wand movement, no ways to incapacitate, etc. Wands are just cool, and doing the incantation and the wand movements is half the fun. Yes, the rituals and some of the explanations are good, but I prefer the good old 11 inch Phoenix Feather core wand. Supple. Worse, Harry, in his infinite power, is beaten by this other Wand weilding Death Eater. The author, in her indecision, makes Harry too powerful and is forced to up EVERYONE's abilities. The Dragon part was just so goddamned corny.

    Draco and Snape Their whole behavior is so wrong it's just creepy. Think of the word SNAPE. It just exudes snarkiness, sarcasm, and oiliness. Draco, sneering, smirking Slytherin. The fic is a fangirl fest for girls who would like Draco to ravage them senseless. They fall in love with the actor, not the character. So, the author decides to play with the character to make their dreams come true. But then, who wants to see perfect, orgasmic Harry and Draco going off with some Trollop? If it isn;'t them, no girl will have them. Pair them together! So it turns into every girl's fantasy...slash.

    Description and Atmosphere - You can tell this is a slash right off the bat. The looks, the hurt/comfort, the plot that satisfys fangirl whims, etc. The whole mood is sensual...even at 11 years of age.

    Slash - It's a shame people of talent like her refuse to write het, but go on to write series length fangirl fests. Het is for everybody. It just seems to me that girls enjoy slash waaaaaaaaay more than guys enjoy femslash. Why is this?

    With the homosexual population at less than 1/20th, nearly 20% of all ff is slash. less than 1% is femslash.

    Back to the story. The fic just caters to fangirls.

    Inconsistency - It's painfully obvious Conner is a fake. Likewise, power levels are screwed upm and some things just contradict each other..onyl to be explains by some obscure, unbelievable explanation.

    Put together, male heterosexuals and female homosexuals will have a hard time with this story.

    Yes, it's well written FOR WHAT IT IS. An angst ridden, emo, fangirl catering, slash fic. It's really sad when people start forgetting the boundry between reality and fiction and settle for such superficial things.

    Snape does not look like Alan Rickman. He is a slimy, disgusting, oily, pale, thin, hook nosed, ugly man.

    You do not want him boning you.
  11. ip82

    ip82 Prisoner

    Nov 14, 2005
  12. Lady Rebecca

    Lady Rebecca Professor

    Aug 12, 2005
    American by birth, Southern by the grace of god (A
    I loved this fic up until Harry got his hand lopped off. I couldn't read any more...
  13. Amerision

    Amerision Galactic Sheep Emperor DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2006
    The Gardens in the Desert Sand
    There are just somethings you don't do to Harry.

    Cutting off his hand, blinding him, or permanantly injuring him in some way is a MAJOR turn off.

    Why do people like blind!Harry so much?
  14. Giovanni

    Giovanni God of Scotch

    Aug 4, 2005
    Gilligan's Island
    Actually I like stories like that in some ocassions.... But like slash, this type of story has fallen into the realm of cliche where amazingly untalented and unimaginative authors dwell.
  15. Lady Rebecca

    Lady Rebecca Professor

    Aug 12, 2005
    American by birth, Southern by the grace of god (A
    They want to have him 'see' magic.
    I had wanted to see Regulus, but I haven't touched after the cyprus tree comment from TEETHY!Voldemort
  16. Amerision

    Amerision Galactic Sheep Emperor DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2006
    The Gardens in the Desert Sand
    Good lot that does when you can't even see the log in front of you...or the girl you're about to shag.

    Shagless Harry = NoNo
  17. SuBzEr0

    SuBzEr0 First Year

    May 5, 2006
    Miami , Florida
    This is one of the crapiest written series ever i mean he's powerful and doesnt even show it , completly whipped by his parents and lets his brother get everything if it were me i would have gone Dark and fast
  18. Amerision

    Amerision Galactic Sheep Emperor DLP Supporter

    Apr 1, 2006
    The Gardens in the Desert Sand
    If it wasn't so hopelessly gay, I would have done a fanfic of this fanfic.

    Darklordify Harry.

    Yep, I'm gonna parody this in adventures allright.

    Anyone care to do a quick recap of the plot so I can get a gist of where its going? It's been a long time since I read it.

    Maybe someone could ask the author if we could DLP-ize the story...It would be a lot of work, converting the perpetually angsty/sensual atmosphere to a dark, angry atmosphere. And the slash shouldn't be too hard to get around. It isn't horrifying yet. It'll be a group effort.

    A pity she didn't release a non-slash version of the story.
  19. chronic dragon

    chronic dragon Seventh Year DLP Supporter

    Jan 28, 2006
    it slowed down too much in the fourth story to even continue reading
  20. Naga's Shadow

    Naga's Shadow Seventh Year

    May 24, 2006
    I actaully like this story. That said this is curently my only source of angst because you really can't take that much at a time. And her Harry is so crapped on that her 'Harry kicks ass' chappters are just Harry acting like cannon Harry and defending himself. The whole Ravenclaw attack part. My version of a kicks ass Harry would have involved lots of Crucios and some sort of secrecy charm so they couldn't run for help.