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Sex and Drug culture in Wizarding World

Discussion in 'Fanfic Discussion' started by Magnum, Aug 14, 2019.

  1. Magnum

    Magnum Banned

    Jul 29, 2019
    1. Culture

    Wizarding Britain is... pretty conservative. Sure, Dumbledore was gay, but that was apparently something no one actually knew until after he was dead. Most of those who knew him just thought he was an eternal bachelor, which is basically the textbook definition of someone who never came out of the closet. Sure, maybe there are potions and charms to let men get pregnant... but even if there are, that doesn't mean those sorts of relationships are publicly accepted. Think back to when Ron warned Hermione about being thought of as a 'Scarlet Woman', and then she was sent letters containing potentially lethal or permanently disfiguring poisons. 'Scarlet Woman' is a fancy way of saying whore or adulterer. That doesn't sound like a progressive society to me; that sounds like a culture stuck in the 1700's... which they are in most respects anyway.

    Is incest common? What do wizards even consider incest? Consider the Gaunts, where Morphin and Merope where set to be married. Consider the Blacks, where Orion and Walburga were second cousins. Sure these might be outliers, but are they major outliers?

    Are gay couples socially acceptable? Do most gay people get told they are 'just confused' and quietly bundled off into an arranged marriage? Do they never even realize they might be gay? What about polyamory? Harems? Are the wizards throwbacks to Victorian values, or perhaps even further to Roman sexual promiscuity?

    Underage couples; Hogwarts is a mixed-sex boarding school in the ass end of Scotland; magic is good for cleaning up all sorts of messes and 'accidents' (cough-fetus deletus-cough). The movies showed some pretty enthusiastic tonsil hockey going on, and the upper years are certainly getting in the occasional snog. But what about more... energetic activities? What do the wizarding families think about this? Given the fairly strict bloodline keeping practices the purebloods have inheritance is probably very important; are bastards a big problem? More than one fic has postulated something in the vein of 'bloodline theft', where a member (haha) of an important house is seduced in an attempt to generate a claimant to the house's inheritance; this seems perhaps a bit excessive in a reasonable society, but it is totally possible that something like custody exists in Wizarding Britain. Might a pureblood be able to easily sue for custody of any child produced?

    2. Drugs

    Do you think they would have them? Canonically I know they don't, but still I think it's a neat idea. Would it be a certain potion? A spell?

    Well technically I suppose cheering charm, love potions, Veritaserum would classify as drugs right?

    Do you think muggle drugs would work on wizards? I believe that the answer is yes, but it's always fun to hear other opinions.

    3. Sex and Rape

    What are your thoughts and headcanons on sex toys, spells, pornography, polyjuice and the like in the wizarding world? How do you think they feel about sex, culturally?

    Where the fuck do these magic kids get their sex ed? From their parents? McGonagall? Snape? A special autumn tutorial from Molly Weasley?

    I have to imagine there's a way to change your sex, too; take a potion (or do self transfiguration) and you can be your genderbent self for a while.

    Many spells have perverted uses.

    Stinging hex(spanking). Engorgio for obvious reasons, tickling charm(apply directly to genitals).

    There would be a ton of potions good for it too.

    Really, wizards should be having some freaky sex.

    You would also think also Rape would be major in the wizarding world. All the immobilization spells (When you can just freeze em in place), and Imperius could be used for Rape.

    Do you think there are punishments for sexual crimes? Is there bias if it happens to a muggleborn, muggle compared to a pureblood?

    Finally I always found it weird the handsome most famous wizard Mr Potter didn't get attention all the time from women. You would think like a celebrity in muggle world he would have girls falling over him. Women trying to sleep with him and get pregnant, one night stands, love potioning him, fangirls raping him etc
  2. Crowton

    Crowton First Year

    Aug 1, 2019
    I mean...just look at Romilda Vane in HBP. She uses love potions and has no ramifications whatsoever. It'd be insanely easy for someone to be forced into a relationship for life through the use of potions.
  3. Starwind

    Starwind Headmaster

    Nov 21, 2010
    On the other hand, Romilda Vane is a 14 year old hormone driven kid.

    I know we had that one line from Molly in book 3 that everybody uses to bash her all the time with, but I dont think love potions are the norm/long lasting.
  4. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    So, I'm gonna try and come at this seriously for once and humor you.

    I don't follow canon events outside the books or the movies. So all the shit that JK tweeted after the fact, I disregard. I would say that At the end of canon (book 7) no one knew he was gay. There were no veiled drag queens at the ceremony when Dumbledore was interred at the crystal tomb, that we know of. So I wouldn't even say Dumbledore was closeted. He was old enough that sex might not have been a thing that someone considered for him.

    Do you look at your parents and go, man they must be fuckin' on the reg. I don't. But mine are dead, so same same.

    Think it was very much implied that they had close relationships with their cousins. Not so sure about fucking their children, or vice versa. I'd say that its likely not something that happened.

    JK has a very confusing perspective on homosexual couples, so I doubt the wizarding world understand its better than she does. I would say that the wizarding world isn't as progressive as we'd like it to be, and largely based around the early 90s and early 00s that no, they did not accept gay people.

    We have a whole HP AOC thread on this, I don't really want to get into it again. Bloodline theft, what is this Naruto?

    Cheering charms have very specific effects and I wouldn't consider a magic spell a drug, just sideeffects of the magic. I've never really contemplated how I could abuse love potions or veritaserum to get high. I don't think you can because again, they have very specific effects. By your logic, all of potion making should be pharmaceutical engineering.

    Doubutful, but I did write a story in which Harry eats the seeds from Morning Glories and gets high. I would say that anything that makes a wizard lose control of themselves is probably largely taboo, and something that is done only in the darkest reaches of Knockturn. However, if a muggle can do it, a wizard can too. There isn't much difference in them physically, just one has magic and the other doesn't.

    Probably about as much sex ed as the southern US gets. Which is none.

    So is this something that you've evidenced as fact or are you supposing that its possible? Again I feel like spells serve very specific purposes, and there wasn't really much experimentation in canon where Harry used an engorgio on his cock to make Cho scream.

    Harry wasn't sexually active because JK wrote the stories for her kids first and then the world. She likely didn't think about Harry fucking at 14, 16, or even 17 because that wouldn't have worked for her audience. In large part, I think that Harry isn't what you proposed above because he wasn't wrote that way and that's where Fanfic comes in for people to butcher social/ human interaction and bring all the depravity of the world into something that is largely untouched by it.

    Because that's cool, because that's dark, because that brings the edge to your Edge Lord.

    I can make a lot of assumptions here, and say that yes, there are punishments for crimes, otherwise they wouldn't have a governing body. They wouldn't have a judicial system, and just because its seems like 90 percent of the cast is playing idiot ball, it doesn't mean they were engaged with it all the time. Its called plot device.
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2019
  5. PlusMortgage

    PlusMortgage Squib

    Jul 1, 2019
    1- I think it is a mistake to say the Wizarding society is "stuck in the 1700's", the Wizarding world is a society separated from the Muggle one, who can be very progressive on certain aspect (gender equality for example, we see several women in position of power), and less on others.
    Concerning the Homosexuals, I think they may represent a certain "problem", at least for the Old Pureblood family who think blood matter. Not because it's "unnateral" or any excuses like that, but more because Gay = no children, which would be a big problem for people give so much importance to blood. I guess other form of homosexuality like the one practiced by Greek or the Roman in the Antiquity could be seen as acceptable (with man for fun, with woman for appearance and babies), but since woman have a bigger position there, not sure they would accept to be cheated every other days.
    Also concerning Dumbledore, I think there could be other reason for him to never "get out the closet". Homosexuality aside (which I think he was), it's not he could have said "You see this monster Grindelwald who almost destroyed Europe? Well we loved each other and had a "very physical relationship" (thanks Rowling for the image). Pretty sure most of the outrage with Rita's book was less about Dumbledore relation, and more about with who it was.
    Concerning Hermione, we only hear remarks from Ron (extremely jealous at that time, even if I'm not sure he understood his own feelings), and the letter Hermione received from people who would dislike her from a lot of differents reasons (jealousy because she is with Krum, outrage about this Mudblood who try to raise her station, or just people who took Skeeter article at face value).

    2- I don't see the point of Drug in a society where any NEWT level student in Charm can have all the benefits of it without any con thanks to the Cheering Charm. And I'm pretty sure most Bigoted family would hate Drug on the simple basis it's made by Muggles. But since product like the "Awaken Dream?" of WWW exist, I guess it's still a possibility for headcanons.

    3- Concerning Sex ED, pretty sure most teens learn by hearing stories from upperclasmates / older siblings (though I remember a funny fic where Snape has to do it and show some malicious compliance).
    Polyjuice is long and hard to make, so not a lot of people could use it. And even if it's possible, I think that's the kind of details that should not be used outside of a Smut Fic (same thing with spells), though I also remember a pretty funny Harry/ Daphne fic where Polyjuice play a central part.
    For Rape, it exist in the HP Univers (Merope totally raped Tom Sr), but since 99% of the time in fanfic, it's seem to be used as a cheap Drame generator, I'm perfectly happy to ignore its existance in fics.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2019
  6. darklordmike

    darklordmike Headmaster

    Mar 14, 2009
    What he said.

    We can guess about the answers to your questions, OP, but it will be speculation in the end. She wasn't going to write about fucked up things that would confuse and terrify 12-year-olds. That's where the world-building of fanfiction comes in. You could go a million different ways, and that's why it's fun to play in this sandbox.
  7. Magnum

    Magnum Banned

    Jul 29, 2019
    As far as Hogwarts is concerned I'm mostly convinced that the pumpkin juice includes anti pregnancy effects, possibly including a horniness suppressant. Otherwise having every teen in your culture trapped in one place for ten months of the year would lead to regular population booms and a lot of young pregnancies.

    Instead it seems like everyone starts getting married right after leaving school, but having babies is sometimes delayed by a few years -- as if the pumpkin juice had to work its way out of their system.

    Also I'm not sure it would be as much of a sex-fest. Although obviously having a bunch of horny teenagers all living in the same castle would lead to some teenage sex, you have to remember that muggles spend so much time thinking about sex because of how much of it we see in the media.

    It also may be that wizarding culture is quite prudish and sex isn't something to be openly talked about, even if behind closed doors they're more adventurous than muggles. The reason alot of muggle kids feel so comfortable talking about sex is how much of it we see on the internet/tv/etc and the fact that we're exposed to it at such a young age.

    If wizarding kids receive little to no social learning in regards to attitudes towards sex, they might be less comfortable exploring it until they're older.
  8. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    Okay, what is this even.

    Lets to paragraph by paragraph.

    What are you even replying to, if I might ask, I saw nothing mentioned about Pumpkin Juice at this point. Other than being high in vitamins like Potasium and Vit. A, and very low in fiber, I see no way of this stopping pregnancy.

    Are you assuming its laced with something like Salt Peter?

    You seem to be taking a lot of forward thinking with this, and I'm not quite sure what you hope to achieve with this thread. Are you stating "facts" as you see them or are you hypothesizing? I can't tell from the context of your sentences.

    There's nothing to say that wizards didn't have skin-mags and all of those other things as well. You're assuming a lot in the muggle v wizard differential here. I think you're assuming just because some things are antiquated all things are antiquated.

    Doubtful. There are numerous studies in regards to sexual exploration. Maybe read a few of those. Again, I'm gonna argue that JK had none of this in mind when she wrote the books so I'm missing context, can you please clarify?
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2019