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SIGNUPS: A Hunt of Thrones II: Beyond the Wall

Discussion in 'Graveyard' started by Lutris, Jan 12, 2012.

  1. Sacrifice

    Sacrifice Guest

    Noted. Thanks.
  2. Ched

    Ched Da Trek Moderator DLP Supporter ⭐⭐

    Jan 6, 2009
    The South
    Alright, well, not sure when this is starting but I'm going out of town for a day or two. Won't be gone long, and I might be able to check the forums while gone, but just FYI.
  3. Lutris

    Lutris Jarl Dovahkiin DLP Supporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    Tokyo, Japan
    Fair enough. Right, sorry for the QT and role-assignment delays, my back's been really killing me the past week and I've been using that as an excuse to slack off. Don't be worried if you get a PM from Fiat with your role assignment- I asked him to help send them out. Excuses are excuses, but pain is also pretty fucking painful.

    Anyway, I'm having the game begin on Tuesday, January 31st at 12:00PM Tokyo time, whatever time that is in your area.

    Good hunting. Finalized ruleset will be posted soon.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2012
  4. Lungs

    Lungs KT Loser ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jul 16, 2011
    i love girl's generation tbh
    High Score:
    For those of us who can't wait, and don't know how the foggiest Tokyo time relates to us, there's a solution!
  5. Lutris

    Lutris Jarl Dovahkiin DLP Supporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    Tokyo, Japan

    Game Mechanics and Terminology

    Please observe polite and pleasant game-play.

    -Do not lie about real-life commitments. If you are unable to play for a prolonged period of time or do not wish to continue playing, inform the game host.
    -Similarly, if someone says that they will not be available due to real-life constraints accept .
    -For the avoidance of doubt, this is not a role-playing game. Don't overdo it.
    -Keep non-game-related topics to a minimum in the thread.
    -If you are unable to be active, you will be replaced. Inform the game host if you are.
    -Be nice! We're all playing to have fun.
    Disparage someone's skill if you must, but please avoid personal insults!

    [Day/Night Phases & Lynch Voting]
    The Day Phase is 48 hours long, unless there are extenuating circumstances. Night Phases are 36 hours long. Of these 36 hours, there is a 24 deadline for scum to decide their Night Kills. All other Night Actions are given the full 36 hours. Night Phases can and will be shortened once ALL Night Actions have been received.

    -A Deadline vote, where your lynch vote will be counted at the end of the day.

    -A Standard vote, where your lynch vote is counted immediately.

    To cast a Deadline vote, say: Deadline Vote: Player
    To cast a Standard vote, say: Standard Vote: Player

    You can rescind or change a Deadline vote at any time before the end of the Day Phase. You can do the same for a Standard vote at any time before a Majority Lynch is reached. Note that votes that are not cast in the correct syntax will be ignored.

    [Lynching] - Each Day, players will converse in the game thread and decide on a Lynch target, in order to eliminate players belonging to the Wildlings, The Red King's Court, or The Others factions from their midst.

    If a Castle Black player has been Lynched, this constitutes a MISLYNCH.

    [Night Kills]
    - Night Kills refer to Faction-specific kills that can occur every Night Phase, caused by the Wildlings and The Red King's Court. These are not directly caused by role-specific abilities. Only one Night Kill will occur each Night- that is, each faction may only enact their Night Kills on either odd-numbered or even-numbered Nights. Whether a particular scum faction can use their Night Kill on a particular Night will not be revealed- the players of the game must discern this for themselves.

    [Role Kills]
    - Role Kills are player deaths that are caused directly by another player’s role-specific abilities, such as the White Walker's WINTER KILL ability or Ser Piggy’s SLAYER ability.

    [Night Actions] - Night Actions are any Role-specific or Faction-specific abilities that are used during the Night.

    [Ranging] - Each Day, the players of the game MUST vote and choose a maximum of three of their peers to range Beyond the Wall that Night. The Rangers will be chosen and sent North of the Wall regardless of whether there is a Lord Commander or not. Once there are 4 or less living players however, no more Rangers can be sent.

    The three players will be given a one-Night QuickTopic to decide by plurality vote a Check target. This Check is called the RANGER CHECK, and will reveal whether the target is truly a member of the Night's Watch to the Lord Commander the next Day. This is the ONLY Check in the game that will reveal the White Walker to be guilty. Those players that were chosen to Range will be immune to ALL Night Actions that Night barring the White Walker’s WINTER KILL, but they will also be unable to use their own Active Abilities that Night. Players may not Range two Night Phases in a row.

    The rangers must also decide who among them will receive a DRAGONGLASS DAGGER that will render them immune to the White Walker's WINTER KILL ability for that Night only. Some roles however have permanent immunity to the WINTER KILL. Use this to flush out certain roles. Only one Ranger may receive a DRAGONGLASS DAGGER each Night.

    The number of possible Rangers each Night (x) is determined through the following conditions:
    (x) = [(# of living players)/3] , (x)≤3.
    For example, if there are 6 players left, the maximum number of Rangers is 2. If 9, 3. If 12, 3.

    [The Lord Commander of the Night's Watch] - The players of HoT2 will elect from among them a Lord Commander to lead them.

    -BECOMING THE LORD COMMANDER: To become a candidate, you must first be publicly nominated in the thread by at least three of your peers. You may not ask others to nominate you- they must do it of their own accord. After being nominated, you must then choose to either accept or decline candidacy. If candidacy is accepted, you must then win a majority vote in order to become Lord Commander.

    -THE ELECTION: The first election on Day 1 is a majority vote and will take as long as it needs to in order to determine a Lord Commander. Day 1 will not end unless a Lord Commander is elected. If the current Lord Commander dies, another majority election is held to elect a new one. For these subsequent elections, if no consensus is met in one Day Phase, the election will pause for the Night before restarting the next Day. Rangers will still be chosen and sent Ranging, but without a Lord Commander to receive their Ranger Check, they will essentially be sent to die to the White Walker.

    -WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU BECOME THE LORD COMMANDER: When you become Lord Commander, you will gain several additional Passive Abilities as well as responsibilities to the players of the game. As Lord Commander, your ability set will change to the following:

    [Post-Death Mechanics] - When players die, their roles are NOT revealed. However, players whose deaths caused by Night Kills will have their roles revealed to the scum faction that killed them. Once players die, they are sent to either the CHILDREN OF THE FOREST QuickTopic, or the WIGHTS QuickTopic. Players whose deaths are caused by the WHITE WALKER are sent to the Wights QT, their allegiance changed to THE OTHERS. All other dead players are sent to the Children QT. More details about the WIGHTS in the Role List.

    [The Children of the Forest] - Dead players who were not killed by THE WHITE WALKER will become CHILDREN OF THE FOREST. The Children convene each Night in their QuickTopic to award a living player immunity from Night Kills that Night. The Children may not choose to give the same player this immunity two nights in a row.

    Unless otherwise stated, Abilities will be activated and targets will be decided from within either your private QuickTopics, or your Faction QuickTopic if you have one.


    Castle Black is home to the Brothers of the Night's Watch, an order in place to protect the realm of men from that which lies Beyond the Wall. This is the TOWN from standard mafia games. CASTLE BLACK wins when there are no players left alive from any other factions.

    - [Liege]

    Passive Abilities:
    -SKINCHANGER: You wear the skin of Ghost, your Direwolf, roaming Beyond the Wall each Night. Upon returning to your own body the following morning, you learn if any scum players died during the Night.
    -DRAGONGLASS DAGGER: You are in possession of a dagger made of Dragonglass, anathema to the White Walkers. You cannot die to the White Walker's WINTER KILL.

    Active Abilities:

    - [Liege]

    Passive Abilities:
    -FAITHFUL: You cannot be CONVERTED.

    Active Abilities:
    -CHECK: You may choose a player each Night. Come morning, you will learn whether that player is a BROTHER OF THE NIGHT'S WATCH or not.


    Passive Abilities:
    -FAITHFUL: You cannot be CONVERTED.
    -LOYAL STUDENT: You know who THE MAESTER is.

    Active Abilities:


    Passive Abilities:
    -OLD ARMOR: Will survive one Night Kill. This ability activates automatically if you are targeted for a Night Kill.

    Active Abilities:
    -VALYRIAN STEEL: If OLD ARMOR has not been used yet, you may give up the ability in order to give a player of your choice a SWORD OF VALYRIAN STEEL that grants ONE kill able to kill any player, including the White Walker. The SWORD can be used by its recipient at any time during the game, but will only take effect at the end of the Phase it is used on. The SWORD's effects will not take place if the user dies during that Phase.


    Passive Abilities:

    Active Abilities:
    -STEAL: Choose a target every odd-numbered Night. At the beginning of the next Day Phase, you will learn what that player learned during the Night. They will not be informed of your visit. If you target a scum role, whether info or not, they will learn your role at the beginning of the following Day Phase.


    Passive Abilities:

    Active Abilities:

    -WHORING: Each Night, you may choose to sneak out of Castle Black and go whoring, returning revitalized the next morning. Because of this, your voice will carry twice the weight it usually has that Day, and you will have 2 votes. Your second vote will be tallied from your private QT. If you go Whoring two nights in a row, your role will be publicly revealed during the next Day Phase.


    Passive Abilities:

    Active Abilities:
    -RAPE: Each Night, choose a player to "visit" and have your way with. At the beginning of the next Day Phase, the players of the game will be informed that The Rapist raped X, where X is the target player's name. You will not gain any in-game effects from using RAPE... only a twisted sense of satisfaction.


    Passive Abilities:

    Active Abilities:
    -TRAPPING: During the Night, choose a target. Anybody who targets that target with a Night Action will be unable to use their Ability (Role Block) that Night. This ability does not apply to Faction-specifc actions such as Night Kills or Conversions, but applies to any other Role-specific ability. If you have targeted THE KING OF GIANTS for TRAPPING, your ability will take precedence over his (i.e., GIANTS' BLOOD will not activate, but TRAPPING will).


    Passive Abilities:
    -FAITHUL: You cannot be CONVERTED.
    -ALERT LEADER: If another player has been targeted for death by THE WILDLINGS or THE RED KING'S COURT, you will be informed of their impending demise during the Night.

    Active Abilities:
    -SACRIFICE: You may choose to die in place of another player.

    SER PIGGY - [Liege]

    Passive Abilities:
    -DRAGONGLASS DAGGER: You are in possession of a dagger made of Dragonglass, anathema to the White Walkers. You cannot die to the White Walker's WINTER KILL.
    -FAITHFUL: Cannot be Converted.

    Active Abilities:
    -SLAYER: If mislynches occur on two consecutive Days, you may choose a target to kill during the Night. This ability can kill any role in the game including the White Walker, unless the CHILDREN OF THE FOREST have chosen to protect that player. After an opportunity to use SLAYER has passed, whether you used the ability or not, you must wait for a further two consecutive mislynches before using SLAYER again.


    Passive Abilities:
    -SILVERTONGUE: You are a wily fellow, and always manage to convince others that your way is the best way. This renders you immune to Lynches.

    Active Abilities:


    Passive Abilities:
    -FAITHFUL: You cannot be CONVERTED.

    Active Abilities:
    -RAGE: When you die, determine a target by the end of the next Phase (if you die during Day, choose by the end of Night. If you die during Night, choose by the end of Day). That target will die. This can kill the WHITE WALKER.


    Passive Abilities:

    Active abilities:
    -POISONED FOOD: As long as a Lynch has not been determined yet, you may choose a Lynch target yourself in exchange for your own life.


    Passive Abilities:
    -INNOCENCE: If you are Lynched, every player in the game has immunity to Night Kills that Night.

    Active Abilities:


    Passive Abilities:
    -ELITE: You survive your first death, unless it is caused by the WINTER KILL.

    Active Abilities:
    -VALYRIAN STEEL: You possess a sword of Valyrian steel, able to damage the White Walkers. If you are targeted for a WINTER KILL, you will not survive, but you will maim the WHITE WALKER so that they are unable to use their abilities the following Night (e.g., if attacked during Night 2, the WW cannot use their abilities on Night 3). A message will be displayed to the players of the game the following Day that reflects this.


    Passive Abilities:
    -SCOUTING AHEAD: At the beginning of the Night Phase, you learn the roles of players who die during the previous Day Phase.

    Active Abilities:


    Passive Abilities:

    Active Abilities:

    -UNMARKED GRAVE: Twice during the game, you may choose to use UNMARKED GRAVE to conceal the role of that Night's Night Kill from relevant scum factions.


    The Wildlings are a Mafia faction from standard mafia games. The Wildlings win when they are the majority faction, or if a member of their faction survives to the end of the game (1vs1).

    Faction Abilities:

    -SCUM: As a Mafia Faction, you share a QuickTopic with the other members of your Faction.

    -NIGHT KILL: Every other Night to be decided at the start of the game, along with the other members of your Faction, you have 24 hours to decide ONE target player to kill. At this time, you must also choose a Wildling to carry out the actual Kill. You will learn the roles of players that your faction kills by Night Kill.

    -THE HORN OF WINTER: In exchange for a TRUTHFUL roleclaim, any Wildling player can gain one unblockable kill tallied from their personal QuickTopic, that takes effect at the end of the Day Phase in which the roleclaim was made. This ability may only be used once in the course of the entire game - only one Wildling may blow the Horn.


    Passive Abilities:
    -TURNCLOAK: You are still in possession of a black cloak from your days as a BROTHER OF THE NIGHT'S WATCH. If you are Checked, the player will see you as A BROTHER OF THE NIGHT'S WATCH.
    -MANCE RAYDER: Your days as a BROTHER OF THE NIGHT'S WATCH have honed your skills in scouting and leadership. At the beginning of every Day Phase, you learn the target and result of the last Night's Maester CHECK. You will receive the data regardless of the Maester's, or the target's survival that Night.

    Active Abilities:


    Passive Abilities:
    -GIANTS' BLOOD: If you are targeted for death during the Night the player who targeted you will die instead, even if you are sent Ranging. If targeted by a Night Kill, the player who made the Night Kill will die instead of the entire enemy faction. This will kill THE WHITE WALKER.

    Active Abilities:


    Passive Abiltiies:

    -FAITHFUL: You cannot be CONVERTED.

    Active Abilities:

    -SIXSKINS: During the Night, choose a Castle Black role. You will gain their Ability set for the following Day/Night cycle, or if there are usage limitations on their abilities, you will gain one use of their ability. You may use SIXSKINS up to three times per game. You may not choose to wear the skins of: THE APPRENTICE, THE CAPTAIN, or THE BLACKSMITH.


    Passive Abilities:
    -KISSED BY FIRE: You cannot be killed by the White Walker.

    Active Abilities:
    -SEDUCE: Each Night that your faction has a Night Kill, select a player. At the beginning of the following Day Phase, you will learn if they used a Night Action.


    THE RED KING'S COURT is a Mafia faction from standard mafia games. They win when they become the majority faction or if all other players have been converted.

    Faction Abilities:

    -SCUM: As a Mafia Faction, you share a QuickTopic with the other members of your Faction.
    -NIGHT KILL: Every other Night to be decided at the start of the game, along with the other members of your Faction, you have 24 hours to decide ONE target player to kill. At this time, you must also choose a Red Court member to carry out the actual Kill. You will learn the roles of players that your faction kills by Night Kill.
    On Day 1, target two players to Convert. Every Night afterward, you may only target one player. They will be Converted unless they are the White Walker or possess the Passive Ability FAITHFUL, which grants immunity to Conversion.

    THE RED KING - [Liege]

    Passive Abilities:
    -LORD OF LIGHT: The burning power of R'hllor, the Red God, the Lord of Light, flows through you. You cannot be killed by the White Walker's WINTER KILL.

    Active Abilities:
    -AZOR AHAI: At any time during the Day, you may choose to commandeer the votes of any number of players that you have CONVERTED. These votes will be tallied from either your personal QuickTopic or your Faction QuickTopic. However, any players you have stolen votes from will lose their Converted status after you have taken their votes. You may use this ability as many times as you wish, as long as you have at least one Converted player. If a commandeered vote sets the White Walker as the Lynch target, he will die.


    Passive Abilities:
    -LORD OF LIGHT: The burning power of R'hllor, the Red God, the Lord of Light, flows through you. You cannot be killed by the White Walker's WINTER KILL.

    Active Abilities:
    -SERVANT OF THE RED GOD: During the Night Phase, you may choose to kill a Converted target. You will gain both their Active and Passive Abilities for the following Day/Night cycle, or one use of the ability depending on their role (you will be informed which after making the kill). Note that some roles cannot be Converted and thus cannot be targeted by SERVANT OF THE RED GOD. You may not use this ability on consecutive Nights. This kill cannot be prevented.


    Passive Abilities:
    -WELL CONNECTED: You have friends in high places and yet more in the dredges of society, and your friends always keep you informed. You are immune to LYNCHES. This immunity ends when there are four or less players in the game.

    Active Abilities:
    -SMUGGLER: Choose a target each Night. You will steal goods intended to be sent to them, and learn what they are supposed to learn that Night. You may not choose the same target more than once.

    THE OTHERS (1+n)

    THE OTHERS are unspeakable, unnatural beings hailing from the Lands of Always Winter, Beyond the Wall. THE OTHERS win when THE WHITE WALKER is the only remaining player alive, or if his defeat becomes impossible. THE WIGHTS, players who have been killed by the WHITE WALKER, may only win if THE WHITE WALKER wins.


    Passive Abilities:
    -HARBINGER OF WINTER: The White Walker is immune to Lynches and Night Kills. The White Walker cannot be Converted. The White Walker will Check as A BROTHER OF THE NIGHT'S WATCH, unless Checked by the Rangers. While Ranging, the White Walker is able to use his abilities as he normally would.

    Active Abilities

    -WINTER KILL: Each Night, the White Walker will select a Ranger. If he is unprotected, he will die and be sent to the Wights QuickTopic.
    -REANIMATE: At any time during the Night, the White Walker may match any number of players to roles, one player to a role. If your match is accurate, you may permanently steal these players' votes. The matches will be tallied IN THE ORDER THEY ARE SUBMITTED, and any number of players' votes may be stolen at a time UNTIL an inaccurate match is made. For instance, if X is Role A and Y is Role B, if the submission order is (X - Role A, Y - Role B), then both players' votes will be stolen. If the order is (X- Role A, Y- Role C), then only X's vote will be stolen. If you mismatch players on two consecutive REANIMATE attempts, your role will be publicly revealed. You may not match the same player to any role two attempts in a row.


    Wights are players who have been killed by the White Walker. Players who have become Wights will have their allegiance changed to THE OTHERS, and will win if, and only if, the White Walker wins. Wights collude each Night to choose to EITHER Role Block a target, or attempt to kill the Lord Commander in a ZOMBIE ATTACK. There is no communication between the White Walker and the Wights.

    Passive Abilities:
    -Share a QuickTopic.
    -Know who the White Walker is.
    -Each Night, you have 12 hours to decide to to either ROLE BLOCK or ZOMBIE ATTACK in a plurality vote.
    -Each Night, decide the target for whichever Active Ability is chosen that Night by plurality vote.

    Active Abilities:

    -ROLE BLOCK: The Wights can choose each Night by plurality vote a target to Roleblock, meaning that the target player will become unable to use their Abilities (both Passive and Active) for that Night Phase and the following Day Phase.
    -ZOMBIE ATTACK: The Wights can attempt to kill the Lord Commander, in exchange for becoming unable to use either the ROLE BLOCK or ZOMBIE ATTACK abilities the next Night. In the confusion of a wight attack, the Lord Commander's office becomes trashed, making it impossible to recover the results of that Night's Ranger Check.


    Night Action Priority:

    1. Ranging related actions
    Ranger Check
    Dragonglass Protection (Rangers)
    Winter Kill

    2. Dead Players
    Children of the Forest Protection Vote
    Wights: Role Block/Zombie Attack

    3. Death-related or scum actions
    Night Kills
    Slayer Kill
    Servant of the Red God
    Sixskins Activation
    Captain Sacrifice (Martyr save)

    4. All other actions



    1. Anya
    2. Ash
    3. Lungs
    4. Moridin
    5. KaiDASH
    6. Geabe
    7. Yeagen
    8. Snowflake
    9. CheddarTrek
    10. Gila
    11. Aziraphale
    12. Krogan
    13. Taure
    14. Sacrifice
    15. LochNess
    16. Gambit
    17. Kensington
    18. Aekiel
    19. Sesc
    20. Vesvius
    21. guljons
    22. Eternity Lost
    23. Nemrut
    24. Fenraellis
    25. jwlk


    Reserve List:
    (Anybody who wasn't selected in the raffle whose name is on the Applicant List)
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2012
  6. jwlk

    jwlk Seventh Year

    May 7, 2010
    I'm so excited for this game.. :D
  7. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    Isn't Monday the 30th? :S
  8. Sesc

    Sesc Slytherin at Heart Moderator

    Dec 20, 2007
    Blocksberg, Germany
    It's GMT+9, man. Tuesday starts earlier there.
  9. Yeagen

    Yeagen First Year

    Oct 10, 2011
    A planet in the Milky Way Galaxy
    I meant to post this earlier but oh well. I'm so stoked that I got in HoT! Thanks, Lutris and the RNG gods for letting me play! I can't wait for this to start.
  10. Moridin

    Moridin Minister of Magic DLP Supporter

    Nov 7, 2009
    Proudspire Manor
    That makes no sense whatsoever, Monday is still the 30th regardless of how much earlier it starts/ends...

    Anyway, w/e. I'm looking forward to this getting under way!
  11. KaiDASH

    KaiDASH Auror DLP Supporter

    Oct 6, 2010
    You wouldn't understand how things work in the FUTURE.

    Stuck in the past man, stuck in the past.
  12. Lutris

    Lutris Jarl Dovahkiin DLP Supporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    Tokyo, Japan
    I derped. In any case, Tuesday at noon, in my time zone (GMT+9).
  13. Ash

    Ash Moves Like Jagger DLP Supporter

    Mar 27, 2010
  14. Aekiel

    Aekiel Angle of Mispeling ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Mar 16, 2006
    One of the Shires
    High Score:
    Hey Lutris, you've missed off some details about the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. Specifically his ability list.
  15. Koalas

    Koalas First Year ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Sep 3, 2007
    High Score:
    I'd like an observers as well lutris. If possible.
  16. Riley

    Riley Alchemist DLP Supporter

    Nov 8, 2007
    On The Eastern Seaboard, USA
    Have fun guys. I'm not going to ask for obs, I want to see if I can't figure things out from the outside first.
  17. Seratin

    Seratin Proudmander –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Oct 14, 2007
    Dún na ngall
    High Score:
    Obs would be nice my eastern buddy.
  18. Lutris

    Lutris Jarl Dovahkiin DLP Supporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    Tokyo, Japan
    I'll be sending Obs links out soon.

    In other news, 3 people have not posted in their QTs (and are unaccounted for).

  19. coleam

    coleam Death Eater

    Apr 2, 2009
    Putting myself in for the Observer raffle.
  20. Lutris

    Lutris Jarl Dovahkiin DLP Supporter

    Oct 27, 2005
    Tokyo, Japan
    I've decided that with the low number of applicants EVERYBODY WHO APPLIED GETS AN OBS LINK YAY.

    Don't share the link. Ever. PMs should be going out in a few minutes.

    EDIT: Sent.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2012
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