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WIP Son of Gato by Sir Lucifer Morningstar - M

Discussion in 'Trash Bin' started by MF DOOM, Oct 31, 2019.

  1. MF DOOM

    MF DOOM Second Year

    May 7, 2019
    Land of Dreams
    Title: Son of Gato
    Author: Sir Lucifer Morningstar
    Rating: M
    Genre: Adventure/Drama
    Status: In-Progress
    Library Category: Other Fandom
    Summary: An edgy teenager pretending to be a psychopath pretending to be an edgier teenager pretending to be a bigger psychopath, is reincarnated into the world of Naruto with the powers of the Gamer. Chaos ensues.
    Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12794658/1/Son-of-Gato

    I'm not really sure if I want to post it here, but I really like this story and hopefully some you guys can also enjoy this. So, here it goes.

    This is SI/OC story about son of Gato, that short mafia guy from Zabuza arc. While mc has gamer powers, he's not all that op.

    The thing I like about this story is the way author portray characters, not only mc but also other characters. They are there own characters not some plot devices.

    For me this is 5/5 story.
  2. Zombie

    Zombie Black Philip Moderator DLP Supporter

    Apr 28, 2007
    This looks actually terrible. I'll reply back with a proper review later.
  3. Wyatt Axford

    Wyatt Axford Second Year

    Apr 2, 2018
    First few paragraphs go on and on about the natures of stories and it's just awful. It's not a good tone setter and bland as far as opening's go.

    Then, after the first page break, we get our main character talking to a god-like-being - which is up there in terms of "How not to open your Reincarnation story" right behind the MC describing what it's like to come out of a pussy. The god-like-being spins a wheel to see where he will get reincarnated? This is dumb. I hate this so much.

    References! Yay! Me know those anime. Me can relate to main character.

    Now, he's reincarnated and has gamer powers. Gamer fics in general suck with all the STATS, just making the story look like a fucking mess with its formatting and bloating word count - this story is no different. Will any of these minor stats, debuffs, and percentages matter at all in terms of fights relevant to the plot? Or is it the lazy authors way to make it seem like the story is progressing when it really isn't?

    Nothing is engaging about this story after the first chapter and the main protagonist doesn't have an engaging enough voice to make any of the few scenes he's in entertaining.

    This story belongs in the trash bin. 1/5
  4. GiantMonkeyMan

    GiantMonkeyMan High Inquisitor

    Sep 8, 2008
    I can live with SI's and reincarnation sort of fics, there are one or two entertaining ones out there, but there's nothing that turns me off more than this bullshit moment that a huge number of SI's seem to feel is necessary where they have Q or whoever to just give pointless exposition. It's so dumb.