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Staff Announcement Regarding the DLP C2 and Enembee

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Rahkesh Asmodaeus, Jul 19, 2019.

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  1. Xiph0

    Xiph0 Yoda Admin

    Dec 7, 2005
    West Bank
    In the same boat as Raven as I'm currently at work and there's too much to respond to over mobile, but I'll be responding by tonight to be sure.
  2. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    Let me be honest here, it's not a bad idea but I have an extremely limited amount of time. I'm the only person who works on the DLP backend, and this is a labor of love -- there's a lot that goes into DLP that nobody else sees. Just because I don't respond doesn't mean I didn't see it, just that it's uncontroversial and I don't yet have time to get to it. I have a full time job, family, and external commitments, not to mention the desire to play a video game here and there.

    On the whole, I think things have been going pretty well overall, modulo some problems. I think we've been pretty clear in admitting that the actions taken against nmb weren't handled correctly, but the final outcome from nmb's actions are justified. Regardless, this certainly doesn't help matters. Ultimately, there's always a triggering incident to incite change one way or another, especially when this isn't our full time job.

    I also won't have this turning into an inquisition against @Xiph0. Lets move forward productively.
  3. Nevermind

    Nevermind Minister of Magic

    Mar 18, 2017
    The Medium Place
    High Score:
    Since this is two pages back by now, here‘s my initial proposal for context:
    I share your concern, but I think this thread has shown already that a civil conversation can be sustained if most parties are indeed willing to have one.

    And when it comes down to it, I like to think that this forum matters quite a bit to quite a few of us, so I maintain that my idea or perhaps another, better one in a similar spirit would certainly be worth a try. Not immediately, but at some point in the not-too-distant future, once this thread has run its course and we have all had time to think on it a bit. It‘s not like the collapse of DLP is imminent (have to agree with @Erotic Adventures of S here), so we have both time and options.

    Lightly edited for typos.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2019

    KHAAAAAAAN!! Troll in the Dungeon –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 18, 2011
    Under your bed.
    High Score:
    On that note, having lost a fair number of Prestige Mode members to permabans in a relatively short period of time, let me take the opportunity to plug the Prestige Mode Application thread (which I guess is no longer stickied because Scott won the 'contest'?).

    The last application was May 2018. It's time to replenish our ranks. Sacrifice your high post counts to the Post God and you too can strive to set a positive posting example for your fellow DLPers. You too can have a get out of jail free card. You too can make everyone insanely jealous with your gloriously pink user name and custom title.

    The Order of the Flamingo wants YOU for a new recruit! Be better. Be pink.
  5. Utsane

    Utsane Groundskeeper DLP Supporter

    Aug 18, 2017
    I'm really glad this thread was made; it's a testament, if nothing else, to the fact that this community cares about staying healthy and that our mods are sensible, reasonable people that care too. It's great that, even though people seem to disagree on how to improve this forum, no user is saying, "Fuck this, fuck you, I'm out." and that the staff aren't saying, "Fuck you, we can do what we want, you can suck a dick."

    It feels good knowing that everyone cares about nurturing this community.
  6. Anarchy

    Anarchy Half-Blood Prince DLP Supporter

    Dec 12, 2009
    I had the lagswitch applied to me once like 8 or 9 years ago. I figured I'd just suck it up and take the punishment for whatever the perceived infraction was. Might have been my reward for having a troll account, I don't remember. What I remember was that it lasted for a month. Though, as it turned out, it was that long simply because the mod forgot he had turned it on on me. Obviously that shit is stupid, but I can't help but look back at those times in fondness, as the fandom was still quiet healthy back then and growing. The fandom is not that anymore, the times have change, and that should be taken into account.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2019
  7. Mordart

    Mordart Slug Club Member

    Aug 17, 2011
    To all the staff pointing to the mechanisms to report or complain: Please Lord above DO NOT.

    It reads like a Corporation PR statement. You know, they just got caught doing something they shouldn't, then put out "We have the highest industry standards that we uphold. We thank everyone for their valuable feedback and promise to" Blah blah blah. But nobody in management is ever held responsible for the clusterfark. The underlying source never gets fixed. That is what these statements read like.

    Because lets face it, Xiph0 being held responsible is most likely not going to happen. Something would have already happened given the complaints being leveled now. If not for causing this Shitnami then for opening the gates holding it back, before going all "Shocked Pikachu Face".

    Need Pikachu face emoji. So badly.

    Edit: And yes, I realize NMB acted like an idiot. A fearful idiot unwilling to give away his only leverage from being retroactively punished again weeks or months from now. Yet still, an idiot considering the influence he wielded as C2 owner. Several different ways he could have resolved this better.

    Also while I'm editing, I voice support for those fearing something they say will get them banned. It's why I usually don't say anything at all outside of story-subsections. One wrong word, one un-knowing faux pas, and BAM! Years of talking, making online friends, discussions that last for days and intellectually stimulate you. All gone. And you don't have back-ups to keep in touch, you don't have alternatives, you can't argue usually with the mods. It's just OVER. I've had this happen IRL with a childhood friend. It's real, it's not hyperbole.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2019
  8. Failcure

    Failcure First Year

    Jun 13, 2014
    Middle-of-snowheap, Sweden
    I think the point people have been trying to make quite kindly is that they're concerned over the complete lack of consequences moderators appear to face for abusing their power. Transparency about meting out punishments to Joe Average is all well and good, but there should probably be some transparency beyond "staff has agreed that moderator Z's actions were less than ideal".
  9. Zansa

    Zansa Fourth Year

    Feb 1, 2011
    Multiple members have stated they've had similar issues with him in the past. That's a pattern of behavior, not an inquisition.

    I'm going to be the lone voice of dissent and say that if NMB's forum details were messed with, his actions with the C2 could be seen as reasonable from his perspective. His account was messed with - his account, no one else's. That's his identity on the site, it's like someone defacing your driver's license or something. In response to this loss of control over something that anyone would deem to be their's exclusively, he exerted his one guaranteed form of control to get back at the person defacing his identity. This is natural human behavior, and I'm not sure that in the moment I would have the maturity to step back from the situation and act rationally. I think that NMB acted so far over the line is proof of how much he cares about DLP and his place in the community. He was personally and grievously attacked for what I think anyone would view as an unjust reason, and he responded passionately. if anything, I think this should be taken as good faith of his commitment to the community.

    It's telling that even though we have one side of the story, @Xiph0 still comes across as the one who instigated the problem and escalated it if NMB's forum details were messed with. That this is apparently far from the first time he's behaved similarly and this is just now coming to light because of the C2 reeks of corrupt upper management ass covering.
  10. kira and light

    kira and light Seventh Year

    Jul 27, 2013
    I don't see how this is an Inquisition against @Xiph0 if he is directly responsible for what many perceive as Staff members abusing their powers are.

    I think most people on this site are generally happy with the admins and accept that Enembee went to far and should have resolved this matter in a different way.

    But from my time on this site it was apparent that XiphO did not often act in a civil way towards many and seeing this thread makes his abuse of power ridiculously apparent messing with someones account just to win a petty squabble or have a laugh at someones expense is definitely crossing the line which he did again and again.

    What I am saying is that like some members mentioned who were obviously calling out XiphO but possibly fearing negative consequences.

    That if someone abuses their power they shouldn't have it which XiphO obviously repeatedly did.
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2019
  11. Arthellion

    Arthellion Lord of the Banned ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 14, 2017
    Georgia, USA
    High Score:
    This is not to excuse abuses of power but I would throw out there that Xipho does have the unenviable job of managing politics. As a result he does have to ban more people.

    That said...I think there is obviously issues and lack of moderator accountability is one of them.
  12. TheWiseTomato

    TheWiseTomato Prestigious Tomato ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Nov 11, 2009
    High Score:
    Yeah there's a fine line between taking the piss with someone and shitting on them from great height. A few of the stories do sound like that line has been stepped on a few times.

    I don't think we should make this about the C2 side of things tbh @Zansa - that was a dick move and consequences have been handed out. As things stand, the more important topic is the potential misuse of mod power, and whether that is going to have consequences of any sort.
  13. Republic

    Republic The Snow Queen –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Sep 1, 2010
    Germany occupied Greece
    High Score:
    Oz I love you like the sugar daddy I never had but "talk to literally any other mod" has never worked. If you think that has ever solved anything then I don't know what to tell you.

    And no one is clamoring for DLP to suddenly be SV levels of retarded rules and councils. All I personally want is an affirmation that everyone just do their best to not be an asshole. That's all. That's all the rules we need. The rest will work itself out without stuff like this happening.

    I don't think saying that power should be used only in the areas it is meant to be used is trying to make DLP into a democracy.
  14. Arthellion

    Arthellion Lord of the Banned ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Apr 14, 2017
    Georgia, USA
    High Score:
    DLP is not a democracy

    It’s an aristocracy :sherlock:
  15. ScottPress

    ScottPress The Horny Sovereign –§ Prestigious §– DLP Supporter

    Apr 22, 2013
    The Holy Moose Empire
    High Score:
    Don't start. #BanArthellion
  16. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    I think I speak for most everybody here in that when I signed up for the site, I put my faith in the basic common human decency that, whatever I did on the site, my personal settings to my account which are attached to personal details will not be messed with. The fact that it's been a recurring issue where accounts have been messed with (even if it's just a lag switch or whatever) is something that makes me question my desire to be a part of this community. I think that, no matter the punishment that enembee ultimately received by nuking the C2, this is an issue that must be addressed and, quite frankly, should have been addressed a long time ago.

    If this is the full story, then this feels like an extraordinarily tame reason to be muted for days and to have account settings messed with.

    This also makes the situation worse. Sree mentions that he (and I presume this extends to the rest of the staff) treats all member issues equally and fairly, no matter their post count, thumbs, or any other marks of recognition. But clearly, there are different standards (or at least different privileges when it comes to moderation) for members with Prestige than everyone else. Others have also brought this up, but, essentially, does that mean that had this situation happened to someone other than enembee/another person in the Prestige group, would it have even been noticed? And if it wouldn't have been noticed, then how does that foster a community that welcomes newer people into the fold?
  17. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    I don't think demoting Xiph solves anything. The line is fuzzy and I also think it's sometimes it's crossed. It's not hard to do, but we should hold ourselves to a higher standard.

    Xiph polices the most heinous and thankless parts of the forums (like Politics) and ends up using his judgement more often than most of the staff. Often folks disagree with these enforcement actions. It's rare I come to a different conclusion, especially when it comes to Politics bans, but it does happen and we do talk about them. Things are overturned. There needs to be a better way for folks to contest these.

    I've also been pretty clear that I think this situation has been a fuckup from start to finish, but I don't think demotion solves the core problem of trust. I think transparency, accountability, and a commitment to improving our own standards going forward does. I'll say this publicly: I expect our staff to exercise good judgement, and I also expect that judgement to occasionally run contrary to what members believe is right. Abuse of power or bullying is not good judgement and won't be tolerated, but I also expect that some enforcement actions will walk a line: if someone is being a twat in chat, is a multi-hour mute abuse, or justified? This is where I hope a blotter can help provide necessary transparency and an escalation path.

    I really need to get back to work, but, do keep the discussion going.

    When folks bring things to me, I investigate it and sometimes overturn it. It's the source of some of the nastiest knock-down dragout fights in the staff channels which are their own special brand of punishment for all of us.
  18. Jon

    Jon The Demon Mayor Admin DLP Supporter

    Jun 5, 2006
    When I say get out of jail free I mean no questions asked. It'd a way of thanking people for being long time active members of the site. For a regular member there is a process. So yes bring a member in good standing with the community and recognised as such does offer benefits above bring a member with 5 posts. But they doesn't mean that normal members are lesser.
  19. Failcure

    Failcure First Year

    Jun 13, 2014
    Middle-of-snowheap, Sweden
    When I'm elsewhere on the 'net and DLP comes up, it's always mentioned as an "old boys club". That's a huge part of why I like DLP to be perfectly honest - the fact that whenever I meet someone from DLP on the 'net we have a connection, and though I haven't been active on IRC in quite some time now, it happens every now and then, because DLP is much more closely connected to the users than something like Sufficient Velocity or Spacebattles. When I was in my teens, the DLP IRC was my favourite place, and when I pop in every now and then these days, it often feels like I haven't left at all.

    However, as anyone who has ever opened a history book will tell you, old boys clubs, whether oligarchies or feudal nobilities, are notoriously bad at self-policing.

    In many ways, I don't disagree at all. The problem is that that's exactly what people are wondering about. You don't think a demotion solves the problem, but you're sure you're for transparency and accountability. I have to ask, in what exact fashion? What should be the consequences for repeatedly misusing moderation powers? You need to expand on this for it to not sound like buzzwords you've just thrown in to make people calm down.

    The ordinary user aren't seeing the consequences when moderators misstep, so that's a clear way to improve transparency, and if there aren't any consequences, maybe it's time to add some so you can have accountability. That's my two cents on how to better the community.
  20. Lord Ravenclaw

    Lord Ravenclaw DLP Overlord Admin DLP Supporter

    Apr 2, 2005
    Denver, CO
    It's a fair ask that account settings aren't messed with to bully users. I'm not going to be the fun police and say jokes can't happen, by and large this should be true, and if it's happening without consent, it does need to stop.

    Sure, and I think that's a fair ask too. But, I'm at work, on my phone, responding. I can't type up a mod manifesto on the spot, so gimmie some time, yeah?
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