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Star Wars: The Old Republic

Discussion in 'Gaming and PC Discussion' started by Innomine, Oct 22, 2008.

  1. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse
    If they took out sprint and speeders I would honestly rather slit my throat than play this game. Can you imagine having to run through a zone like Nar Shaddaa to quest or do missions? Jesus Christ the thought gives me a headache.
  2. Richard

    Richard Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 5, 2006
    I have recently started playing this game myself (f2p, yay!). I have a lvl5 or lvl6 Trooper right now. His name's Tachek, I think. I'll have to recheck.

    Question for the game; since they made ToR free to play, is there any kind of "time limit" I get to play? Or do I get to play as long as I like? I know they put some restrictions on f2pers, such as the having only 2 chars (rolls my eyes) per server. So far, I've been having fun with this game at the low levels.
  3. Myduraz

    Myduraz Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Mar 2, 2009
    Afaik no time limit. You're simply restricted in what you can access.
  4. Richard

    Richard Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 5, 2006
    Alright, cool. Thanks!
  5. Mercenary

    Mercenary Snake Eater

    Aug 10, 2006
    Yeah they totally fucked people on that. I used to play on Harbinger.

    Had to rename some of my chars when they merged servs to become a super serv.

    Despite it still being called the Harbinger.

    It wasnt the same server. Just the same name.

    In other words, I hoped you logged in first to claim the name or you're fucked.

    As for free 2 play I think I can dig up some of my subreddit posts to paste here. I cant be fucked to type it out again.

    Ah fuck it I cant find it.

    Alright lets see if I can remember it all.

    Subs get everything they already get. They dont really get anything outside the norms of subbed vs free(better customer service, priority login, rested xp larger wallet, bank, unrestricted access to gameplay.) Preferred and free dont have that of course. They're restricted to 3 flashpoint loot rolls(though thats probably a misunderstand on my part, havent actually tried that yet, but I wouldnt put it past Bioware to do that), 3 space missions, 5 warzones.

    A week.

    NO. Operations so end game raids are right out.

    Your wallet is restricted to 350k/200k at a time. Anything extra goes in to escrow. I've heard conflicting information that you can withdraw that money after you go below 350/200 or that you actually have to sub to get that money out of the bank.

    At current time there is NO way to expand that wallet other than subbing. Genuis amirite?

    You dont get access to Section X and consequently HK-51. Which is perfectly understandable.

    Free players have access to two quickbars. Have fun with that. I use all 4 and even still I feel like I need more buttons.
    At the beginning Preferred were restricted but apparantly Bioware/EA is backpedaling on that and will be giving us 4 quickbars.

    No fleet pass.

    Longer Quick travel Cooldown.

    5 field revives. After that money please. (revive in the field or revive at a med center. Med center is free.)

    Hide Head slot is greyed out. So if you hid your helmet before your sub ran out you're fucked if you want to unhide it. 300 coins please.

    So is Unify colors to chest. I feel sorry for Troopers. Litebrite Armor GO!

    Customer Support is nonexistent for free and perferred. Yeah you read that. If you aren't giving them money no live support or agent support for you. You get the Knowledge Base and the forum. But no actual agent to talk to you.

    Companion skills are restricted. You can have 2 or 1(preferred/free).
    If you are not subbed, you dont get lockboxes of credits or gear(Slicing/Treasure Hunting) but apparently if you sub you suddenly get all those that you missed? Im unsure on that last part.

    Unlocks are character only by default. Yes you can buy the unlocks for account wide but boy some of them at the moment are blatant ripoffs. Why?

    Well... You have two characters slots for both types of players. At the moment, there is NO. Way to buy more character slots.

    And some of the cartel prices are more than double that for account wide unlocks. Like say Access to Section X. Thats 600 for One character. 1350 for the entire account. Its cheaper by 150 coins just to buy it one at a time instead of account wide. Now you could say "Well when they release the unlock to buy more slots It'll be worth it." And I'll say "They have not said a single thing about character slot buying. So fuck you, right now they're trying to rip people off."

    Back to Operations, Flashpoints, and the like.

    You can buy a weekly pass that will allow you to do as many of those as you want.

    Except... There's a problem. 1. Its a 7 day pass. 2. Operations.

    1. 7 days? Thats it? Okay I can see that for flashpoints, space missions, and warzones, but Operations? which leads us to 2. Operations have a cooldown. Meaning if you complete the Operation you cant get into that Operation again. Hard mode and Story modes Operations have a separate cooldown though so there's that. On the other hand, who the fuck wants to do an Operation that drops gear shittier than you are using?

    So you do the Operation you want and chances are you're not going to get the gear you want. Remember you are potentially competing with 2-4 other people for the same gear(I've yet to see a full One class Operation. Though that would be interesting. 8 Bounty Hunters with a 2 Powertech tanks and a mix of healer dps Mercs)

    So you want to run it again and make the most of the pass especially if you're top level and want better gear.


    Oh and IT GETS BETTER.

    You know all that delicious rare gear you're gonna get in the end game through Hardmodes and Operations?

    YOU HAVE TO PAY TO FUCKING WEAR IT. Yeah that's fucking right. You read that. No im not talking credits. You have to PAY for a LICENSE TO WEAR. ARTIFACT(Very Rare) GEAR.




    But Merc it says Most. Surely you can wear some artifact gear.

    Yeah Tionese most likely (i wouldnt know All my gear is already granted because "unlocked through previous subscription" good to see they didn't fuck over previous subs some more."

    But Merc, surely someone will post the unlock, license on the GTN for free and Pref to buy.

    Okay. Scroll back up. You see that wallet restriction. Now you tell me, who the FUCK is going to post something bought with REAL money for 350/200k?


    Yeah Fuck this Free 2 Play Scheme. Has to be one of the worst if not worst then outdated Free 2 Play schemes I've seen. Fuck even LOTRO does it better.

    I know the concept is to inconvenience free players so much they sub or buy the unlocks in the cash shop but you gotta let them buy the unlocks in the cash shop Bioware/EA.

    I hate to keep bringing this up but Cryptic does it a hell of a lot better with the Star Trek Online scheme. Sure some of the decisions are kind of questionable since they got bought up by Perfect World( yes... the company that has a lot of "Chinese Gold farming simulator" type games. This will be good) but so far its still going well. The Cash shop has yet to have the blatant "Get this and KILL EVERYTHING" because while the cash ships are better you're still viable in end game PVE using the free ships you get. Just... you know slightly less powerful. Because just because you've got a cash ship doesnt mean you're good at this game( Oh god... Rainbow boat ships. Nooooooooooooo)

    Frankly I like SWTOR. I want it do well. But right now? If it crashes and burns? I wont be rushing to pour water on it. I'll just kick back, with a stick and a marshmallow and yell at the people trying to put it out


    Edit: Oh yeah and Subs get more xp. Its being debated right now whether or not they're actually getting MORE xp rather than getting the baseline and the rest getting reduced. Or the preferred and free getting the baseline and the subs actually have a increased xp gain.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2012
  6. Clerith

    Clerith Ahegao Emperor ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 7, 2008
    High Score:
    I decided to give this another shot too. Only level 10 right now, Sniper.

    I'm not subscribed, and the new characters I create certainly have sprint, revive, chat, quick travel and mounts. Sprint and revive is probably legacy stuff, though. Whisper is locked till lv 10, but that's the only chat limitation, and that was an attempt to curb the rampant gold sellers.

    But yeah, swtor f2p model is basically bullshit. What REALLY kills f2p for me is that you're limited to 3 warzones a week, 3 dungeon loot rolls (one dungeon) a week, no operations at all, unable to equip the best gear, 350k credit cap (my sorc had ~2m after a few weeks of farming wzs) and the super tiny and limited inventory. Oh, and the lowered exp gain. You're basically limited to only doing the story questline, and even that is intentionally made as annoying as possible to make you spend irl cash to buy all kinda utility premium shit from the cash shop.

    The rename thing is that they merged all the servers together due to lack of playerbase. Now there's only one English PvP and PvE server. (And one RP, but no one plays there, and the same thing for two other languages, but who gives a damn about French or German?) It was treated as a "character transfer", so if the name was already taken on the server that ended up as the "super server", you had to rename. I didn't have to rename that one alt I had on the server that ended up the super server.

    The entire game is FULL of "please subscribe" advertisement. It's literally everywhere. Super annoying. Really forcing it down your throat.

    Class balance is a bit better, it has one new wz, pvp gear is much easier to get, new tier sets look absolute shit.

    Honestly, I can't recommend the f2p model to anyone. Play it for the story maybe (it does rock), but then drop it or sub.
  7. Clerith

    Clerith Ahegao Emperor ~ Prestige ~ DLP Supporter

    Jan 7, 2008
    High Score:
    Fucking doublepost fuckery. Fix it already.
  8. Mercenary

    Mercenary Snake Eater

    Aug 10, 2006
    This. IT really is just an extended trial.

    If you want to play KOTOR 3. Make a Jedi Knight Guardian(Or Setinel if dual sabers is your thing. You're just going to be real squishy)

    Conspiracy your thing? Imperial Agent. Make it a cyborg and you have "cool shade implants".

    Boba Fett your thing? Bounty Hunter. Though... the story line is kind of week. Its pretty much a "Go to place A. Kill person B.(or take em alive)"

    Nolan North does the Jedi Consular Male Voice.
    David Hayter does the Jedi Knight Male Voice.
    Jennifer Hale is the Female Trooper(Fem Shep) and also voices Master Satele Shan.
    Jo Wyatt is the Female Imperial Agent(Fem Hawke Dragon Age 2)
    Brian Bloom is the counter part to Hale. Male Trooper. Varric from DA2.
    Steve Blum is the voice of Revel a Sith Inquisitor Companion as well as many many voices. I swear to god that guy is EVERY where in this game.
    And I cant remember the others off the top of my head though I think Grey DeLisle is... one of the Bounty Hunter NPCs? I cant remebmer.

    Heh... Funny you should say that Howdy... Before they put in legacy the first speeder you get on at level 25. On Tatooine. Guess what comes before that. Nar Shaddaa. Yes. Thats right. You had to hoof it through Nar Shaddaa. Everywhere.
  9. Thyestean

    Thyestean Slug Club Member

    Jun 11, 2012
    I played early release and then for about another month. It was a neat idea; I will give them credit for that. However, once you finish the storyline, it sucks. Then again I'm biased, I only like to pvp. And after hutball lost its lustre and they weren't going to add more shit to prove I'm better than you, I was like fuck this shit back to sc2. It was an unbalanced piece of shit anyway.

    Not really my type of game to begin with, but what they tried to achieve they did well, the storyline. Play that shit through and get the fuck out of there.
  10. Schrodinger

    Schrodinger Muggle ~ Prestige ~

    Feb 5, 2009
    High Score:
    EA, royally fucking things up because they want money? Holy shitballs, look at the surprise on my face.
    But now I'm tempted to play it, at least for the story. I miss KoTOR. (Where, by the way, there was no quick travel. 60 hour campaign means 30 hours of running. <3)
  11. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    I don't regret my purchase at all. It was fun and honestly worth the cost from a purely single player pov, but pvp before max level was obscenely entertaining as well.
    My biggest problem with it was that it was an MMO and it's not something I have the time for. Any endgame requires too much of a time investment, but that's a problem with the genre, not swtor in particular.

    I recommend you try it as a FTP and just do the rounds of the starting levels for the storyline immersion if nothing else. I thought that they did a great job on that.
  12. Iztiak

    Iztiak Prisoner DLP Supporter

    Dec 4, 2006
    Imperial agent was a damn good story, I'd suggest trying that too.

    I really would have played a single player game centered around that story, if they made it a bit longer.
  13. Churchey

    Churchey Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 29, 2011
    Oh, I'd just say that if you do play for story, and they have removed the travel amenities (sprint, speeders, fast travel, fleet pass) for free to play, be sure that you don't waste time playing republic side unless you really want to know that story in particular. If you're just looking for a good storyline of any background, I'd say sith is the way to go.

    The sith side definitely gets pretty much everything easier. Playing a jedi knight is hell compared to sith warrior, since the jedi doesn't get a healer till their last companion or some shit.

    Unless things have drastically changed, the Bounty Hunter has a pretty good story and is retarded easy to play. You get a healer companion at level 8 and can stomp through pretty much every group quest until nar shadaa
  14. Mercenary

    Mercenary Snake Eater

    Aug 10, 2006
    Jedi Knights get their healer companion after the Balmorra class line is complete. So after Chapter 2 gets started.

    Early 30 to mid 30s.

    Sith Warriors on the other hand get it on their second planet(also Balmorra)

    And yeah Bounty Hunter Power Techs(Tanks) are pretty much easy mode at least for solo leveling since you're a tank and you have your healer comp.

    Agents dont get their healer comp until Taris is done and Imperial Taris is right up there if not higher than Republic Balmorroa for WORST PLANET. EVER.


    Oh and fucking genuis you have to go back to your healer comps base every few class missions on that planet and there's a FUCKING ELITE MOB THAT WILL. EAT. YOUR. FACE.

    Edit: Apparantly Live QandA today. Perferred will now have 6 character slots.

    Still not holding my breath until I see that on the Free 2 play features matrix/Patch notes.

    Also... Wallet expansion?

    Edit2: I logged back in today. My opinion of free to play is slightly revised to hmm... Better instead of "meh"

    Because so many people are opening cartel packs it is in fact relatively cheap to get some unlocks. For example you can buy a crew skill slot for about 100k on the Harbinger at time of posting.

    Me, I just got lucky and managed to pick up an Unlock for Section X(Account) so now all my characters(and future chars I presume) will be able to access it.

    Unfortunately no way of buying the operations/flashpoint/warzone passes that I can see on the GTN. Perhaps Bioware will put that entry in someday?

    Also its hilarious at some of the prices. The preferred/free wallet sizes have yet to be revised, spoken about, or in anyway give the impression of being increased.

    So... why would someone post an Unlock/License for 400k?

    I mean the people who have that money(i.e. Subs) arent going to buy that since, surprise surprise, they dont even need it.
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2012
  15. Erandil

    Erandil Minister of Magic

    Jul 27, 2008
    Maybe for people whose sub is running out? AT least that was the theory I heard.

    So which storyline is better, Imperial Agent or Jedi Sage? And if so what class is easier?
  16. Howdy

    Howdy Dark Lord

    Nov 3, 2008
    The Playhouse
    Imperial stories are all better than Republic stories, across the board. Honestly Republic is just sort of sad.

    This is mostly because no matter which side you play on the "villain" of your story is Imperial, so while the Republic stories are just a bunch of good vs evil bleh, the Imperial stories have some intrigue.

    Also the Dark Side is better.
  17. Mercenary

    Mercenary Snake Eater

    Aug 10, 2006
    "Just because you are bad guy doesnt mean you are Bad Guy."


    Seriously though Republic Stories most often tend to fall into "Im the good guy, lets go get the bad guys!" Since you know, Soldier of the Republic. Jedi Knight. Jedi Consular.

    I mean the only one where you can kind of go "I dont give a fuck" is the smuggler story and there you get railroaded into being a privateer for the Republic.

    I mean Empire you can be a real evil son of a bitch but thats expected kind of whereas if you stay Light you're still part of the Empire but you're not the "YOu have failed me for the last time" type of person.

    Bounty Hunter is one of the best in my opinion. The Bounty Hunter is pretty much the closest to Lawful Neutral? In that you can choose to literally kill every. Single. Target. You get. Or bring them alive even if not asked for.

    I have heard there are some choices on the Republic that will even make the Empire go "Dude. thats really harsh."

    Spacing the engineering crew...

    Letting a man become a rakghoul when you could have easily ended his pain.
  18. Myduraz

    Myduraz Headmaster DLP Supporter

    Mar 2, 2009
    Shameless necro.

    I've started up again, not having played since a couple of weeks after launch. I'm not really playing expecting to hit up end-game and enjoy it; that failed miserably the first time around and was the reason I quit.

    Rather, I'm playing in order to enjoy the class stories. It's the first MMO I've actually purely enjoyed leveling in. I've started working on characters of both factions on 'EU - Tomb of Freedom Nadd'. If anyone would like to join me, I'd be happy with some company.
  19. oakes

    oakes Unspeakable DLP Supporter

    Jan 31, 2011
    Eh, I just might. I'm going to my hometown tomorrow and I'm still not sure about whether I'll be staying at someplace with internet connection. It's a fifty/fifty chance.

    Edit: Good news, I've connection. Bad news is that i hadn't realised this was a PvP server. Would've thought you'd pick a RP server to enjoy the story. I'm really not that use to this PvP business.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2013
  20. Jjf88

    Jjf88 Auror

    Oct 15, 2007
    I'm on the top server, Jedi Covenant, I think. Level 22 Sith Sorcerer and a Jedi Guardian at level 18.