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Stardew Valley Mafia

Discussion in 'Little Italy' started by Eidolonic, Jan 16, 2017.

  1. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    What do you think of the rest of what I said wrt dLGN, Eco? Do you read those posts the same?
  2. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    I know someone said lynch ___ and fonti shoot between me and you.
    Doesn't matter though.
    Fonti doesn't get to shoot anybody but me tonight.

    math makes zero goddamn sense to me mostly.
    I sort of started townreading them because they seemed to really care about/believe what they're saying but at a certain point I have to start wondering how that's even possible.
    Their reads are almost entirely a single level deep which is pretty irksome to me since my one level deep is very intentionally scummy, but that single level should really point one to miner IMO.

    The balking at lynching fonti for the claim when her shot doesn't make any sense also doesn't sit right to me.

    I'm starting to lean scum but I'd like math to give that readslist.
    Not sure why it takes multiple hours when you're just giving the thoughts you already have. But again, nothing math does makes sense to me. It feels like trying to read DV which...
    I'm getting better at but not at first.

    ---------- Post automerged at 14:27 ---------- Previous post was at 14:25 ----------

    This, in particular, is one of the least solvey questions I've ever seen.
    You're supposed to answer a question about your predecessor?
    What's the damn point?
  3. Miner

    Miner Order Member

    May 27, 2015
    East Coast
    90% sure I"m on tom.

    But for posterity's sake

    Vote: tom
  4. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    Alright buddy.
    I've read day 1.

    Give me, like, a sentence or two on why I'm scum.
  5. Eidolonic

    Eidolonic Supreme Mugwump

    Jul 30, 2007
    Fixed. Did it in a rush, and read one of the Miners as MathBlade.
  6. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Ergo a reason was presented. The reason for the townread was mentioning the number of posts and what he said about it.

    The difference is here is the read is for the frustration not a particular emotion. Emotions should jive with reads not be the basis of them.

    ---------- Post automerged at 14:55 ---------- Previous post was at 14:53 ----------

    I don't have a predecessor but when someone replaces in you look at the entirety of the slot. If the slot is Town it thought something about Miner. Why? It is more to think about what the slot did and why and compare it to Eco.

    For one thing it likely means Eco and Miner are likely different alignments.

    ---------- Post automerged at 14:58 ---------- Previous post was at 14:55 ----------

    So did I repeatedly. Your reads are not consistent.

    ---------- Post automerged at 15:01 ---------- Previous post was at 14:58 ----------

    Assume this is true.

    You don't townread Eco. Do you scumread Eco?

    For not townreading Eco in your own posts it is weird to say not to lynch Eco. Even if you thing all of Foxy's posts are NAI then what do you think of Eco here and why would NAI be a reason to say not to lynch someone?

    ---------- Post automerged at 15:02 ---------- Previous post was at 15:01 ----------

    Vote Tom

    Spiritual vote on Eco.
  7. tom

    tom First Year

    Jul 5, 2016
    High Score:
    So why did you ask eco about it?
    You didn't say what you thought, that would be fine.
    You're just using it to attack eco. Which doesn't even make sense, because he feels good about that vote since he was just voting eco.

    I hate the whole post in context really:
    That's still disagreeing, not a discrepancy. By any definition.

    And I disagree that reading someone from emotion is invalid.
    I don't do it much, but have seen players use it to great effect.
    Be it that "____ should be feeling ____ emotion here but seems to be feeling ____" or "____ seems genuinely ____"

    But that you said that, and then came at him for a vote he didn't make FEELS pretty disingenuous to me.

    ---------- Post automerged at 15:17 ---------- Previous post was at 15:09 ----------

    Right now I'm townreading eco unless miner flips town, but that's not really about eco.
  8. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    When Von von/fonti/typhon started going on tlaking about #1 in postcount is when i thought to myself that typhon might be town, because scum have more problems faking stuff in large quantities.

    Gonna take a quick detour while talking about said topic.

    I looked at the postnumbers earlier today and realized a few things about them.
    1. (not a big surprise) the only person that has only very little posts is the eco/cf/c slot, which is obvious because it got subbed 2 times and all that.

    Considering former games, there were normally several spots that ended d1 with less than 20 posts and the topposter was between 100 and 150.
    This game the top poster had more than 200 (the top 4 posters have at this point), while the lowest posts alive is me with 87 right now, which is still by far above average compared to other game.

    2. The interesting part is the little amount of impact/reads some people had so far compared to their posts.
    (This one is just my impression, i might miss/forget about some posts)

    dLGN : 90 posts, the most stuff i remember is defending Jari, when that wagon was building. Being one of the few defending Tom and having a scumread on fonti d1.

    Mathblade : over 200 posts. didn't have the time to make a readwall, because of time constricts (?!). The mainreads I remember are Tom/Fonti/Von are scum. Those read happened within the first 200 posts and have not changed a lot until the claims d2. Don't actually know most of their thoughts right now.
    They did call out the eco slot a few minutes ago, if i saw that right.

    I could say similar stuff about fluffiness, but I am suprised he has that many post, considering he normally is scratching at the door to the subs because of low postcount.

    Cobalt is similar to dLGN, just more posts and only defending Jari. No idea where he is at right now. Most likely town anyway, since playing the game at all is a towntell for Cobalt nowadays. (this is not actually true, just me being mean towards cobalt, because he deserves it)

    This game is kind of scarce of reads considering the amount of posts in general.

    Tom was one of the biggest wagons all game. has a shitton of votes and he has very little reasons for reads on other people.
    That one might be in part because Tom was on the defensive all game, but like .. his postcount and game solviness don't actually fit well together at all.

    That is what makes Typhon possible town. Hard to say since I have not seen him play scum after stepping up his post-game in general. (du'h - it was last game)
    Maybe he will be the easiest tell because scum!typhon will be bottom-3 poster and town!typhon is contender for #1, but maybe he just learned to post a lot as either alignment and I should not read into that.

    I think him explaining several times that things he did, while he was doing them, is oh so towny, was very scummy.

    The fact that he is basically wrong on everything he is doing/proclaiming right now.
    He wants either fonti or me dead today.
    Fonti is claimed pr, there is nothing else explaining the 2nd nightkill.
    She is just, as you said propable!town.
    And I know I am town. I am most likely one of the lynchpin misslynches scum have to look for at this point.

    Typhon ignoring Mathblade for the most part today, while still saying they are a very high scumread, does not feel good either.
    Going for something that he believes to be an associate scumread to someone who is propable!town instead of someone who is an individual scumread?
    I get the reasoning, if he is dead certain on fonti being scum, but I also think that it is an easy dodge to not get an easy misslynch right now.

    I can see him being town, but right now I am fairly iffy on that topic.
    If fonti is scum, then Typhon is obviously lock!town. There is distancing, but those interactions are way too much for that.

    ---------- Post automerged at 00:29 ---------- Previous post was at 00:23 ----------

    Considering how you talked to your partners d1 last game and the fact that i am insane, we could still be teammates for people who know both of us.

    Just saying!

    ---------- Post automerged at 00:32 ---------- Previous post was at 00:29 ----------

    Will talk about possible fonti/typhon town worlds later Quiddity .

    Have not actually thought about it that much to be honest.

    Not sure if I will make the post now or later, might play some games with fonti and we have this policy of not playing forumgames while being in voicecalls etc.
    For obvious reasons.
  9. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    I've repeatedly said that Typhons emotion is the basis of my town read for him. Why am I town and Eco scum? Because he's an easier lunch?
  10. Fluffiness

    Fluffiness DA Member

    Nov 19, 2013
    Do you mean that the two slots are 1 scum, 2 town?

    If so, why aren't you trying to lynch one of them today, since one flip gives you both alignments?

    ---------- Post automerged at 06:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:42 PM ----------

    Or 1 town 2 scum. Either or.
  11. Quiddity

    Quiddity Squib ~ Prestige ~

    Apr 14, 2014
    New Zealand
    High Score:
    Because scum never vote scum who aren't up for lynch?

    Or because town!C.F. is very perceptive?

    I'm not saying that can't be considered. But any consideration of that vote needs some analysis of context.
  12. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    As I said earlier Fonti/Tom is a dynamic I am also pursuing. If Fonti doesn't nail scum today either A) She is scum or B) D1 no lynch is shit.

    I also have Miner/Eco which is likely a 1v1 and where CF defended Tom D1.

    So Tom/Eco/Fonti are my preferred places to vote.
  13. dLGN

    dLGN Muggle

    Dec 7, 2015
    High Score:
    I don't have much to say to this except it's how I am reading the game and articulate it. I'm a bit unsure what the point is and a bit uninterested in clarifying it because you're either town and this is dumb and hopefully you'll recognize it's dumb, or you're mafia and this is an enormous, confusing distraction.

    You and everybody else voted Jarizok for no reason, despite what was said earlier in the day. I presented pretty solid reasoning that even if Jarizok was mafia, he virtually always had to be with Tom. There was no reason to pull the lynch of Tom and onto himself if he was mafia and Tom was not. So there was virtually zero principled reasoning to lynch Jarizok over ANY OTHER RANDOM LYNCH, if what you're saying is you did not want to No Lynch. And beyond this, the most parsimonious explanation for advocating his own lynch was that he was just a donkey.
    His lynch was super detrimental to town and gave scum a zero-accountablity lynch that avoided resolving anything of significance. Arguing that I or any other scum would hesitate to take it is a stretch at best, even if that was all that I had done, but I actively tried to direct it elsewhere and actively tried to hold people accountable. The falling on deaf ears part is on you and everybody else who lynched him, not me.

    I'm resisting calling this an outright scum claim but I think I am pretty obvious town to the people who know me and read my tone/play and probably logically clear to people like you who don't. So I will try and spell it out. Call me defensive but I will not be mislynched this game, let alone after yesterday.

    These are the worlds as I see them right now:

    jarizok t/tom w/ fonti t

    Starting with the everything at face value world, I think this is probably the one that looks the WORST for me, and yet I still don't think you can conclude I am mafia. I defended tom a bit yesterday with a weak read and have not wanted to vote for him but it's my read and I've stuck with it. There's reason to doubt it but let's assume the worst case that I'm wrong.

    What is my play by hard defending Jarizok? There were not many other cases or possible lynches to direct elsewhere. I tried for fonti, personally, because I (still) think she ~never votes there as town, but whatever, it didn't happen. What was infinitely more likely, though, was for my efforts to pull a lynch off of town Jarizok and onto mafia (partner) Tom.

    That's insane. That's like indirectly bussing Tom but getting ZERO credit for it because I don't direct it onto Tom myself and I have both called him town and not voted for him. That is against my win condition, always.

    jarizok t/ tom t/ fonti w

    I'm straight up clear as soon as fonti flips w unless you think what I was doing pushing off of town Jarizok onto mafia partner fonti was controlled bussing a la MM6. A funny thought, but insane.

    jarizok t/ tom t/ fonti t

    A kinda scary world but one that I almost want to live in right now? But the relevant point being - if this is the case... what on earth is my play as mafia to derail mislynches?? Tom is a reasonable vote. Jarizok was a reasonable vote along with the rest of the game. my fonti vote... it's just real, for good reason, and she probably knows it.


    I don't understand how you could think I am mafia in any of those worlds and certainly not without resolving tom or fonti first. I kind of feel like I'm wrong on tom then I could see as maybe a plan to chain lynch tom and then myself tomorrow for defending him or something?

    A lot of the thread is treating him as outed but unflipped mafia and a formality of a lynch today. I still have my doubts but if this is the case I can understand why mafia would want to be getting ahead of things here.

    I do not, however, understand why a town would be pushing onto me after being, at the very least, from your/any perspective, INCREDIBLY TOWNSIDED, if not JUST TOWN from tone and behavior.

    If you want to call my frustration fake, go ahead, but I'm town and it's real.
  14. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    You are providing reasons. The emotion isn't the cornerstone it is a booster as explained before.

    ---------- Post automerged at 16:10 ---------- Previous post was at 16:07 ----------

    It is rare to see a townie defend like that another townie. It is like he is attacking the people instead of the reasons.

    Town CF per Delphine has 8000 posts of mafia on another site. Newb tells I find highly unlikely.

    If you aren't saying that can't be considered then what do you think about it? How do you take it?
  15. Typhon

    Typhon Order Member

    Sep 3, 2010
    Hello again. So I'm still in the hospital and quite ill, and I'm honestly not certain when I'll pulled off of enough medication to be completely lucid again, but I just skimmed this thread and you guys do not appear to be angling towards lynching fontisian or Jan. Please rectify this at earliest convenience.

    I prefer fontisian, for reasons that have been stated enough and because I'm terrified that if they kill me you guys are going to just let her keep skating along.

    Equally, assume that I have good reasons for advocating the Jan lynch. Note that the fonti read has built over time, but the Jan read appeared over night and is apparently equally strong. I am not impulsively scumreading him that hard - I do not play that way. Make of that what you will. Hopefully I'll be here at least 24 hours before EOD and we can have an actual discussion, but this is your bump back onto course. Passing back out now, laters.
  16. Jan

    Jan Fourth Year

    Jun 15, 2015
    Just realized that Typhon/Fonti was never that much of a big thing as I thought, well at least not in the votes. There was a quick typhon wagon once, but that was way too early to read too much into it.

    The follow up question here is, what is the tom lynch doing for you here?

    I mean .. if tom is town as well then scum can basically be everywhere, because there is a shitton of town wagons going on at the time.
    Fairly hard to read into those wagons, but I agree that non commital people are more likely to be scum in that world, since they obviously don't care.
    Not all of them scum are likely in those people, but there is always scum in there.

    In a scum!tom world the question would be hard bussing or trying to save him.
    Considering the amount of people that were on tom at one point or another and the early and consistent pressure on tom, i would assume bussing is a real thing.
    On first glance at least 9 different people voted on tom d1 (he had 2 peaks of 6 people voting, with 3 of those being different between the votes).

    And the way Jari became a fast leading wagon doesn't make it less likely.
    I dislike people self-voting around End Of Day a lot (early on for fun and game I don't care too much) .. but that has been the way we got a no lynch d1 in mm6 with proph and me being main wagons.
    Fabricated by fonti in that game, I still hate her for trying to flash wagon me that game, despite it being the game winning move.

    Honestly .. trying to work through those votes in those worlds is a big mess and I will wait until we get a flip or two more.
    No reason to work on what ifs that go like 3 layers deep.

    I agree with your general consensus, I think, but mostly because the driving factions were fonti/von on typhon and jari/typhon on fonti .. so yeah those are all town in the world we are talking about anyway.
  17. dLGN

    dLGN Muggle

    Dec 7, 2015
    High Score:
    Really did not expect to come back today to my response to fonti being ignored and there being a vote on me. Am I not like really obvious town here? Is everybody not missing the forest for the trees?

    Piece by piece, people. Spend a bit more time thinking about teams as well. Talk to me about fonti/jan/x, about tom/math/x, about whatever but reason it out past the surface.

    ---------- Post automerged at 19:18 ---------- Previous post was at 19:13 ----------

    Feel better and this is kinda where I am right now so gotcha covered.
  18. Vaimes

    Vaimes Fifth Year

    Apr 6, 2014
    Vote Jan
  19. dLGN

    dLGN Muggle

    Dec 7, 2015
    High Score:
    Vote Jan

  20. MathBlade

    MathBlade First Year

    Mar 31, 2014
    Western US
    Vote Jan

    So I think Typhon and Jan are of different alignments as well.